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Prenatal nutrients 120 Solgar tablets

Prenatal nutrients 120 Solgar tablets

Multivitaminici e multiminerali per donne in gravidanza o che allattano.Favorisce il buon sviluppo del bambinoPreviene le carenze vitaminiche e minerali per la madre dopo la gravidanza.Integratore alimentare senza zucchero né amido.Prodotto negli Stati UnitiCOMPOSIZIONI E INGREDIENTILa lista degli ingredienti può subire variazioni, vi consigliamo di controllare sempre la lista sul prodotto acquistato.Una (1) compressa fornisce:Calcio (carbonato, citrato) : 325 mgAgente legante (cellulosa microcristallina): 252 mgMagnesio: 112,5 mgAgenti antiagglomeranti (acido stearico vegetale, magnesio stearato vegetale, biossido di silicio): 45 mgProteine ​​di soia: 40 mgGomma di cellulosa : 37,5mg di vitamina C (acido L-ascorbico): 25 mgdi ferro (bisglicinato): 7 mg divitamina E (15 UI di D-alfa-tocoferil succinato): 5 mg diniacina (vitamina B3, nicotinamide): 5 mg diglicina: 5 mgdi L-aspartico acido: 5 mgZinco (bisglicinato, ossido): 3,75 mgAcido pantotenico (D-Ca pantotenato): 2,5 mgInositolo:2,5 mg Glicreina vegetale: 2,25 mgColina (bitartrato): 1 mgBeta-carotene naturale): 0,9 mgAltri carotenoidi: 2,4 mgVitamina B6 (piridossina HCI): 0,625 mgRiboflavina (vitamina B2): 0,5 mgTiamina (vitamina B1, tiamina mononitrato): 0,425 mgManganese (bisglicinato, gluconato) : 0,25 mgRame (bisglicinato, gluconato): 500µg Folacina (acido folico): 200µgBiotina: 75µgIodio (ioduro di potassio): 37.5µgCromo (picolinato, senza lievito): 6.25µgSelenio (L-selenometionina):6.25µg Vitamina D (ergocalciferolo 200) UI): 2,5 μg divitamina B12 (cianocobalamina): 2 μgATTENZIONE: fenilchetonurici, questo prodotto contiene fenilalanina.Le compresse prenatali di Solgar Nutrients sono prive di grano, lievito, glutine o derivati ​​del latte e non contengono conservanti, aromi o coloranti artificiali.SUGGERIMENTI PER L'USOCome integratore alimentare per adulti, una (1) compressa al giorno, preferibilmente con un pasto o come raccomandato da un operatore sanitario.Rispettare le modalità di utilizzo.Tenere lontano da fonti di calore, luce o umidità.Non lasciare alla portata dei bambini.Adatto ai vegetariani.ATTENZIONE: il sovradosaggio di ferro non è raccomandato per i bambini di età inferiore ai 6 anni. Vi chiediamo di rispettare scrupolosamente le modalità di utilizzo.I prodotti Solgar sono integratori alimentari, devono far parte di una dieta equilibrata e di uno stile di vita sano.

GBP 30.95

Bromelaine 60 Gelules 300mg Solgar

Spirulina 750mg 80 Capsules Solgar

Spirulina 750mg 80 Capsules Solgar

Description SolgarSpirulina 750mgPhytoplanktonSuitable for vegetarian supplementfeed80 capsulesNet weight: 63.5g Spirulina is a microscopic alga particularly dense from a nutritional point of view, which was worth it today to be considered a "super food". Each tablet contains 750 mg of pure spirulina of the highest quality. Spirulina supports muscle recovery after exercise (1800 mg per day), helps reduce the feeling of hunger (1800 mg per day) and strengthens natural vitality and defenses (6x 250 mg / day). Useful in case of temporary fatigue. Spirulina is a microscopic alga that exists from over 3.5 billion years. Developed thanks to the interaction of the sun and water (photosynthesis), it is a nutrient mine: rich in proteins of excellent quality, various carotenoids, chlorophyll, iron, group vitamins ...Its nutritional wealth makes it an election complement for vegetarians, vegans and all active people.   Suggestions for use   For adults, four (4) capsules a day, to be swallowing preferably at the time of the meal. Respect the recommended dose. Composition Ingredients: Spirulina (Arthrospira Platensis), Vegetable capsule wrap: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, charge agent: Microcrystalline cellulose / cellulose gel, biological rice extract mixture: biological rice fiber, organic rice extract, organic arabic rubber, organic sunflower oil   Suitable for vegans:Gluten-free, wheat, dairy products, soy, no yeast and without preservatives, sweeteners, artificial aromas and dyes. Nutritional analysis for 4 capsules: Spirulina (Arthrospira Platensis) 3000 mg   For pregnant or nursing women, ask a health professional.Keep out of reach of children.Store at room temperature.Do not use if the seal on the vial is missing or damaged.

GBP 28.96

60 capsule solgar circulatory complex

60 capsule solgar circulatory complex

Solgar Complex Circulation Food supplement 60 capsules Solgar laboratories offer a complex of 10 vegetable ingredients for circulation. In this formula they are combined: indian brown *, blueberry *, rutina, linden, grape seed extract *, bromeline, center asian (gotu kola), achillea, hawthorn and cayenne. Indian chestnut and blueberry support and tone the circulation The Indian chestnut relieves thus heavy legs the grapes, an important source of OPC (proanthocyanide oligomers) reinforces the heart and circulation for a daily intake of more than 10 mg. Solgar France 14 Rue de Berlin CS 20143 Montevrain 77772 Marne La Vallee Cedex 4 Composition & Ingredients The list of ingredients may vary; We advise you to always check the list on the product purchased. Ingredients: Bromelina (2,000 GDU * per gram, from pineapple), Blueberry extract (Vaccinium MyRTILLUS) (4: 1) (fruit), chestnut extract (AESCULUS Hippocastanum) (4: 1), grape seed extract (which Provides 45 mg of polyphenols), Achillea extract (Achillea millefolium) (4: 1), Tiglio extract (TillliaSpp.) (4: 1), hawthorn berries extract (Crataegus Oxyacantha) (4: 1), extract of Centella (Centella Asian) (4: 1) (aerial parts), Rutina (from dimorphandra mollis), sweet pepper (capsicum annuum) (fruit), vegetable cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate vegetable. This product is guaranteed without sugar, without salt, without yeast, without wheat, without soy, without milk derivatives, without artificial aromas, without preservatives. Gluten free guaranteed and suitable for vegetarians Nutritional analysis for 1 capsule: Bromelina (2,000 GDU * per gram, from pineapple): 100 mg Blueberry extract (Vaccinium myrtillus) (4: 1) (fruit): 100 mg (equivalent to 400 mg of fruit) horse chestnut (AESCULUS Hippocastanum) Seed extract (4: 1): 75 mg (equivalent to 300 mg of seeds) Extract of grapes (which provides 45 mg of polyphenols): 50 mg Abstract of Achillea (Achillea millefolium) (4 : 1): 50 mg (leaves and flowers) (equivalent to 200 mg of leaves and flowers) Tiglio extract (TillliaSpp.) (4: 1): 50 mg (equivalent to 200 mg of flowers) Abstract of hawthorn berries ( Crataegus Oxyacantha) (4: 1): 50 mg (equivalent to 200 mg of berries) Extract of Centella (Centella Asian) (4: 1): 50 mg (equivalent to 200 mg of flower parts) Abstract of hawthorn berries ( Crataegus Oxyacantha) (50 mg): 50 mg (equivalent to 200 mg of food Dimandaldeo (25 mg): 25 mg annulled (equivalent to 25 mg) and female deculatory council. Recommend to follow the recommended doses, to ensure a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of young children. This product is not a medicine instructions for use take a capsule to be swallowing preferably during the meal.

GBP 50.18

Artichoke leaves extract 60 capsules solgar

Artichoke leaves extract 60 capsules solgar

Solgar Abstract of artichoke leaves Cynara Scolymus food supplement 60 vegetable capsules Solgar Lagoratoires offers artichoke leaves extract, a bitter vegetable plant belonging to the great family of Asteracee (like dandelion, lettuce, chicory, burdock or thistle). Eat your bud and your leaves. Species particularly rich in polyphenols (cinarina, luteoline, silimarina, chlorogenic acid), artichoke: - supports the liver - supports biliary function - contributes to better fat digestion (for a consumption of at least 500 mg per day of dry extract). Solgar France 14 Rue de Berlin CS 20143 Montevrain 77772 Marne La Vallee Cedex 4 Composition & Ingredients The list of ingredients may vary; We advise you to always check the list on the product purchased. Ingredients: Extract of artichoke leaves powder (equivalent to 1200 mg of cynara scolymus), binding agent (microcrystalline cellulose), vegetable capsule shell (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose), anti-caking agents (silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate vegetable) This product is guaranteed without Sugar, without salt, no yeast, without wheat, without soy, without dairy products, without artificial dyes, without artificial aromas, without preservatives. Guaranteed kosher, gluten-free and suitable for vegetarians Nutritional analysis for 1 capsule: drawing of artichoke leaves powder (equivalent to 120 mg of cynara scolymus): 300 mg not recommended to allergic people to the plants of the Asteraceae family. Not recommended to pregnant and lactating women. It is advisable to follow the recommended doses, to ensure a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of young children. Instructions for use for adults, 1 vegetable base capsule per day during meals, or by a therapist's recommendation.

GBP 35.35

Artichoke leaves extract 60 capsules solgar

Artichoke leaves extract 60 capsules solgar

Solgar Abstract of artichoke leaves Cynara Scolymus food supplement 60 vegetable capsules Solgar Lagoratoires offers artichoke leaves extract, a bitter vegetable plant belonging to the great family of Asteracee (like dandelion, lettuce, chicory, burdock or thistle). Eat your bud and your leaves. Species particularly rich in polyphenols (cinarina, luteoline, silimarina, chlorogenic acid), artichoke: - supports the liver - supports biliary function - contributes to better fat digestion (for a consumption of at least 500 mg per day of dry extract). Solgar France 14 Rue de Berlin CS 20143 Montevrain 77772 Marne La Vallee Cedex 4 Composition & Ingredients The list of ingredients may vary; We advise you to always check the list on the product purchased. Ingredients: Extract of artichoke leaves powder (equivalent to 1200 mg of cynara scolymus), binding agent (microcrystalline cellulose), vegetable capsule shell (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose), anti-caking agents (silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate vegetable) This product is guaranteed without Sugar, without salt, no yeast, without wheat, without soy, without dairy products, without artificial dyes, without artificial aromas, without preservatives. Guaranteed kosher, gluten-free and suitable for vegetarians Nutritional analysis for 1 capsule: drawing of artichoke leaves powder (equivalent to 120 mg of cynara scolymus): 300 mg not recommended to allergic people to the plants of the Asteraceae family. Not recommended to pregnant and lactating women. It is advisable to follow the recommended doses, to ensure a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of young children. Instructions for use for adults, 1 vegetable base capsule per day during meals, or by a therapist's recommendation.

GBP 35.75

Linseed oil 100 capsules solgar

Linseed oil 100 capsules solgar

SOLGAR FLAXSEED OIL 1250MG Food supplement without hexane cold pressed 100 capsules Linen oil Solgar is a cold-pressed oil. Thanks to its concentration of alpha-linolenic acid (wing), an omega-3 fatty acid, contributes to the maintenance of a normal level of cholesterol for a dosage of 2 grams a day. The flaxseed oil is also known to support circulation and harmonize cardiovascular functions for a dosage of 4 g per day. Solgar France 14 Rue de Berlin CS 20143 Montevrain 77772 Marne La Vallee Cedex 4 Composition & Ingredients The list of ingredients may vary; We advise you to always check the list on the product purchased. Ingredients: linseed oil, jelly, vegetable glycerine. This product is guaranteed without sugar, without salt, without corn, without yeast, without wheat, without soy, without milk derivatives, without artificial dyes, without artificial aromas, without preservatives. Gluten-free guaranteed nutritional analysis for 2 capsules: flaxseed oil .................................... .................................................. ....... 2500 mg providers: alpha-linolenic acid ................................... ....................................... 1300 mg linoleic acid ....... .................................................. .............................. 375 mg oleic acid ................ .................................................. ......................... 325 mg palmitic acid ..................... .................................................. ............... 125 mg stearic acid ............................... .................................................. ......... 75 mg other fatty acids .................................... ................................................ 300 mg It is advisable to respect the recommended doses, to ensure a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of young children. Instructions for use Take 2 capsules a day, at meal time.

GBP 33.16

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) 50 SOLGAR GELULES

Olive leaf extract 60 capsules solgar

Psillio 200 capsules 500 mg solgar

Psillio 200 capsules 500 mg solgar

SOLGAR PSYLLIUM LUG FIBER Food supplement 200 Vegetable capsules Solgar laboratories use soluble fiber-rich psyllium blondes. This plant is well known for its mild laxative properties. The mucilages contained in the psyllium seeds allow to be effective both against constipation and against diarrhea. Psillio seeds contribute to good intestinal transit for a consumption of 0.5-3 g of psillio per day. Solgar France 14 Rue de Berlin CS 20143 Montevrain 77772 Marne La Vallee Cedex 4 Composition & Ingredients The list of ingredients may vary; We advise you to always check the list on the product purchased. Ingredients: psyllium fibers, vegetable capsules: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, anti-coveting: magnesium stearate * * from vegetable stearic acid This product is guaranteed without sugar, without salt, without corn, no yeast, without wheat, without soy, without milk derivatives, without Artificial dyes, without artificial aromas, without preservatives. Guaranteed Halal, Kosher, gluten-free and suitable for vegetarians Nutritional analysis for 2 capsules: PSyllium Pod Fiber 1000mg Keep out of reach of children, away from heat and humidity. To be consumed as part of a varied and balanced diet, and a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended not to exceed the recommended dose. To be consumed preferably within the date indicated on the package. Instructions for use for adults, 2 capsules a day with a large glass of water or by a therapist's recommendation.

GBP 30.25

Olive sheet extract 60 gelles solgar

Zinc Picolinate 100 Tablets Solgar

Zinc Picolinate 100 Tablets Solgar

60 capsule solgar circulatory complex

60 capsule solgar circulatory complex

Solgar Complex Circulation Food supplement 60 capsules Solgar laboratories offer a complex of 10 vegetable ingredients for circulation. In this formula they are combined: indian brown *, blueberry *, rutina, linden, grape seed extract *, bromeline, center asian (gotu kola), achillea, hawthorn and cayenne. Indian chestnut and blueberry support and tone the circulation The Indian chestnut relieves thus heavy legs the grapes, an important source of OPC (proanthocyanide oligomers) reinforces the heart and circulation for a daily intake of more than 10 mg. Solgar France 14 Rue de Berlin CS 20143 Montevrain 77772 Marne La Vallee Cedex 4 Composition & Ingredients The list of ingredients may vary; We advise you to always check the list on the product purchased. Ingredients: Bromelina (2,000 GDU * per gram, from pineapple), Blueberry extract (Vaccinium MyRTILLUS) (4: 1) (fruit), chestnut extract (AESCULUS Hippocastanum) (4: 1), grape seed extract (which Provides 45 mg of polyphenols), Achillea extract (Achillea millefolium) (4: 1), Tiglio extract (TillliaSpp.) (4: 1), hawthorn berries extract (Crataegus Oxyacantha) (4: 1), extract of Centella (Centella Asian) (4: 1) (aerial parts), Rutina (from dimorphandra mollis), sweet pepper (capsicum annuum) (fruit), vegetable cellulose, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate vegetable. This product is guaranteed without sugar, without salt, without yeast, without wheat, without soy, without milk derivatives, without artificial aromas, without preservatives. Gluten free guaranteed and suitable for vegetarians Nutritional analysis for 1 capsule: Bromelina (2,000 GDU * per gram, from pineapple): 100 mg Blueberry extract (Vaccinium myrtillus) (4: 1) (fruit): 100 mg (equivalent to 400 mg of fruit) horse chestnut (AESCULUS Hippocastanum) Seed extract (4: 1): 75 mg (equivalent to 300 mg of seeds) Extract of grapes (which provides 45 mg of polyphenols): 50 mg Abstract of Achillea (Achillea millefolium) (4 : 1): 50 mg (leaves and flowers) (equivalent to 200 mg of leaves and flowers) Tiglio extract (TillliaSpp.) (4: 1): 50 mg (equivalent to 200 mg of flowers) Abstract of hawthorn berries ( Crataegus Oxyacantha) (4: 1): 50 mg (equivalent to 200 mg of berries) Extract of Centella (Centella Asian) (4: 1): 50 mg (equivalent to 200 mg of flower parts) Abstract of hawthorn berries ( Crataegus Oxyacantha) (50 mg): 50 mg (equivalent to 200 mg of food Dimandaldeo (25 mg): 25 mg annulled (equivalent to 25 mg) and female deculatory council. Recommend to follow the recommended doses, to ensure a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of young children. This product is not a medicine instructions for use take a capsule to be swallowing preferably during the meal.

GBP 49.22

Slimax hydroossicitrate 60 capsules solgar

Slimax hydroossicitrate 60 capsules solgar

SOLGAR SLIMAX hydroxystic contribution of 250mg of hydroxicitric acid (HCA) Quality guaranteed food supplement 60 capsules Solgar laboratories offer Slimax hydroossicetrate from the fruits of the Garcinia Cambogia, a stable shape of hydroxicitric acid (HCA, 250mg per capsule). At 500 mg a day, hydroxycatric acid helps control weight by helping to reduce the feeling of hunger and appetite for sweets. Furthermore, it helps maintain a normal level of sugar and fat in the blood. Solgar France 14 Rue de Berlin CS 20143 Montevrain 77772 Marne La Vallee Cedex 4 Composition & Ingredients The list of ingredients may vary; We advise you to always check the list on the product purchased. Ingredients: hydroxicitrate (250 mg of acid (-) hydroxycatric), vegetable capsule (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose), anti-cigilly agents (magnesium stearate *, silicon dioxide), binding agent (hydroxypropylcellulose) * from vegetable stearic acid This product is guaranteed sugar without sugar, Without corn, without yeast, without wheat, without soy, without milk derivatives, without artificial dyes, without artificial aromas, without preservatives. Guaranteed kosher, gluten-free and suitable for vegetarians Nutritional analysis for 1 capsule: hydroxicitrate (contribution of 250 mg of (-) hydroxicitric acid) 500 mg to be used as part of a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use during pregnancy, breastfeeding or children. This product is not a drug. Product results may vary from person to person. Instructions for use as a food supplement for adults, 1 capsule a day to be swallowing, preferably from 30 minutes to 1 hour before meals, or by a therapist's recommendation.

GBP 35.35

Vitamin B12 Liquid 59ml Solgar

Vitamin B12 Liquid 59ml Solgar

Solgar Vitamin B12 Liquid with group vitamins B Food supplement 59ml The Solgar laboratories offer vitamin B12 in liquid form and all the b group vitamins for a tone boost. Contribute: - to the normal energy metabolism, - to the normal functioning of the nervous system, - to normal mental functions, - to the formation of red blood cells, - the reduction of fatigue, - to the normal functioning of the immune system, Solgar France 14 Rue de Berlin CS 20143 Montevrain 77772 Marne La Vallee Cedex 4 Compositions & Ingredients The list of ingredients may vary; It is advisable to always consult the list on the product purchased. Ingredients: charge agent: vegetable glycerine, purified water, vitamin B5 15 mg, vitamin b3 10 mg, vitamin b6 5 mg, vitamin b2 2 mg, vitamin b1 2 mg, aromas: berry mix, fruit aromas, vitamin b12 1000 μg, preservative: potassium sorbate, vitamin B8 150 μg, vitamin B9 100 μg. This product is guaranteed without sugar, without corn, without yeast, without wheat, without soy, without artificial dyes, without artificial aromas. Guaranteed kosher, gluten-free and suitable for vegetarian nutritional analysis for 0.5 ml of vitamin B5 (DexPantenol) ............................ ............................................ 15 mg or 250% rda * Vitamin B3 (nicotinamide) ............................................ .............................. 10 mg or 63% rda * vitamin b6 (pyridoxin hcl) ....... .................................................. ................ 5 mg or 357% rda * vitamin b2 (riboflavina 5-sodium phosphate) .................. ............................ 2 mg or 143% rda * vitamin b1 (thiamina hcl) ......... .................................................. ................. 2 mg or 182% rda * vitamin b12 (cianocobalamina) ..................... ......................................... 1000 μg or 40,000% RDA * Vitamin B8 (D-biotin) ............................................. ................................. 150 μg or 300% RDA * Vitamin B9 (pteroilmonoglontamic acid) .... ........................................... 100 μg or 50% RDA * For pregnant and lactation women, consult a doctor. It is advisable to follow the recommended doses, to ensure a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of young children. This product is not a medicinal product instructions to take 1/2 ml per day (1000 μg of vitamin B12).

GBP 29.60

Tablet yeast 250 Solgar

Tablet yeast 250 Solgar

Vitamin D3 1000 UI 100 Capsules Solgar

Vitamin D3 1000 UI 100 Capsules Solgar

SOLGAR Vitamin D3 1000 UI without sugar or salt food supplement 100 capsules Net weight: 59.5g Vitamin D3 (colecalciferol) is much more effective than vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol) because it stores much more easily. We have been known for a long time on skeleton and teeth, but in recent years research has shown the importance of vitamin D on the regulation of the immune system and on its involvement in the muscular, nervous system, etc. However, over 75% of the French has a lack of vitamin D, defined by a blood level of 25 (OH) of vitamin D less than 30 nanograms per milliliter (NG / mL). Essential for the proper functioning of the immune system and the skeleton, Solgar offers you a new Vitamin D3, dosed at 1000 UI and available in softgels. Vitamin D3 (colecalciferol) is the most effective form and its presentation in oily form improves its assimilation. Solgar France 14 Rue de Berlin CS 20143 Montevrain 77772 Marne La Vallee Cedex 4 Composition & Ingredients The list of ingredients may vary; We advise you to always check the list on the product purchased. Ingredients: Safflower oil, softgel shell: jelly, glycerol; Vitamin D from fish liver oil and colecalciferol Nutritional information for capsule: Vitamin D3: 25 μg, or 1000 UI, or 500% of the reference nutritional values ​​Do not exceed the indicated daily intake. Keep out of reach of children. This food supplement cannot replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. For pregnant or lactating women, consult a healthcare professional. Instructions for use Take 1 Vitamin D3 1000 UI Solgar capsule a day, preferably at meal time.

GBP 16.18

Vitamine B12 500μg 50 Gelules Vegetales Solgar

Vitamine B12 500μg 50 Gelules Vegetales Solgar

Description Integration with vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamina). Vitamin B 12 (Cianocobalamina) is an essential substance, in particular for the production of red blood cells.It is essential for normal growth and general health. Vitamin B12 deficiency causes fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, nausea, constipation, gas, loss of appetite and weight loss. It can also cause neurological symptoms: tingling and numbness of the limbs, difficulty walking, mood swings, memory loss.Food supplement without sugar, salt or starch.Product in the United States50 capsules   Suggestions for use As a food supplement for adults, one (1) vegetable capsule per day, to be swallowing preferably with meals, or on the advice of a therapist.Observe the use mode.Do not take in case of pregnancy if not on the advice of a therapist.Store away from sources of heat, light or humidity.Keep out of reach of children. Suitable for vegetarians. Solgar products are food supplements, they must be part of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Composition Each vegetable capsule provides:Binder Agent (Microcrystalline Cellulose): 108 mg Wrap ofVegetable capsule (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose): 37 mgAnti-caking agents (magnesium stearate *, silicon dioxide): 5.25 mgVitamin B12 (Cobalamina): 500 μg* A stearic acid vegetable paragrishVitamin B12 Solgar vegetable capsules are produced with corn, wheat, yeast, soy or milk derivatives and without preservatives, dyes or artificial aromas.

GBP 14.94

Pycnogenol 30 capsules 30 mg solgar

Pycnogenol 30 capsules 30 mg solgar

SOLGAR PYCNOGENOL 30MG Food supplement 30 capsules Solgar laboratories offer Pycnogenol®, a patented principle based on polyphenols, derived from the maritime pine bark. Pycnogenol® improves microcirculation by increasing capillary permeability, even in the brain at a speed of 50 mg a day. It protects the walls of blood vessels and promotes good blood circulation. Solgar France 14 Rue de Berlin CS 20143 Montevrain 77772 Marne La Vallee Cedex 4 Composition & Ingredients The list of ingredients may vary; We advise you to always check the list on the product purchased. Ingredients: binding agent: microcrystalline cellulose, capsule casing: hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, French maritime pine bark extract PYCNOG ENOL® (PINUS PINASTER), anti-cushioning: vegetable stearic acid, vegetable stearate magnesium This product is guaranteed without sugar, without salt, without yeast , without wheat, without soy, without milk derivatives, without artificial dyes, without artificial aromas, without preservatives. Guaranteed kosher, gluten-free and suitable for vegetarians Nutritional analysis for 1 capsule: Pycnog Enol® (Pinus Pinaster) ............................ .......................................... 30 mg for pregnant women and Breastfeeding, ask the doctor's advice. It is advisable to follow the recommended doses, to ensure a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of young children. This product is not a medicine instructions for use for adults, 1 or 2 capsules per day must be permanently ingested with food or by a therapist's recommendation

GBP 47.82

Vitamin E 200U 50 Solgar capsules