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Pure Perfection Ampolle Viso, Collo e Décolleté Idratanti Effetto Lifting a Base di Acido Ialuronico e Collagene 7Ampolle da 2ml per Pelle Secca,

Pure Perfection Ampolle Viso, Collo e Décolleté Idratanti Effetto Lifting a Base di Acido Ialuronico e Collagene 7Ampolle da 2ml per Pelle Secca,

Trattamento concentrato con l'esclusivo Instant Hydralifting Complex a base di Acido Ialuronico e Collagene. L'Acido Ialuronico, grazie alla straordinaria capacità di inglobare e trattenere grandi quantità d'acqua, ha un'azione idratante e contribuisce all'equilibrio idrico cutaneo. Il Collagene ha un'azione ricostituente che ridona elasticità e resistenza alla struttura cutanea. Il viso sarà ridefinito e luminoso, la pelle apparirà rivitalizzata e compatta. Adatto per la pelle secca, disidratata e con perdita di tono.ProprietàL’Acido Ialuronico, grazie alla straordinaria capacità di inglobare e trattenere grandi quantità d’acqua, ha un’azione idratante e contribuisce all’equilibrio idrico cutaneo. Il Collagene ha un’azione ricostituente che ridona elasticità e resistenza alla struttura cutanea. Il viso sarà ridefinito e luminoso, la pelle apparirà rivitalizzata e compatta. Adatto per la pelle secca, disidratata e con perdita di tono.MODO D'USO :Applicare con un leggero massaggio sulla pelle detersa e asciutta di viso, collo e décolleté. Il contenuto dell’ampolla è dosato per minimo 2 applicazioni. Se necessario richiudere l’ampolla con il beccuccio dosatore in dotazione. Dopo l’apertura conservare in frigorifero.Formati: 7 ampolle da 2 mlIngredienti principali: Instant Hydralifting Complex 40%             Concentrated treatment with the exclusive Instant Hydralifting Complex based on Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen. Hyaluronic acid, thanks to its extraordinary ability to incorporate and retain large quantities of water, has a moisturizing action and contributes to the skin's water balance. Collagen has a restorative action that restores elasticity and resistance to the skin structure. The face will be redefined and luminous, the skin will appear revitalized and compact. Suitable for dry, dehydrated and loss of tone skin.PropertyHyaluronic acid, thanks to its extraordinary ability to incorporate and retain large quantities of water, has a moisturizing action and contributes to the skin's water balance. Collagen has a restorative action that restores elasticity and resistance to the skin structure. The face will be redefined and luminous, the skin will appear revitalized and compact. Suitable for dry, dehydrated and loss of tone skin.HOW TO USE:Apply with a light massage on clean, dry skin on the face, neck and décolleté. The content of the ampoule is dosed for a minimum of 2 applications. If necessary, close the ampoule with the dosing spout provided. After opening, keep in the refrigerator.Formats: 7 ampoules of 2 mlMain ingredients: Instant Hydralifting Complex 40%

GBP 14.50

Ètas Remove Gel Viso, Collo e Décolleté Detergente Antiage con Acido Glicolico da 150ml per Tutti i Tipi di Pelle, Cosmetici Magistrali

Ètas Remove Gel Viso, Collo e Décolleté Detergente Antiage con Acido Glicolico da 150ml per Tutti i Tipi di Pelle, Cosmetici Magistrali

Ètas Remove è un detergente in gel trasparente che svolge un’efficace detersione esfoliante della cute di viso, collo e décolleté. Formulato per stimolare il rinnovamento cellulare, attiva una funzione antietà e prepara la pelle a beneficiare dei massimi risultati dei successivi trattamenti antiage.Gli alfa-idrossi-acidi o AHA, abbinati all’acido glicolico, svolgono un’attività esfoliante ad effetto peeling, donando alla pelle immediato benessere.La sua azione esfoliante lo rende il prodotto perfetto da utilizzare anche nei trattamenti anti macchie, in associazione a prodotti specifici.La sua detersione delicata lo rende indicato anche per pelli sensibili.ProprietàLa formula unica di Ètas Remove offre una sensazione di benessere immediato. L’esfoliazione efficace di Ètas Remove è delicata e indicata per la pelle ispessita, fotoinvecchiata e con la presenza di discromie cutanee. A seconda della necessità o del tipo di pelle, è da utilizzare una o due volte al giorno prima del trattamento antiage.Modo d’usoApplicare una piccola quantità di prodotto sulla pelle umida, massaggiare e lasciare agire qualche secondo prima di rimuovere con acqua tiepida.Formati: Flacone 150mlIngredienti principali: Acido glicolico, alfa-idrossi-acidi della frutta (AHA) e idrossietilcellulosa           Ètas Remove is a transparent gel cleanser that performs an effective exfoliating cleansing of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Formulated to stimulate cell renewal, it activates an anti-aging function and prepares the skin to benefit from the maximum results of subsequent anti-aging treatments.Alpha-hydroxy acids or AHA, combined with glycolic acid, perform an exfoliating activity with a peeling effect, giving the skin immediate well-being.Its exfoliating action makes it the perfect product to be used also in anti-stain treatments, in association with specific products.Its gentle cleansing also makes it suitable for sensitive skin.PropertyThe unique formula of Ètas Remove offers a feeling of immediate well-being. The effective exfoliation of Ètas Remove is delicate and indicated for thickened, photo-aged skin and with the presence of skin discolourations. Depending on the need or the type of skin, it is to be used once or twice a day before the anti-aging treatment.How to useApply a small amount of product on damp skin, massage and leave to act for a few seconds before removing with warm water.Formats: 150ml bottleMain ingredients: Glycolic acid, alpha-hydroxy-fruit acids (AHA) and hydroxyethylcellulose Invia commenti Cronologia Salvate Community

GBP 12.74

Primæcure Purifica Gel Viso Detergente Dermopurificante con Acqua Distillata di Camomilla da 150ml per Pelle Normale, Mista ed Impura, Cosmetici

Primæcure Purifica Gel Viso Detergente Dermopurificante con Acqua Distillata di Camomilla da 150ml per Pelle Normale, Mista ed Impura, Cosmetici

Detergente dermopurificante.È un detergente purificante in gel per una profonda e bilanciata pulizia di pelli normali, miste, grasse o impure del viso. Purificante, rinfrescante, astringente: è una detersione a risciacquo specifica, senza sapone, che aiuta a rimuovere l’eccessiva presenza di sebo, senza alterare l’equilibrio cutaneo e prepara la pelle ai trattamenti successivi, aiutando a calmare anche i rossori e le irritazioni.Ottimo anche come gel per la rasatura.Contiene tensioattivi naturali derivati dalla mela, acqua distillata di Camomilla e Tiglio, acqua distillata di Menta, e BiolSeb, un esclusivo complesso di regolazione sebacea.ProprietàGrazie a una miscela di tensioattivi naturali derivanti dalla mela, deterge delicatamente senza seccare la pelle. Utile per la detersione quotidiana delicata di pelle mista, grassa, a tendenza acneica. È indicato anche in presenza di dermatite seborroica.MODO D'USO :Applicare due volte al giorno sulla pelle umida fino a creare una schiuma. Massaggiare e risciacquare abbondantemente. Si può utilizzare anche come gel per la rasatura.Formati: Flacone da 150 mlIngredienti principali: Biolseb, acqua distillata di Camomilla e Tiglio, acqua distillata di Menta, Tensioattivi naturali dalla mela           Purifying cleanser.It is a purifying gel cleanser for a deep and balanced cleansing of normal, combination, oily or impure skin on the face. Purifying, refreshing, astringent: it is a specific rinse cleansing, without soap, which helps to remove the excessive presence of sebum, without altering the skin balance and prepares the skin for subsequent treatments, helping to calm even redness and irritation .Also excellent as a shaving gel.It contains natural surfactants derived from apple, distilled water of Chamomile and Linden, distilled water of Mint, and BiolSeb, an exclusive complex of sebaceous regulation.PropertyThanks to a mixture of natural surfactants deriving from apple, it gently cleanses without drying the skin. Useful for gentle daily cleansing of mixed, oily, acne-prone skin. It is also indicated in the presence of seborrheic dermatitis.HOW TO USE:Apply twice a day on damp skin until a foam is created. Massage and rinse thoroughly. It can also be used as a shaving gel.Formats: 150 ml bottleMain ingredients: Biolseb, distilled Chamomile and Linden water, distilled Mint water, natural surfactants from apple

GBP 2.69

Nutriage Eye Balm Balsamo Contorno Occhi Riparatore con Burro di Karitè e Acido Jaluronico da 15ml per Pelle Matura, Cosmetici Magistrali

Nutriage Eye Balm Balsamo Contorno Occhi Riparatore con Burro di Karitè e Acido Jaluronico da 15ml per Pelle Matura, Cosmetici Magistrali

Balsamo Riparatore Contorno Occhi.Nutriage Eye Balm è un trattamento nutriente antiage multi-performance per il contorno occhi, formulato con l’esclusiva tecnologia Melatosphere®, Melatonina incapsulata in “Oleosphere”, preziosi oli vegetali dermoaffini (Avocado, Opuntia e Rosa Mosqueta), in grado di contrastare i danni ossidativi e di ripristinare la barriera cutanea. Formulazione arricchita con Tetrapeptide, Burro di Karité, Acido Jaluronico ed estratti di corteccia di Frassino, con azione nutriente, decongestionante e lenitiva.ProprietàRestituisce alla pelle morbidezza ed elasticità. Il contorno occhi risulta rivitalizzato, luminoso, come rimpolpato.INDICAZIONI:Nutriage Eye Balm è specificatamente formulato per il contorno occhi maturo segnato da rugosità, borse e occhiaie.Modo d’usoApplicare una piccola quantità mattina e/o sera, nella zona del contorno occhi detersa, massaggiando delicatamente dall’interno verso l’esterno fino ad ottenere una distribuzione omogenea.Formati: Vaso 15 mlIngredienti principali: Melatosphere® (Melatonina incapsulata in “Oleosphere”, preziosi oli vegetali dermoaffini -Avocado, Opuntia e Rosa Mosqueta-), Tetrapeptide, Burro di Karité, Acido Jaluronico, estratti di corteccia di Frassino.         Eye Contour Repair Balm.Nutriage Eye Balm is a multi-performance nourishing anti-aging treatment for the eye area, formulated with the exclusive Melatosphere® technology, Melatonin encapsulated in "Oleosphere", precious dermo-affine vegetable oils (Avocado, Opuntia and Rosa Mosqueta), able to counteract oxidative damage and restore the skin barrier. Formulation enriched with Tetrapeptide, Shea Butter, Hyaluronic Acid and extracts of Ash bark, with nourishing, decongestant and soothing action.PropertyRestores softness and elasticity to the skin. The eye area is revitalized, bright, as plumped up.INDICATIONS:Nutriage Eye Balm is specifically formulated for the mature eye area marked by roughness, bags and dark circles.How to useApply a small amount morning and / or evening, in the cleansed area of ​​the eye area, massaging gently from the inside to the outside until a homogeneous distribution is obtained.Formats: Jar 15 mlMain ingredients: Melatosphere® (Melatonin encapsulated in "Oleosphere", precious dermo-related vegetable oils -Avocado, Opuntia and Rosa Mosqueta-), Tetrapeptide, Karité Butter, Hyaluronic Acid, Ash bark extracts.

GBP 25.64

Nutriage Oleoserum Siero Viso Riparatore con Olio di Avocado, Opuntia e Crusca di Riso da 30ml per Pelle Matura e Secca, Cosmetici Magistrali

Nutriage Oleoserum Siero Viso Riparatore con Olio di Avocado, Opuntia e Crusca di Riso da 30ml per Pelle Matura e Secca, Cosmetici Magistrali

Nutriage Oleoserum è un olio secco e setoso, concentrato di Melatosphere®, esclusivo complesso a base di Melatonina in “Oleosphere”, microparticelle di preziosi oli naturali (Avocado, Opuntia e Rosa mosqueta) in grado di inglobare e veicolare questo potente antiossidante per contrastare i danni da radicali liberi e favorire l’equilibrio della barriera cutanea.ProprietàNutre e aiuta a riparare la pelle, propagando una sensazione unica di comfort assoluto e permettendo un massaggio che stimola la pelle devitalizzata, che risulta più morbida e luminosa.INDICAZIONI:Nutriage Oleoserum è ideale per nutrire la pelle matura, secca e fragile e potenziare gli effetti degli altri trattamenti della linea Nutriage.MODO D'USO :Massaggiare qualche goccia di Nutriage Oleoserum sul viso deterso prima del trattamento abituale.Per un trattamento notturno ultra-nutriente intensivo, aggiungerne qualche goccia in una nocciola di Nutriage Cream, miscelandola nel palmo della mano e applicare sul viso in uno strato visibile, lasciando agire tutta la notte.AVVERTENZE: uso esterno. Evitare il contatto con gli occhi. Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini.Formati: Flacone 30 mlIngredienti principali:Melatosphere® (Melatonina incapsulata in “Oleosphere”, preziosi oli vegetali dermoaffini -Avocado, Opuntia e Rosa Mosqueta).Olio di Crusca di Riso. Nutriage Oleoserum is a dry and silky oil, concentrated Melatosphere®, an exclusive complex based on Melatonin in "Oleosphere", microparticles of precious natural oils (Avocado, Opuntia and Rosa mosqueta) capable of incorporating and conveying this powerful antioxidant to counteract damage from free radicals and promote the balance of the skin barrier.PropertyIt nourishes and helps to repair the skin, spreading a unique sensation of absolute comfort and allowing a massage that stimulates devitalized skin, which is softer and more luminous.INDICATIONS:Nutriage Oleoserum is ideal for nourishing mature, dry and fragile skin and enhancing the effects of other Nutriage line treatments.HOW TO USE:Massage a few drops of Nutriage Oleoserum on the cleansed face before the usual treatment.For an intensive ultra-nourishing night treatment, add a few drops in a nut of Nutriage Cream, mixing it in the palm of the hand and apply it on the face in a visible layer, leaving it to act all night.WARNINGS: external use. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children.Formats: 30 ml bottleMain ingredients:Melatosphere® (Melatonin encapsulated in "Oleosphere", precious dermo-related vegetable oils - Avocado, Opuntia and Rosa Mosqueta).Rice Bran Oil.

GBP 35.09

Kamilla Lozione Viso e Occhi Detergente Delicata con Acqua Distillata di Camomilla da 200ml per Tutti i Tipi di Pelle, Cosmetici Magistrali

Kamilla Lozione Viso e Occhi Detergente Delicata con Acqua Distillata di Camomilla da 200ml per Tutti i Tipi di Pelle, Cosmetici Magistrali

Lozione detergente viso-occhi.Lozione Detergente delicata per la detersione del viso e occhi, senza risciacquo, formulata allo stesso pH e concentrazione salina del liquido lacrimale (pH isolacrimale), indicata per tutti i tipi di pelle. Senza aggiunta di profumazioni, Kamilla coniuga l’azione lenitiva e calmante dell’Acqua distillata di Camomilla, con l’azione rinfrescante e distensiva dell’Acqua distillata di Tiglio. Può essere utilizzata come impacco su occhi stanchi, gonfi ed arrossati.Rimuove delicatamente il trucco e le impurità senza irritare ed è particolarmente adatta per pelli sensibili.ProprietàKamilla è in grado di pulire e struccare a fondo la pelle del viso e della zona perioculare. Indicata per tutti i tipi di pelle, anche sensibile.Modo d’usoUtilizzare con un batuffolo di cotone. Non occorre risciacquare il viso dopo l’utilizzo.Formati : Flacone 200 ml Ingredienti principali: Acqua distillata di Camomilla, Acqua distillata di Tiglio         Face-eye cleansing lotion.Gentle cleansing lotion for face and eyes cleansing, without rinsing, formulated at the same pH and saline concentration as the tear fluid (isolacrimal pH), suitable for all skin types. Without adding fragrances, Kamilla combines the soothing and calming action of distilled Chamomile Water with the refreshing and relaxing action of distilled Linden Water. It can be used as a compress on tired, swollen and red eyes.Gently removes make-up and impurities without irritating and is particularly suitable for sensitive skin.PropertyKamilla is able to thoroughly clean and remove make-up on the skin of the face and the eye area. Suitable for all skin types, even sensitive.How to useUse with a cotton ball. There is no need to rinse your face after use.Formats: 200 ml bottleMain ingredients: distilled Chamomile water, distilled Linden water

GBP 9.10

Jaluronius 2% Idrogel Viso Super Idratante con il 2% di Acido Jaluronico da 30ml per Pelle Matura, Cosmetici Magistrali

Dermobalance Integratore Alimentare per la Pelle con Vitamina E, Vitamina C e Coenzima Q10 da 20Capsule, Cosmetici Magistrali

Dermobalance Integratore Alimentare per la Pelle con Vitamina E, Vitamina C e Coenzima Q10 da 20Capsule, Cosmetici Magistrali

Integratore alimentare e a base di acido gamma linolenico (GLA) associato ad alfa-GPC, Vitamina E, Vitamina C, Betacarotene, Coenzima Q10 e Vitis vinifera. Gli integratori non vanno intesi come sostituti di una dieta variata e di uno stile di vita sano ed equilibrato.ProprietàProdotto a base di acido gamma-linolenico (GLA) associato ad alfa-GPC, Vitamina E, Vitamina C, Betacarotene, Coenzima Q10 e Vitis vinifera. L’olio di semi di borragine conferisce integrità e funzionalità alle membrane cellulari e migliora trofismo e funzionalità della pelle. La Vitis vinifera e le Vitamine C ed E sono antiossidanti e contribuiscono alla protezione delle cellule dallo stress ossidativo.Gli integratori alimentari non vanno intesi come sostituti di una dieta variata ed equilibrata e uno stile di vita sano.Modo d’uso1-2 capsule al giorno, a stomaco pieno preferibilmente a pranzo.Formati: 20 capsule Ingredienti principali: Acido gamma-linolenico (GLA) associato ad alfa-GPC, Vitamina E, Vitamina C, Betacarotene, Coenzima Q10 e Vitis vinifera.         Food supplement and based on linolenic acid (GLA) associated with alpha-GPC, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Betacarotene, Coenzyme Q10 and Vitis vinifera. Supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied diet and a healthy and balanced lifestyle.PropertyGamma-linolenic acid (GLA) based product associated with alpha-GPC, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Betacarotene, Coenzyme Q10 and Vitis vinifera. Borage seed oil confers integrity and functionality to cell membranes and improves trophism and functionality of the skin. Vitis vinifera and Vitamins C and E are antioxidants and contribute to the protection of cells from oxidative stress.Food supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.How to use1-2 capsules per day, preferably at lunchtime on a full stomach.Formats: 20 capsulesMain ingredients: Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) associated with alpha-GPC, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Betacarotene, Coenzyme Q10 and Vitis vinifera.  

GBP 18.89

Dermomatrix Zinc-based Dietary Supplement, Magnesium, and Pineapple Extract from 20Capsule, Magistrate Cosmetics

Cosmetici Magistrali Dermolipid Crema anticellulite Medical Device

Cosmetici Magistrali Antix c 20 system face mask 5 sachets

Cosmetici Magistrali Antix c 20 system face mask 5 sachets

Facial mask containing vitamin C Complex enriched with hyaluronic acid with moisturizing properties, phytic acid with antioxidant and exfoliating properties, aloe vera with soothing and resveratrol properties extracted from the red grape with antioxidant and capillary-protective properties.Suitable for all skin types, thanks to vitamin C and antioxidant properties, exercises an action to combat free radicals and helps protect the skin from the damage caused by sun exposure. Its regular use can help prevent the effects of premature aging of the skin.Particularly suitable for leather stressed by smog and sun, aged photo and asphyxiated skin.PropertyAscorbic acid, complexed with B-cyclodestrine, is able to remain stable over time, protecting the skin towards oxidant agents that damage the DNA, activated by UV rays. C20 System Mask carries out antioxidant, elasticizing activities and helps to stimulate the synthesis of collagen, improving tone, elasticity and hydration of the face of the face. Ideal treatment for off leather, photoinverse, stressed by smog and sun.Way of use:Two masks per week for 2-3 months. Apply a thin layer on the facials of the face and/or neck. Leave to dry and act for 25-30 minutes, until the facial mask completely dry. Then remove the film starting from the neck and going up towards the forehead evenly. Gently remove any residues by rinsing with plenty of fresh water.Formats: 5 single -dose sachets 6 mlMain ingredients: Vitamin C - β -cyclodester complex, phytic acid. Aloe vera, hyaluronic acid vitamin E, Vitis Vinifera Extract, Bisabololo  

GBP 16.71

Dermolipid Oral Food Supplement for the Drainage of Liquids based on L-Methionine, Vitamin E, Green Tea from 30 Tablets, Magistral Cosmetics

Dermolipid Oral Food Supplement for the Drainage of Liquids based on L-Methionine, Vitamin E, Green Tea from 30 Tablets, Magistral Cosmetics

Food supplement based on L-Methionine, Glycerophosphocholine, Vitamin E, Green tea d.e., Allium Sativus d.e., Linseed oil (Linum Usatissimum).Property Vitamin E, Allium Sativus and green tea (Camelia sinensis) have an antioxidant action; in addition, green tea promotes the balance of body weight and the drainage of liquids.Linseed oil (Linum usitatissimum) modulates the absorption of nutrients and contributes to lipid metabolism.Food supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied diet and a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Do not take during pregnancy.Contains polyols: excessive consumption can have laxative effects. The yellow quinoline dye can negatively affect the activity and attention of children.GLUTEN FREE AND LACTOSE FREEHow to useTake one tablet a day to be swallowed whole with a little water.Formats: 30 tabletsMain ingredients: L-Methionine, Glycerophosphocholine, Vitamin E, Green tea d.e., Allium Sativus d.e., Linseed oil (Linum Usatissimum).           Food supplement based on L-Methionine, Glycerophosphocoline, Vitamin E, Green tea dry extract, Allium Sativus dry extract, Linseed oil (Linum Usatissimum).PropertyVitamin E, Allium Sativus and green tea (Camelia sinensis) have an antioxidant action; in addition, green tea promotes the balance of body weight and the drainage of liquids.Linseed oil (Linum usitatissimum) modulates the absorption of nutrients and contributes to lipid metabolism.Food supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied diet and a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Do not take in pregnancy.Contains polyols: excessive consumption can have laxative effects. The yellow quinoline dye can adversely affect children's activity and attention.GLUTEN FREE AND LACTOSE FREEHow to useTake one tablet per day to swallow whole with a little water.Formats: 30 tabletsMain ingredients: L-Methionine, Glycerophosphocoline, Vitamin E, Green tea dry extract, Allium Sativus dry extract, Linseed oil (Linum Usatissimum).

GBP 24.29

Primæcure Scrub Face Detergent Seborate with Salicylic acid from 50ml for All Skin Types, Cosmetic Cosmetics

Primæcure Scrub Face Detergent Seborate with Salicylic acid from 50ml for All Skin Types, Cosmetic Cosmetics

It is a scrub cleanser, exfoliating, dermopurifying and secretive seam, which eliminates impurities, exfoliates gently and protects the hydrolipid balance of the skin. It effectively removes the impure residues and frees the pores thanks to the mechanical action of bamboo micro-beads and apricot shells that perform a delicate and effective massage, and to the properties of salicylic acid of natural origin, carries out effective removal of the surface layer of dead cells, without secluding the skin and without compromising the integrity of the skin of the face.This transparent gel from the pleasant and fresh texture is ideal for polished and grated skins with black dots and dilated pores, but also for the periodic deep cleansing of the normal skins of the face.PropertiesThanks to the exclusive BiolSeb complex, it reduces and normalizes the production of sebo while abstract naturally occurring substances contribute to minimizing the size of the pore, active from antiseptic properties prevents the formation of over-infections, carrying out a lenitive activity. Indicated for mixed and impure or acnesian skin ; glossy skin or impacted by excessive production of sebo ; skin with black dots and dilated pores. Also ideal for normal skin and all types of skin once a week for a deep cleansing.WAY OF USE :Use two / three times per week or according to need before the moisturizing and normalizing treatment. Massage on the face with tepid water gently avoiding the eye contour. Remove with tepid water.Formats : Tubo 50 mlMain ingredients : A base of sebonormalignant natural substances (Biolseb) and astringent. Salicylic acid, bamboo microbeads and apricot shells           It is a rinsing, exfoliating, dermo-purifying and sebum ous cleansing scrub, which eliminates impurities, gently exfoliates and thickets of the skin's hydrolipidic balance. Gorgeous removes impure residues and frees pores moisture to the mechanical action of bamboo micro-pearls and apricot shells that perform a gentle and effective massage, and to the properties of salicylic acid of natural origin, it says an effective removal of the layer surface of dead cells, without drying the skin and without compromising the integrity of the skin of the face.This transparent gel with a pleasant and fresh texture is ideal for shiny and oily skin with blackheads and gorgeous pores, but also for the periodic deep cleansing of normal facial skin.PropertyAimed to the exclusive BiolSeb complex, it says and normalizes the production of sebum while astringent substances of natural origin to minimizing the pore size, active with antiseptic properties they prevent the formation of over-infections, carrying out a soothing activity. Suitable for mixed and impure or acne-prone skins ; skin shiny or affected by excessive sebum production ; skin with blackheads and moisture pores. Also ideal for normal skin and for all skin types once a week for deep cleansing.HOW TO USE :Use two / three times a week or as needed before the moisturizing and normalizing treatment. Massage on the face with warm water gently equipped the eye area. Remove with warm water.Formats : 50 ml tubeMain ingredients : Based on natural sebum-normalizing (Biolseb) and astringent substances. Salicylic acid, bamboo microbeads and apricot shells

GBP 14.50