Easy Life EasyStart 250 ml - Fisk Its objective is to quickly purify and stabilize the water when cycling a new freshwater or marine aquarium, so that it is suitable for fish. EasyStart is a unique combination of highly active bacteria cultures. The unique bacteria carrier ensures an accelerated increase in useful bacteria, so that, for example, the creation of poisonous nitrite can be avoided. It also helps to reduce the effects of harmful bacteria and rids the water of heavy metals and other chemical contamination. The result is a healthy aquarium with lively fish which have vibrant colours. Usage of Easy-Life EasyStart Shake well and ad immediately The cloudiness of the water will disappear after a couple of hours. After opening, store in a cool, dark place.. On the first day Full dosage 10 ml per 50 litres After a week Full dosage 10 ml per 50 litres After 2 weeks Full dosage 10 ml per 50 litres To prevent / in case of a nitrite peak Full dosage every day 10 ml per 50 literes After day 14 you can use Easy-Life Filter Medium for regular maintanance. USE weekly10 ml per 50 litres of water NOK 173.00 1
Lana Grossa, ull strømpegarn "Meilenweit 100 Uni" 4-ply, bordeaux Det klassiske strømpegarnetOpplev kvalitet og varme med vårt klassiske strømpegarn som kombinerer ullens behagelige varme med polyamidets holdbarhet. Perfekt for sokker og mye mer! Strikk votter, baby- og barneplagg eller en koselig lue. Med 100 gram per nøste og ca. 420 meter garn, er det mange muligheter for dine kreative prosjekter.Produktdetaljer:- Materiale: 80% ull, 20% polyamid- Løpelengde: ca. 420 meter per 100 gram- Anbefalte pinner: 2,5-3 mm- Strikkefasthet: ca. 28 masker x 40 pinner per 10x10 cm- Vedlikehold: Maskinvask på ullprogram ved 40°C, bruk ullvaskemiddel, unngå skyllemiddel- Tørkeanvisning: Legges flatt for å bevare form og kvalitetGjør deg klar til å utforske en verden av kreativitet med garn fra Lana Grossa. Selfmade® er her for deg som vil være Selfmade®! NOK 99.00 1
Lana Grossa, ull strømpegarn "Meilenweit 100 Uni" 4-ply, rød Det klassiske strømpegarnetOpplev kvalitet og varme med vårt klassiske strømpegarn som kombinerer ullens behagelige varme med polyamidets holdbarhet. Perfekt for sokker og mye mer! Strikk votter, baby- og barneplagg eller en koselig lue. Med 100 gram per nøste og ca. 420 meter garn, er det mange muligheter for dine kreative prosjekter.Produktdetaljer:- Materiale: 80% ull, 20% polyamid- Løpelengde: ca. 420 meter per 100 gram- Anbefalte pinner: 2,5-3 mm- Strikkefasthet: ca. 28 masker x 40 pinner per 10x10 cm- Vedlikehold: Maskinvask på ullprogram ved 40°C, bruk ullvaskemiddel, unngå skyllemiddel- Tørkeanvisning: Legges flatt for å bevare form og kvalitetGjør deg klar til å utforske en verden av kreativitet med garn fra Lana Grossa. Selfmade® er her for deg som vil være Selfmade®! NOK 99.00 1
Gillette Mach3 Turbo Replacement Blades 5 pcs - Barberingsutstyr Konstruert med presisjonskuttet stål for inntil 15 barberinger per blad 3 blader for en klassisk glatt barbering Langvarig bred smørestripe Blader som er sterkere enn stål og som holder seg skarpere lengre (vs. Sensor3) Inntil 5 måneders barbering per pakke Gillette Mach3 Turbo-bladrefiller for menn er konstruert for en presis, klassisk barbering som du kan stole på. Med tre blader som er sterkere enn stål og som holder seg skarpere lengre (vs. Sensor3). Alle Mach3-bladrefiller passer til alle Mach3-håndtak. NOK 170.00 1
G.Funder Container garbage bags for 240 liter container clear plastic 10 bags per roll - standard quality - Rengjoering Container garbage bag in transparent plastic, fits in a 180 liter garbage container, which is a common household garbage container. Made from 100% recycled plastic. The plastic thickness is 40 my. Size: 114 x 150 cm in flat dimensions. Material: LDPE. The garbage bag fits a 180 liter garbage container and thus holds far more than 180 liters, in order to be in the container and the bag can be folded over the edge of the container. The garbage bags are used to protect garbage containers. Provides better hygiene with fewer odors and thereby reduces the risk of attracting pests. The bags reduce the need for internal cleaning of containers, and the container's lifespan is extended. The bags can of course also be used loose for garbage, garden garbage, etc. and are ideal for many purposes. The bags are made of recycled plastic and should not be used for packaging food. NOK 100.00 1
G.Funder Container garbage bags for 180 liter container clear plastic 10 bags per roll - standard quality - Rengjoering Container garbage bag in transparent plastic, fits in a 180 liter garbage container, which is a common household garbage container. Made from 100% recycled plastic. The plastic thickness is 40 my. Size: 114 x 150 cm in flat dimensions. Material: LDPE. The garbage bag fits a 180 liter garbage container and thus holds far more than 180 liters, in order to be in the container and the bag can be folded over the edge of the container. The garbage bags are used to protect garbage containers. Provides better hygiene with fewer odors and thereby reduces the risk of attracting pests. The bags reduce the need for internal cleaning of containers, and the container's lifespan is extended. The bags can of course also be used loose for garbage, garden garbage, etc. and are ideal for many purposes. The bags are made of recycled plastic and should not be used for packaging food. NOK 92.00 1
G.Funder Container garbage bags for 120 liter container clear plastic 10 bags per roll - extra heavy duty quality - Rengjoering Container garbage bag in transparent plastic, fits in a 120 liter garbage container, which is the one many use for residual garbage in the home. Produced from 100% recycled plastic. The plastic thickness is 68-70 my - extra strong quality. Size: 90 x 135 cm in flat dimensions. Material: recycled LDPE. The garbage bag fits a 120 liter container and holds much more (actually 240 liters), in order to be in the container and the bag can be folded over the edge of the container. The garbage bags are used to protect garbage containers. Provides better hygiene with less odor and thereby reduces the risk of attracting pests. The bags reduce the need for internal cleaning of containers, and the container's lifespan is extended. The bags can also be used loose for garbage, garden garbage, etc. and are ideal for many purposes. The bags are made of recycled plastic and should not be used for packaging food. NOK 104.00 1
Topmodel Lip Gloss Set - Kreative leker Beautifully shimmering lips times three: The SNAP SHOTS lip gloss set from TOPModel includes a purple lip gloss with blueberry fra-grance, a peach-coloured lip gloss with peach fragrance and a pink lip gloss with blueberry fra-grance. Packed in a transparent bag with a cute bow. Content per tube: 9 ml. NOK 126.00 1
SES Finger Paint Primary Colors 4x110ml - Kreative leker A new combination of 4 colors of finger paint in jars per 110ml! Finger paint is one of SES Creative's best-known products. The quality, color intensity and washability make the finger paint unbeatable. With this set, consisting of the colors yellow, red, blue and green, children can make the most beautiful creations with their fingers. NOK 142.00 1
Lolo Pets Zebra Finch and Exotic Bird Food 1kg - Fugl Complete food with a mix of selected quality seeds. Provides a balanced diet, regulates the digestive process, provides good conditions for breeding and strengthens the will to sing. Ingredients: yellow millet, canary grass seed, red millet, niger seed, linseed, hemp seed, maize flour, wheat flour, carotene, alfalfa meal. Dosage: 2-3 teaspoons per day depending on the bird's appetite. NOK 105.00 1
NeeDoh Dohnut Holes Teenie - Kreative leker How about a box filled with enough Dohnut Hole delights to start the day with a squish? Experience a satisfying NeeDoh squish with these Dohnut Holes featuring jelly, powdered crunch, and cool cream filling. The cake-like Dohnut Holes are topped with either sprinkles or powdered sugar. 6 pieces per box. Suitable for ages 3 and up. NOK 101.00 1
Hudora Football Coach - Fotball Ballspill Train like a pro with this football trainer! This ball trainer is always ready for you for an individual training. The trainer is ideal for practicing passing and stopping exercises. Suitable for children and adults thanks to the adjustable strap. The football trainer is delivered without a ball. Suitable for all standard balls. The Velcro closure ensures that adjustments can be made per ball. NOK 169.00 1
Diafarm Vit/min energy paste-gel cat 50g - Katt Complementary feed for all cats. Ideal to promote healthy and shiny coat. Energy for small kittens and pregnant or lactating cats. Stimulates appetite and is therefore suitable for cats that has been sick or for some other reasons have reduced appetite. Directions for use: 2 cm paste-gel per day. Given orally directly into mouth or mix into feed. Do not give extra vitamin D supplement without veterinary prescription. NOK 172.00 1
Wera 800/1 BDC Bits - Verktoey Bits for slotted screws with tiny diamond particles on the bit tip. This ensures a secure fit of the bit in the screw, reduces the contact pressure required and lowers the risk of slipping. Comes with Torsion zone - where kinetic energy is diverted from peak loads - and softer BiTorsion zone to prevent the bit tip from twisting under peak loads. This greatly extends the product service life; ¼” hexagon, suitable for holders as per DIN ISO 1173-D 6.3. NOK 92.00 1
Gütermann miniking 1000m overlock fg.156 Gütermann Minking Tråd, med 1.000 meter per rull, er din ideelle følgesvenn til alle syprosjekter, store som små. Denne 100% polyestertråden er kompatibel med alle typer symaskiner, inkludert overlockere og coverstitch-maskiner, og er produsert i Tyskland med avansert Micro Core Technology®. Med en tykkelse på No. 120 kan den håndtere alt fra fine til tunge materialer med styrke og holdbarhet. Bruk Universal Needle / Overlock Needle NM 60 - 80 for optimale resultater. MINIKING TRÅD inviterer til kreativitet og kvalitet i hvert eneste prosjekt. NOK 99.00 1
Wera 840/2 Z Bit Hex-Plus 8.0 x 100 mm - Bormaskin Bits Tough viscous Wera bits for hexagon socket screws for universal use. Hex-Plus offers a greater contact surface in the head of the screw. The notching effect is therefore reduced to a minimum and damage to the screw head more or less eliminated. 5/16" hexagon, suitable for holders as per DIN ISO 1173-D 8. For socket head screws Ductile and tough for hard materials Hex-Plus allows socket head screws to live longer 5/16" hexagon drive (Wera connecting series 2) Suitable for Bosch, Fein, Holz-Her, Lecreux, Metabo NOK 172.00 1
Dogman Chew Sticks Lamb 313g (25-Pack) - Hund Dogman Lammekjøtt Tyggepinner er deilige tyggegodter laget av råhud med delikat lam på utsiden, perfekt for kresne hunder! Disse tyggepinnene tilfredsstiller hundens naturlige tyggeinstinkter og bidrar til god tannhelse ved å redusere plakk og tannstein. Laget med Klasse A lam, vil disse tyggepinnene garantert være en hit hos ditt kjæledyr. Hold alltid tilsyn med hunden din mens den tygger! Lammearoma: Deilig lam på utsiden, som tiltrekker selv de mest kresne hundene. Støtter tannhelse: Hjelper med å opprettholde sunne tenner ved å redusere plakk og tannstein. Klasse A lam: Høykvalitets lam brukt for smak og ernæring. 25 Stykker per pakke: Et generøst tilbud for regelmessige belønninger eller godbiter. NOK 137.00 1
Juwel Phorax Bioflow 3.0 / Compact - Fisk JUWEL Phorax er et svært effektivt filtermedium for nedbryting av fosfater i akvariet ditt. Det reduserer effektivt algevekst og kan bidra betydelig til forbedret plantevekst. Fosfater kommer regelmessig inn i akvariet gjennom fiskefôr og brytes sjelden ned naturlig. Planter trenger imidlertid bare veldig små mengder fosfat for sin naturlige vekst (ferskvann: 0,05 mg / l, saltvann 0,01 mg / l). Under visse omstendigheter kan for mye fosfat utløse en algeplage. Phorax består av et aluminiumsmineral som binder oppløste fosfater ved å danne et vannuoppløselig aluminiumfosfat og fjerner det dermed fra vannet. Dette gjør JUWEL Phorax svært effektivt og binder opptil 12 mg fosfat per gram Phorax. Egenskaper ved JUWEL Phorax: - Reduserer fosfat - Hemmer algevekst - Fremmer plantevekst - Egnet for ferskvann og saltvann NOK 140.00 1
Juwel Phorax Bioflow 8.0 / Jumbo - Fisk JUWEL Phorax er et svært effektivt filtermedium som brukes til å bryte ned fosfater i akvariet. Dette reduserer effektivt veksten av alger og kan bidra til forbedret plantevekst. Fosfat kommer inn i akvarier gjennom fiskefôr og brytes vanligvis ikke ned. Imidlertid bruker planter bare små mengder fosfat for sin naturlige vekst (ferskvann: 0,05 mg / l, saltvann 0,01 mg / l). For mye fosfat kan i noen tilfeller utløse økt algevekst. Phorax består av et aluminiumsmineral som binder oppløst fosfat ved å skape et vannuoppløselig aluminiumsfosfat og fjerne det fra vannet. Dette gjør JUWEL Phorax svært effektivt ved å binde opptil 12 mg fosfat per gram Phorax. reduserer fosfor hemmer algeveksten fremmer planteveksten egnet for bruk i ferskvanns- og saltvannaquariums LxBxH: 14x14x5cm NOK 112.00 1
Juwel Phorax Bioflow 6.0 / Standard - Fisk JUWEL Phorax is a very effective filter medium used to break down phosphates in the aquarium. This effectively reduces the growth of algae and can contribute to improved plant growth. Phosphate enters aquariums through fish feed and is not normally broken down. But plants use only small amounts of phosphate for their natural growth (fresh water: 0.05 mg/l, salt water 0.01 mg/l). Too much phosphate can in some cases trigger increased algae growth. Phorax consists of an aluminum mineral that binds loose phosphate by creating a water-insoluble aluminum phosphate and removing it from the water. This makes JUWEL Phorax highly effective at binding up to 12 mg of phosphate per grams of Phorax. >reduces phosphate >delays algae growth >promotes plant growth >suitable for use in freshwater and saltwater aquariums >LxWxH: 12x12x5cm NOK 162.00 1
Tetra Pro Colour Crisps 250 ml - Fisk TetraPRO har satt en ny standard innen fiskeernæring. Det premium komplette fôret er produsert ved hjelp av en skånsom, lav-varme prosess. Denne spesielle produksjonsmetoden gir TetraPRO Colour Multi-Crisps en svært høy næringsverdi. Multi-crisps absorberer også mindre vann enn vanlig flakfôr, noe som øker næringsinnholdet per volum. Alle TetraPRO-fôr tilbyr også et optimalisert protein-fett-forhold. Dette sikrer at fisken kan bruke proteinet spesifikt til å bygge muskler ved å gi rikelig med essensielle fettsyrer for energiproduksjonen. Det ekstra fargekonsentratet i multi-crisps, laget av karotenoider, forbedrer naturlig fargingsevne hos fisken din . Den innovative 2-fargeteknologien representerer visuelt disse ekstra fordelene . Multi-crisps smuldrer også mye mindre enn vanlige flak og reduserer betydelig mengden matstøv i beholderne dine . De høykvalitets prebiotikaene stimulerer spesielt veksten og metabolismen til helsefremmende bakterier i tarmkanalen ved å virke som foretrukket kilde til mat for nyttige bakterier , noe som minimerer vannforurensning . NOK 113.00 1
Schneider Electric Acti9 ic60n miniature circuit breaker - 4p - 10a - c curve - Komponenter for switchboxes og skap This Acti9 iC60N is a low voltage miniature circuit breaker (MCB). It is a 4P circuit-breaker with 4 protected poles, 10A rated current and C tripping curve. It can be mounted on DIN rail for modular installation. As circuit-breaker, its breaking capacity, according to IEC/EN 60898-1, is 6000A at 400VAC. As circuit-breaker, its breaking capacity, according to IEC/EN 60947-2, is 20kA at 230VAC and 10kA at 400VAC. This miniature circuit breaker protects circuits against short circuit and overload currents. It has an IP20 degree of protection (as per IEC/EN 60529) on its terminals. It becomes IP40 once in modular enclosure with insulation class II. its fast closing mechanism improves its service life. Its limitation class 3 (according to EN/IEC60898-1) improves downstream circuit protection cost. Its unique Visitrip indicator reduces intervention time by showing the faulty circuit. Its Visisafe green strip guarantees the physical opening of the contacts to allow downstream maintenance. NOK 179.00 1
Schneider Electric Acti9 ic60n 1p-n 16a dobbelt terminal c-karakteristik 6/10ka - Komponenter for switchboxes og skap This Acti9 iC60N is a low voltage miniature circuit breaker (MCB). It is a 1P+N circuit-breaker with 1 protected pole, 16A rated current and C tripping curve. It can be mounted on DIN rail for modular installation. As circuit-breaker, its breaking capacity, according to IEC/EN 60898-1, is 6000A at 230VAC. As circuit-breaker, its breaking capacity, according to IEC/EN 60947-2, is 10kA at 230VAC. This miniature circuit breaker protects circuits against short circuit and overload currents. It has an IP20 degree of protection (as per IEC/EN 60529) on its terminals. It becomes IP40 once in modular enclosure with insulation class II. its fast closing mechanism improves its service life. Its limitation class 3 (according to EN/IEC60898-1) improves downstream circuit protection cost. Its unique Visitrip indicator reduces intervention time by showing the faulty circuit. Its Visisafe green strip guarantees the physical opening of the contacts to allow downstream maintenance. NOK 120.00 1
Schneider Electric Acti9 ic60n miniature circuit breaker - 4p - 16a - c curve - Komponenter for switchboxes og skap This Acti9 iC60N is a low voltage miniature circuit breaker (MCB). It is a 4P circuit-breaker with 4 protected poles, 16A rated current and C tripping curve. It can be mounted on DIN rail for modular installation. As circuit-breaker, its breaking capacity, according to IEC/EN 60898-1, is 6000A at 400VAC. As circuit-breaker, its breaking capacity, according to IEC/EN 60947-2, is 20kA at 230VAC and 10kA at 400VAC. This miniature circuit breaker protects circuits against short circuit and overload currents. It has an IP20 degree of protection (as per IEC/EN 60529) on its terminals. It becomes IP40 once in modular enclosure with insulation class II. its fast closing mechanism improves its service life. Its limitation class 3 (according to EN/IEC60898-1) improves downstream circuit protection cost. Its unique Visitrip indicator reduces intervention time by showing the faulty circuit. Its Visisafe green strip guarantees the physical opening of the contacts to allow downstream maintenance. NOK 179.00 1