ISOMED - US Neurologicals Oil Dampened Inclinometer
Gravity Inclinometer
Well constructed for durability
Horizontal and 360 degree measurements
Accurate and reliable results
Measures; flexion, abduction/adduction, extension and rotation
The legs are fully adjustable to account for body differences
This gravity inclinometer yields precise results for flexion and extension, abduction and adduction as well as rotation in the neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, ankle and spine. Angular position pointer is damped by fluid to assure accurate range-of-motion measurements. Adjustable legs (side to side) compensate for body differences. Place inclinometer near joint to be measured; turn dial to zero; take joint through its range; read range of motion from dial. Provided with extender and padded case and perfect for use in a physiotherapy clinic to provide pre/post intervention range of motion feedback.
NB. Our inclinometer does not include the telescopic extender.