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Tech-Air® 10 este cel mai recent airbag autonom inovator care se alătură familiei Tech-Air® Alpinestars, care include sistemele electronice de tip airbag Tech-Air® Race, Tech-Air® Street și Tech-Air® 5. Derivat din tehnologia airbag-ului Alpinestars adoptată de motocicliștii din MotoGP, Tech-Air® 10 este un sistem de airbag slim, autonom, care oferă protecție corporală de neegalat pilotilor de curse, pilotilor la track day și riderilor de asfalt, acoperind umerii, clavicula, pieptul, spatele complet pana la coccis cat si șoldurile pilotului.    Tech-Air® 10 poate fi purtat sub orice costume de piele Alpinestars Tech-Air® Ready sau Tech-Air® Compatibile sau orice costum de piele de la terți, cu 4 cm de spațiu în jurul circumferinței pieptului și 2 cm de spațiu în jur. circumferința șoldurilor. Spațiul suplimentar pentru piept și șolduri este necesar pentru a putea acomoda umflarea airbag-ului, în cazul unui accident.   • Un afișaj LED fără fir de la distanță indică starea de funcționare a airbag-ului. • Bateria integrată, certificată, litiu-ion are o autonomie de 24 de ore. • Dezvoltata în urma a multi ani de cercetare cu cei mai buni piloti MotoGP din lume și clienții Alpinestars, datele de la milioane de kilometri și mii de accidente au fost analizate pentru a îmbunătăți continuu algoritmul inteligent de detectare a accidentelor. • Sistemul Tech-Air® 10 este extrem de ușor de utilizat; trebuie doar să închideți fermoarul în față și să închideți centura pentru a activa sistemul Airbag și sunteți gata de drum. Centura internă activează automat sistemul odată ce este fixată și asigurată. • În modul Race, sistemul Tech-Air® 10 este activ numai atunci când rulați peste aproximativ 60 km/h (37 mph) timp de cel puțin 10 secunde. Înainte de această activare sau când viteza pilotului scade constant sub această viteză timp de cel puțin 10 secunde, sistemul se dezactivează. Acesta este comportamentul standard al Sistemului Airbag Tech-Air® 10 în modul Race, deoarece este normal să existe situații de oprire și plecare rapidă în care pilotul nu dorește să dezactiveze airbag-ul. În astfel de condiții, este mai sigur ca airbag-ul să fie dezactivat automat de către sistem pentru a evita declanșările nedorite ale airbag-ului. • Afișajul LED fără fir de la distanță poate fi mutat pe brațul pilotului pentru a verifica cu ușurință starea sistemului. Afișajul LED poate fi atașat și la motocicleta, în funcție de preferințele pilotului. • Sistemul Tech-Air® 10 necesită aproximativ 4 ore pentru a reîncărca o baterie descărcată cu încărcătorul USB furnizat. O baterie complet încărcată va asigura aproximativ 24 de ore de utilizare. Dacă este disponibil un timp limitat, încărcarea bateriei timp de aproximativ 1 oră va asigura aproximativ 6 ore de utilizare. • Airbag-ul în sine este respirabil, proiectat cu canale de aer și o zonă din spate perforată care asigură fluxul de aer pentru a îmbunătăți confortul pilotului. • Sistemul Tech-Air® 10 poate fi atașat rapid de stratul de bază al sistemului Tech-Air® 10 de la Alpinestars prin intermediul fermoarelor laterale ușor de utilizat; acest lucru permite pilotilor să înlocuiască stratul de bază între sesiunile de riding, dacă doresc. • Stratul de bază Tech-Air® 10 System este lavabil manual. • Greutatea totală a Tech-Air® 10 (sistem și strat de bază) este de 2,390 g pentru o mărime medie. • Tech-Air® 10 este proiectat pentru utilizarea pe pistă și pe asfalt și poate fi utilizat atât in modul RACE, cât și in modul  STREET, care au algoritmi specifici de detectare a accidentelor AI. Modul RACE Riding trebuie utilizat numai pentru mersul pe piste de curse închise și nu trebuie utilizat pentru alte tipuri de călătorii. • Conexiunea Bluetooth la o aplicație Tech-Air® oferă pilotilor informatii precum starea de funcționare a sistemului Airbag, starea bateriei și date despre călătoria MyRide. • Prin intermediul aplicației Tech-Air®, utilizatorii pot actualiza firmware-ul sistemului atunci când este lansat un nou algoritm de detectare a accidentelor.

RON 3466.00



Alpinestars GP Plus V4 1-Piece Motorcycle Leather Suit The Tech-Air® prepared, GP Plus v4 leather suit is a complete revolution of the existing v3 model with a completely redesigned construction that incorporates a blend of Flex Plus racing cowhide, Alpinestars Composite Stretch Plus material, Matryx®, HRSF and GP DFS grinders. The GP Plus v4 is the perfect choice for sport and racing riders looking for an upper mid-range leather suit with the latest material innovations. The GP Plus v4 features the new Flex Plus race leather, specially tanned and finished in Italy. The ultra-flexible Flex Plus race cowhide is highly conformable to the body and supports a 6% conformability, which is 80% more than regular cowhide. The Flex Plus leather with its high adaptability ensures that the GP Plus v4 leather suit offers unparalleled comfort, feel, freedom of movement and a precise fit. In addition, the Flex Plus racing leather meets Alpinestars' Professional Racing Standard for abrasion and tear resistance while being 10% lighter than regular cowhide. Features: The GP Plus v4 also incorporates Alpinestars Composite Stretch Plus, A-CS® Plus, material on the lateral torso and shoulder blades of the leather suit that provides lighter weight and increased flexibility and freedom of movement. With A-CS® Plus, stretch is increased by 20% and tear resistance is increased by 300% compared to leather Breathability with a lighter weight and lower profile than a pleated leather shell The GP Plus v4 also features strategically placed, lightweight and breathable Matryx® material inserts on the torso of the suit for optimal ventilation, especially when the suit is worn with Tech-Air® airbag systems such as the Tech-Air® 10 or Tech-Air® 5 Other features of the GP Plus v4 include HRSF stretch inserts in the crotch, back of the legs, inside arms and chest area. Flex Plus racing leather perforations are located throughout the upper chest area, abdomen and thighs. GP DFS shoulder, elbow and knee sliders and a Bioflex hip armor. The leather suit features soft, stretchy wrist and ankle cuffs and a removable comfort lining with Polygiene® biostatic treatment to keep it feeling and smelling fresh. For the ultimate in rider protection, the GP Plus v4 is also fully Tech-Air® prepared for use with Tech-Air® 5 or Tech-Air® 10 airbag systems and features a convenient forearm pocket for the Tech-Air® 10 control. Specifications: Level 1 EN 1621-1:2012 Alpinestars Nucleon Flex shoulder protectors. Level 1 EN 1621-1:2012 GP-R elbow, forearm, knee and shin protectors. Level 1 EN 1621-1:2012 Bioflex hip protectors. EN 17092-2:2020 - AAA Class

RON 4687.00



Alpinestars GP Plus V4 1-Piece Motorcycle Leather Suit The Tech-Air® prepared, GP Plus v4 leather suit is a complete revolution of the existing v3 model with a completely redesigned construction that incorporates a blend of Flex Plus racing cowhide, Alpinestars Composite Stretch Plus material, Matryx®, HRSF and GP DFS grinders. The GP Plus v4 is the perfect choice for sport and racing riders looking for an upper mid-range leather suit with the latest material innovations. The GP Plus v4 features the new Flex Plus race leather, specially tanned and finished in Italy. The ultra-flexible Flex Plus race cowhide is highly conformable to the body and supports a 6% conformability, which is 80% more than regular cowhide. The Flex Plus leather with its high adaptability ensures that the GP Plus v4 leather suit offers unparalleled comfort, feel, freedom of movement and a precise fit. In addition, the Flex Plus racing leather meets Alpinestars' Professional Racing Standard for abrasion and tear resistance while being 10% lighter than regular cowhide. Features: The GP Plus v4 also incorporates Alpinestars Composite Stretch Plus, A-CS® Plus, material on the lateral torso and shoulder blades of the leather suit that provides lighter weight and increased flexibility and freedom of movement. With A-CS® Plus, stretch is increased by 20% and tear resistance is increased by 300% compared to leather Breathability with a lighter weight and lower profile than a pleated leather shell The GP Plus v4 also features strategically placed, lightweight and breathable Matryx® material inserts on the torso of the suit for optimal ventilation, especially when the suit is worn with Tech-Air® airbag systems such as the Tech-Air® 10 or Tech-Air® 5 Other features of the GP Plus v4 include HRSF stretch inserts in the crotch, back of the legs, inside arms and chest area. Flex Plus racing leather perforations are located throughout the upper chest area, abdomen and thighs. GP DFS shoulder, elbow and knee sliders and a Bioflex hip armor. The leather suit features soft, stretchy wrist and ankle cuffs and a removable comfort lining with Polygiene® biostatic treatment to keep it feeling and smelling fresh. For the ultimate in rider protection, the GP Plus v4 is also fully Tech-Air® prepared for use with Tech-Air® 5 or Tech-Air® 10 airbag systems and features a convenient forearm pocket for the Tech-Air® 10 control. Specifications: Level 1 EN 1621-1:2012 Alpinestars Nucleon Flex shoulder protectors. Level 1 EN 1621-1:2012 GP-R elbow, forearm, knee and shin protectors. Level 1 EN 1621-1:2012 Bioflex hip protectors. EN 17092-2:2020 - AAA Class

RON 4687.00

ALPINESTARS GP PLUS V4 Negru/Rosu/Albastru

ALPINESTARS GP PLUS V4 Negru/Rosu/Albastru

Alpinestars GP Plus V4 1-Piece Motorcycle Leather Suit The Tech-Air® prepared, GP Plus v4 leather suit is a complete revolution of the existing v3 model with a completely redesigned construction that incorporates a blend of Flex Plus racing cowhide, Alpinestars Composite Stretch Plus material, Matryx®, HRSF and GP DFS grinders. The GP Plus v4 is the perfect choice for sport and racing riders looking for an upper mid-range leather suit with the latest material innovations. The GP Plus v4 features the new Flex Plus race leather, specially tanned and finished in Italy. The ultra-flexible Flex Plus race cowhide is highly conformable to the body and supports a 6% conformability, which is 80% more than regular cowhide. The Flex Plus leather with its high adaptability ensures that the GP Plus v4 leather suit offers unparalleled comfort, feel, freedom of movement and a precise fit. In addition, the Flex Plus racing leather meets Alpinestars' Professional Racing Standard for abrasion and tear resistance while being 10% lighter than regular cowhide. Features: The GP Plus v4 also incorporates Alpinestars Composite Stretch Plus, A-CS® Plus, material on the lateral torso and shoulder blades of the leather suit that provides lighter weight and increased flexibility and freedom of movement. With A-CS® Plus, stretch is increased by 20% and tear resistance is increased by 300% compared to leather Breathability with a lighter weight and lower profile than a pleated leather shell The GP Plus v4 also features strategically placed, lightweight and breathable Matryx® material inserts on the torso of the suit for optimal ventilation, especially when the suit is worn with Tech-Air® airbag systems such as the Tech-Air® 10 or Tech-Air® 5 Other features of the GP Plus v4 include HRSF stretch inserts in the crotch, back of the legs, inside arms and chest area. Flex Plus racing leather perforations are located throughout the upper chest area, abdomen and thighs. GP DFS shoulder, elbow and knee sliders and a Bioflex hip armor. The leather suit features soft, stretchy wrist and ankle cuffs and a removable comfort lining with Polygiene® biostatic treatment to keep it feeling and smelling fresh. For the ultimate in rider protection, the GP Plus v4 is also fully Tech-Air® prepared for use with Tech-Air® 5 or Tech-Air® 10 airbag systems and features a convenient forearm pocket for the Tech-Air® 10 control. Specifications: Level 1 EN 1621-1:2012 Alpinestars Nucleon Flex shoulder protectors. Level 1 EN 1621-1:2012 GP-R elbow, forearm, knee and shin protectors. Level 1 EN 1621-1:2012 Bioflex hip protectors. EN 17092-2:2020 - AAA Class

RON 6092.00

Alpinestars Missile V2 Tech Air Ready Negru/Alb/Rosu

Alpinestars Missile V2 Tech Air Ready Negru/Alb/Rosu

Combinezon de piele 1 piesa Alpinestars Missile V2 Tech Air Ready   Combinezonul de piele dintr-o piesa Missile V2 ofera o rezistenta optima la abraziune, oferind in acelasi timp cel mai inalt nivel de protectie in curse. Acesta este pregatit pentru sistemul Airbag Tech-Air® si poate gazdui chiar si Tech-Air®10, cu protectia extinsa pentru solduri.   Caracteristici: -Cu o croiala special conceputa pentru a oferi cel mai inalt nivel de protectie pe circuit, acest combinezon este pregatit pentru sistemul Airbag Tech-Air®, putand sa gazduiasca sistemul Tech-Air®10 sau Tech-Air®5. -Protectia DSF pentru umeri, coate si genunchi asigura o rezistenta optima impotriva impactului si a abraziunii, oferind in acelasi timp un control foarte bun al alunecarii. -Insertii elastice din poliamida HRSF pentru rezistenta optima la abraziune ce asigura in acelasi timp o libertate optima de miscare. -Race fit-forma corpului, a bratelor si a genunchilor sunt precurbate pentru a oferi o pozitie optima pe motor. -Piele de bovina premium cu straturi duble in zona sezutului pentru o rezistenta sporita la abraziune. -Protectia DSF asigura rezistenta optima la impact si la abraziune, oferind un control exceptional la alunecare. -Protectia interna Race Spec GP-R conceputa astfel incat sa fie moale, acoperind o zona extina pentru o protectie suplimentara in zonele cheie. -Protectie Bio-Flex Race pentru solduri ce ofera rezistenta optima la impacturi. -Sistemul de conectare cu clichet permite integrarea protectiei pentru spate Nucleon Race. -Compartimentele din zona pieptului pot gazdui protectiile pentru piept Nucleon. -Captuseala pentru confort cu fermoar, detasabila, tratata cu Polygiene Biostatic™ Stays Fresh, pentru un plus de prospetime. -Material: 43% piele de bovina, 36% piele de bivol, 21% poliamida.      

RON 3703.00



Tech-Air® Off-Road is a FIM homologated Airbag System designed specifically to handle the rigors of Rally riding and provide unrivalled upper body protection. Developed and tested since 2017, in the most grueling conditions of the Dakar Rally, the world’s toughest off-road race, the Tech-Air® Off-Road System offers the most advanced active airbag technology for off-road riding. The Tech-Air® Off-Road System, with the active airbag inflated, delivers CE Level 1 full Chest and full Back protection, plus coverage to the shoulders, neck, and collarbones in the event of a crash. The System is integrated with an Alpinestars Off-Road Protection Jacket that is equipped with a Level 1 passive full back and limb protection, integrated protection on the arms and a CE Level 2 passive full chest protector to offering riders enhanced roost protection against rocks, debris, and other obstacles they may come into contact with on the trail. Built tough enough to tackle any terrain, the System comes pre-loaded with three Riding Modes; ENDURO, RALLY, and STREET, making it the perfect choice for every type of off-road and street riding.   TECH-AIR® OFF-ROAD RIDING MODES: ENDURO, RALLY, AND STREET   The Tech-Air® Off-Road System provides protection in ENDURO, RALLY, and STREET Modes including crashes against obstacles and loss of control falls (commonlyreferred to as ‘low-side’ and ‘high-side’ type falls). • ENDURO Mode is optimized for low and medium speed trails where the User rides on unpaved surfaces like gravel, riverbeds, mud, and other natural terrain. Typically, these riding scenarios include several changes in riding directions, tackling obstacles and hills at lower speeds. • RALLY Mode is optimized for fast off-road action on any type of terrain and recommended for riding characterized by longer straight sections with multiple bumps and different types of terrain crossed at higher speeds, unlikely encountered in typical Enduro competitions. Typical environments where these riding scenarios occur are mainly characterized by desert terrain (with dunes and sandy ground), gravel and open countryside settings. • STREET Mode is optimized for asphalt roads including situations in which the rider’s motorcycle is hit by another vehicle while stopped.   The world’s first dedicated off-road Airbag System, Tech-Air® Off-Road comes with 3 Riding Modes; ENDURO, RALLY, AND STREET. • Riding Modes are easy to navigate while on the move via the LED Display located on the front of the System, or via the Tech-Air® App. • The Tech-Air® OFF-ROAD System features dual charge capability which means that with two full gas inflators, the System provides two separate airbag deployments, since only one gas inflator will deploy to inflate the entire Airbag System during a crash scenario. • Quick release cover opening allows for rapid gas inflator replacement by user, only available in countries where gas inflator replacement by individuals is permitted by local regulations. • A fully self-contained, standalone system; 3 accelerometers (1 triaxial accelerometer) and 3 gyroscopes (1 triaxial gyroscope) are integrated in the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) to provide the best crash monitoring performance and active airbag protection in a variety of dynamic off-road riding scenarios. No external sensors are required for the system to operate. • The Tech-Air® OFF-ROAD System uses an integrated, certified lithium-ion battery, with a fully charged battery life of 30 hours and a recharge time of approximately 4 hours; charging the battery for approximately 1 hour will provide approximately 8 hours of riding time use. • The LED Display features an integrated charging port for convenient and easy charging of the System; simply plug in the USB-C cable into the Recharge Port on the System’s LED Display and connect it to a power source. • Ease of use; to turn on the Tech-Air® Off-Road System, simply zip up the System and it will automatically turn on and activate the Airbag System. To deactivate the airbag, unzip the System and it will automatically turn off. • A dedicated Shipping Mode slide switch is located on the ECU, which when turned on effectively puts the the System into sleep mode. Only accessible once the Electronic Case on the back protector is removed, the Shipping Mode switch allows the battery to be disconnected from the System during transportation or when the System will not be in use for a prolonged period of time. The System is sold with the Shipping Mode turned on, make sure to turn the Shipping Mode off when you open the box and use the Airbag System for the first time. • The Tech-Air® Off-Road System’s Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and airbag are completely removable so that the Protection Jacket can be washed separately.    FIM Cross Country Rally Regulations Homologated for race use. • Proven to be more than twice as protective as passive impact protectors. • Dual gas inflators deliver two airbag deployments for guaranteed protection. •

RON 3711.00

Airbag Alpinestars TECH-AIR RACE-e SYSTEM

Airbag Alpinestars TECH-AIR RACE-e SYSTEM

Vesta cu airbag Alpinestars Tech-Air Race-e Rezultatul a peste un deceniu de dezvoltare în MotoGP și urmând sistemul de airbag pentru curse de prima generație a Alpinestars și lansarea revoluționarului Tech-Air® Street, această ultimă versiune a tehnologiei Alpinestars Tech-Air® aduce o protecție completă a întregului corp superior pentru motocicliștii pasionati de circuit și performanță. Disponibil separat și compatibil cu o gamă de costume și geci de piele Alpinestars, Tech-Air® E-Race este complet autonom, ceea ce înseamnă că nu sunt necesare configurații între motocicletă și pilot, asigurând astfel ultima conveniență, libertate și versatilitate. Atunci când este complet umflat, airbagul sistemului oferă protecție critică pentru spate, partea din spate a rinichilor, piept și umeri. În plus, cu o actualizare simplă a firmware-ului sistemului versatil, sistemul E-Race poate fi configurat pentru a utiliza setările airbagului Tech-Air® E-Street pentru utilizare non-competițională pe șosea și în conditii de off-road.   Caracteristici: Sistemul de airbag cu profil ergonomic, cu potrivire performantă, oferă protecție completă pentru întregul corp superior. Este optimizat pentru utilizare cu costume și geci de piele de curse/performanta compatibile cu Alpinestars. Unitatea electronică de control a airbagului (ACU) este încorporată într-un protector de spate ergonomic din polimer, ușor și rezistent, optimizat pentru utilizare în curse și pe pistă. Senzorii electronici încorporați în șasiul sistemului fac ca acesta să fie complet autonom și permit purtarea sa în mod interschimbabil cu hainele compatibile. Carapacea principală avansată, din mai multe materiale, include elastan, plasă 2D și nailon. Interiorul este format din elastan perforat, plasă 3D și margini moi la atingere pentru un nivel ridicat de confort. Protectie special conceputa, dezvoltată pentru curse, oferind o protecție inflatabilă cuprinzătoare pentru întregul corp superior, spate, umeri, partea din spate a zonei rinichilor, piept și abdomenul superior. Include o plasă internă detașabilă și o curea elastică cu arici pentru a poziționa sistemul de airbag și pentru a asigura o potrivire personalizată și pentru a îmbunătăți reglarea. Sistemul de declanșare utilizează cartușe de inflare cu argon aprobate conform standardului ISO 14451. Firmware-ul sistemului este actualizabil și poate fi configurat pentru a utiliza setările airbagului Tech-Air® E-Street pentru utilizare non-competițională pe șosea și în conditii de off-road. ACU este protejat împotriva sigilării pentru a asigura performanța sa în orice condiții meteorologice între -10 ⁰C și +50 ⁰C. ACU a fost omologat conform directivei ECE R10 04, ceea ce asigură integritatea electromagnetică și stabilitatea unității. Sistemul utilizează o baterie litiu-ion integrată, cu o durată de viață a bateriei de 25 de ore și un timp de reîncărcare de aproximativ 6 ore. Încărcătorul Micro USB permite încărcarea convenabilă a sistemului, iar o oră de încărcare oferă patru ore de acoperire a călătoriei. Sistemul dispune de un sistem de conectare convenabil, permițând conectarea rapidă și ușoară la o combinație pentru activarea liniștitoare a airbagului și a afișajului LED. Sistemul dispune de capacitate de încărcare duală pentru mărimile M-2XL. Fermoarele frontale YKK codificate pe culori permit o atașare ușoară și sigură la o jachetă exterioară. Aprobare de categoria II conform Directivei PPE europene 686/89/EEC, utilizând o versiune a EN1621-4:2013, care garantează performanța protecției la impact între 45 de milisecunde și 5 secunde. Designul și fabricația sunt aprobate conform directivei pirotehnice 2007/23/CE.   Compatibilitate: Geci alpinestars pregătite pentru vesta cu airbag Alpinestars Tech-Air Race-e.  

RON 3529.00



Alpinestars Honda GP Pro V2 One Piece Motorcycle Leather Suit The premium full grain leather suit Honda GP Pro V2 is  optimized for Alpinestars innovative Tech-Air® Race airbag system and ensures excellent comfort. Features: 1.3mm genuine premium bovine leather Large accordion stretch panels help movement and comfort Stretch fabric panels on sleeves and crotch further improve fit and feel Strategically positioned accordion stretch panel inserts have been designed to accommodate Alpinestars airbag system, allowing expansion when the airbag inflates. Tech-Air® compatible: Tech-Air® is the world’s first completely electronic, self-contained, full independent upper body motorcycle airbag system (not included in the delivery) LED display on the sleeve indicates the airbag’s operational status Ergonomic back hump, sculpted for better airflow and performance Pre-curved sleeves and legs construction to reduce rider fatigue Localized perforations improve ventilation. Calf expansion gusset allow riders to tailor the fit Aramidic fiber reinforcement on critical areas: shoulder, elbow, lower back Integrated padding for increased levels of rider comfort. Chest compartments designed to accommodate the Alpinestars Nucleon chest pads (not included in the delivery) Reinforced knee features multi-layer construction for enhanced levels of protection. Removable mesh inner liner for convenience and breathability Waterproof inner wallet pocket for peace-of-mind storage Multiple snap button system to integrate the Level 2 CE-certified Alpinestars Nucleon Back protector (not included in the delivery) 3D textured fabric collar construction for rider comfort Specifications: prepared for Alpinestars Tech-Air® Airbag-System (not included in the delivery) Alpinestars GP-R protectors on the shoulder, elbow and knee external elbow slider DFS (Dynamic Friction Shield) external dual density TPU sliders on the shoulder and knee. removable sport knee slider EN 17092 – AAA class

RON 5458.00



Alpinestars new technical professional spec 1PC Racing Leather Suit, the GP Tech V4 Leather Suit uses feedback from Alpinestars rostrum of athletes to deliver race-grade technology in a suit optimized for performance, protection and comfort. Tech-Air® 10 ready, this suit offers superior freedom of movement and high level of ventilation through the development of innovative new materials: MATRYX® ultra abrasion resistant and highly breathable zones, Cool-iR Tech treatment for the prevention of heat build-up, and Kevlar® net bonding reinforcement for prevention of heat transfer. • Kangaroo leather, mainly in the high flex zone like arms and hips and abdomen, and race grade bovine leather construction for the optimum blend of weight saving, high performance and comfort. • Extended Kevlar® stretch paneling around chest, inner arms crotch and back leg for enhanced comfort and strength. • Advanced material construction; MATRYX® structural panels on the thigh, abdomen, chest and back hump provide parametric performance for ventilation and superior mechanical resistance to tearing and abrasion while also being extremely thin and lightweight, with Kevlar® reinforcement for prevention of heat transfer. • An engineered fit designed to deliver the highest level of active race protection, this suit is Tech-Air® ready and can accommodate the Tech-Air® 10 Airbag System with its extended hip protection. • According to European statutory law the CE mark is a conformity requirement for the marketing of this product. The following standards apply: Fully CE-certified riding garment to CE – Category II EN17092 standards – AAA class. Kevlar® is a trademark or registered trademark of affiliates of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. used under license by Alpinestars s.p.a. • MATRYX® lower leg covered with high performance PU; directly derived from MotoGP, this innovative lower leg construction delivers lighter weight, enhanced ventilation and superior freedom of movement. • The GP Tech v4 is equipped with a slot of the left forearm to accommodate the Tech-Air® 10 Airbag System’s wireless LED display. • Engineered Cool-iR Tech treatment for optimized body temperature control; this innovative racing treatment, embedded in the leather, is a technology that reflects the Infrared from the sun’s rays to prevent heat build-up, thus effectively regulating the temperature inside. • Race fit – highly pre-curved body, arms and knees for enhanced performance. • GP DFS armor delivers optimal resistance against impacts and abrasion and offers exceptional friction control. • Replaceable elbow sliders. • Internal Race spec GP-R Lite armor is soft for comfort and delivers extended coverage for additional protection in key zones. • Bio-Flex Race hip armor for optimal resistance against impacts. • Strategic perforations on arms and legs for optimized airflow. • New zippered detachable short leg comfort liner for convenience with Polygiene® treatment for long-lasting freshness. • This suit is 250 Grams (.55 Lbs) lighter than the V3 model.  

RON 6455.00



Alpinestars new technical professional spec 1PC Racing Leather Suit, the GP Tech V4 Leather Suit uses feedback from Alpinestars rostrum of athletes to deliver race-grade technology in a suit optimized for performance, protection and comfort. Tech-Air® 10 ready, this suit offers superior freedom of movement and high level of ventilation through the development of innovative new materials: MATRYX® ultra abrasion resistant and highly breathable zones, Cool-iR Tech treatment for the prevention of heat build-up, and Kevlar® net bonding reinforcement for prevention of heat transfer. • Kangaroo leather, mainly in the high flex zone like arms and hips and abdomen, and race grade bovine leather construction for the optimum blend of weight saving, high performance and comfort. • Extended Kevlar® stretch paneling around chest, inner arms crotch and back leg for enhanced comfort and strength. • Advanced material construction; MATRYX® structural panels on the thigh, abdomen, chest and back hump provide parametric performance for ventilation and superior mechanical resistance to tearing and abrasion while also being extremely thin and lightweight, with Kevlar® reinforcement for prevention of heat transfer. • An engineered fit designed to deliver the highest level of active race protection, this suit is Tech-Air® ready and can accommodate the Tech-Air® 10 Airbag System with its extended hip protection. • According to European statutory law the CE mark is a conformity requirement for the marketing of this product. The following standards apply: Fully CE-certified riding garment to CE – Category II EN17092 standards – AAA class. Kevlar® is a trademark or registered trademark of affiliates of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. used under license by Alpinestars s.p.a. • MATRYX® lower leg covered with high performance PU; directly derived from MotoGP, this innovative lower leg construction delivers lighter weight, enhanced ventilation and superior freedom of movement. • The GP Tech v4 is equipped with a slot of the left forearm to accommodate the Tech-Air® 10 Airbag System’s wireless LED display. • Engineered Cool-iR Tech treatment for optimized body temperature control; this innovative racing treatment, embedded in the leather, is a technology that reflects the Infrared from the sun’s rays to prevent heat build-up, thus effectively regulating the temperature inside. • Race fit – highly pre-curved body, arms and knees for enhanced performance. • GP DFS armor delivers optimal resistance against impacts and abrasion and offers exceptional friction control. • Replaceable elbow sliders. • Internal Race spec GP-R Lite armor is soft for comfort and delivers extended coverage for additional protection in key zones. • Bio-Flex Race hip armor for optimal resistance against impacts. • Strategic perforations on arms and legs for optimized airflow. • New zippered detachable short leg comfort liner for convenience with Polygiene® treatment for long-lasting freshness. • This suit is 250 Grams (.55 Lbs) lighter than the V3 model.  

RON 6455.00



Alpinestars Honda GP Force 1-Piece Motorcycle Leather Suit Designed to meet the exceptional demands of professional racers, the HondaGP Force Leather Suit offers race-proven technology for riders on the street and on the track. Designed with direct input from Alpinestars' MotoGP and World SBK champions to meet the exacting standards of professional riders, the Honda GP Force Leather Racing Suit offers premium impact protection and comprehensive abrasion resistance to ensure rider safety. Features: The Honda GP Force leather suit is Tech-Air® Ready and can be equipped with the Tech-Air® 10 or Tech-Air® 5 airbag system to fully protect the upper body. Strategically positioned accordion stretch panels are designed with the Tech-Air® airbag system in mind and allow for expansion when the airbag is inflated, but also provide a high level of anatomical performance and excellent fit when the system is not installed Bovine multi-panel construction for strength and comfort, as well as excellent abrasion and tear resistance GP protectors on the elbows, shoulders, knees and shins for effective impact protection and external grinders on the joints for unparalleled abrasion resistance Perforated leather panels are strategically positioned on the sides of the torso to provide excellent levels of cooling airflow and comfort GP aerodynamic back hump is ventilated for maximum air circulation GP SPORT removable and replaceable knee sliders provide superior durability and comfort DFS Lite EVO protectors on shoulders for added abrasion protection in key areas Stretch panels on the abdomen, under the arms, crotch and back of the leg for an optimal high-performance fit while riding Chest pad pocket to accommodate Alpinestars Nucleon chest protectors, available as an accessory upgrade GP R Lite race protectors for the limbs Inner suede knee reinforcement for more grip on the bike Calf expansion panel with stretch ribbing for a custom fit Polygiene® STAYS FRESH technology in the suit's removable mesh lining Specifications: EN 17092-3:2020 Standards - Class AA. Level 1 EN 1621-1:2012 GP shoulder and elbow protectors Level 2 EN 1621-1:2012 GP knee protectors Level 1 EN 1621-1:2012 Bioflex hip protectors Prepared for Nucleon chest protector (available as accessory)  

RON 3907.00

Alpinestars Gp FORCE LURV Negru




Alpinestars Missile V2 Ward perforated One Piece Motorcycle Leather Suit   Engineered and optimized for advanced trackday riders and racers, the Missile V2 Ward One Piece Leather Suit has a 1.3 mm ‘Race’ grade bovine leather construction with dual layers in the exposed areas for superior abrasion resistance and features a ‘Race’ fit with pre-curved arms, legs, and body.   Features: fully vented chest, vented thighs, and a vented panel on the biceps for maximum airflow and ventilation extensive ergonomic HRSF stretch material under the arms, on the inner arms, the inside of the thighs, the back of the lower legs, and the crotch area for an optimized fit multi-directional accordion paneling on shoulder blades, lower back, and knees for additional stretch and an optimized race fit built-in forearm armor dual density DFS shoulder and knee armor, and DFS R-R non replaceable elbow sliders for enhanced friction control and protection against impacts Tech-Air® 10 and Tech-Air® 5 ready large MotoGP inspired tab for a secure closure streamlined perforated speed hump for enhanced aerodynamic performance and enhanced ventilation triple stitching for superior strength expandable calves with zipper to accommodate all sizes zippered sleeves for a secure closure and a quick and easy on/off 3D textured comfort collar for superior rider comfort replaceable, removable, and washable liner for maximum rider comfort triple stitching for superior strength replaceable Sport Evo knee sliders   Specifications: GP-R shoulder and elbow protectors, level 1 GP-R knee protectors, level 1 Bioflex Race hip protectors, level 1 PPE protective apparel for motorcycle use - EN 17092-2:2020 Class AAA

RON 4030.00



Alpinestars Missile V2 Ward perforated One Piece Motorcycle Leather Suit   Engineered and optimized for advanced trackday riders and racers, the Missile V2 Ward One Piece Leather Suit has a 1.3 mm ‘Race’ grade bovine leather construction with dual layers in the exposed areas for superior abrasion resistance and features a ‘Race’ fit with pre-curved arms, legs, and body.   Features: fully vented chest, vented thighs, and a vented panel on the biceps for maximum airflow and ventilation extensive ergonomic HRSF stretch material under the arms, on the inner arms, the inside of the thighs, the back of the lower legs, and the crotch area for an optimized fit multi-directional accordion paneling on shoulder blades, lower back, and knees for additional stretch and an optimized race fit built-in forearm armor dual density DFS shoulder and knee armor, and DFS R-R non replaceable elbow sliders for enhanced friction control and protection against impacts Tech-Air® 10 and Tech-Air® 5 ready large MotoGP inspired tab for a secure closure streamlined perforated speed hump for enhanced aerodynamic performance and enhanced ventilation triple stitching for superior strength expandable calves with zipper to accommodate all sizes zippered sleeves for a secure closure and a quick and easy on/off 3D textured comfort collar for superior rider comfort replaceable, removable, and washable liner for maximum rider comfort triple stitching for superior strength replaceable Sport Evo knee sliders   Specifications: GP-R shoulder and elbow protectors, level 1 GP-R knee protectors, level 1 Bioflex Race hip protectors, level 1 PPE protective apparel for motorcycle use - EN 17092-2:2020 Class AAA

RON 4030.00

Alpinestars Missile V2 Negru/Negru

Alpinestars Missile V2 Negru/Negru

Alpinestars Missile V2 Two Piece Motorcycle Leather Suit The Missile v2 2pc racing leather suit delivers optimum abrasion resistance while also offering the highest level of active race protection; this suit is Tech-Air® ready and can accommodate the Tech-Air® 10 Airbag System, complete with its extended hip protection. Features: Featuring an engineered fit designed to deliver the highest level of active race protection, this suit is Tech-Air® ready and can accommodate the Tech-Air® 10 Airbag System with its extended hip protection or the Tech-Air® 5 Airbag System, complete with new race algorithm which is available as a download. DFS shoulder, elbow and knee armor delivers optimal resistance against impacts and abrasion, and offers exceptional friction control. HRSF polyamide stretch inserts for optimal abrasion resistance while ensuring enhanced freedom of movement. Race fit – highly pre-curved body, arms and knees for enhanced performance. Premium bovine leather with dual layers in seat area for superior abrasion resistance. DFS armor delivers optimal resistance against impacts and abrasion, and offers exceptional friction control. Internal Race spec GP-R armor is soft and delivers extended coverage for additional protection in key zones. Bio-Flex hip armor for optimal resistance against impacts. Polygiene BiostaticTM Stays Fresh Technology treatment on mesh comfort line for convenience. Snap connection system allows integration of Nucleon Race back protector. Back compartment can accommodate the Nucleon back inserts (available as an accessory upgrade). Chest compartments can accommodate the Nucleon chest inserts (available as an accessory upgrade).

RON 2517.00

Alpinestars Missile V2 Negru/Rosu fluo

Alpinestars Missile V2 Negru/Rosu fluo

Alpinestars Missile V2 Two Piece Motorcycle Leather Suit The Missile v2 2pc racing leather suit delivers optimum abrasion resistance while also offering the highest level of active race protection; this suit is Tech-Air® ready and can accommodate the Tech-Air® 10 Airbag System, complete with its extended hip protection. Features: Featuring an engineered fit designed to deliver the highest level of active race protection, this suit is Tech-Air® ready and can accommodate the Tech-Air® 10 Airbag System with its extended hip protection or the Tech-Air® 5 Airbag System, complete with new race algorithm which is available as a download. DFS shoulder, elbow and knee armor delivers optimal resistance against impacts and abrasion, and offers exceptional friction control. HRSF polyamide stretch inserts for optimal abrasion resistance while ensuring enhanced freedom of movement. Race fit – highly pre-curved body, arms and knees for enhanced performance. Premium bovine leather with dual layers in seat area for superior abrasion resistance. DFS armor delivers optimal resistance against impacts and abrasion, and offers exceptional friction control. Internal Race spec GP-R armor is soft and delivers extended coverage for additional protection in key zones. Bio-Flex hip armor for optimal resistance against impacts. Polygiene BiostaticTM Stays Fresh Technology treatment on mesh comfort line for convenience. Snap connection system allows integration of Nucleon Race back protector. Back compartment can accommodate the Nucleon back inserts (available as an accessory upgrade). Chest compartments can accommodate the Nucleon chest inserts (available as an accessory upgrade).

RON 2517.00

Alpinestars Missile V2 Negru/Alb

Alpinestars Missile V2 Negru/Alb

Alpinestars Missile V2 Two Piece Motorcycle Leather Suit The Missile v2 2pc racing leather suit delivers optimum abrasion resistance while also offering the highest level of active race protection; this suit is Tech-Air® ready and can accommodate the Tech-Air® 10 Airbag System, complete with its extended hip protection. Features: Featuring an engineered fit designed to deliver the highest level of active race protection, this suit is Tech-Air® ready and can accommodate the Tech-Air® 10 Airbag System with its extended hip protection or the Tech-Air® 5 Airbag System, complete with new race algorithm which is available as a download. DFS shoulder, elbow and knee armor delivers optimal resistance against impacts and abrasion, and offers exceptional friction control. HRSF polyamide stretch inserts for optimal abrasion resistance while ensuring enhanced freedom of movement. Race fit – highly pre-curved body, arms and knees for enhanced performance. Premium bovine leather with dual layers in seat area for superior abrasion resistance. DFS armor delivers optimal resistance against impacts and abrasion, and offers exceptional friction control. Internal Race spec GP-R armor is soft and delivers extended coverage for additional protection in key zones. Bio-Flex hip armor for optimal resistance against impacts. Polygiene BiostaticTM Stays Fresh Technology treatment on mesh comfort line for convenience. Snap connection system allows integration of Nucleon Race back protector. Back compartment can accommodate the Nucleon back inserts (available as an accessory upgrade). Chest compartments can accommodate the Nucleon chest inserts (available as an accessory upgrade).

RON 4139.00



Combinezon din piele pentru femei Alpinestars Stella Missile V2   Combinezon de piele sport  Stella Missile v2 2pc oferă o rezistență optimă la abraziune, oferind totodată cel mai înalt nivel de protecție activă la curse; acest costum este pregătit pentru Tech-Air® și poate găzdui Sistemul Airbag Tech-Air® 10, complet cu protecție extinsă pentru șold.   Caracteristici:   Dispunând de o potrivire proiectată pentru a oferi cel mai înalt nivel de protecție activă la curse, acest costum este pregătit pentru Tech-Air® și poate găzdui Sistemul Airbag Tech-Air® 10 cu protecție extinsă a șoldului sau Sistemul Airbag Tech-Air® 5, complet cu noul algoritm de cursă care este disponibil pentru descărcare. Armura DFS pentru umăr, cot și genunchi oferă rezistență optimă la impact și abraziune și oferă un control excepțional al frecării. Inserții elastice din poliamidă HRSF pentru rezistență optimă la abraziune, asigurând în același timp o libertate sporită de mișcare. Proiectat anatomic pentru o potrivire optimizată pentru femei. Potrivire în cursă – corp, brațe și genunchi  precurbate pentru performanță îmbunătățită. Piele bovină premium cu straturi duble în zona sezutului pentru rezistență superioară la abraziune. Armura DFS oferă rezistență optimă la impact și abraziune și oferă un control excepțional al frecării. Armura GP-R cu specificații interne Race este moale și oferă o acoperire extinsă pentru protecție suplimentară în zonele cheie. Armura de șold Bio-Flex pentru rezistență optimă la impact. Tratament Polygiene BiostaticTM Stays Fresh Technology pe linia de confort plasă pentru confort. Sistemul de conectare prin capsa permite integrarea protecției pentru spate Nucleon Race certificate CE (disponibilă accesoriu separat). Compartimentul din spate poate găzdui inserțiile din spate Nucleon (disponibile ca un upgrade). Compartimentele pentru piept pot găzdui inserțiile pentru piept Nucleon (disponibile ca un upgrade pentru accesorii)

RON 2517.00



Combinezon din piele pentru femei Alpinestars Stella Missile V2   Combinezon de piele sport  Stella Missile v2 2pc oferă o rezistență optimă la abraziune, oferind totodată cel mai înalt nivel de protecție activă la curse; acest costum este pregătit pentru Tech-Air® și poate găzdui Sistemul Airbag Tech-Air® 10, complet cu protecție extinsă pentru șold.   Caracteristici:   Dispunând de o potrivire proiectată pentru a oferi cel mai înalt nivel de protecție activă la curse, acest costum este pregătit pentru Tech-Air® și poate găzdui Sistemul Airbag Tech-Air® 10 cu protecție extinsă a șoldului sau Sistemul Airbag Tech-Air® 5, complet cu noul algoritm de cursă care este disponibil pentru descărcare. Armura DFS pentru umăr, cot și genunchi oferă rezistență optimă la impact și abraziune și oferă un control excepțional al frecării. Inserții elastice din poliamidă HRSF pentru rezistență optimă la abraziune, asigurând în același timp o libertate sporită de mișcare. Proiectat anatomic pentru o potrivire optimizată pentru femei. Potrivire în cursă – corp, brațe și genunchi  precurbate pentru performanță îmbunătățită. Piele bovină premium cu straturi duble în zona sezutului pentru rezistență superioară la abraziune. Armura DFS oferă rezistență optimă la impact și abraziune și oferă un control excepțional al frecării. Armura GP-R cu specificații interne Race este moale și oferă o acoperire extinsă pentru protecție suplimentară în zonele cheie. Armura de șold Bio-Flex pentru rezistență optimă la impact. Tratament Polygiene BiostaticTM Stays Fresh Technology pe linia de confort plasă pentru confort. Sistemul de conectare prin capsa permite integrarea protecției pentru spate Nucleon Race certificate CE (disponibilă accesoriu separat). Compartimentul din spate poate găzdui inserțiile din spate Nucleon (disponibile ca un upgrade). Compartimentele pentru piept pot găzdui inserțiile pentru piept Nucleon (disponibile ca un upgrade pentru accesorii)

RON 3319.00



The sporty Stella GP Plus women's leather suit has a special women's design with a focus on fit, comfort and freedom of movement. It has been optimized for a woman-specific fit. The Tech-Air® 10 compatible leather suit features a higher waist and leather stretch that naturally follows the curves of the female body for superior comfort and a tailored fit.   Details:   WOMEN'S SPECIFIC FIT: The higher waist and women's specific hip, chest, and stomach pattern create a form-fitting, snug fit without sacrificing comfort. Innovative directional leather stretch lines allow the leather suit to naturally conform to the body's lines, increasing comfort and promoting freedom of movement. This suit is Tech-Air® ready and can be fitted with the Tech-Air® 10 Airbag System with enhanced hip protection or the Tech-Air®5 Airbag System to provide the highest level of active protection. Race fit - Heavily articulated body, arms and knees for improved performance. Soft and supple racing grade cowhide leather with double layers in exposed areas for excellent abrasion resistance. DFS-Lite shoulder armor provides additional resistance to impact and abrasion. Internal GP-R Lite armor is soft and comfortable, with extended coverage for added protection in key areas. Nucleon hip armor for optimal protection against impact. Strategic perforations on arms and legs for optimal air circulation. Elasticated panels from knee to waist and hip to chest for an enhanced feminine fit. Removable comfort liner with zipper for more comfort. Safety:   According to European law, the CE marking is a conformity requirement for placing this product on the market. The following standards apply: Fully CE certified motorcycle clothing according to standards CE - Category II EN17092 - Class AA. MATERIAL   43% cow leather, 36% buffalo leather, 21% polyamide

RON 3561.00



The Missile Ignition V2 1pc racing Leather Suit delivers optimum abrasion resistance while also offering extensive ventilation thanks to its MATRYX® zones. This suit has an engineered fit to deliver the highest level of active race protection and is Tech-Air® ready; it can accommodate the Tech-Air® 5.   • Innovative MATRYX® structural panels on the abdomen provide parametric performance for ventilation and superior mechanical resistance to tearing and abrasion while also being extremely thin and lightweight. • DFS sliders and replaceable DFS elbow sliders deliver optimal resistance against impacts and abrasion, and offer exceptional friction control.   • An engineered fit designed to accommodate any Alpinestars Tech-Air® System in order to deliver the highest level of active race protection. • According to European statutory law the CE mark is a conformity requirement for the marketing of this product. The following standards apply: Fully CE-certified riding garment to CE – Category II prEN17092 standards – AAA class.   • Polyamide stretch inserts for optimal abrasion resistance while ensuring enhanced freedom of movement. • Dedicated ‘Ignition’ graphic for a striking racing-inspired aesthetic. • Race fit – highly pre-curved body, arms and knees for enhanced performance. • Premium bovine leather with dual layers in exposed areas for superior abrasion resistance. • DFS armor delivers optimal resistance against impacts and abrasion, and offers exceptional friction control. • Internal Race spec GP-R armor is soft for comfort and delivers extended coverage for additional protection in key zones. • Bio-Flex Race hip armor for optimal resistance against impacts. • Detachable comfort liner for convenience.

RON 3929.00