Jodhpur Spicy Gin 70cl
Jodhpur Spicy Gin Following their award-winning original London Dry Gin, Jodhpur have created a gin with a greater emphasis on the spicy botanicals. Their Spicy Gin uses chilli, green pepper, black pepper, white pepper and cumin to create a surprisingly warm, spicy taste. The emphasis of this gin is on the chilli. The aroma give a clear indication of the spiciness, with hints of both green and jalapeño peppers. White pepper, chili, and even a touch of cumin and ginger also come through. On the palate this is highly aroamtic, intense and deliciously tangy. It leaves a warm sensation in the mouth, which continues pleasantly after the drink has finished, and isn't too over powering. Read more about Jodhpur Perfect Serve Delicious with a classic tonic like The Artisan Drinks Co London Tonic Water. Take a large glass and fill with ice. Pour in 50ml of the gin, and then add 150 - 200ml of the tonic. Garnish with a thin slice of chilli. To really emphasise the spicy notes, replace the tonic water with fiery ginger beer.