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100 Per Cent RenewableEnergy Autonomy in Action

The Conquest of the Holy Land by Ṣalāḥ al-DīnA critical edition and translation of the anonymous Libellus de expugnatione Terrae Sanctae per Saladinum

Spazi Riflessivi in Passeggeri Notturni

Dei gesta per FrancosEtudes sur les croisades dédiées à Jean Richard - Crusade Studies in Honour of Jean Richard

The Foreign Exchange Market of LondonDevelopment Since 1900

Managing Diversity and Equality in ConstructionInitiatives and Practice

Caring For KidsA Critical Study Of Urban School Leavers

Bollywood CinemaTemples of Desire

Excellence through Mind-Brain DevelopmentThe Secrets of World-Class Performers

The Womanist Idea

Outer Space - Battlefield of the Future?

An Important Matter of PrincipleThe Decline of the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

Strategies for Growing and Enhancing University-Level Japanese Programs

Outer Space - Battlefield of the Future?

Alcohol Gender and Culture

Corporate Fraud

Climate Change and Forest GovernanceLessons from Indonesia

Economic Transformation in Poland and UkraineNational and Regional Perspectives

Economic Transformation in Poland and UkraineNational and Regional Perspectives

When Poland and Ukraine introduced their political social and economic system reforms at the beginning of the 1990s both economies were at a similar level of economic development (GDP $9 500 per capita). However in 2018 Ukrainian GDP per capita had remained at the same levels since 1991 while in Poland it had increased significantly to more than $27 000 per capita. This book assesses the reasons for the growing gap between the level of economic development in Ukraine and Poland. It examines the course of events and evaluates the effectiveness of the system transformations both in the context of the economy as a whole and in individual regions (Polish ‘voivodeships’ (provinces) and Ukrainian ‘oblasts’). It also analyzes the consequences of the 2008–2009 Ukrainian-Russian gas conflict and 2013–2014 Euromaidan events for the Ukrainian economy. Additionally the authors offer an insight into the migration movements which have recently been observed in Poland and Ukraine. This is the first comprehensive comparative analysis concerning the spatial diversification of economic development in these two countries and the authors highlight the ways in which these reforms have proved effective in Poland and hardly effective in Ukraine. This analysis helps to identify the basic interrelations between the core macroeconomic variables at the regional level and the impact of political events from both a national and regional perspective. The book will appeal to academics researchers and policy makers interested in the economic and political changes in these two countries in a comparative setting and on national and regional levels as well as those working on issues of EU integration.

GBP 120.00