Plymouth Gin 1L
Plymouth Gin - A Classic and Smooth English Gin Introduction Plymouth Gin is a premium English gin known for its smooth and balanced flavour profile. Distilled with a unique blend of botanicals, this gin offers a distinctive taste experience that is both classic and refined. Ideal for traditional gin cocktails or enjoyed neat, Plymouth Gin brings a touch of elegance to any occasion. The History of the Brand Plymouth Gin has a storied history dating back to 1793 when it was first distilled at the Black Friars Distillery in Plymouth, England. The distillery, the oldest working distillery in England, has maintained its commitment to quality and tradition for over two centuries. Plymouth Gin has been a favourite among gin enthusiasts and connoisseurs, celebrated for its unique character and exceptional craftsmanship. Unique Production Process Plymouth Gin is crafted using a meticulous production process that begins with selecting the finest botanicals. These include juniper berries, coriander seeds, orange peel, lemon peel, green cardamom, angelica root, and orris root. The botanicals are carefully balanced to create a smooth and harmonious flavour profile. The gin is distilled in traditional copper pot stills, which enhances its depth and complexity. The result is a gin of unparalleled quality and refinement. The Perfect Blend of Botanicals The distinctive taste of Plymouth Gin is achieved through its unique blend of botanicals. Juniper berries provide the classic gin backbone, while coriander seeds add a touch of spice. The citrus notes from orange and lemon peel are perfectly balanced with the earthy and floral undertones of angelica root, orris root, and green cardamom. This harmonious blend creates a gin that is smooth, complex, and incredibly versatile. Versatility and Enjoyment Plymouth Gin is incredibly versatile and can be enjoyed in various ways. It is perfect for creating classic gin cocktails such as the Martini, Negroni, and Gin and Tonic. Its smooth and balanced flavour also makes it an excellent choice for refined sipping. Whether you’re enjoying a quiet evening at home or hosting a sophisticated gathering, Plymouth Gin adds a touch of tradition and elegance to any occasion. Tasting Notes A classic and smooth gin with a perfect balance of botanicals. Aroma: Inviting and aromatic, with prominent notes of juniper, citrus, and a hint of spice. Taste: Smooth and balanced, with a harmonious blend of juniper, coriander, citrus, and subtle floral and earthy undertones. Finish: Clean and crisp, with a lingering citrus freshness and a touch of spice. Perfect Serve Plymouth Gin is best enjoyed in various ways, depending on your preference. Here are two perfect serves: Neat or On the Rocks - Pour 50ml of Plymouth Gin into a glass. Enjoy it neat or over a large ice cube to fully appreciate its smooth and balanced flavours. Cocktail Suggestion: Classic Martini - Pour 60ml of Plymouth Gin and 10ml of dry vermouth into a mixing glass filled with ice. Stir well and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lemon twist or an olive for a classic and sophisticated cocktail. FAQ’s What makes Plymouth Gin unique? Plymouth Gin is crafted using a traditional blend of botanicals and distilled in copper pot stills, providing a smooth and balanced flavour profile that sets it apart from other gins. How should Plymouth Gin be stored? Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Once opened, keep the bottle tightly sealed to preserve its smooth flavours. Can Plymouth Gin be used in cocktails? Yes, Plymouth Gin is an excellent base for a variety of classic and modern cocktails, enhancing their flavours with its smooth and balanced profile. What are the main ingredients in Plymouth Gin? Plymouth Gin is made with a unique blend of botanicals including juniper berries, coriander seeds, orange peel, lemon peel, green cardamom, angelica root, and orris root, resulting in a premium gin with a distinctive flavour profile.