Ballantine's Finest Whisky (Mini) 5cl
Ballantine's Finest Whisky With a heritage that dates back to 1827, Ballantines is one of the most known and loved Scotch Whisky brands in the world. It started with George Ballantine in a small grocery store in Edinburgh. Here he would supply a range of whiskies to his customers. his developed into a larger establishment in Edinburgh, where along with his son George Junior they began to create their own blends. In 1920, the recipe for Ballantine's Finest was created, and it has stayed true to the original ever since. The result is a whisky which has become Europe's No. 1 Scotch Whisky, and was voted the World's Best Blended Scotch in 2020. Fun Fact: During prohibition, the bottles were designed to be square so that American Salesmen could conceal them in their briefcases without them rolling around should any inspectors be around! Finest is a great classic all-rounder. It has a light gold colour, and a nose which is soft, with notes of heather, honey and just a hint of delicate spice. The flavour is balanced well, subtle, and has hints of milk chocolate, red apples and vanilla. The finish leaves the palate feeling fresh, with a floral after-taste. More from Ballantine's Perfect Serve As a classic, balanced all-rounder, this is easily enjoyed on its own, over ice, or with a splash of water. It works well in the mix too, either in cocktails, or more simply with a mixer such as cola or ginger ale. Try adding 50ml to a highball glass filled with ice, then top up with a quality cola or ginger ale (we like Fentimans). Delicious, and really refreshing.