Bombay Sapphire East Gin 70cl
Bombay Sapphire East Gin Made using the same vapour inusion method as in the Bombay Sapphire Gin, the East edition uses 2 additional east inspired botanicals to make a total of 12. Bombay Sapphire's Master of Botanicals (Ivano Tonutti) has spent much of his time in the Far East sourcing exotic botanicals for distilling, and with the East edition, this is his personal homage to that area. To the classic blend of botanicals, Thai Lemongrass and Vietnamense black peppercorns are added. These two additional botanicals, along with the original ten (Almond, Angelica, Cassia, Coriander, Cubeb Pepper, Grains of Paradise, Juniper, Lemon, Licorice, and Orris Root) come together during the vapour infusion creating a gin that truly stands apart. With the infusion of the exotic eastern flavours, a wonderfully tasteful gin comes with more than a little added spice and a generous hint of citrus. The nose has a strong citrus edge to it, along with a hit from the black pepper. Through this permeates juniper and exotic flowers. The addition of the black pepper comes through in the flavour, with a balanced warmth, along with rich and fresh citrus notes. As the drink warms in the mouth delicate spice from coriander, angelica and orris come through. The finish is a delicious fusion of citrus and pepper. Read more about Bombay Sapphire Perfect Serve We love this gin with East Imperial Old World Tonic Water, but any neutral premium tonic would work too. In a large copa glass filled with ice add 50ml of the gin and 100ml of the tonic. Stir gently, and garnish with a stick of lemongrass.