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Nestle Nidalgest Milk Food 0 6 months Powder 800g Children

Nestle Nidalgest Milk Food 0 6 months Powder 800g Children

NestléNidal Gest 1Thickened formulaFrom birth to 6 monthsContains Fos/Gos800g Lait Nidal Gest 1st Age is a powdered milk for the first age suitable for the feeding of children from birth to 6 months of age.Its formula thickened with the starch provides a viscosity that helps to reduce the small digestive problems of the child: physiological rejection and minor regurgitation.   The list of ingredients can undergo variations, we recommend that you always check the list on the product purchased. The list of ingredients can undergo variations, we recommend that you always check the list on the product purchased. Ingrediants:Lactose, proteins ofmilkSoluble demineralized, starch, palm oil, milkskimpy, rapese oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, k citrate, ca citrate, na citrate, lecithin emulsifiersoy, L-fenilalanin, ca chloride, mg chloride, na chloride, vitamin C, vitamin E, niacin, ca pantotenate, taurine, l-Istidine, fe sulphate, zn sulphate, Cu sulphate, mn sulfato, inositol, l-carnitine, iodide of potassium, sodium selenato, 100%QSP excipients. Average analysis per 100 ml: Energy value: 67 kcal = 280 kJ.Proteins 1.24 g of which casein 0.37 g,soluble proteins 0.86 g,milk serum 0.87 g,Taurina 5.2 mg and carnitine 1.1 mg,3.5 g lipids of which saturated fatty acids 1.4 g,599 mg linolenic acid and alpha-linolenic acid 74 mg,7.7 g carbohydrates including sugars 5.7 g,Lactose 5.7 g and starch 2 g,Na 19 mg, K 65 mg, CL 45 mg, ca 43 mg, p 23 mg, 5.3 mg mg, FE 0.7 mg, Cu 0.04 mg, zn 0.7 mg, 10 mcg, mn 10 MCG, If 1.3 McG, Fluoruro 4 MCG, Vitamin at 80 mcg, Vitamin D 1 MCG, Vitamin E 1.1 mg, vitamin K1 5.6 mcg, vitamin C 12 mg, thiamine 0.08 mg, riboflavin 0, 14 mg, vitamin B6 0.05 mg, vitamin B12 0.15 mcg, niacin 0.53 mg, 0.5 mg pantotenic acid, 9 mcg coin, biotin 0.002 mg, choline 8 mg, inositol 8 mg.   Tips for use Precautions for use: It is important for the health of your child to respect the following instructions:Wash your hands before each preparation.The bottle must be prepared just before the meal. Throw away the bottle left without hesitation.Use only the scoop contained in this box.Make sure to close the box well and keep it dry for a maximum of 4 weeks after opening.After the meal, thoroughly clean the bottle and all accessories.Make sure your baby is well placed while taking the bottle. Bottle preparation: Clean and sterilize blossoms and tears carefully (1/4 now boiling or cold in a special device).Pour the necessary quantity of water heated to 40 ° C maximum (low mineral content) in the bottle.Add to the water the requested number of braided measures (1 measure for 30 ml of water).Close and shake the bottle vigorously. Check the temperature inside the wrist.

GBP 20.10

Nidal Nestlé Latte in Polvere 1800g

Nidal Nestlé Latte in Polvere 1800g

NESTLE Nidal 1 da 0 a 6 mesi Senza olio di palma Dalla nascita o dopo l'allattamento 800g NESTLE Nidal 1 Latte in polvere è adatto per neonati da 0 a 6 mesi. È ideale per l' allattamento particolare dei neonati dalla nascita, quando non sono allattati al seno o quando sono in fase di allattamento*. La formula di questo latte in polvere contiene DHA**, un acido grasso polinsaturo a catena lunga della famiglia Omega 3. *In conformità con le normative. **Acido docosaesaenoico, come previsto dalla normativa per il latte infantile applicabile a partire dal 2020. Composizioni & ingredienti L'elenco degli ingredienti può variare, per cui ti consigliamo di controllare sempre l'elenco sul prodotto acquistato. The list of ingredients can vary, we recommend that you always check the list on the product purchased. Ingredienti: Siero di latte demineralizzato delicato, latte scremato, oli vegetali (girasole ricco di acido oleico, copra, colza, girasole), lattosio , calcio e potassio citrati; olio di pesce, potassio, magnesio e cloruri di sodio; idrossido di potassio, emulsionante: lecitina di soia; bitartato di colina, vitamine: C, E, niacina, pantotenato di calcio, tiamina, A, riboglavina, B6, acido folico, K, D, biotina, B12; fosfato di sodio, taurina, solfati ferrosi, zinco, rame e manganese, inositolo, correttore di acidità: acido citrico; antiossidanti: estratto ricco di tocoferolo, L-ascorbil palmitato, L-carnitina, ioduro di potassio, concentrato di proteine del siero di latte, selenato di sodio. Valori Nutrizionali Per 100g Per 100ml - 13,6% Energia (kJ) 2077 282 (kcal) 496 67 Grassi (g) 23,5 3,2 di cui acidi grassi saturi (g) 5,6 0,8 di cui acido linolenico (mg) 3500 474,7 di cui acido α-linolenico (mg) 300 40,7 di cui acido docosaesaenoico (DHA) (mg) 125 17 Carboidrati (g) 60,1 8,2 di cui zuccheri (g) 60,1 8,2 di cui lattosio (g) 60,1 8,2 Fibre alimentari (g) 0 0 Proteine (g) 10,9 1,5 Caseina (g) 4,4 0,6 Proteine del siero di latte (g) 6,5 0,9 Vitamine e minerali Vitamina A (µg-ER) 450 61 Vitamina D (µg) 12,3 1,7 Tiamina (µg) 480 65,1 Riboflavina (µg) 1140 155 Niacina (mg) 4 0,52 Acido pantotenico (mg) 4 0,54 Vitamina B6 (µg) 300 41 Biotina (µg) 12 1,63 Folati (µg-EFA) 150 20,3 Vitamina B12 (µg) 1,5 0,2 Vitamina C (mg) 75 10,2 Vitamina K (µg) 33 4,5 Vitamina E (mgα-ET) 10,2 1,38 Sodio (mg) 150 20,3 Potassio (mg) 660 90 Cloruro (mg) 380 51,5 Calcio (mg) 330 44,8 Fosforo (mg) 210 28,5 Magnesio (mg) 40 5,43 Ferro (mg) 2,3 0,31 Zinco (mg) 4 0,54 Rame (µg) 400 54,3 Iodio (µg) 105 14,24 Selenio (µg) 28,8 Manganese (µg) 130 17,6 Fluoruro (µg) Taurina (mg) 32 4,34 Carnitina (mg) 9,59 Colina (mg) 160 21,7 Inositolo (mg) 75 10 Nestlé Nidal 1 può essere consumato a temperatura ambiente o caldo. Per riscaldare l'acqua, si sconsiglia di utilizzare il forno a microonde a causa del rischio di ustioni. Assicurati sempre di tenere bene il tuo bambino mentre sta prendendo il suo biberon, per evitare qualsiasi rischio di soffocamento. AVVISO IMPORTANTE: il latte materno è l'alimento ideale e naturale per ogni bambino. Tuttavia, se non potete o non desiderate allattare, il corpo medico vi consiglierà sul latte artificiale per il vostro bambino. Non cambiarlo senza chiedere consiglio al medico. Istruzioni per l'uso Come preparare il biberon? Attenzione: è importante seguire il metodo di preparazione raccomandato e le seguenti istruzioni al fine di evitare rischi per la salute del bambino: pulire il piano di lavoro e quindi lavarsi accuratamente le mani. Preparare la bottiglia appena prima del pasto. Utilizzare acqua minerale o acqua di sorgente adatta ai neonati. Utilizzare solo la barra contenuta in questa casella. Si consiglia di somministrare il flacone entro un'ora dalla sua preparazione a temperatura ambiente, entro mezz' ora se è caldo. Buttare via il resto di una bottiglia incompiuta senza esitazione. Tenere la scatola ben chiusa con il Plastic lid in a dry and cool place, no more than 3 weeks after opening. Sterilize the bottle, nipple and carefully clean ring for 5 minutes with boiling water or a suitable disinfectant. Consult the recommended quantity table for the exact volume of water to be poured into the bottle. To serve in the heat, heat the bottle in a bain -marie in a saucepan or in a water heater up to 40 ° C at most. Add the exact number of measures corresponding to the volume of water. Cut each size on the edge. After use, place the measure on its support, in the box. Close the bottle with the ring and the nipplo sterilized. Roll the bottle in your hands to drop the milk powder, then shake vigorously from top to bottom until the dust has completely melted. Check the temperature on the back of the hand. Clean the bottle, the ring and nipple thoroughly to remove traces of milk for children. How much to give your child? Dosages to be respected imperatively: a shaved measure (4.5g) in 30ml of water. Inappropriate quantities of dust can lead to dehydration or deprive a child of adequate diet. The frequency of

GBP 18.28

HealthScience Clinutren HP / HC + 2kcal Complete Fiber Drink 200ml Nestle

HealthScience Clinutren HP / HC + 2kcal Complete Fiber Drink 200ml Nestle

HealthScience Clinutren HP / HC + 2kcal Complete Fiber Drink 200ml Nestle

HealthScience Clinutren HP / HC + 2kcal Complete Fiber Drink 200ml Nestle

HealthScience Clinutren Dessert Complete HP / HC + 2kcal 4x200g Nestle

HealthScience Clinutren Dessert Complete HP / HC + 2kcal 4x200g Nestle

Description NESTLE HEALTH SCIENCEClinutren Dessert HP / HC + 2kcal WithoutlactoseClinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes2x400g Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is nutritionally complete, high in protein and calories.oral clinical nutrition nutritional needs of adult patients when undernourished or at risk of malnutrition.Specificity of the product:• 400 kcal - 20 g protein / 200 ml• Optimized Tolerance: lactose-free, gluten-free Suggestions for use Preferably as a snack at least 2 hours before or after a mealor during a meal in addition to your diet. Recommended dosage: 1 to 3 units per day to be adapted according to medical recommendations on the age, needs and patient's conditionRemember to drink enough water between intake and the other Coffee ice-cream: Pour the contents of a jar in a suitable containerStore in freezer for 2 hoursRemove 10 minutes before consuming Composition Ingredients: Water, glucose syrup,milk proteins,rapeseed oil, sucrose,milk cream, Thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride) , potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate), emulsifier (E471), coloring (E150b), gelling agent (E407), vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, , K, biotin, D), aroma, acidity regulators (E330, E525). Allergens: milk protein Packaged in a protective atmosphere.Sterilized UHT.Lactose-free, gluten-free.Nutritional analysis (media analysis): Nutritional information per 100 g to 200 g

GBP 11.03

HealthScience Clinutren Dessert Complete HP / HC + 2kcal 4x200g Nestle

HealthScience Clinutren Dessert Complete HP / HC + 2kcal 4x200g Nestle

Description NESTLE HEALTH SCIENCEClinutren Dessert HP / HC + 2kcal WithoutlactoseClinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes2x400g Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is nutritionally complete, high in protein and calories.oral clinical nutrition nutritional needs of adult patients when undernourished or at risk of malnutrition.Specificity of the product:• 400 kcal - 20 g protein / 200 ml• Optimized Tolerance: lactose-free, gluten-free Suggestions for use Preferably as a snack at least 2 hours before or after a mealor during a meal in addition to your diet. Recommended dosage: 1 to 3 units per day to be adapted according to medical recommendations on the age, needs and patient's conditionRemember to drink enough water between intake and the other Coffee ice-cream: Pour the contents of a jar in a suitable containerStore in freezer for 2 hoursRemove 10 minutes before consuming Composition Ingredients: Water, glucose syrup,milk proteins,rapeseed oil, sucrose,milk cream, Thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride) , potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate), emulsifier (E471), coloring (E150b), gelling agent (E407), vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, , K, biotin, D), aroma, acidity regulators (E330, E525). Allergens: milk protein Packaged in a protective atmosphere.Sterilized UHT.Lactose-free, gluten-free.Nutritional analysis (media analysis): Nutritional information per 100 g to 200 g

GBP 11.03

HealthScience Clinutren Dessert Complete HP / HC + 2kcal 4x200g Nestle

HealthScience Clinutren Dessert Complete HP / HC + 2kcal 4x200g Nestle

Description NESTLE HEALTH SCIENCEClinutren Dessert HP / HC + 2kcal WithoutlactoseClinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes2x400g Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is nutritionally complete, high in protein and calories.oral clinical nutrition nutritional needs of adult patients when undernourished or at risk of malnutrition.Specificity of the product:• 400 kcal - 20 g protein / 200 ml• Optimized Tolerance: lactose-free, gluten-free Suggestions for use Preferably as a snack at least 2 hours before or after a mealor during a meal in addition to your diet. Recommended dosage: 1 to 3 units per day to be adapted according to medical recommendations on the age, needs and patient's conditionRemember to drink enough water between intake and the other Coffee ice-cream: Pour the contents of a jar in a suitable containerStore in freezer for 2 hoursRemove 10 minutes before consuming Composition Ingredients: Water, glucose syrup,milk proteins,rapeseed oil, sucrose,milk cream, Thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride) , potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate), emulsifier (E471), coloring (E150b), gelling agent (E407), vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, , K, biotin, D), aroma, acidity regulators (E330, E525). Allergens: milk protein Packaged in a protective atmosphere.Sterilized UHT.Lactose-free, gluten-free.Nutritional analysis (media analysis): Nutritional information per 100 g to 200 g

GBP 11.03

HealthScience Clinutren Dessert Complete HP / HC + 2kcal 4x200g Nestle

HealthScience Clinutren Dessert Complete HP / HC + 2kcal 4x200g Nestle

Description NESTLE HEALTH SCIENCEClinutren Dessert HP / HC + 2kcal WithoutlactoseClinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes2x400g Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is nutritionally complete, high in protein and calories.oral clinical nutrition nutritional needs of adult patients when undernourished or at risk of malnutrition.Specificity of the product:• 400 kcal - 20 g protein / 200 ml• Optimized Tolerance: lactose-free, gluten-free Suggestions for use Preferably as a snack at least 2 hours before or after a mealor during a meal in addition to your diet. Recommended dosage: 1 to 3 units per day to be adapted according to medical recommendations on the age, needs and patient's conditionRemember to drink enough water between intake and the other Coffee ice-cream: Pour the contents of a jar in a suitable containerStore in freezer for 2 hoursRemove 10 minutes before consuming Composition Ingredients: Water, glucose syrup,milk proteins,rapeseed oil, sucrose,milk cream, Thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride) , potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate), emulsifier (E471), coloring (E150b), gelling agent (E407), vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, , K, biotin, D), aroma, acidity regulators (E330, E525). Allergens: milk protein Packaged in a protective atmosphere.Sterilized UHT.Lactose-free, gluten-free.Nutritional analysis (media analysis): Nutritional information per 100 g to 200 g

GBP 11.03

HealthScience Clinutren Dessert Complete HP / HC + 2kcal 4x200g Nestle

HealthScience Clinutren Dessert Complete HP / HC + 2kcal 4x200g Nestle

Description NESTLE HEALTH SCIENCEClinutren Dessert HP / HC + 2kcal WithoutlactoseClinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes2x400g Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is nutritionally complete, high in protein and calories.oral clinical nutrition nutritional needs of adult patients when undernourished or at risk of malnutrition.Specificity of the product:• 400 kcal - 20 g protein / 200 ml• Optimized Tolerance: lactose-free, gluten-free Suggestions for use Preferably as a snack at least 2 hours before or after a mealor during a meal in addition to your diet. Recommended dosage: 1 to 3 units per day to be adapted according to medical recommendations on the age, needs and patient's conditionRemember to drink enough water between intake and the other Coffee ice-cream: Pour the contents of a jar in a suitable containerStore in freezer for 2 hoursRemove 10 minutes before consuming Composition Ingredients: Water, glucose syrup,milk proteins,rapeseed oil, sucrose,milk cream, Thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride) , potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate), emulsifier (E471), coloring (E150b), gelling agent (E407), vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, , K, biotin, D), aroma, acidity regulators (E330, E525). Allergens: milk protein Packaged in a protective atmosphere.Sterilized UHT.Lactose-free, gluten-free.Nutritional analysis (media analysis): Nutritional information per 100 g to 200 g

GBP 11.03

HealthScience Clinutren Dessert Complete HP / HC + 2kcal 4x200g Nestle

HealthScience Clinutren Dessert Complete HP / HC + 2kcal 4x200g Nestle

Description NESTLE HEALTH SCIENCEClinutren Dessert HP / HC + 2kcal WithoutlactoseClinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes2x400g Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is nutritionally complete, high in protein and calories.oral clinical nutrition nutritional needs of adult patients when undernourished or at risk of malnutrition.Specificity of the product:• 400 kcal - 20 g protein / 200 ml• Optimized Tolerance: lactose-free, gluten-free Suggestions for use Preferably as a snack at least 2 hours before or after a mealor during a meal in addition to your diet. Recommended dosage: 1 to 3 units per day to be adapted according to medical recommendations on the age, needs and patient's conditionRemember to drink enough water between intake and the other Coffee ice-cream: Pour the contents of a jar in a suitable containerStore in freezer for 2 hoursRemove 10 minutes before consuming Composition Ingredients: Water, glucose syrup,milk proteins,rapeseed oil, sucrose,milk cream, Thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride) , potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate), emulsifier (E471), coloring (E150b), gelling agent (E407), vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, , K, biotin, D), aroma, acidity regulators (E330, E525). Allergens: milk protein Packaged in a protective atmosphere.Sterilized UHT.Lactose-free, gluten-free.Nutritional analysis (media analysis): Nutritional information per 100 g to 200 g

GBP 11.03

Clinutren Instant Protein 400g Nestle HealthScience

Clinutren Instant Protein 400g Nestle HealthScience

Description Nestlé Health ScienceClinutren instant proteinsFood for special medical purposesProtein concentrate90% milk proteinNeutral tasteSoluble powder400g Clinutren® Instant Protein is a special medical purpose food. Clinutren® Instant Protein is a protein powder concentrate. For patients complained with increased protein requirement and / or reduced protein intake. Clinutren® Instant Protein is the most concentrated protein powder on the market. Neutral taste, without lactose and without purine. Suggestions for use Recommended dosage: In adults: 10 - 15 g of dust (2 - 3 tablespoons) for 150 ml of liquid or 150 g of ready meal, from 2 to 3 times a day. To be adapted according to medical recommendations, age, needs and conditions of the patient. Clinutren Instant Protein can be used in liquid preparations and hot or cold ready meals. For optimal preparation: Pour the dust into a small hot or cold liquid base (15 - 20 ml for 15 g of dust) and mix everything. Pour the liquid enriched into the preparation. Mix for a few seconds. Drink / plate is ready to be consumed. Keep in a cold and dry place. Once prepared, the product must be consumed within 6 hours if stored at room temperature or within 24 hours refrigerated. After opening the package, consume in 4 weeks Composition Ingredients: protein of themilk, Emulsifier (Lecithin ofsoy ).    Gluten free. Nutritional analysis per 100g: Energy value: 371kcalLipids (2% AET): 1GOf which saturated fatty acids:

GBP 20.23

Hp/hc+2kcal 4x200ml Clinutren

Hp/hc+2kcal 4x200ml Clinutren

Description NestléClinutren® CV / HC + 2kcalClinutren® CV / HC + 2kcal is a food for special doctors purposes4x200ml Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is nutritionally complete, rich in proteins and calories.Nutrition oral clinical nutritional needs of adult patients in case of malnutrition or risk of malnutrition.Product specificity:• 400 kcal - 20 g of protein / 200 ml• Optimized tolerance: lacking, gluten-free Suggestions for use Use medical control.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is an oral food supplement for adult patients: from 1 to 2 200 ml bottles per day as a diet supplement. To be adapted according to medical recommendations, age, needs and conditions of the patient.Remember to drink enough water between assumption and another. Drink preferably fresh. Shake before using.Not open, store Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal in a cool and dry place. After opening, close the open bottle, store in the refrigerator and consume within 24 hours.If the product is poured into another container, cover well and consume within 6 hours. Composition Ingredients: Water, milk proteins, glucose syrup, rapeseed oil, sugar, lean cocoa powder (1.3%), aromas, 13 vitamins, 15 minerals and trace elements Allergens: milk proteinsFor complete information, refer to the label on the package. 400-402 kcal or 1682-1690 kj for 200 ml. Breakdown of the total energy intake (AET):• Proteins: 20% AET or 20 g for 200 ml• Lipids: 32% AET• Carbohydrates: 48% of AET Sterilized UHT withoutLactose, gluten-free Average analysis for 200 ml bottle, Power kcal 400-402 *

GBP 11.30

Hp/hc+2kcal 4x200ml Clinutren

Hp/hc+2kcal 4x200ml Clinutren

Description NestléClinutren® CV / HC + 2kcalClinutren® CV / HC + 2kcal is a food for special doctors purposes4x200ml Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is nutritionally complete, rich in proteins and calories.Nutrition oral clinical nutritional needs of adult patients in case of malnutrition or risk of malnutrition.Product specificity:• 400 kcal - 20 g of protein / 200 ml• Optimized tolerance: lacking, gluten-free Suggestions for use Use medical control.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is an oral food supplement for adult patients: from 1 to 2 200 ml bottles per day as a diet supplement. To be adapted according to medical recommendations, age, needs and conditions of the patient.Remember to drink enough water between assumption and another. Drink preferably fresh. Shake before using.Not open, store Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal in a cool and dry place. After opening, close the open bottle, store in the refrigerator and consume within 24 hours.If the product is poured into another container, cover well and consume within 6 hours. Composition Ingredients: Water, milk proteins, glucose syrup, rapeseed oil, sugar, lean cocoa powder (1.3%), aromas, 13 vitamins, 15 minerals and trace elements Allergens: milk proteinsFor complete information, refer to the label on the package. 400-402 kcal or 1682-1690 kj for 200 ml. Breakdown of the total energy intake (AET):• Proteins: 20% AET or 20 g for 200 ml• Lipids: 32% AET• Carbohydrates: 48% of AET Sterilized UHT withoutLactose, gluten-free Average analysis for 200 ml bottle, Power kcal 400-402 *

GBP 11.30

Hp/hc+2kcal 4x200ml Clinutren

Hp/hc+2kcal 4x200ml Clinutren

Description NestléClinutren® CV / HC + 2kcalClinutren® CV / HC + 2kcal is a food for special doctors purposes4x200ml Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is nutritionally complete, rich in proteins and calories.Nutrition oral clinical nutritional needs of adult patients in case of malnutrition or risk of malnutrition.Product specificity:• 400 kcal - 20 g of protein / 200 ml• Optimized tolerance: lacking, gluten-free Suggestions for use Use medical control.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is an oral food supplement for adult patients: from 1 to 2 200 ml bottles per day as a diet supplement. To be adapted according to medical recommendations, age, needs and conditions of the patient.Remember to drink enough water between assumption and another. Drink preferably fresh. Shake before using.Not open, store Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal in a cool and dry place. After opening, close the open bottle, store in the refrigerator and consume within 24 hours.If the product is poured into another container, cover well and consume within 6 hours. Composition Ingredients: Water, milk proteins, glucose syrup, rapeseed oil, sugar, lean cocoa powder (1.3%), aromas, 13 vitamins, 15 minerals and trace elements Allergens: milk proteinsFor complete information, refer to the label on the package. 400-402 kcal or 1682-1690 kj for 200 ml. Breakdown of the total energy intake (AET):• Proteins: 20% AET or 20 g for 200 ml• Lipids: 32% AET• Carbohydrates: 48% of AET Sterilized UHT withoutLactose, gluten-free Average analysis for 200 ml bottle, Power kcal 400-402 *

GBP 11.30

Hp/hc+2kcal 4x200ml Clinutren

Hp/hc+2kcal 4x200ml Clinutren

Description NestléClinutren® CV / HC + 2kcalClinutren® CV / HC + 2kcal is a food for special doctors purposes4x200ml Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is nutritionally complete, rich in proteins and calories.Nutrition oral clinical nutritional needs of adult patients in case of malnutrition or risk of malnutrition.Product specificity:• 400 kcal - 20 g of protein / 200 ml• Optimized tolerance: lacking, gluten-free Suggestions for use Use medical control.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is an oral food supplement for adult patients: from 1 to 2 200 ml bottles per day as a diet supplement. To be adapted according to medical recommendations, age, needs and conditions of the patient.Remember to drink enough water between assumption and another. Drink preferably fresh. Shake before using.Not open, store Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal in a cool and dry place. After opening, close the open bottle, store in the refrigerator and consume within 24 hours.If the product is poured into another container, cover well and consume within 6 hours. Composition Ingredients: Water, milk proteins, glucose syrup, rapeseed oil, sugar, lean cocoa powder (1.3%), aromas, 13 vitamins, 15 minerals and trace elements Allergens: milk proteinsFor complete information, refer to the label on the package. 400-402 kcal or 1682-1690 kj for 200 ml. Breakdown of the total energy intake (AET):• Proteins: 20% AET or 20 g for 200 ml• Lipids: 32% AET• Carbohydrates: 48% of AET Sterilized UHT withoutLactose, gluten-free Average analysis for 200 ml bottle, Power kcal 400-402 *

GBP 11.30

Hp/hc+2kcal 4x200ml Clinutren

Hp/hc+2kcal 4x200ml Clinutren

Description NestléClinutren® CV / HC + 2kcalClinutren® CV / HC + 2kcal is a food for special doctors purposes4x200ml Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is nutritionally complete, rich in proteins and calories.Nutrition oral clinical nutritional needs of adult patients in case of malnutrition or risk of malnutrition.Product specificity:• 400 kcal - 20 g of protein / 200 ml• Optimized tolerance: lacking, gluten-free Suggestions for use Use medical control.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is an oral food supplement for adult patients: from 1 to 2 200 ml bottles per day as a diet supplement. To be adapted according to medical recommendations, age, needs and conditions of the patient.Remember to drink enough water between assumption and another. Drink preferably fresh. Shake before using.Not open, store Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal in a cool and dry place. After opening, close the open bottle, store in the refrigerator and consume within 24 hours.If the product is poured into another container, cover well and consume within 6 hours. Composition Ingredients: Water, milk proteins, glucose syrup, rapeseed oil, sugar, lean cocoa powder (1.3%), aromas, 13 vitamins, 15 minerals and trace elements Allergens: milk proteinsFor complete information, refer to the label on the package. 400-402 kcal or 1682-1690 kj for 200 ml. Breakdown of the total energy intake (AET):• Proteins: 20% AET or 20 g for 200 ml• Lipids: 32% AET• Carbohydrates: 48% of AET Sterilized UHT withoutLactose, gluten-free Average analysis for 200 ml bottle, Power kcal 400-402 *

GBP 11.30

Hp/hc+2kcal 4x200ml Clinutren

Hp/hc+2kcal 4x200ml Clinutren

Description NestléClinutren® CV / HC + 2kcalClinutren® CV / HC + 2kcal is a food for special doctors purposes4x200ml Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is a food for special medical purposes.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is nutritionally complete, rich in proteins and calories.Nutrition oral clinical nutritional needs of adult patients in case of malnutrition or risk of malnutrition.Product specificity:• 400 kcal - 20 g of protein / 200 ml• Optimized tolerance: lacking, gluten-free Suggestions for use Use medical control.Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal is an oral food supplement for adult patients: from 1 to 2 200 ml bottles per day as a diet supplement. To be adapted according to medical recommendations, age, needs and conditions of the patient.Remember to drink enough water between assumption and another. Drink preferably fresh. Shake before using.Not open, store Clinutren® HP / HC + 2kcal in a cool and dry place. After opening, close the open bottle, store in the refrigerator and consume within 24 hours.If the product is poured into another container, cover well and consume within 6 hours. Composition Ingredients: Water, milk proteins, glucose syrup, rapeseed oil, sugar, lean cocoa powder (1.3%), aromas, 13 vitamins, 15 minerals and trace elements Allergens: milk proteinsFor complete information, refer to the label on the package. 400-402 kcal or 1682-1690 kj for 200 ml. Breakdown of the total energy intake (AET):• Proteins: 20% AET or 20 g for 200 ml• Lipids: 32% AET• Carbohydrates: 48% of AET Sterilized UHT withoutLactose, gluten-free Average analysis for 200 ml bottle, Power kcal 400-402 *

GBP 11.30

Nestle Nidalgest Nidal 2 Milk Food 6 months 1 year dust

Nestle Nidalgest Nidal 2 Milk Food 6 months 1 year dust

Nidal Formula Thickened 2nd Age Milk is a powdered milk suitable for the feeding of children from 6 months to 1 year of age.Its formula thickened with the starch provides a viscosity that helps to reduce the small digestive problems of the child: physiological rejection and minor regurgitation.Compositions and ingredientsThe list of ingredients can undergo variations, we recommend that you always check the list on the product purchased.The list of ingredients can undergo variations, we recommend that you always check the list on the product purchased.Ingredients: skimmed milk, lactose, palm oil, rapeseed oil, coconut oil, vegetable oils of both corn and sunflower, corn starch and potato starch, soluble demineralized proteins, CA phosphate, citrate of ca, Soy lecithin emulsifier, vitamin C, fe sulphate, zn sulphate, cu sulphate, k chloride, taurine, mg chloride, ca pantotenate, l-carnitine, niacin, vitamin E, pantotenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin B6, thiamine, vitamin D , riboflavin, folic acid, k iodide, vitamin K, biotin, vitamin B12, na selenato, qsp 100%.Average analysis per 100 ml:1.5 g protein of which casein 0.75 g and soluble proteins 0.75 g,Taurina 5.4 mg, carnitine 1.1 mg,Lipids 3.2 g of which Linoleic acid 490 mg and alpha-linolenic acid 62 mg,carbohydrates 8 g of which lactose 6 g and starch 2 g,Na 18 mg,K 75 mg,CL 55 mg,CA 81 mg, P 54 mg, 4.8 mg mg, FE 1.1 mg, Cu 0.08 mg, zn 0.8 mg, 14 mcg, mn 3.9 mcg and if 1.3 mcg, vitamin A 81 mcg, vitamin D 1.5 mcg, vitamin E 0.5 mg, vitamin K1 3 mcg, vitamin C 6.7 mg, thiamine 0.1 mg, riboflavin 0.16 mg, vitamin B6 0.13 mg, vitamin B12 0.13 mcg, niacin 2.3 mg, 0.5 mg pantotenic acid, 17 mcg coin, biotin 0.002 mg, choline 6.7 mg, inositol 3.4 mg. Caloric value per 100 ml: 67 kcal = 281 kJ.Tips of useATTENTION: It is important to respect the indicated preparation method and the following indications to avoid risks to your child's health:- clean the work surface then wash your hands thoroughly- Prepare the bottle just before the meal- Use mineral or source water suitable for infants- use only the measuring cup contained in this box- throw away the rest of a bottle not over without hesitation- keep the box well closed with its plastic lid in a dry and cool place, no later than 3 weeks after openingThis product requires the use of a variable flow busty.How much to give your child?Dosage to be respected imperatively: a level measuring spoken (4.5 g) in 30 ml of water.An improper amount of dust can lead to dehydration or deprive the child of adequate diet.The frequency of bottle and the quantities to prepare are average indications.The volume and number of bottle must be adapted by healthcare professionals to the needs of each child.Starting from 6 months, your baby's diet is diversifiedConsult a doctor for more information.To avoid the formation of lumps, reconstitute the bottle with warm water and prefer a large diameter bottle. To heat the water, the use of the microwave for the risk of burns is not recommended.Make sure you always keep your baby firm as he takes the bottle, to avoid any risk of suffocationAs soon as your baby is large enough, offer him the cup instead of the bottle.

GBP 16.58

Clinutren L'Unctuous 4x200g

Clinutren L'Unctuous 4x200g

Description Nestle NutritionClinutren L 'Smooth food for special medical purposesSeveral tastes Depending on availability: Vanilla, Lemon and Strawberry4x200g Food destined for special medical purposes. Food with high protein and hypercaloric content. Gluten free. Clinutren® Creamy is an oral food supplement, a protein and energy concentrated product. It is designed to support weight loss in case of insufficient food intake. Package: 4 glasses from 200 g.I PRO: Milk and cream-based recipes for a very soft consistency and available in different tastes for even greater pleasure. Oral clinical nutrition in addition to the diet and the nutritional needs of adult patients in the event of malnutrition or risk of malnutrition.To be used under medical control. Suggestions for use - Recommended dosage: from 1 to 2 units per day to be adapted according to medical recommendations, age, needs and conditions of the patient. Remember to drink enough water between assumption and another.- Use and storage: ready to use, Clinutren® L'OnCtueux must be consumed preferably, during a snack or during a meal in addition to the diet. To be consumed preferably fresh. Not open, store in a cool and dry place. After opening, cover well, store in the fridge and consume within 24 hours.Consumer tips: for a more gourmet dessert, like a fresh cheese, you can pour the clinutren® In a bowl. Composition Lemon : Ingrediants:Milk49.8%, proteins of themilk, water, maltodextrin, sugar,cream5.5%, lactic ferments (milk), thickener (E440), rapeseed oil, acidity corrector (E330), natural lemon aroma. Sterilized UHT. Packaged in a protective atmosphere. Vanilla: Ingrediants:Lait49.8%, proteins of themilk, water, maltodextrin, sugar,cream5.5%, lactic ferments (milk), thickener (E440), rapeseed oil, acidity corrector (E330), natural

GBP 13.19

Clinutren L'Unctuous 4x200g

Clinutren L'Unctuous 4x200g

Description Nestle NutritionClinutren L 'Smooth food for special medical purposesSeveral tastes Depending on availability: Vanilla, Lemon and Strawberry4x200g Food destined for special medical purposes. Food with high protein and hypercaloric content. Gluten free. Clinutren® Creamy is an oral food supplement, a protein and energy concentrated product. It is designed to support weight loss in case of insufficient food intake. Package: 4 glasses from 200 g.I PRO: Milk and cream-based recipes for a very soft consistency and available in different tastes for even greater pleasure. Oral clinical nutrition in addition to the diet and the nutritional needs of adult patients in the event of malnutrition or risk of malnutrition.To be used under medical control. Suggestions for use - Recommended dosage: from 1 to 2 units per day to be adapted according to medical recommendations, age, needs and conditions of the patient. Remember to drink enough water between assumption and another.- Use and storage: ready to use, Clinutren® L'OnCtueux must be consumed preferably, during a snack or during a meal in addition to the diet. To be consumed preferably fresh. Not open, store in a cool and dry place. After opening, cover well, store in the fridge and consume within 24 hours.Consumer tips: for a more gourmet dessert, like a fresh cheese, you can pour the clinutren® In a bowl. Composition Lemon : Ingrediants:Milk49.8%, proteins of themilk, water, maltodextrin, sugar,cream5.5%, lactic ferments (milk), thickener (E440), rapeseed oil, acidity corrector (E330), natural lemon aroma. Sterilized UHT. Packaged in a protective atmosphere. Vanilla: Ingrediants:Lait49.8%, proteins of themilk, water, maltodextrin, sugar,cream5.5%, lactic ferments (milk), thickener (E440), rapeseed oil, acidity corrector (E330), natural

GBP 13.19

Clinutren L'Unctuous 4x200g

Clinutren L'Unctuous 4x200g

Description Nestle NutritionClinutren L 'Smooth food for special medical purposesSeveral tastes Depending on availability: Vanilla, Lemon and Strawberry4x200g Food destined for special medical purposes. Food with high protein and hypercaloric content. Gluten free. Clinutren® Creamy is an oral food supplement, a protein and energy concentrated product. It is designed to support weight loss in case of insufficient food intake. Package: 4 glasses from 200 g.I PRO: Milk and cream-based recipes for a very soft consistency and available in different tastes for even greater pleasure. Oral clinical nutrition in addition to the diet and the nutritional needs of adult patients in the event of malnutrition or risk of malnutrition.To be used under medical control. Suggestions for use - Recommended dosage: from 1 to 2 units per day to be adapted according to medical recommendations, age, needs and conditions of the patient. Remember to drink enough water between assumption and another.- Use and storage: ready to use, Clinutren® L'OnCtueux must be consumed preferably, during a snack or during a meal in addition to the diet. To be consumed preferably fresh. Not open, store in a cool and dry place. After opening, cover well, store in the fridge and consume within 24 hours.Consumer tips: for a more gourmet dessert, like a fresh cheese, you can pour the clinutren® In a bowl. Composition Lemon : Ingrediants:Milk49.8%, proteins of themilk, water, maltodextrin, sugar,cream5.5%, lactic ferments (milk), thickener (E440), rapeseed oil, acidity corrector (E330), natural lemon aroma. Sterilized UHT. Packaged in a protective atmosphere. Vanilla: Ingrediants:Lait49.8%, proteins of themilk, water, maltodextrin, sugar,cream5.5%, lactic ferments (milk), thickener (E440), rapeseed oil, acidity corrector (E330), natural

GBP 13.19

Concentrate dessert 4x140g renutryl

Concentrate dessert 4x140g renutryl

Description NESTLE HEALTH SCIENCERenutryl® concentrate for desserthigh-protein and high-calorieoral nutrition for adult patients for nutritional requirements in cases of malnutrition.280 kcal - 14 g protein / 140 g4x140 Dessert Renutryl® Concentrate is a food for special medical purposes. Renutryl® Concentré Dessert is a dessert-type dairy iperproteico ipercalorico and low glycemic index. * * Do not rule out a blood glucose control in diabetic patients   Suggestions for use Consume 1 to 3 units per day to be adapted according to medical recommendations, the age, needs and patient's condition.Remember to drink enough water between assumption and another.To be eaten fresh, unopened, store in a cool, dry place.After opening, close the open bottle, store in the refrigerator and consume within 24 hours. Composition Ingrediants: Vanilla: water, glucose syrup, milk protein, canola oil, sucrose, milk cream, thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide , ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride, potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate), emulsifier (E471), gelling agent (E407), vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, A, folic acid, K, biotin, D), aroma, acidity regulators (E330, E525), color (E160a). Strawberry: water, glucose syrup, milk protein, canola oil, sucrose, milk cream, thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide , ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride, potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate), emulsifier (E471), gelling agent (E407), vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, A, folic acid, K, biotin, D), aroma, color (E120), acidity regulators (E525, E330). Chocolate: water, glucose syrup, milk protein, canola oil, sucrose, milk cream, low fat cocoa powder (1.3%), thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, sodium citrate , sodium citrate and potassium, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride, potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate) , emulsifier (E471), gelling agent (E407), vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, A, folic acid, K, biotin, D), flavorings, acidity regulators (E330, E525) . Coffee: Water, glucose syrup, milk protein, canola oil, sucrose, milk cream, thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide , ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride, potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate), emulsifier (E471), coloring (E150b), gelling agent (E407) , vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, A, folic acid, K, biotin, D), aroma, acidity regulators (E330, E525).

GBP 9.07

Concentrate dessert 4x140g renutryl

Concentrate dessert 4x140g renutryl

Description NESTLE HEALTH SCIENCERenutryl® concentrate for desserthigh-protein and high-calorieoral nutrition for adult patients for nutritional requirements in cases of malnutrition.280 kcal - 14 g protein / 140 g4x140 Dessert Renutryl® Concentrate is a food for special medical purposes. Renutryl® Concentré Dessert is a dessert-type dairy iperproteico ipercalorico and low glycemic index. * * Do not rule out a blood glucose control in diabetic patients   Suggestions for use Consume 1 to 3 units per day to be adapted according to medical recommendations, the age, needs and patient's condition.Remember to drink enough water between assumption and another.To be eaten fresh, unopened, store in a cool, dry place.After opening, close the open bottle, store in the refrigerator and consume within 24 hours. Composition Ingrediants: Vanilla: water, glucose syrup, milk protein, canola oil, sucrose, milk cream, thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide , ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride, potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate), emulsifier (E471), gelling agent (E407), vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, A, folic acid, K, biotin, D), aroma, acidity regulators (E330, E525), color (E160a). Strawberry: water, glucose syrup, milk protein, canola oil, sucrose, milk cream, thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide , ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride, potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate), emulsifier (E471), gelling agent (E407), vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, A, folic acid, K, biotin, D), aroma, color (E120), acidity regulators (E525, E330). Chocolate: water, glucose syrup, milk protein, canola oil, sucrose, milk cream, low fat cocoa powder (1.3%), thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, sodium citrate , sodium citrate and potassium, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride, potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate) , emulsifier (E471), gelling agent (E407), vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, A, folic acid, K, biotin, D), flavorings, acidity regulators (E330, E525) . Coffee: Water, glucose syrup, milk protein, canola oil, sucrose, milk cream, thickener (E1442), minerals (potassium chloride, potassium citrate, sodium citrate, magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide , ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, manganese sulfate, copper sulfate, sodium fluoride, chromium chloride, potassium iodide, sodium molybdate, sodium selenate), emulsifier (E471), coloring (E150b), gelling agent (E407) , vitamins (C, E, niacin, pantothenic acid, B6, thiamine, riboflavin, A, folic acid, K, biotin, D), aroma, acidity regulators (E330, E525).

GBP 9.07