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Colonial North America and the Atlantic World A History in Documents

The Atlantic Slave Trade Volume I Origins–1600

Architecture and Extraction in the Atlantic World 1500-1850

Architecture and Extraction in the Atlantic World 1500-1850

This edited collection examines the development of Atlantic World architecture after 1492. In particular the chapters explore the landscapes of extraction as material networks that brought people space and labor together in harvesting raw materials cultivating agriculture for export-level profits and circulating raw materials and commodities in Europe Africa and the Americas from 1500 to 1850. This book argues that histories of extraction remain incomplete without careful attention to the social physical and mental nexus that is architecture just as architecture’s development in the last 500 years cannot be adequately comprehended without attention to empire extraction colonialism and the rise of what Immanuel Wallerstein has called the world system. This world system was possible because of built environments that enabled resource extraction transport of raw materials circulation of commodities and enactment of power relations in the struggle between capital and labor. Separated into three sections: Harvesting the Environment Cultivating Profit and Circulating Commodities: Networks and Infrastructures this volume covers a wide range of geographies from England to South America from Africa to South Carolina. The book aims to decenter Eurocentric approaches to architectural history to expose the global circulation of ideas things commodities and people that constituted the architecture of extraction in the Atlantic World. In focusing on extraction we aim to recover histories of labor exploitation and racialized oppression of interest to the global community. The book will be of interest to researchers and students of architectural history geography urban and labor history literary studies historic preservation and colonial studies. | Architecture and Extraction in the Atlantic World 1500-1850

GBP 130.00

Korean Functional Foods Composition Processing and Health Benefits

Spice Bioactive Compounds Properties Applications and Health Benefits

Spice Bioactive Compounds Properties Applications and Health Benefits

Nature offers us spices which are a significant part of healthy and nutritious foods. The presence of abundant bioactive compounds in these spices makes them interesting from a scientific and health perspective. Extracts obtained from spice materials possess many health benefits and are rich sources of antioxidants which suppress reactive oxygen species. Spice Bioactive Compounds: Properties Applications and Health Benefits collects such information together in one book presenting all necessary features related to spices and their properties. Exploring the most recent research related to the extraction isolation encapsulation identification and characterization of bioactive compounds present in spices this book also covers the health element of spices and its utilization as a treatment for various disorders. Key Features: Discusses about 14 different spices and their salient features Presents the novel technologies used in the extraction isolation and identification of bioactive compounds from spices Explores the utilization of spices for culinary use in food Industries such as the food and pharmaceutical industries have great interest in the use of bioactive compounds for the production of drugs and functional foods. Written by experts in their field this book will be useful to anyone in either industry as well as those who have an interest in the use of such bioactive compounds for the production of drugs and functional foods. | Spice Bioactive Compounds Properties Applications and Health Benefits

GBP 155.00

Phytochemicals in Soybeans Bioactivity and Health Benefits

Phytochemicals in Soybeans Bioactivity and Health Benefits

Soybeans represent an excellent source of high-quality protein with a low content in saturated fat. They can be made into various foods such as tofu miso breakfast cereals energy bars and soy cakes. Much research has been carried out on the positive health effects of soybeans and increasing evidence shows that consumption of soybeans may reduce the risk of osteoporosis have a beneficial role in chronic renal disease lower plasma cholesterol and decrease the risk of coronary heart disease. Phytochemicals in Soybeans: Bioactivity and Health Benefits describes in detail the chemical characteristics of health-promoting components of soybeans and soybean products their impacts on human health and emerging technologies about soybean processing and new products. With 22 chapters containing the most recent information associated with soybean products topics of the chapters include soybeans’ role in human nutrition and health their composition and physicochemical properties action mechanism of their physiologic function processing engineering technology food safety and quality control. Key Features: Promotes soybean products as functional food with advanced processing technology Presents the basic research containing the experimental design methods used and a detailed description of the results. Provides a systematic approach to the subject to facilitate a better comprehension of the subjects with illustrations and diagrams Includes a comprehensive and up-to-date list of references With contributions from authors around the world who are experts in their field this book contains new information on the health impacts of soybean consumption new product development and alternative technologies of soybean processing and will be useful for professors and researchers as well as graduate and undergraduate students alike. | Phytochemicals in Soybeans Bioactivity and Health Benefits

GBP 170.00

Herbs Spices and Medicinal Plants for Human Gastrointestinal Disorders Health Benefits and Safety

Racialized Health COVID-19 and Religious Responses Black Atlantic Contexts and Perspectives

Racialized Health COVID-19 and Religious Responses Black Atlantic Contexts and Perspectives

Racialized Health COVID-19 and Religious Responses: Black Atlantic Contexts and Perspectives explores black religious responses to black health concerns amidst persistent race-based health disparities and healthcare inequities. This cutting-edge edited volume provides theoretically and descriptively rich analysis of cases and contexts where race factors strongly in black health outcomes and dynamics viewing these matters from various disciplinary and national vantage points. The volume is divided into the following four parts: Systemic and Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Black Health Ecclesial Responses to Black Health Vulnerabilities Public Education and Policy Considerations Spirituality and the Wellness of Black Minds Bodies and Souls Part I explores ways social and cultural factors such as racial bias religious conviction and resource capacity have influenced and delimited black health prospects. Part II looks historically and contemporarily at denominational and ecumenical responses to collective black health emergencies in places such as Nigeria the UK the US and the Caribbean. Part III focuses on public advocacy particularly collective black health both in terms of policy and education. The final section deals with spiritual psychological and theological dimensions understandings and pursuits of black health and wholeness. Collectively the essays in the volume delineate analysis and action that wrestle with the multidimensional nature of black wellness and with ways broad public resources and black religious resources should be mobilized and leveraged to ensure collective black wellness. The Open Access version of this book available at www. taylorfrancis. com has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4. 0 license. | Racialized Health COVID-19 and Religious Responses Black Atlantic Contexts and Perspectives

GBP 130.00

Ethnic Knowledge and Perspectives of Medicinal Plants Volume 2: Nutritional and Dietary Benefits

Ethnic Knowledge and Perspectives of Medicinal Plants Volume 2: Nutritional and Dietary Benefits

This new 2-volume set aims to share and preserve ethnic and traditional knowledge of herbal medicine and treatments while also emphasizing the link between biodiversity human nutrition and food security. Ethnic Knowledge and Perspectives of Medicinal Plants is divided into two volumes with volume 1 focusing on the traditional use of curative properties and treatment strategies of medicinal plants and volume 2 addressing the varied nutritional and dietary benefits of medicinal plants and the practice of Ayurveda. Both volumes stress the importance of bioresources for human nutrition and nutraceuticals based on ethnic knowledge and the need for efforts to protect biodiversity in many regions rich with medicinal plants. Exploring the benefits of medicinal plants in disease prevention treatment and management Volume 1 discusses the traditional use of medicinal plants as promising therapeutics for cancer liver conditions COVID-19 and other human ailments. It examines the efficacy of Ayurvedic and Chinese herbal medicine Indian traditional medicine and other ethnic herbal practices used by indigenous peoples of Azerbaijan South America Turkey India etc. A variety of plants are discussed and the ethnomedicinal applications of over 100 wild mushrooms for their medicinal and healthcare purposes are elaborated on. While volume 1 focuses primarily on natural plant resources for addressing specific health issues volume 2 looks at traditional medicinal plant use for their nutritional and dietary benefits while also encouraging the preservation of biodiversity for healthy and sustainable diets. The volume presents information on over 2200 vascular plant taxa from 127 families as well as many taxa from leaf parts fruits underground parts floral parts seeds and more that have potential use as edible food plants. Ethnic knowledge on the wild edible mushrooms is an emerging area which is unique and is dependent on the folk knowledge of tribals; this volume discusses the unique nutritional attributes of wild edible mushrooms (206 species belonging to 73 genera) in Southern India. The authors look at various lichens as nutritional aids and medicine and as flavoring agents and spices. Fucoidans derived from the seaweeds (and spirulina) are described for their antioxidant activity nutritional and anti-aging properties antiviral activities anti-cancer properties anti-diabetic properties and more. The authors also examine how ethnicity affects healthcare/nutritive systems at different levels through various dynamics such as lower income inability for services uptake disputes among different ethnic groups cultural attitudes (some ethnic group are vegetarian) lack of socio-economic resources and disease prevalence. Together these two important volumes aim to preserve and disseminate the valuable ethnic knowledge of medicinal plants gained over thousands of years and to promote the value of integrating and safeguarding biodiversity. | Ethnic Knowledge and Perspectives of Medicinal Plants Volume 2: Nutritional and Dietary Benefits

GBP 147.00

The Irish in Eighteenth-Century Bordeaux Contexts Relations and Commodities

Defending NATO’s Northern Flank Power Projection and Military Operations

Defending NATO’s Northern Flank Power Projection and Military Operations

This book investigates several aspects of military power and security in the North Atlantic and Arctic regions. NATO’s northern flank is a large maritime and littoral theatre where NATO directly borders Russia’s Northern Fleet Military Administrative Territory which is the location of some of Russia’s most potent air sea and land power capabilities. While military tensions on the northern flank had been relatively low for years the Ukraine war and increased great-power rivalry have altered that dynamic with heightened geopolitical tensions. This has increased the focus on military-strategic competition in this northernmost region of the alliance. This book presents new assessments of several aspects of military power and security in the North Atlantic and Arctic regions. With an analysis of the security and political climate in the High North and of developments in Western military strategies capabilities doctrines and operational concepts the volume seeks to bring together an holistic understanding of the strategic challenges and opportunities facing the North Atlantic states and NATO in this dynamic area of responsibility for the alliance. In doing this the book provides key insights into the role of branch-specific and joint approaches to power projection and operations in the High North which also include selected country case studies. This book will be of much interest to students of NATO military studies security studies and International Relations. | Defending NATO’s Northern Flank Power Projection and Military Operations

GBP 130.00

Colonial and Revolutionary America

Plant Invaders The Threat to Natural Ecosystems

Slavery Mobility and Networks in Nineteenth-Century Cuba

Women's Agency in Early Modern Britain and the American Colonies

Authors Publishers and Politicians The Quest for an Anglo-American Copyright Agreement 1815-1854

The Ecphoras Iconic Fossils of Eastern North America

Islamic Gunpowder Empires Ottomans Safavids and Mughals

Voices and Silences Narratives of Girmitiyas and Jahajis from Fiji and the Caribbean

Three Ancient Geographical Treatises in Translation Hanno the King Nikomedes Periodos and Avienus

Global Commerce in the Age of Enlightenment Theories Practices and Institutions in the Eighteenth Century

The Prehistoric Rock Art of Portugal Symbolising Animals and Things

English Law the Legal Profession and Colonialism Histories Parallels and Influences

Tea as a Food Ingredient Properties Processing and Health Aspects

Tea as a Food Ingredient Properties Processing and Health Aspects

Tea is one of the most widely consumed beverages worldwide and tea extract has been used in a variety of food products including beverages bread cakes ice-cream wine biscuits dehydrated fruits and various meat and dairy products. In recent years there is growing consumer interest in the tea extract supplemented products. Tea as a Food Ingredient: Properties Processing and Health Aspects provides extensive scientific information on the properties of tea foods chemical properties formulations and tea as ingredient to develop new health foods. It describes tea food production chemical and physical properties sensory quality processing technology and health benefits. Early chapters present information relating to scientific studies on the health benefits of tea and the latter chapters focus on introducing tea products into foods which is the major focus of the entire book. Key Features: Covers broad areas such as chemical properties bioactive components and health benefits of tea-based foods Focuses on chemical properties of tea foods processing technologies functional food products and health benefits Explains how the addition of tea extract changes the properties of food and consumer sensory perception This book presents current and sound scientific knowledge on the nutritional value and health benefit of the different tea-based food products and will be beneficial for food science professionals as well as anyone with an interest in tea as a food ingredient and the benefits it can provide. | Tea as a Food Ingredient Properties Processing and Health Aspects

GBP 170.00