Ginneken Black Gin 70cl
Ginneken Black Gin The third gin from Ginneken, after their Dutch Dry Gin and Pink Gin, this is a unique Black Gin which is of a Navy Strength. This is a gin which is inspired again by the Mastbos (Fir forest) in Breda. This is one of the oldest forest in the Netherlands, and is in the Ginneken district, from which the brand borrows its name. The gin represents a winter walk through a darkened forest. It has spicy earth notes, a scent of pine, and a somewhat smoky flavour which reminds of a warming fireplace. The Navy Strength nature of the gin makes this bold, and stands up for itself. Delicious year round, but perfect for the cold, darker months. The colour comes from fulvine minerals, organic, and are part of the humus layer of the earth. Also known as "black health gold" due to the postive effects these have on plants, animals, and people too! (We're not saying this is medicinal in any way though! Other than warming you when drunk in moderation). The other botanicals which can be found in this gin are all reminiscent of heathland, or forest, with these being Scots Pink blossom and needles, pine needles, angelica, cranberry, blueberry, heather, and obviously juniper. These are all infused in a grain alcohol base. Read more about Ginneken Perfect Serve Ginneken Black works best when served with a neutral tonic, and for this gin we recommend Fever-Tree Indian Tonic. Take 50ml of the gin and pour over ice in a large glass. Add 150ml of the tonic, and stir gently. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary, or some fresh blueberries.