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Good Skin 60 pieces Vitamins Boost Lashilé Beauty

From GBP 35.81
Brand Lashilé Beauty
EAN 3760302220007
Merchant OneBioShop ( CSS )
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Good Skin 60 Pezzi Vitamine Boost Lashilé Bellezza

LASHILÉ BEAUTY Vitamins Boost Good Skin Acido ialuronico, coenzima Q10 e vitamina C Pelle sublime Anti-invecchiamento attivo Integratore alimentare 60 pezzi Lashilé Beauty offre Good Skin vitamine sotto forma di caramelle gommose appositamente studiate per correggere i segni dell'invecchiamento . Una formula unica con vitamine vegetali: - L' acido ialuronico è noto per le sue proprietà altamente idratanti e per le sue azioni anti-invecchiamento e antirughe . - Il coenzima Q10 è noto per essere un antiossidante che combatte gli effetti dell'età: rughe e fragilità della pelle. Protegge il corpo dallo stress ossidativo. - La vitamina C è il miglior ingrediente sano, contribuisce alla normale formazione del collagene necessario per il corretto funzionamento dei vasi sanguigni, delle ossa, della cartilagine, della pelle, dei denti e delle gengive. - La vitamina E contribuisce alla protezione delle cellule contro i radicali liberi (effetto antiossidante) Composizione & ingredienti La lista degli ingredienti può essere soggetta a variazioni; si consiglia di consultare sempre la lista sul prodotto acquistato. Ingredienti: frutto-oligosaccaridi - Zucchero - Coenzima 010 - Gelificante: pectina - Acido ialuronico - Aroma naturale - concentrato di succo di carota nera - acido ascorbico (vitamina C)- acetato di dl-alfa-tocoferolo (vitamina E)- Acidificante: acido citrico - citrato di sodio - Antiossidante: estratto ricco di tocoferolo - Agente di rivestimento:cera di carnauba, oli vegetali (contiene oli di cocco e di colza) e antiossidante: aIfa-tocoferolo. Analisi nutrizionale per 2 caramelle gommose: Acido ialuronico 100mg Coenzima Q10 50mg Vitamina C 40mg o 50% AR* Vitamina E 24mg o 200% AR * *AR: assunzioni di riferimento Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini, lontano da fonti di calore e umidità. Da consumare come parte di una dieta varia ed equilibrata, e di uno stile di vita sano. Si raccomanda di non superare la dose raccomandata. Da consumarsi preferibilmente entro la data indicata sulla confezione. Non raccomandato per le donne in gravidanza o che allattano senza il parere del medico. Istruzioni per l'uso Prendi 2 caramelle gommose al giorno quando e dove vuoi! Programma di 30 giorni (box 1 mese). Ci sono 60 caramelle gommose per bottiglia.

OneBioShop ( CSS )
GBP 36.54

Good Skin 60 pieces Vitamins Boost Lashilé Beauty

Lashilé Beauty Vitamins Boost Good Skin Hyaluronic Acid, Coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin C Sublime Anti-Aging Leather Active Food Supplement 60 Pieces Lashile Beauty offers good skin vitamins in the form of gummy candies specifically designed to correct signs of aging. A unique formula with vegetable vitamins: - hyaluronic acid is known for its highly moisturizing properties and for its anti-aging and anti-wrinkle actions. - Coenzyme Q10 is known to be an antioxidant who fights the effects of age: wrinkles and fragility of the skin. Protects the body from oxidative stress. - Vitamin C is the best healthy ingredient, contributes to the normal formation of collagen necessary for the correct functioning of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, skin, teeth and gums. - Vitamin E contributes to cell protection against free radicals (antioxidant effect) Composition & Ingredients The list of ingredients can be subject to change; It is advisable to always consult the list on the product purchased. Ingredients: Fruit-oligosaccharides - Sugar - Coenzyme 010 - GELIFANT: Pectin - hyaluronic acid - natural aroma - black carrot juice concentration - ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - dl-alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) - acidifying: acid: acid citric - sodium citrate - antioxidant: Rich tocopherol extract - coating agent: carnauba wax, vegetable oils (contains coconut and colza oils) and antioxidant: Aifa-tocopherol. Nutritional analysis for 2 gummy candies: Hyaluronic acid 100mg Coenzyme Q10 50mg Vitamin C 40mg or 50% AR * Vitamin E 24mg or 200% AR * * AR: Reference recruitment Keep out of reach of children, away from heat and humidity. To be consumed as part of a varied and balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended not to exceed the recommended dose. To be consumed preferably within the date indicated on the package. Not recommended for pregnant women or breastfeeding without the advice of the doctor. Instructions for use Take 2 gummy candies a day when and where you want! 30-day program (box 1 month). There are 60 gummy candies per bottle.

OneBioShop ( CSS )
GBP 36.54

Lashilé Beauty Good Skin Food supplement for anti-aging skin

Lashilé Beauty offers Good Skin vitamins in the form of gummies specially designed to correct the signs of aging . A unique formula with plant vitamins : - Hyaluronic acid is noto for its highly moisturizing properties and for its anti-aging and anti-wrinkle actions. - Coenzyme Q10 is noto to be an antioxidant that helps fight the effects of aging : wrinkles and skin fragility. Protects the body from oxidative stress. - Vitamin C is the healthy ingredient par excellence, it contributes to the normal formation of collagen necessary for the proper functioning of blood vessels, bones, cartilage, skin, teeth and gums. - Vitamin E contributes to the protection of cells from free radicals (antioxidant effect) format 60pcs COMPOSITIONS AND INGREDIENTS The list of ingredients may vary, we advise you to always check the list on the product purchased. Ingredients: fructo-oligosaccharides - Sugar - Coenzyme 010 - Gelling agent: pectin - Hyaluronic acid - Natural flavor - Black carrot concentrated juice - ascorbic acid (vitamin C) - dl-alfa-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) - Acidifier: citric acid - sodium citrate - Antioxidant: tocopherol-rich extract - Glazing agent: carnauba wax, vegetable oils (contains coconut and rapeseed oils) and antioxidant: aIpha-tocopherol. Nutritional analysis for 2 gummies: Hyaluronic acid 100mg Coenzyme Q10 50mg Vitamin C 40mg or 50% AR* Vitamin E 24mg or 200% AR* *RI: reference assumptions Keep out of the reach of children, away from heat and humidity. Consume as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended not to exceed the recommended dose. To be consumed preferably by the date indicated on the package. Not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women without medical advice. TIPS FOR USE It is recommended to take 2 gummies per day on a 30 day schedule.

GBP 41.14