City Gin - Amsterdam Gin (Mini) 5cl
City Gin - Amsterdam Gin City gin have created a range of tasty gins for a selection of cities here in The Netherlands. Each one is made involving at least 100 local residents of the city who agree the iconic feature, the ingredients, the colour and the story of their city. This is translated into a delicious gin for us all to enjoy. Each gin is made using only 6 botanicals. This ensures that each one can be easily recognised and allows you to taste them without being overloaded with a big mix of flavours. Using only natural ingredients and with their method of distilling, this results in a deliciuosly soft gin - one that can be enjoyed neat, in a cocktail, or even when cooking. City Gin Amsterdam Gin features the iconic canal houses on the label and takes it's red colour from Amsterdam icons - XXX, Ajax, and the Amsterdammertje (the bollards seen around the city, also with the city coat of arms XXX). The flavour takes inspiration from the Vondelpark Rosarium and the famous Amsterdam Elixir, a very old liqueur, initially created to help with digestion. The botanicals used in this delicious gin are Lemon, Pink Pepper, Rose Leaf, Jasmine, Orange, Angelica Root, giving a floral taste with a bit of spice. You can read the Amsterdam story on the label and city map, written by Amsterdammers. Drink, read and enjoy Amsterdam! Perfect if you live in Amsterdam, love Amsterdam, or want to give an Amsterdam gift. Did you know? Sustainability is at the heart of City GIn. Their glass bottles are fuly recyclable, labels are made from sugar cane fibre paper, bottle seals are made from degradable viscose rings (instead of shrink wrap plastic) and the cardboard they use is FSC certified. They are also implementing a cork bottle stopper which is better for the environment. More from City Gin Perfect Serve Amsterdam City Gin is delicious in a G&T. Mix 50ml Amsterdam Gin with 150-200ml Fever-Tree Elderflower tonic and garnish with a slice of lemon and rose petals.