Generous Gin 70cl
Generous Gin Sometimes simplicity can deliver the best, or most flavourful experiences. It was this ethos that the creators of Generous followed when creating their gin. They wanted an original, easy to drink and appreciate gin, one which was simple but would deliver the best Gin & Tonic. They used great natural ingredients, and produced in high precision small pot-stills. Being a French gin, they worked like they might do with a great perfume, or fine wine. Ensured it was well balanced, smooth and aromatic, and above all, elegant (it is French after all!). The botanicals they finally chose were Juniper, citrus, mandarin, red pepper, jasmine and elderflower. Depending on the botanical, they either macerate the botanical, or distill, to ensure the flavours are captured and not destroyed. On the nose, whilst juniper is the dominant aroma, it is softened by the floral notes of jasmine and elderflower. When tasting the flavours open up on the palate, with citrus and spice coming forward, before they are balanced by the juniper. Finally, floral notes helps to soften, with almost sweet jasmines notes tantalising the mouth. The finish is refreshing and long, with the delicate spice of red pepper remaining to the end merging perfectly with citrus fruits and juniper. Read more about Generous Perfect Serve As this was made to be enjoyed as a classic, elegant gin & tonic, we suggest their signature serve. Take a large copa glass and fill with ice. Add 40ml of the gin, and gently pour over 100ml of your chosen tonic (we like Fentimans Connoiseurs Tonic). Stir gently, and garnish with a few fresh basil leaves, a small pinch of salt and a few red peppercorns.