STI STI-1200-DE -- Stopper II Flush German
STI STI-1200-DE -- Stopper II Flush GermanLarger cover helps prevent malicious or accidental false fire alarms. The Stopper II is a unique device which has helped prevent false fire alarms around the world for more than 30 years without restricting legitimate operation of devices such as fire alarm break glass call points. It is ideal for schools colleges hospitals nursing homes hotels and all public buildings where there is a history or a threat of false fire alarms.How It WorksThe Stopper II consists of a clear tamperproof tough polycarbonate cover and frame that retrofits over the break glass call point. When lifted to gain access to the break glass its optional battery powered integral sounder emits a piercing 95 dB or 105 dB at 1 metre. Immediate attention is drawn to the area and the prankster will either run or be caught.