Bacardi Spiced 70cl
Bacardi Spiced It started as a family dream in Cuba, back in the 1862 when Don Facundo Bacardí Massó founded BACARDI. He bought a small distillery in Santiago de Cuba and this is where he radically changed the way rum was typically produced, making spirits that were smooth and light bodied. Today, BACARDI is an iconic worldwide brand with production sites across the globe, and with a wide and varied choice of tasty spirits. Bacardi Spiced is a blend of aged rum with natural flavours and spices for a bold, yet smooth taste. It has the sweet aroma of vanilla and cinammon, with sweet and spiced flavours on the palate. There are deliciously creamy notes of vanilla upfront that lead to a woody and subtle honey taste, with cinnamon, nutmeg and black pepper adding some spice at the finish. This deliciuous rum is gluten free too! Did you know? The Bat symbol used on the bottle, was inspired by the bats found hanging from the distillery beams. Traditionally they represent health, family unity and prosperity and locals would ask for 'el ron del murcielago' – the rum of the bat More from Bacardi Perfect Serve Bacardi Spiced has both light and deep notes, and is made for mixing, so a classic rum cola is perfect. Fill a tall glass with ice and mix 50ml rum with 150-200ml cola (we like it with Fentimans Curiosity Cola), add a wedge of lime and enjoy. For some extra spiciness, mix with ginger beer.