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Johnnie Walker Red Label Whisky 3L

Johnnie Walker Red Label Whisky 3L

Discover the Bold World of Johnnie Walker Red Label Whisky Introduction Johnnie Walker Red Label Whisky is a powerful mix of spicy, smoky malts and lighter grains that define the essence of versatility. This bottle of Scotch whisky is renowned for its bold character, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate a whisky with depth and complexity. Whether enjoyed neat, with water, or as the cornerstone of a robust whisky cocktail, Johnnie Walker Red Label delivers a consistently vibrant taste experience. A Legacy of Flavour The Red Label blend is a testament to the Walker family's promise to deliver only the finest Scotch whiskies. Crafted from carefully selected malts and grains from across Scotland, Johnnie Walker Red Label bursts with spicy cinnamon and pepper, smoky oak, and a hint of sweetness, offering a rich and rounded drinking experience. The Heart of Cocktails Johnnie Walker Red Label's boldness makes it the perfect base for whisky cocktails. Its depth and versatility shine through in classics like the Whisky Sour or the Highball, where its character can truly take the lead, offering a sophisticated twist on your favorite mixes. Adventure in Every Sip Johnnie Walker Red Label invites you to explore the world of whisky through a bold and adventurous lens. Its vibrant character is a call to those who dare to discover new horizons and experience the depth of Scotch whisky in every glass. Tasting Notes Johnnie Walker Red Label Whisky is an adventure of flavours and aromas. The nose opens with a burst of spices and vibrant smoky notes, leading to a palate rich in cinnamon, pepper, and a touch of vanilla sweetness. The finish is long and warming, with a smoky oak aftertaste that lingers, inviting you to explore further. Aroma: Spicy and smoky with a hint of sweetness. Taste: Rich blend of cinnamon, pepper, and subtle sweetness. Finish: Long, warming, and smoky. More from Johnnie Walker Perfect Serve Johnnie Walker Red Label shines in a classic Whisky Highball. Mix 50ml Johnnie Walker Red Label with 150ml of sparkling water over ice in a tall glass. Garnish with a lemon twist for a refreshing and invigorating drink that highlights the whisky's bold character. FAQs What makes Johnnie Walker Red Label different from other whiskies? Johnnie Walker Red Label stands out for its bold, versatile flavour profile that combines spicy, smoky malts with lighter grains, making it perfect for both sipping and mixing. How should I serve Johnnie Walker Red Label to appreciate its flavour? Johnnie Walker Red Label can be enjoyed neat, with a drop of water to open up its flavours, or mixed in cocktails. For a simple serve, try it in a Highball with sparkling water and a lemon twist. Can Johnnie Walker Red Label be used in cooking? Yes, its bold flavours make Johnnie Walker Red Label a great addition to whisky-based sauces or marinades, adding depth and a smoky touch to culinary creations. Is there a recommended cocktail that pairs well with Johnnie Walker Red Label? The Whisky Sour and the Highball are classic cocktails that beautifully complement the bold flavours of Johnnie Walker Red Label, perfect for showcasing its versatility in mixology. How can I store Johnnie Walker Red Label to maintain its quality? Store your bottle of Johnnie Walker Red Label in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight. Once opened, ensure the cap is tightly sealed to preserve its flavours.

EUR 83.95

Amuerte Coca Leaf Gin - Red Edition 70cl

Amuerte Coca Leaf Gin - Red Edition 70cl

Amuerte Coca Gin - Red Edition The history of the cocaine plant goes back to the Incan Empire, who used the plant in many ways, from fighting hunger, to curing various sicknesses. Whilst travelling, the founders of Amuerte witnesses a local tribe chewiong on cocaine leaves. Trying themselves, they discovered the unique flavour inherent there. Having a history dating back well over 100 years in the making of gin, they utilised the knowledge and experience to create  a gin with passion, One which contained the vivacious coca leaf flavour (which has a similar flavour to green tea) which they blended with other botanicals. With their red edition (which is a strictly limited edition, with only 25,000 bottles being available across the whole world), Amuerte have enhanced their signature coca leaf flavour with the Pineberry. The Pineberry is a really intruiging fruit. Looking like an unripened strawberry (white in colour), it has a taste more reminiscent of pineapple with strawberry hints. This is a fresh take on the typical Amuerte gin. Fruity with tropical notes and a subtle hint of strawberry. Read more about Amuerte Perfect Serve To fully enjoy the flavours found in this gin it's best enjoyed with a neutral tonic (and we recommend Double Dutch Indian Tonic for this one). Pour 50ml of the gin into a glass filled with ice, and add 100 - 150ml of the tonic. Garnish with a slice of fresh pineapple - and if you like things a little spicy, a small slice of red pepper.

EUR 59.95

Amuerte Coca Leaf Gin - White Edition 70cl

Amuerte Coca Leaf Gin - White Edition 70cl

Amuerte Coca Gin - White Edition De geschiedenis van de cocaïneplant gaat terug tot het Inca-rijk, dat de plant op veel manieren gebruikte, van het bestrijden van honger tot het genezen van verschillende ziekten. Tijdens het reizen waren de oprichters van Amuerte getuige van een lokale stam die op cocaïnebladeren kauwde. Ze probeerden zichzelf en ontdekten de unieke smaak die eraan inherent is. Met een geschiedenis die meer dan 100 jaar teruggaat in het maken van gin, hebben ze de kennis en ervaring gebruikt om met passie een gin te maken. Een die de levendige smaak van cocabladeren bevatte (die een vergelijkbare smaak heeft als groene thee) die ze vermengden met andere plantaardige ingrediënten. Bij hun tweede gin nemen ze de cocabladeren als basis (die van nature bitter zijn) en mengen ze met Finger Lime (uit Italië). Exotische kruiden zoals koriander, Szechuan-peper en koriander worden ook toegevoegd, die zorgen voor het unieke aroma en smaakprofiel van deze heerlijke gin. Daartoe onderscheidt de White Edition zich van de Black Edition. Ze gebruiken dezelfde fles (in het wit) met de afbeelding van de schedel die is versierd met echt 24-karaats goud. Wist je dat? Finger Limes bevatten kleine bolletjes die zijn verpakt met sap, waardoor het de andere naam Lime Caviar krijgt. Lees meer over Amuerte Dit is een bijzonder luxueuze gin, en dient als zodanig te worden genoten met een neutrale en milde tonic, om de gin zelf te laten glanzen. Wij raden hiervoor Three Cents Dry Tonic aan. Voeg in een groot glas gevuld met ijs 50 ml gin toe aan 150 ml tonic. Roer voorzichtig en garneer met een schijfje sinaasappel.

EUR 56.95

Blacks Irish Whiskey Black IPA Cask 70cl

Blacks Irish Whiskey Black IPA Cask 70cl

Blacks Irish Whiskey Black IPA Cask: Een Unieke Ambachtelijke Belevenis Introductie Ontdek Blacks Irish Whiskey Black IPA Cask 70cl, een baanbrekende spirit die de rijke tradities van Ierse whiskey met de innovatieve essentie van craft bier vermengt. Achtergrond Blacks Brewery & Distillery, bekend om hun ambachtelijke benadering, heeft deze unieke whiskey gecreëerd, gerijpt in Black IPA vaten, wat het de hoppige tonen van een fijn bier geeft. Innovatieve Rijping Ervaar het onderscheidende rijpingsproces. Blacks Irish Whiskey wordt afgewerkt in vaten waar eerder Black IPA in zat, wat complexe bier noten aan de whiskey geeft. De Blacks Legende Leer over de legende van Blacks, een distilleerderij die er trots op is de grenzen van het traditionele whiskey maken te verleggen met gedurfde, innovatieve technieken. De Keuze voor Kenners Deze whiskey is een getuigenis van vakmanschap en complexiteit. Het is een uitgelezen keuze voor whiskeyliefhebbers die de samensmelting van klassieke en hedendaagse smaken waarderen. Proefnotities Aroma: De neus wordt begroet met de geur van citrus en bloemige hop, vermengd met traditionele whiskey geuren van karamel en vanille. Smaak: Op het gehemelte een harmonie van moutige zoetheid en subtiele hopbitterheid, verrijkt door de warme, eiken ondertonen van de whiskey. Afdronk: Een lange, bevredigende afdronk die een blijvende indruk achterlaat van mout en hop, met een soepele whiskeywarmte. Perfect Serve Geniet van Blacks Irish Whiskey puur om zijn ingewikkelde smaken te waarderen, of met een scheutje water om zijn aromatische complexiteit te ontsluiten. Meer van Blacks FAQs Wat maakt Blacks Irish Whiskey Black IPA Cask uniek? Antwoord: De unieke rijping in Black IPA bier vaten biedt een onderscheidend smaakprofiel dat het beste van de whiskey- en craft bierwerelden combineert. Hoe moet ik deze whiskey serveren? Antwoord: Het wordt aanbevolen om het puur of met een beetje water te serveren om de diepte en genuanceerde smaken volledig te waarderen. Is deze whiskey geschikt voor whiskey cocktails? Antwoord: Absoluut, zijn unieke profiel kan een twist geven aan klassieke whiskey cocktails en biedt nieuwe smaaklagen.

EUR 59.95

Leonista Reposado Black Agave Spirit 70cl

Leonista Reposado Black Agave Spirit 70cl

Leonista Reposado Black Agave Spirit Leonista, wat 'plaats van de leeuw' betekent, heeft een ereplaats in de Gin Fling-familie. Geïnspireerd door Mexico, zijn ze de eerste 100% Agave-spirits uit de Karoo-regio van Zuid-Afrika. Het assortiment heerlijke drankjes wordt met de hand gemaakt in Zuid-Afrika, met behulp van gecertificeerde, biologisch geteelde ingrediënten die duurzaam zijn geoogst en gemaakt op de traditionele Mexicaanse manier volgens een eeuwenoud recept. Het is vergelijkbaar met hoe Mezcal wordt gemaakt, maar alleen degenen die daadwerkelijk in Mexico zijn gemaakt, kunnen Mezcal worden genoemd (dat geldt ook voor Tequila). De unieke en rokerige smaak van Leonista komt van het benutten van het vuur en de rook in het bak-/brandproces en van de complexe natuurlijke gisten die vrijkomen tijdens de breek- en fermentatiefasen. Vol karakter en smaak, met houten ondertonen, is de uiteindelijke geest uitgerust voor een iets zoetere smaak. Leonista Reposado Black Agave Spirit is minder rokerig dan de originele Reposado en heeft een zachte toon. Deze heerlijk gerijpte agave-spirit is tot rust gekomen in oude Amerikaanse eikenhouten vaten, die ooit cognac bevatten, wat bijdraagt aan het zachte mondgevoel, en heeft tonen van butterscotch, karamel en donkere chocolade. Meer van Leonista Perfect Serve Leonista Reposado Black Agave Spirit is perfect om van te nippen. Voeg een ijsblokje toe aan je favoriete glas, giet er 50 ml Leonista over en geniet ervan. Voeg voor een langer drankje ijs toe aan een glas. Schenk 50 ml Leonista erbij en vul aan met 150-200 ml Ginger Beer en garneer met een partje limoen. Wij vinden dit lekker met Fentiman's Ginger Beer en Muddled Lime.

EUR 59.95

Amuerte Coca Leaf Gin - Black Edition 70cl

Amuerte Coca Leaf Gin - Black Edition 70cl

Amuerte Coca Leaf Gin - Black Edition De geschiedenis van de cocaïneplant gaat terug tot het Inca-rijk, dat de plant op veel manieren gebruikte, van het bestrijden van honger tot het genezen van verschillende ziekten. Tijdens het reizen zijn de oprichters van Amuerte getuige van een lokale stam die op cocaïnebladeren kauwt. Ze probeerden zichzelf en ontdekten de unieke smaak die daar inherent is. Met een geschiedenis die meer dan 100 jaar teruggaat in het maken van gin, gebruikten ze de kennis en ervaring om een ​​gin met passie te creëren, een die de levendige cocabladsmaak bevatte (die een vergelijkbare smaak heeft als groene thee) waarmee ze zich mengden andere plantaardige. Alle ingrediënten voor Amuerte Black Coca Gin worden zorgvuldig geoogst in hooggelegen regenwouden en vervolgens gedestilleerd door een meesterdistilleerder in België. In de Black-editie, naast de rijke smaak van de Peruaanse cocabladeren, vind je koriander, vingerlelie en kardemom. Ze voegen ook drakenfruit, tamarillo, papaja en Peruaanse physalis (Kaapse kruisbes) toe. Geeft een luxueus en exotisch smaakprofiel. Ten slotte de fles zelf. Dit is absoluut een op zichzelf staand pronkstuk en is afgewerkt met 24-karaats bladgoud, bijna net zo bijzonder als de luxe gin die je erin vindt. Lees meer over Amuerte Perfect Serve Dit is een bijzonder luxueuze gin, en dient als zodanig te worden genoten met een neutrale en milde tonic, om de gin zelf te laten glanzen. Wij raden hiervoor Three Cents Dry Tonic aan. Voeg in een groot glas gevuld met ijs 50 ml gin toe aan 150 ml tonic. Roer voorzichtig en garneer met een schijfje sinaasappel.

EUR 53.95

Plantation Rum Panama 2008 70cl

Amuerte Coca Leaf Gin - Blue Edition 70cl

Moët & Chandon Rose Imperial Champagne 75cl

Moët & Chandon Rose Imperial Champagne 75cl

Celebrate in Style: Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial Champagne Introduction Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial Champagne is the epitome of celebration, encapsulating the vibrant spirit and elegance of the maison. Crafted with a blend of the finest Pinot Noir, Meunier, and Chardonnay grapes, this rosé champagne is a seductive dance of flavours, with a lively and generous bouquet. Whether marking a special occasion or adding a touch of luxury to an ordinary day, Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial invites you to a world of refined pleasure. Discover this radiant champagne on Ginfling.nl and let every sip be a celebration. The Allure of Rosé Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial Champagne dazzles with its pink hue and alluring aroma, offering a sensory journey like no other. The meticulous selection of red and white wines creates a champagne that is both intense and delicate, striking the perfect balance between elegance and boldness. It's a tribute to the maison's commitment to excellence and innovation, making every moment unforgettable. A Symphony of Flavours The taste of Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial Champagne is a harmonious blend of red fruits, florals, and a hint of spice. Each glass is a discovery of vibrant strawberry, cherry, and rose, with subtle notes of pepper that add complexity and depth. This champagne is not just a drink; it's an experience, inviting you to savour the richness of life with every sip. Crafting Unforgettable Moments Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial Champagne is more than a beverage; it's an accessory to life's most memorable moments. Perfect for toasting to love, achievements, or the sheer joy of being together, this champagne turns gatherings into celebrations. Its versatility shines through when served chilled on its own, or as the centrepiece of a sophisticated cocktail, making every occasion a cause for celebration. Tasting Notes Aroma: A vibrant bouquet of red fruits like strawberries and cherries, complemented by floral nuances of rose. Taste: A lively and generous palate of red berries, nuanced by a slight peppery spice, delivering a voluptuous experience. Finish: Elegant and soft, with a subtle hint of biscuit that prolongs the sensual memory of the blend. More from Moët & Chandon Perfect Serve Moët Rosé Imperial & Berry Cocktail: Pour 120ml of Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial Champagne into a flute, add a dash of berry liqueur, and garnish with fresh berries for a refreshing and stylish drink. FAQ's What distinguishes Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial Champagne? Its vibrant blend of Pinot Noir, Meunier, and Chardonnay, offering a radiant and spontaneous taste experience. How should Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial Champagne be served? Chilled, on its own in a flute or wine glass, or as a base for luxurious champagne cocktails. Can Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial Champagne be paired with food? Absolutely, it pairs beautifully with light appetisers, seafood, and fruit-based desserts. What are the key tasting notes of Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial Champagne? Red fruits like strawberries and cherries, floral notes, and a hint of spice. Is Moët & Chandon Rosé Imperial Champagne suitable for all occasions? Yes, its elegance and versatility make it perfect for both grand celebrations and intimate moments such as Valentines Day, Anniversaries, or Birthdays.

EUR 56.95

Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial Rosé Champagne 75cl

Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial Rosé Champagne 75cl

A Toast to Summer: Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial Rosé Champagne Introduction Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial Rosé Champagne redefines the champagne sipping experience with its groundbreaking approach to serving – over ice. This exquisite rosé champagne combines the depth and intensity of Moët & Chandon's signature style with the fresh, fruity character of red fruits and the indulgent richness of caramel and vanilla. Crafted for those sun-soaked moments, Ice Imperial Rosé is an invitation to explore champagne in a daringly new and refreshing way. Discover the sumptuous taste of summer with every glass on Ginfling.nl. The Essence of Innovation Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial Rosé stands as a testament to the brand's innovative spirit. Breaking with traditional champagne conventions, it is specifically designed to develop its full breadth of flavours when served over ice. This pioneering approach invites you to experience the complexity and richness of champagne in a relaxed, contemporary setting. A Symphony of Flavours The vibrant intensity of Ice Imperial Rosé is a harmonious blend of fruity freshness and luxurious indulgence. With a base of powerful red fruits like cherry and cranberry, balanced with the sweetness of caramel and the subtlety of cinnamon and nutmeg spices, this champagne delights the senses. Its alluring aroma and palate promise a champagne experience like no other. Celebrate with Style Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial Rosé Champagne is more than a drink; it's a statement. Whether you're hosting an elegant garden party, celebrating a special occasion, or simply enjoying a moment of luxury, Ice Imperial Rosé elevates any event. Its unique serving style, combined with its exquisite taste, ensures that your celebrations are marked with sophistication and joy. Tasting Notes Aroma: Intense and fruity, with notes of red berries, cherry, and cranberry, complemented by a hint of caramel and vanilla. Taste: Voluptuous and vibrant, with a rich blend of red fruits and a sweet touch of caramel and spice. Finish: Refreshing and long-lasting, with a smooth, sweet aftertaste enhanced by the coolness of ice. More from Moët & Chandon Perfect Serve Ice Imperial Rosé Champagne Over Ice: Fill a large wine glass with ice cubes, pour over 120ml of Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial Rosé Champagne, and garnish with fresh red berries or a twist of grapefruit for a refreshingly indulgent experience. FAQ's What makes Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial Rosé Champagne unique? It's the first rosé champagne crafted to be enjoyed specifically over ice, offering a new way to experience champagne. How should Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial Rosé Champagne be served? Over ice in a large wine glass, optionally garnished with fresh fruit for an enhanced flavour profile. Can Ice Imperial Rosé Champagne be used in cocktails? Absolutely, its versatility and unique flavour profile make it an excellent base for creative champagne cocktails. What are the key tasting notes in Ice Imperial Rosé Champagne? Red berries, cherry, cranberry, with hints of caramel, vanilla, and subtle spices. Is Moët & Chandon Ice Imperial Rosé Champagne suitable for all occasions? Yes, its luxurious yet refreshing character makes it perfect for celebrations, Valentines Day, gatherings, or as a sophisticated summer sipper.

EUR 74.95

Bacardi Carta Blanca Rum 3L

Plantation Rum Experience Pack 6 x 10cl

Smirnoff No. 21 Vodka 3L & Pump

Isle of Raasay Single Malt Whisky (Batch II) 70cl

Kamiki Sakura Wood Whisky 50cl

Kamiki Sakura Wood Whisky 50cl

Kamiki Sakura Wood Whisky Created in Nara, one of the ancient capitals of Japan - Kamiki whisky is a unique blended Japanese Whisky. The name itself, Kamiki is a blend of two Japanese words; Kami, meaning 'God' and Iki, meaning Breath. This came from the beautiful breezes which descend from the local mountain - which has long been considered a 'Sacred Mountain of the God'. Just like in their Blended Malt Whisky, it is created by blending rare Japanese Malt Whiskies with specially selected malt whiskies from the rest of the world. These are then blended with Japanese spring water. Rather than a predetermined ratio, the blending occurs when the malts are at their peak flavour. This means each batch is unique. After the blending process, the resulting Kamiki whisky is rested in Yoshino Sugi (Japanese Cedarwood) casks . This is similar to the Intense Wood edition. This wood is particularly aromatic, and is considered the best wood locally to make drink casks for this reason. However in their Sakura Wood edition, there is a third period where the whisky rests in Sakura Casks. This whisky has a delightfully different nose, with notes of ripe banana and candied chestnuts. There's also cinnamon and a hint of pine. The nose develops further as you drink, and a distinct woodiness comes through which reminds of the forest. It's mid palate has a distinct and warming woodniess, specifically sandalwood and a gentle spice. These develop into sweet cherries, cutting through the savoury notes. The finish is floral, reminiscent of spring. More from Kamiki Perfect Serve As with all whiskies, enjoy how you like to! However, we liked this one at room temperature with a splash of water.

EUR 59.95

Talisker x Parley Wilder Seas Whisky 70cl

Talisker x Parley Wilder Seas Whisky 70cl

Talisker x Parley Wilder Seas Whisky Produced on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, the Talisker distillery is the only functional single malt whisky distillery to be found there. In fact, whisky has been made there by the sea since 1830. Interesting Fact: Talisker has partnered with "Parley for the Oceans", to rewild more than 100 million square metres of ocean forest. With this limited edition bottling, Talisker "Wilder Seas", we invite wild spirits around the world to join us on our journey. Each 100% recycled bottle purchased represents a £3 donation to our joint cause to protect and preserve the oceans Not only is Talisker x Parley "Wilder Seas" helping to rewild the oceans, it is also Taliskers first single malt scotch whisky finished in French Oak XO Cognac casks. This gives the whisky a mature and rounded expression, with a strength on the palate with a depth of taste, as well as interesting notes from the cask ageing.  The golden amber colour of the whisky releases a rich aroma. Dried fruits and malt come through, with maritime notes of brine and salt crystals. Just a hint of tobacco comes forward, and if water is added a smokiness is released.  On the palate this is exceptional smooth and creamy, with a richness full of flavour. It starts sweet, before releasing salt, smoke and interestingly fruits in the mid palate. Pepper and spice develop on the tongue. When water is added, it's sweetness is enhanced, with ripe figs and spice coming forward.  The finish is long and warm. A late hit of pepper comes through and leaves a smoky fruitiness as an aftertaste. More from Talisker Perfect Serve We found that this was best enjoyed neat with a drop of water to bring the flavours out to the fullest. However, as with all whisky - enjoy however you like it!

EUR 64.95

Kyrö Wood Smoke Malt Rye Whisky 70cl

Speakeasy Collection Cocktail Bar Tools Stainless Steel

La Hechicera Banana Infused Rum 70cl

Merlet XO Cognac 70cl

Merlet XO Cognac 70cl

Merlet XO Cognac The Merlet family have been producing wine since the 18th Century. But it was in 1850 that Firmin Merley began distilling just outside the village of Saint Sauvant in the region of Saintonge Using this, he began to distill his own harvest. It was his successor, Edouard, who began providing fine eaux-de-vie to the large cognac houses like Hennessy. Through generations, the Merlet family have refined their expetise in producing unique eaux-de-vie which is respectful of the Saintonge terroir. However, it is time in oak barrels which ensures their eaux-de-vie develops into harmonious cognacs. For their XO Cognac, the current family members (Gilles and his sons) produce this blend from very old eaux-de-vie (which have been aged for at least 10 years) which are distilled in their stills, and matured in the family's cellars. The Merlet XO Cognac is produced using eaux-de-vie from various 'cru's of the appelation, which offer a rich and fruity palate - which is characteristically Merlet in flavour With its dark brown colour, and golden tinges this cognac entices even whilst in the glass. The nose is complex and deliciously rich, with an aromatic range that goes from orange peel and vanilla to white flowers. The palate has a fine woodiness to it, yet remains clean and well rounded. The characteristic fruitiness is clear and remains through to the end.  More from Merlet Perfect Serve With a cognac of this quality, we suggest enjoying neat - allowing the buanced flavours to shine.

EUR 74.95

Nikka Coffey Malt Whisky 70cl

Nikka Coffey Malt Whisky 70cl

Nikka Coffey Malt Whisky The history behind Nikka Coffey starts in the 1960's, and comes from the expertise of the Japanese Nikka Whisky company. They have decades of experience blending whiskies, and creating white spirits.  Whilst 'Nikka' is the name of the company, Coffey refers to the type of still used to create the base distillate. This is a traditional continuous still, which produces the signature grain whiskies of Nikka. These were imported from Scotland to Japan in 1963.  With their Malt Whisky, Nikka have gone somewhat against convention. Coffey stills are used by most distilleries only in creating grain whisky. But at theur Miyagikyo distillery they use their two Coffey stills to create this Malt whisky as well. Introduced in 2014, this is a whisky which is rich and full of flavour; definitely a welcome addition to their range of whiskies.  This is a light amber colour in the glass, with a nose full of butterscotch, vanilla and sweet malt. Hints of caramel and winter spiced fruit also come through. In the mouth the spiced fruits, vanilla and butterscotch also come through - as on the nose. These are joined by a maltiness, and nuts. It finishes with a medium length, not overly lingering in the mouth. The butterscotch, malt and fruit linger to the end. More from Nikka Perfect Serve This can be enjoyed neat on its own at room temperature, or over ice. We liked this best with a large single ice-cube as it released additional flavours.

EUR 54.95

Bar Professional Barkit Tube Copper

Zacapa Edición Negra Rum 70cl

Zacapa Edición Negra Rum 70cl

Zacapa Edición Negra Rum: Smoky and Intense Introduction Zacapa rum is named after the city of Zacapa in Guatemala, and was created to commemorate the 100th anniversary celebration of its foundation. Coming from the Aztec Nahuatl language, the name Zacapa means “on the river of grass. Proudly made in Guatemala, Zacapa Edición Negra Rum is a blend of rums aged between 6-23 years. They age the rum using casks that previously held robust American whiskies and fine wines, giving this delicious rum a complex and balanced sip. The Process Zacapa Rum is made using the first press of virgin sugar cane, instead of molasses (which is more common). By using sugar cane, it makes the rum sweeter and smoother. The yeast used during the fermentation process is derived from pineapples, which brings out incredible aromas and flavours, and through the distillation process the aroma and flavour charater and profiles are defind for each of the Zacapa Rums. The Rum Journey Master Blender, Lorena Vásquez carefully selects a range of cask types and styles for each rum to capture specific flavours and textures, and that will give the perfect colour. Zacapa Edición Negra Rum is aged using double charred American Oak casks. This creates a rich, dark rum with a smoky intensity. Aged Above The Clouds Zacapa Rum is aged 2,300 metres above sea level, allowing the rum to develop a deeper aroma and rich layeres of flavour. Their master blender, Lorena Vásquez explains that “Zacapa is aged at high altitude where the temperature is lower. The lower temperature also directly influences the oxygen levels which are lower as well, and this lower oxygen level aids in a slower aging process. The slower aging, allows for more time for the aromas and flavours to combine.” Tasting Notes Aroma: On the nose you there are caramelized fruits, plums and raisins with smooth smoky notes Taste: On the palate, there is a delicious woodiness, with spicy and smoky notes, combined with the balance of chocolate and dried fruit. Finish: It has a bold yet smooth persistent finish.  More from Zacapa Perfect Serve Zacapa Edición Negra Rum is best served neat, or on the rocks. It will also add a smoky twist to a classic rum cocktail.  You could also use this rum to make a smokey twist a classic Whisky cocktail with a Negra Old Fashioned - add 45ml Zacapa Edición Negra Rum to a mixing glass with ice and add 10ml date syrup, a dash of aromatic bitters and a dash of orange bitters. Stir together and strain into a glass. Add orange peel to garnish. FAQ's How long is Zacapa Edición Negra Rum aged for? Zacapa Edición Negra is a blend of rums that have been aged between 6-23 years. What is the Sistema Solera Aging method? Solera is a way to age rum to keep consistancy batch after batch, and is adopted from the Spanish way to age sherry. The process involes having multiple barrels to capture specific flavours and texture. When the oldest barrel of rum is finished, it is replenished with the next oldest, and so on. The newest empty barrel is replenished with a new batch of rum. Can this rum be enjoyed neat? Yes, it can be enjoyed neat, with or without ice. Is Zacapa Edición Negra Rum suitable for classic rum cocktails? Absolutely, it is perfect for a Mojito, and also for variations of classic whisky or gin cocktails, like a Manhattan, Old Fashioned or a Negroni. How should I store Zacapa Edición Negra Rum? Rum should be stored in a tightly sealed bottle in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources and direct sunlight. Stored this way, Rum will keep well for years, but the taste and quality of rum in an opened bottle will slowly change as it reacts with oxygen in the air. It is best to consume rum within 2 years of opening the bottle.  

EUR 74.95

Zacapa La Armonia Harmony Cask Edition Rum 70cl

Zacapa La Armonia Harmony Cask Edition Rum 70cl

Smooth and Silky: Zacapa La Armonia Harmony Cask Edition Introduction Zacapa rum is named after the city of Zacapa in Guatemala, and was created to commemorate the 100th anniversary celebration of its foundation. Coming from the Aztec Nahuatl language, the name Zacapa means “on the river of grass. Proudly made in Guatemala, Zacapa Heavenly Cask La Pasión Rum is a blend of rums aged between 6-23 years. They age the rum using casks that previously held robust American whiskies and fine wines, giving this delicious rum a complex and balanced sip. The Process Zacapa Rum is made using the first press of virgin sugar cane, instead of molasses (which is more common). By using sugar cane, it makes the rum sweeter and smoother. The yeast used during the fermentation process is derived from pineapples, which brings out incredible aromas and flavours, and through the distillation process the aroma and flavour charater and profiles are defind for each of the Zacapa Rums. The Rum Journey Master Blender, Lorena Vásquez carefully selects a range of cask types and styles for each rum to capture specific flavours and textures, and that will give the perfect colour. Each rum uses a selection of base casks and a unique cask. Zacapa La Armonia Harmony Cask Edition Rum base casks are American oak and charred American oak barrels that previously aged American whiskey and casks that previously aged Oloroso Sherry. Aged Above The Clouds Zacapa Rum is aged 2,300 metres above sea level, allowing the rum to develop a deeper aroma and rich layeres of flavour. Their master blender, Lorena Vásquez explains that “Zacapa is aged at high altitude where the temperature is lower. The lower temperature also directly influences the oxygen levels which are lower as well, and this lower oxygen level aids in a slower aging process. The slower aging, allows for more time for the aromas and flavours to combine.” Zacapa Heavenly Cask Collection La Armonia is the Harmony Cask and the 3rd release from the Heavenly Cask Collection. It is made using a blend of rums of different ages, matured in ex-American whiskey, charred American whiskey and further aged in ex-Oloroso sherry casks, which gives the rum a sumptuously smooth and silky finish.  Tasting Notes: Aroma: Perfectly balanced with caramelised berries, pecan pie and hazelnuts. Taste: Deliciously silky and sweet, the nuts and caramelized berries are a sophisticated expression of the local landscape and the bounty it has to offer. Finish: Sumptuously smooth and silky. More from Zacapa Perfect Serve This special rum is perfect to be sipped neat.  FAQ's What is the Zacapa Heavenly Cask Collection? The Heavenly Cask Collection is a series of Limited Release Rums from Zacapa. How long is Zacapa La Armonia Harmony Cask Edition Rum aged for? Zacapa La Armonia Harmony Cask Edition Rum is a blend of rums that have been aged between 6-23 years. What is the Sistema Solera Aging method? Solera is a way to age rum to keep consistancy batch after batch, and is adopted from the Spanish way to age sherry. The process involes having multiple barrels to capture specific flavours and texture. When the oldest barrel of rum is finished, it is replenished with the next oldest, and so on. The newest empty barrel is replenished with a new batch of rum. Can this rum be enjoyed neat? Yes, it can be enjoyed neat, with or without ice. How should I store Zacapa La Armonia Harmony Cask Edition Rum? Rum should be stored in a tightly sealed bottle in a cool, dry place, away from heat sources and direct sunlight. Stored this way, Rum will keep well for years, but the taste and quality of rum in an opened bottle will slowly change as it reacts with oxygen in the air. It is best to consume rum within 2 years of opening the bottle.

EUR 79.95

Van Linschoten Slagers Gin Deluxe Gift Pack 70cl

Van Linschoten Slagers Gin Deluxe Gift Pack 70cl

Van Linschoten Slagers Gin Deluxe Gift Pack This deluxe gift pack contains: 1 x Van Linschoten Slagers Gin 70cl 1 x Smoked and dried orange slices to garnish 1 x Pourer 1 x Jigger  1 x Barspoon 2 x Slagers Gin Copa Glasses 1 x Fever-Tree Indian Tonic Water 200ml 1 x Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic Water 200ml Slagers Gin An interesting collaboration between Slagerij van Linschoten in Rotterdam and the Onder de Boompjes distillery in Schiedam has given us a delicious and unique gin experience.   Slagers Gin was made to celebrate 110 years of Slagerij van Linschoten, and is distilled using steak herbs (a mix of garlic, oregano, coriander, dried pepper and sea salt) from the shop. This unique selection of botanicals are used in combination with the more traditional botanicals, including juniper (of course) and work really well together. This premium gin is incredibly smooth with a soft taste profile. The herbs give a delicious flavour which lead to a light peppery finish and are heightened when served with the special garnish - a dried, smoked orange wheel. Fresh oranges are sliced, dried and smoked at Van Linschoten adding a unique taste to a G&T. More from Van Linschoten Perfect Serve This gin is perfect for a G&T and when served with a nice piece of meat. For the full taste experience, add ice to a copa glass and pour in 35ml Van Linschoten Slagers Gin. Add a slice of smoked orange (that comes with each bottle) and top up with 150 - 200ml of tonic. We recommend Fever-Tree Indian Tonic, or for a fresher taste use Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic. 

EUR 69.95