Riga Black Vodka 70cl
Riga Black Vodka A supreme quality vodka, Riga Black stands out due to its light, clear, cold and crisp flavour, which is combined with a smooth aftertaste Made by combining the premium spirit with the purest water from artesian wells. The astonishing purity of flavour is achieved by utilising a 7 step filtration process, which includes a unique silver charcoal method. With a delicate and tender flavour, it is the perfect drink for the vodka connoiseur. Riga Black is the true Nordic City vodka. Read more about House of Balzams Perfect Serve Smooth and delicate, this can be drunk neat (ice cold), or with orange juice or tonic. Mix to taste (around 50ml vodka to 100 - 150ml of mixer). For a vodka tonic, garnish with a slice of lemon. Or for a Dry Martini, in a mixing glass filled with ice pour 75ml of the vodka and 15ml of Dry Vermouth. Stir, and strain into a cocktail glass. Garnish with a slice of lemon or a green olive.