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Syringa Vulgaris Ruhm Von Horstenstein Lilac for Sale Online

Rose Snow Princess. Rose Climbing Snow Princess for Sale UK

Rose Snow Princess. Rose Climbing Snow Princess for Sale UK

Rose Snow Princess is a floribunda climbing rose that’s smothered with bright white flowers from early summer to late autumn. It flowers freely and copiously unlike some roses that tend to offer one single blooming and require coaxing to produce a second flush. This makes it perfect for smaller gardens and balconies or for gardeners with restricted movement. Flowers appear in June with semi-double cup-shaped blooms that have bright white dazzling petals. They are lightly fragrant with a traditional rose scent, but they’re not overpowering. How Hardy Is Rose Climbing Snow Princess?Rose Snow Princess is hardy in all areas of the UK. Its flowers are particularly valued by rose enthusiasts because they don’t spoil in rain, and they tend to stay on the flower head during windier conditions. How To Use Rose Snow PrincessFloribunda roses have many heads of flowers that bloom in groups at the end of each stem. This means they flower thickly, providing cover for unattractive areas.Rose Snow Princess is perfect for a sunny or semi-shaded wall or mid-height fence, such as a front garden fence. It offers protection against unwanted cats but attracts pollinators such as bees and ladybirds.If you don’t have a suitable wall or fence Snow Princess will grow happily up an obelisk in the middle of a larger flower border or in a container. Rosa Snow Princess is relatively compact so it fares well in containers if you keep them watered and fed. They are the perfect size for a balcony or patio. Rosa Snow Princess’s pure white flowers won’t clash with other shades, so try combining her with any colour clematis or a passion flower for a striking summer display. How To Care For Rose Snow PrincessLike all roses, Snow Princess will flower best when mulched with well-rotted manure. If you do this in early spring it will boast bloom production and the overall health of your plant. Prune Snow Princess in autumn or early spring before new growth has started to form. Cut back around a third of the old growth to stimulate fresh, healthy new stems. Roses flower on the new year’s growth so don’t worry about ruining display, Snow Princess responds well to pruning. Cut out any dead wood or crossing stems too as this allows light and air to circulate.Rose Climbing Snow Princess is perfect for that tricky mid-height level. It’s tough, thrives in a container, flowers all summer long and requires little care. You won’t be disappointed with a glorious pure white Snow Princess. 

GBP 116.00

Rosa Banksiae Alba Climbing Rose. Buy Online, London UK

Cupressus Leylandii Gold Rider Conifer Trees, For Sale UK

Rosa New Dawn Climbing Rose. Rose New Dawn Climber

Rosa New Dawn Climbing Rose. Rose New Dawn Climber

Rosa New Dawn (Rose New Dawn) is a vigorous, repeat-flowering climber. Widely popular, this climbing rose variety is prized for its prolonged flowering season.The profuse display of flowers are pale pink in color ageing to white as the flower matures, semi-double flowers starts in early summer and lasts until late autumn. The free-flowering, blossoms have a subtle, sweet fragrance and look spectacular against a backdrop of glossy foliage. The dark green leaves accentuate the elegant, pale shade of flowers and hide the thorny stems.A sport of the Wichurana climbing rose (Rosa Dr W. Van Fleet), this showy climber outshone the cultivar it originated from. Fully hardy in all of Britain and Ireland, Rose New Dawn is one of the most favoured varieties in the UK, and with good reason. Discovered in the 1930s, Rose New Dawn isn’t just a beauty to behold - this rose has historical significance as well, as it holds the first plant patent ever granted. Highly prized, this beautiful variety is the recipient of the esteemed Award of Garden Merit by Royal Horticultural Society and belongs to the Hall of Fame of the World Federation of Rose Societies.Generally considered resistant to pest and diseases, this deciduous climbing rose isn’t prone to problems when grown in optimal conditions. Best planted in a sunny location with fertile, humus-rich, moist but well-drained soil and a good circulation of air, Rose New Dawn is quite adaptable and can tolerate poor soils and partial shade. To encourage prolific flowering, avoid dimly lit locations and overly wet soils.Low-maintenance, this spectacular climbing rose can grow to be 1.5 to 2.5 metres tall and wide. A fast-growing, vigorous variety, Rosa New Dawn needs a sturdy structure to support its growth, so it’s often trained along a wall, trellis, arbor or pergolas.With its timeless, elegant charm, Rosa New Dawn has been favoured by gardeners for almost a century. Although its classic looks make it perfect for cottage and traditional gardens, the showy clusters of shell pink roses can find their spot in modern landscapes, as well. Use this outstanding climber to cover bare walls or fences and borders, or as a perfect statement plant, grown along an arch or a trellis, where its profuse blossoms can be appreciated, and their aromatic fragrance enjoyed.

GBP 48.00

Cornus Controversa Giant Dogwood Tree for Sale Online UK

Cornus Controversa Giant Dogwood Tree for Sale Online UK

Cornus Controversa is a large ornamental tree with tiered branches that is perfect for low-maintenance, wildlife-friendly spaces. Cornus Controversa trees are commonly called giant dogwood trees. They originate from the Himalayas, China and Japan but have grown well in the UK since the late 18th century.In spring this deciduous tree grows ovate green leaves on horizontally tiered branches. In May these sweeping, tiered branches hold 18 cm wide clusters of flat-headed, star-shaped cream flowers that attract all kinds of pollinators. The pretty, scented flowers mature in small black fruits during autumn.As winter approaches its spectacular tiered foliage turns all shades of orange, red and purple before falling with the frosts. During winter the striking shape of Cornus Controversa gives architectural height and structure to a bare garden.Height and Spread of Cornus ControversaCornus Controversa is a fast-growing deciduous tree that will reach a height of 15 metres and spread over the same distance. It’s best suited to medium or large gardens. How Hardy Is Cornus ControversaDogwoods are by nature very hardy and Cornus Controversa can withstand temperatures down to –15 degrees if its roots are well-drained. It is drought tolerant and fairly pest resistant once established.How To Use Cornus ControversaA giant dogwood is the perfect specimen tree for larger open spaces. Its architectural form and interesting colours fill a garden all year round and provide a habitat and food source for wildlife.We also sell Cornus Controversa Variegata, more commonly called the Wedding Cake Tree, and Cornus Controversa Pagoda. If you have a large space they look spectacular planted side by side.Giant dogwood grows quickly so it’s best to make sure the planting area will support a large tree even after a few years.How To Care For Cornus ControversaGiant dogwood is tough and hardy in low temperatures but cold drying winds can damage its spectacular foliage, stripping it before the autumn colours have a chance to appear.Plant yours in a sheltered spot in full sun for the best colours, although it will grow happily in partial shade too. Pruning is not necessary.Giant dogwood prefers well-drained fertile soil but will tolerate most types. They are not too keen on alkaline conditions and will grow more slowly in chalky soils.Water Cornus Controversa well until it's established and add a thick layer of mulch in the springtime for extra nutrients and healthy growing season.

GBP 165.00

Magnolia Sentinel Pink Flowering Magolia Hybrid for Sale

Magnolia Sentinel Pink Flowering Magolia Hybrid for Sale

Magnolia Sentinel is a deciduous spring-blooming magnolia with long-lasting pale pink flowers. It’s an upright variety and a perfect specimen tree for borders or compact gardens.Magnolia are ancient plants found in fossil records across the world, but now they are only native to South America and the Far East. They were named after French botanist Pierre Magnol in the early 1700s when they found their way to Europe with the plant hunters.Magnolia Sentinel was bred to have a longer flowering season than other magnolias and for its upright columnar habit. Its goblet-shaped long-lasting blooms appear on bare branches in early spring. The buds are an attractive deep pink, before opening to pretty pale pink and there’s often a second flowering in summer. Attractive dark green glossy foliage emerges after the blooms and falls when the frosts arrive.Magnolia Sentinel is an excellent choice if your outdoor space is compact and you need an upright shrub or tree with long-lasting spring flowers.Height And Spread of Magnolia SentinelMagnolia Sentinel reaches a maximum height of 10 metres over 10 years.How Hardy Is Magnolia SentinelThis is a winter hardy magnolia that can withstand minus temperatures in well-drained soil, but it needs shelter from harsh, cold winds and shouldn’t be planted in a frost pocket.How To Use Magnolia SentinelBecause Magnolia Sentinel has a longer flowering period than many other varieties of magnolia it’s a top choice of specimen tree in a sheltered, sunny spot.Magnolia suit both country cottage style gardens with their pretty flowers but also urban courtyards with their structural shapes and goblet style flowers.Sentinel is perfect for woodland borders, sheltered front gardens, and Japanese style spaces.How To Care For Magnolia SentinelMagnolia Sentinel prefers a sunny, sheltered spot that’s protected from harsh wind and lingering frost that damages the buds and prevents the anticipated flower show.It does best in neutral to slightly acidic soil but will manage in alkaline conditions too. If your garden is very chalky, fill the planting hole with ericaceous compost and top it up with a yearly acidic mulch of pine or bracken-based compost.Pruning isn’t needed because magnolia tends to grow in a naturally open goblet shape, but if necessary you can prune back any dead or crossed branches in midsummer after the flowering has finished.

GBP 131.25

Yew Hedging Plants, Taxus Baccata Hedging Plants, Mature Yew for Evergreen Hedging. Yew Plants for Hedging

Malus Domestica Winston Apple Winston Late Season Dessert Apple

Malus Domestica Winston Apple Winston Late Season Dessert Apple

Malus Domestica Winston is an ideal tree for the small garden; small to medium-sized, and self-fertile, with a good crop of all-purpose apples that will store for months. This fruit tree is a recipient of the RHS Award of Garden Merit as well as the designation Perfect for Pollinators.Developed in 1900 in Berkshire by William Pope, Malus Domestica Winston is a cross between Cox’s Orange Pippin and Worcester Pearmain. Its original name was Winter King, but it was renamed Winston in 1944, possibly as a tribute to the wartime leader Winston Churchill. In mid to late spring, the scented, pale pink blossoms will attract the pollinating bees to the garden. The flowers are followed by small, russet-coloured apples with a creamy white flesh with an aromatic, rich flavour which starts out a little tart but mellows in storage, where it will still be in good shape the following April!Hardy in all parts of the UK, Malus Domestica Winston is an especially good choice for gardens in colder or wetter parts of the UK. It will grow to a mature height and spread of 4-8 metres in 5 to 10 years, and needs annual pruning in late winter to ensure good fruit production. While it is reliably self-fertile, you can maximise the harvest by having another tree in Pollination Group D in the vicinity such as Braeburn or Charles Ross.Plant Malus Domestica Winston in full sun or partial shade in a sheltered position with a south or west-facing aspect in any well-drained sand, clay or loam soil with a neutral pH. It is very resistant to scab, canker, and mildew.Malus Domestica Winston can be effectively trained into a variety of forms, such as espalier, cordon, or fan, and used against a wall or fence to create a screen with the appeal of spring flowers, summer leaves, aromatic autumn fruits, and the architectural form of the bare branches in winter. Pruned to size, it’s perfect for a small city garden where it can fruit without a pollination partner, providing a long season of beauty as well as its delicious apples. In a country garden, it can be allowed to grow to its full size, making it a great specimen tree for a lawn. As part of a mixed orchard, it will serve as a good pollination partner and also guarantee an even bigger crop.Disease-free, small and self-fertile, Malus Domestica Winston will make a great choice for the UK gardener!

GBP 60.00

Prunus Laurocerasus Trees. Cherry Laurel Trees Buy Online UK

Quercus Suber. Cork Oak. Evergreen Trees. London & Online UK

Pyracantha Red Column. Evergreen Shrub Red Berries. Buy UK

Pyracantha Red Column. Evergreen Shrub Red Berries. Buy UK

Pyracantha Red Column is an evergreen climbing shrub with thorny branches (perfect for keeping out intruders) and dark green glossy leaves. Pyracantha is a great hedging shrub - being dense growing and evergreen with decorative value as well from its blooms and autumn berries. These climbing Pyracantha Red Column specimens are currently trained on a trellis that has small white flowers in spring followed by bright red berries in autumn. They look stunning against the glossy dark green leaves. Pyracantha berries are adored by birds and the white flowers attract pollinators.Pyracantha Red Column is a beautiful evergreen shrub that provides excellent colour for the winter months. It is best grown in full sun or partial shade and will grow to a maximum height 3 - 4 metres and a maximum spread 3 - 4 metres. Pyracantha Red Column grows well in any well drained moist fertile soil. You can view our entire collection of Climbers here.How Hardy Is Pyracantha Red Column?Pyracantha Red Column is extremely hardy. It is an evergreen shrub that will retain its leaves through wind, rain, snow and spells of drought. How To Use Pyracantha Red ColumnThis is one of the best choices for security planting. Not only is it a beautiful glossy shrub with bright red berries, it is also prickly, dense and unattractive to intruders, including cats. It suits a wildlife garden by providing nectar for bees and cover for nesting birds in the spring. During the winter months it shelters birds and insects. It’s a great place to situate a bee or insect house.You can easily train this climbing Pyracantha along a fence and cut it back to maintain the height width and depth if space is in short supply. Alternatively plant it under windows, against a wall or even as a specimen shrub the border. You can prune it into shapes or let it form a natural clump. In the summer months try growing clematis in its supportive branches. How To Care For Pyracantha Red ColumnPyracantha Red Column is so hardy it needs little care.  That said, to ensure the glossiest leaves mulch around the base with well rotted manure, and water new shrubs until they are established. If you want to prune back your Pyracantha Red Column you need to choose the right time or you risk sacrificing the flowers and berries. Try cutting back a third of the old flowering shoots once the flowers have finished, or lightly prune all over leaving some new growth. Make sure you wear gloves to prune and keep your arms covered. Pyracantha Red Column is a perfect choice for security hedging. It is an attractive evergreen, thorny, protective and great for wildlife.

GBP 60.00

Ilex Crenata Greenhedge Japanese Holly Ilex Greenhedge

Ilex Crenata Greenhedge Japanese Holly Ilex Greenhedge

Ilex Crenata Greenhedge Japanese HollyIlex Crenata Greenhedge is a thornless evergreen Japanese Holly perfect for creating dense evergreen hedges.This hedging holly is a very pretty variety from Japan that keeps it’s thornless leaves all year round. Many dark green shiny ovals on strong bushy stems grow in a narrow, compact shape which makes it a good choice for all size hedges and topiary work.In spring Japanese Holly Ilex Greenhedge produces small white flowers on its tips that are attractive to pollinators and mature into small black berries that the birds enjoy over the summer months. This is a self-fertile holly so other types of holly bush are not required for pollination. During autumn and winter, Greenhedge Holly keeps its coat of foliage creating colourful structure and safe windproof cover for roosting birds.Height and Spread of Ilex Crenata GreenhedgeJapanese Holly Ilex Greenhedge is a naturally compact shrub or small tree that will reach up to two metres in height and spread. It has a medium growth habit and in good fertile soils can grow 20-30 cms a year. It is easily kept smaller with regular pruning and it takes very well to topiary work.How Hardy Is Ilex Crenata GreenhedgeThis is a very hardy shrub that will easily tolerate sub-zero winters if its roots are well-drained. It’s relatively pest resistant and once established is drought-resistant too. Japanese Holly is one of the more forgiving hollies for hard pruning and good starting plant for a beginner topiarist.How To Use Ilex Crenata GreenhedgeJapanese Holly Ilex Greenhedge is a very popular hedging plant for low to medium-sized boundaries as it is hardy, dense and evergreen. It’s evergreen and compact nature makes it suitable for all size gardens that need winter interest and structure in the bare months. It also does very well as decorative topiary balls or low-hedging and can replace box in areas prone to box blight. Wildlife gardens benefit from Japanese holly because it provides shelter in its bushy branches, nectar for pollinators, and food for birds.Ilex Crenata Greenhedge will also grow happily in a well-watered container on the patio either clipped into shape or left to grow shaggy and unstructured.How To Care For Ilex Crenata GreenhedgeJapanese Holly Ilex Green Hedge prefers a sunny, moist and well-drained position but it’s tolerant of less than perfect conditions including chalk. Water yours well until its established and put down a thick layer of mulch in spring to encourage healthy growth.There is no need to prune this naturally compact and well-shaped Japanese holly but if you want to maintain its shape or create a very dense hedge cut it back in spring and summer as this will create side shoots that blend together.  

GBP 128.00

Cornus Alba Aurea or Golden Dogwood Tree for Sale Online

Cornus Alba Aurea or Golden Dogwood Tree for Sale Online

Cornus Alba Aurea or Golden Dogwood TreeCornus Alba Aurea is a gloriously coloured deciduous dogwood with the Royal Horticultural Society’s AGM and their Perfect for Pollinators award. It is a must-have in a garden where all year round colour and structural shape is required. In springtime the Golden Dogwood Tree sprouts golden-yellow ovate leaves which age into a beautiful buttery yellow. These are followed by small white clusters of flowers that are loved by pollinators through May and June, but it’s into autumn and winter that Cornus Alba Aurea comes into its own. As the summer progresses its leaves turn red matching the already red stems and / or bark. These red stems become increasingly exposed into the winter after leaf fall providing bright, strong colour. The sunnier the aspect, the brighter the red stems. Golden Dogwood Tree is a medium sized shrub which can be pruned to suit more compact areas. It will reach a maximum of 2.5 metres in height and 2.5 metres in width over the course of 10 years. How Hardy is Cornus Alba Aurea?The Golden Dogwood Tree is one of the toughest plants you can buy because it’s a native of cold climates such as Siberia and northern China. It is an excellent alternative to colourful yet sometimes temperamental Japanese Acers. In spring, Golden Dogwood can be cut down to a few inches in height only to grow back stronger and brighter. This shrub will grow in dry and wet soils so it’s perfect for problem areas.How To Use Cornus Alba AureaIf you can plant a Golden Dogwood Tree so that the autumn light shines from behind you’ll be rewarded with fiery red highlights in the cold months. Pair this shrub with its cousin the green-stemmed Cornus stolonifera Flaviramea for a winter display of colour. Dogwood grows well as the back of the border or in a feature patch of its own. It makes a great quick growing screening plant and attracts all manner of pollinators and birds.Cornus Alba Aurea will also grow in pots if they are well-watered, which brings the benefits of moving the plant to catch the winter sun. How To Care for Cornus Alba AureaLittle care is required from this top-of-the-range dogwood that will grow in any soil, but you can keep the colour bright by cutting back the new growth in spring and putting a thick, three inch layer of well-rotted manure around its roots before the leaves begin to shoot. The RHS awards speak for themselves, but if you need a tough, hardy shrub that looks after itself and brings a riot of colour in the winter you can’t go far wrong with Cornus Alba Aurea.

GBP 102.00

Chaenomeles Superba Nicoline Japanese Quince Nicoline

Chaenomeles Superba Nicoline Japanese Quince Nicoline

Chaenomeles Superba Nicoline Japanese QuinceThe Chaenomeles Superba varieties of Japanese flowering quince are small to medium-sized deciduous shrubs. Prized for their attractive form, the abundance of lovely blossoms and resilient nature, these ornamental quinces are a frequent sight in UK gardens and are among the most beautiful and easily cultivated of the early spring-flowering shrubs. The variety Chaenomeles Superba Nicoline is an excellent performer, best known for its spreading habit. Its extraordinary qualities have even been recognized by the Royal Horticultural Society. In 1993, this cultivar received the coveted Award of Garden Merit, and it also has ‘Perfect for Pollinators’ badge.Japanese Quince Nicoline is at its most attractive in early spring when its thorny, tangled branches are engulfed by masses of vibrant crimson blossoms. The cup-shaped flowers are circa 3.5 cm in width and stay on the branches for weeks, complemented by the emerging glossy green foliage. The fruit that follows is greenish yellow and very fragrant, usually 5 cm in size. The fruit is edible but best turned into jam or jellies. Chaenomeles are commonly known as the ornamental or flowering quinces or as opposed to their relatives – the fruiting quinces or Cydonia Oblonga. The Superba varieties are a cross between Chaenomeles Japonica and Chaenomeles Speciosa from China) are known for their small neat size and spreading habit.Height and Spread of Chaenomeles Superba NicolineJapanese Quince Nicoline is a small deciduous shrub of spreading habit that will grow to be 1 to 1.5 metres in height and spread.How Hardy is Chaenomeles Superba NicolineThis ornamental Japanese flowering quince is fully hardy in the United Kingdom. It can withstand subzero temperatures, it is drought tolerant once established, as well as deer and rabbit resistant.How To Use Chaenomeles Superba NicolineJapanese Quince Nicoline is a highly-decorative shrub with many uses in the garden. The profusion of bright red blossoms in early spring combined with the tangled branches in a spreading habit will be noticed wherever you decide to plant this cultivar. Naturally, it makes this flowering quince a perfect specimen plant for small gardens. On its own, Japanese Quince Nicoline is best planted on a lawn or trained against a wall, so all of its many qualities can be appreciated. As for group plantings, this ornamental shrub thrives in open or mixed shrub borders.How To Care for Chaenomeles Superba NicolinePeople like to say that Japanese flowering quinces are virtually indestructible - and they are not wrong! Japanese Quince Nicoline is a robust, undemanding shrub that will thrive anywhere you plant it and adapt to most conditions with ease. However, for best results, choose well-drained soil and a spot in full sun to partial shade. Cut back immediately after flowering if you need to trim. Take a look at other Japanese flowering quinces we have for sale: Chaenomeles Superba Crimson and Gold, Chaenomeles Superba Jet Trail, Chaenomeles Superba Pink Lady and Chaenomeles Superba Cameo are some of our favourites.

GBP 104.00

Common Hawthorn Tree. Crataegus Monogyna. Buy Online UK

Common Hawthorn Tree. Crataegus Monogyna. Buy Online UK

Crataegus Monogyna is known as the Common Hawthorn and is a common sight along the hedgerows in the UK. This beautiful tree has been part of the British landscape for millennia.The May Tree's blanket of white blossom heralds the beginning of summer. In fact one of the best known names for this tree is the May Flower and the ship that set sail from the UK to America - The Mayflower was named after the Hawthorn tree.The tree is robust and dense and is absolutley covered in white blooms in May - June, creating a wonderful sight in any garden as a specimen tree. The flowers are circa 10mm across with five pure white petals and numerous pinky red stamens. The flowers attract pollinators and the dense foliage is the perfect safe place for nesting birds. In Autumn the flowers are followed by haws - these are bright red in colour and similar to berries or hips - they are a very important source of food for many birds and are particularly loved by waxwings and thrushes. Foliage in Autumn turns a beautiful golden yellow contrasting with the bright red haws.Growing Tip - Common Hawthorn is hardy and will grow on just about any soil, including chalky or clay soil. It is tolerant in exposed sites including the coast. Crataegus Monogyna is a natural hedging plant and is a must in mixed hedgerows or mixed ornamental hedges. With its dense habit and thorny branches this is a go-to hedging plant for resisting intruders, plant this attractive hedge around your property boundary for extra security.  

GBP 76.00

Betula Nigra Tree, River Birch Trees. Buy Online UK

Betula Nigra Tree, River Birch Trees. Buy Online UK

Betula Nigra - also known as River Birch, Black Birch and Red Birch.A rather special variety of Birch tree, Betula Nigra is one of the few birches that will tolerate a hot spell and is an ornamental trees that will thrive in wet soil. This type of soil is usually reserved for Willow trees but there are other options and River Birch is a perfect fit. Originally found growing along river banks in the south eastern states of the US, Betula Nigra is right at home next to water.A graceful tree with slender branches, it is renowned for its exceptional bark. The bronze coloured bark is constantly in a state of flux. The shedding causes the wispy curling bark to roll back and reveal the creamiest trunk below and this contrast and texture are one of the tree's main assets.Like most Birch trees, the foliage is diamond shaped with a serrated edge, the leaves are a vibrant green when they emerge in the Spring along with fuzzy, yellow catkins around this time, which are another decorative bonus.Betula Nigra will grow into an impressive specimen tree reaching between 8-12 metres at maturity. This is an incredibly accommodating tree that will tolerate the heat or the wet and is happy growing in an urban situation. As with other types of Birch tree, River Birch also works well when planted as a mini 'forest' - the grouping of trees can really emphasise their beautifully textured bark.During the Autumn the leaves turn a delicious golden colour before falling to reveal the structure of the branches and again the beautiful bark takes centre stage.

GBP 148.75

Common Hawthorn Tree. Crataegus Monogyna. Buy Online UK

Common Hawthorn Tree. Crataegus Monogyna. Buy Online UK

Crataegus Monogyna is known as the Common Hawthorn and is a common sight along the hedgerows in the UK. This beautiful tree has been part of the British landscape for millennia.The May Tree's blanket of white blossom heralds the beginning of summer. In fact one of the best known names for this tree is the May Flower and the ship that set sail from the UK to America - The Mayflower was named after the Hawthorn tree.The tree is robust and dense and is absolutley covered in white blooms in May - June, creating a wonderful sight in any garden as a specimen tree. The flowers are circa 10mm across with five pure white petals and numerous pinky red stamens. The flowers attract pollinators and the dense foliage is the perfect safe place for nesting birds. In Autumn the flowers are followed by haws - these are bright red in colour and similar to berries or hips - they are a very important source of food for many birds and are particularly loved by waxwings and thrushes. Foliage in Autumn turns a beautiful golden yellow contrasting with the bright red haws.Growing Tip - Common Hawthorn is hardy and will grow on just about any soil, including chalky or clay soil. It is tolerant in exposed sites including the coast. Crataegus Monogyna is a natural hedging plant and is a must in mixed hedgerows or mixed ornamental hedges. With its dense habit and thorny branches this is a go-to hedging plant for resisting intruders, plant this attractive hedge around your property boundary for extra security.  

GBP 30.00

Malus Evereste Crab Apple trees for sale online UK

Malus Evereste Crab Apple trees for sale online UK

Malus Evereste Crab Apple TreeA rather beautiful tree for any sized garden, Malus Evereste is a deciduous Crab Apple variety with a conical, columnar shape and lovely blossom in Springtime. 'Evereste' is very easy to grow and so accommodating, it will thrive in any aspect. Grows well in partial shade and full sun, in a sheltered or exposed position. This variety of flowering Crab Apple is the perfect size and shape for town or courtyard gardens as it will not dominate a small garden space and is pollution tolerant.Its compact shape and neat appearance combined with the glorious blossom and fruits make this a must have variety. Indeed, the Malus Evereste Crab Apple has been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit.The pretty flowers clothe the entire tree in Springtime – a cloudy haze of pinkish buds and white blossom. Followed almost immediately by the fabulous edible Crab apple fruits, orange and deep red in colour and about an inch in diameter. Malus Evereste Crab apples have a variety of culinary uses, for Crab Apple jelly and Crab Apple wine. Apple dessert recipes that need the sharp apple taste of orange pippin varieties can be made using 'Evereste' crab apples. When left on the tree for decoration, the fruits will add glorious colour to the branches well into the winter and can be a valuable source of food for over wintering birds. During Autumn months the bronzy leaves hang beautifully with the mass of red fruits.Malus Evereste will at maturity, reach a height of 7m and these versatile trees can be used as both specimen trees and ornamental trees. For above fence or wall hedging, consider alternating or using a mix of Malus Evereste and Hornbeam trees – they work incredibly well together. You may also be interested in Malus Red Sentinel.  

GBP 160.00

Taxus Media Hicksii Yew Hicksii - for Sale Online UK

Taxus Media Hicksii Yew Hicksii - for Sale Online UK

Taxus Media Hicksii is an evergreen upright yew tree that’s shorter and bushier than common yew and grows at a faster rate. It’s perfect for hedging or topiary and an excellent alternative to box in blight prone areas.Taxus is commonly known as Yew. It’s native to northern Europe, Northwest Africa, Northern Iran, and Asia. It’s an ancient plant that’s been found in the early cretaceous fossil record and its extremely hardy as a result.Taxus Media Hicksii is a hybrid between Taxus Baccata and Taxus Cuspidata. It’s a female conifer shrub with long-limbed ascending branches and dark green glossy needles measuring up to 3 centres each. It’s a female tree that often bears shiny red fruit from inconspicuous flowers in spring. It was bred in 1900 by Hicks Nurseries in New York and it’s been popular here since for its hardiness and long-lived nature.Height And Spread of Taxus Media HicksiiYew Hicksii is shorter in stature than common yews. It takes 10 years to reach 1.5 metres in height and 1 metre in spread.How Hardy Is Taxus Media HicksiiIts origins make this a very hardy shrub in below zero winters if its roots are well-drained. It tolerates drought, pollution and coastal sprays too.How To Use Taxus Media HicksiiYew Hicksii is a great choice for short hedges. It’s fairly slow-growing at 15 – 30 cms a year, but faster than traditional yew. Use it to create topiary, wind shelters, to section off garden rooms, and create shade for cool loving plants like ferns.Wildlife-friendly gardens benefit from Taxus Hicksii’s thick, dense branches that provide shelter for birds and insects as well as small mammals.How To Care For Taxus Media HicksiiYew Hicksii is very undemanding, growing without fuss in shade to full sun so long as its soil is well-drained.It copes with exposed sites and pruning isn’t necessary unless you want a trim and tidy hedge or a statement topiary plant. Left untrimmed it produces glossy red berries in autumn and winter.Water Yew Hicksii well until it’s established and apply a thick layer of mulch to its roots in spring to trap moisture and promote new healthy growth. 

GBP 600.00

Lonicera Japonica Chinensis Japanese Honeysuckle for Sale

Lonicera Japonica Chinensis Japanese Honeysuckle for Sale

Lonicera Japonica ChinensisLonicera Japonica Chinensis is a fragrant, fast-growing honeysuckle that covers a pergola or trellis with flowers in the summer. This pretty semi-evergreen climber is also called Japanese Honeysuckle as it originates from the Far East. It has attractive purple twining stems and very dark green foliage that is reddish on the underside and remains on the plant in mild winters.Stems grow quickly and from July to October the whole climber is covered in whitish-yellow flowers with purple trumpets that mature in dark purple fruits.  The fragrance of this honeysuckle is a knockout. It’s one of the strongest honeysuckle scents and it attracts pollinators until the blooms fall in late autumn.  In winter the large leaves may remain in place on a framework of dark purple climbing stems.Height And Spread of Lonicera Japonica ChinensisJapanese Honeysuckle can easily reach heights of five metres by three metres in fertile soil, but can be kept smaller with pruning. How Hardy Is Lonicera Japonica ChinensisJapanese Honeysuckle is frost hardy and can withstand frosts and freezing temperature of harsh winters. In mid to southern areas of the UK, or in a sheltered spot in northerly areas, it is likely to retain its foliage.How To Use Lonicera Japonica ChinensisJapanese Honeysuckle is a good choice to cover a dead tree or an outbuilding as it grows very quickly. Use this fragrant honeysuckle to cover an archway, a pergola, a wire trellis on the fence, or a freestanding obelisk in a container on the patio. It’s a perfect choice for gardeners that want to attract pollinators as its free-flowering fragrant blooms are attractive to bees. If you have a kitchen garden, planting honeysuckle nearby is beneficial for pollination. How to Care For Lonicera Japonica ChinensisGive Japanese Honeysuckle plenty of room to grow in fertile well-drained soil of any type. Honeysuckles prefer a sunny to a partially shady spot and will flower best in plenty of sunshine. Water well until established and give water during hot spells. Don’t allow container-grown honeysuckle to dry out. As the stems grow, tie them in and prune to a manageable size in late winter.   

GBP 40.00

Magnolia Heaven Scent. Magnolias Nursery. London & Online UK

Magnolia Heaven Scent. Magnolias Nursery. London & Online UK

Magnolia Heaven Scent is a flowering magnolia with pale pink globlet shaped flowers with a waxy appearance. The scent from these magnolias is very delicate citrus. We rate this variety as an amazing early flowering magnolia that developes into a small upright ornamental tree.One of the most popular, Heaven Scent is best known for its profusion of fragrant flowers in the spring. Unfolding from large, vase-shaped buds, the blossoms are blush pink with a magenta stripe on the outside and delicate white on the inner side of the petals. Unlike most Magnolia varieties, this specific cultivar has a prolonged flowering season, allowing you to enjoy the remarkable scented blossoms for 4 to 6 weeks. The foliage develops after the flowers, and the glossy, dark green leaves completely envelop the upright branches.Growing Tip: Plant in a fairly sheltered area of the garden, these shrubs prefer full sun to partial shade and avoid over pruning. For best results, plant this large flowering shrub in acidic to neutral soil, moist but well-drained. Avoid transplanting or unsettling the soil around it, since this cultivar does not appreciate disturbance.This ornamental shrub with a columnar habit can grow to be 8 to 12 metres high and spread wider than 12 metres, when fully mature. However, most specimens of this cultivar do not exceed 4 metres, both in height and width, even in optimal conditions. A hybrid bred in the USA, Magnolia Heaven Scent is fully hardy in Britain and Ireland. Although it can withstand winter temperatures up to -15 degrees, the flower buds can be damaged by late spring frost and strong winds, so this shrub might need sheltering in areas with severe winters.Award of Garden Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society, a sure sign that it will perform well in most gardens. The attractive, scented blossoms and the prolonged flowering season make this showy tree-like shrub perfect choice for a statement plant, especially for smaller gardens. Free-flowering, Magnolia Heaven Scent works well as a contrast or accentuating plant when grown against an evergreen hedge, or an evergreen shrub border.Paramount Plants specialises in Magnolias to buy online. Other flowering magnolias include Magnolia Soulangeana and Magnolia Loebneri Leonard Messel.

GBP 196.00

Magnolia Grandiflora Alta Magnolia Alta Bull Bay Alta

Magnolia Grandiflora Alta Magnolia Alta Bull Bay Alta

Magnolia Grandiflora Alta is an evergreen narrow version of the much loved Magnolia Grandiflora. It has large cup-shaped white blooms in summer and glossy green leaves. It’s a more manageable version of Grandiflora that’s perfect for compact gardens.Magnolias are some of the oldest plants on record, their fossilised remains date back 95 million years. Magnolia Grandiflora was named after Pierre Magnol and it’s native to the southeastern United States.  The cultivar Magnolia Grandiflora Alta is synonymous with Magnolia Grandiflora TMGH and also known as Bull Bay Alta. It’s a fastigiate version of Magnolia Grandiflora that retains its huge lemon-scented goblet flowers but is much narrower in form.Bull Bay Alta has dark glossy green foliage with brown furry undersides borne on upright fastigiate branches all year long. Its magnificent flowers emerge in summer and bloom until autumn if it’s grown in a sheltered spot that’s protected from strong winds.This is a beautiful tree with the attributes of stately Magnolia Grandiflora, but repackaged for modern compact gardens and urban spaces.Height And Spread of Magnolia Grandiflora AltaMagnolia Alta is tall and narrow. It can reach six metres in height and 2.5 metres in spread over 5-10 years.How Hardy Is Magnolia Grandiflora AltaMagnolias are UK winter hardy in a sheltered spot with well-drained roots.How To Use Magnolia Grandiflora AltaThis fastigiate evergreen tree creates an excellent flowering evergreen screen and lots of impact when it’s planted in a group, especially when it’s in flower.Plant Bull Bay Alta in mixed informal flower beds or urban courtyards as an architectural statement tree with pollinator-friendly summer to autumn flowers.How To Care For Magnolia Grandiflora AltaDespite its delicate-looking flowers Magnolia Alta is easy to grow. It needs a wind-sheltered position to retain its blooms and frost may damage its buds, so avoid planting into frost pockets. A spot in full sun will encourage an abundant flower display.Like all magnolias, Alta prefers neutral to acidic soil but this can be clay, loam or sand based.Pruning isn’t necessary, but damaged or wayward branches can be removed after flowering or in the dormant winter months. Apply a thick layer of bracken or pine-based mulch in early spring and water it well until you see new growth.

GBP 140.00

Hedera Hibernica Irish Ivy for Sale Online UK

Hedera Hibernica Irish Ivy for Sale Online UK

Hedera Hibernica is the Irish Ivy. It’s a vigorous evergreen climber with large glossy five-lobed leaves. It’s a good choice for ground cover or vertical cover and holds the prestigious RHS AGM.Irish Ivy is native to Ireland. It has larger leaves than the common ivy each measuring up to 12 cms wide with five distinct lobes. New foliage emerges a lighter shade creating a nice contrast with the established deep glossy leaves. Then in autumn, Irish Ivy produces small green flowers that are insignificant to us but loved by pollinators at a time when garden flowers are fading. Flowers mature into tiny black berries during late autumn which are eaten by blackbirds.This is a really useful ground cover or climbing plant that needs very little attention and never fails to cover a surface with glossy green life. We also sell Irish Ivy as a living privacy screen that’s perfect for balcony railings.Height And Spread of Hedera HibernicaIrish Ivy is a rampant grower and will easily cover a wall, fence, tree or the ground up to 12 metres in length and 8 in width.How Hardy is Hedera HibernicaIrish Ivy is extremely hardy and will grow in tough conditions if its roots are well-drained. It can tolerate some drought once established and copes with the harshest winters.How To Use Hedera HibernicaIrish Ivy is an excellent ground cover on banks and slopes, protecting exposed soil quickly and effectively with its large leaves and rapid growth. If using as a ground cpver, it’s best to ensure there are no vertical surfaces nearby as its natural growth habit is skywards.Its upward habit makes it’s a good choice for walls, fences, arbours, sheds and unsightly features in need of naturalistic quick-growing coverage.How To Care For Hedera HibernicaThis is a plant that needs no maintenance unless you want to restrict its spread, in which case you can trim it back in winter.Irish ivy will grow in both shade and full sun and as long as it has well-drained soil it tolerates exposed positions, pollution, and coastal sprays too.

GBP 26.00

Rosa Heidetraum Plus Rose Pink Flowering Rose Climber

Rosa Heidetraum Plus Rose Pink Flowering Rose Climber

Rosa Heidetraum Plus Rose is a variety of deciduous climbing rose with beautiful deep pink flowers. It’s a good choice for arbours, walls and arches.In spring Heidetraum Plus Rose sprouts medium to dark green foliage on its strong but graceful stems. In June a huge mass of semi-double rich pink fluffy flowers with golden yellow centres bloom in bunches on the tips of its branches. The blooms cluster in large groups and create a colourful impact of flushes over the summer. As autumn approaches the flowers and foliage drop to reveal a framework of strong stems that hold the frost until new foliage appears the following year. Heidetraum Plus Rose has a light scent that is not overpowering but very attractive to pollinators.Height And Spread of Rosa Heidetraum PlusHeidetraum Plus Rose is a climbing rose that will reach a height of three metres and spread over a metre. How Hardy Is Rosa Heidetraum PlusThis is a hardy climbing rose that will withstand UK winters and sub-zero temperatures if its roots are well-drained. It’s drought resistant once established and the blooms resist rain spoil. How To Use Rosa Heidetraum PlusA perfect choice to cover an arch, arbour or bare sunny wall, Heidetraum Rose brings a flush of warm pink to the garden all summer long and creates a strong framework for other climbers. Try pairing yours with a white-flowering clematis for a real pop of summer colour. This is also a good choice for low maintenance wildlife gardens as it doesn’t need pruning, and attracts pollinators with large flowers and light scent.How To Care For Rosa Heidetraum PlusRosa Heidetraum will grow in the majority of well-drained soils and enjoys plenty of sunshine. Be sure to plant yours with the graft line below the soil and tie its long stems to a trellis or wire support for protection against wind breakage. You can help roses resist mildew and blackspot with regular feeding and watering. Roses are hungry plants and the strongest flower displays come from well-fed, regularly dead-headed roses.Mulch is important for healthy roses so add a good pile of well-rotted manure to Rosa Heidetraum’s roots twice a year for strong foliage growth and a bright flower display.

GBP 108.00