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Szerver szoftver, Microsoft Windows E3 per Device SNGL UpgrdSAPk OLP NL licenc

Electrolux EW6SN326SI keskeny elöltöltős mosógép

HPE 804405-B21 Smart Array P408e-p SR Gen10 (8 External Lanes/4GB Cache) 12G SAS PCIe Plug-in Controller

EcoFlow River Pro hordozható akkumlátor

IMOU RV-L11-A száraz-nedves takarítórobot

Insta360 X4 Kamera

Insta360 X4 Kamera

Insta360 X4 Kamera Insta360 X4 Camera Discover unlimited recording and photography possibilities with the Insta360 X4 camera! Photo resolution reaching up to 72MP and the ability to record video in resolutions up to 8K will allow you to capture every detail. It offers a wide range of modes for both photos and videos, with a battery life of up to 135 minutes. It's an excellent choice for filming enthusiasts, travelers, vloggers, and anyone looking to capture unforgettable moments in the highest quality! Best Image Quality in History Start creating amazing content that stands out from the crowd with the Insta360 X4 camera! Using the 360° mode, you can record the beauty of the world around you in resolutions up to 8K. This allows you to capture richly detailed images that will dazzle you with unparalleled clarity and depth like never before. Higher Frames per Second = Better Image Quality Get ready for a true revolution in image quality! With a higher frame rate of 60 FPS, you can enjoy smoother and sharper images on each frame. The 5.7K60FPS recording mode is perfect for capturing dynamic sports or highly active scenes. If you dream of a cinematic slow-motion effect, switch the recording settings to 4K100FPS. Adjust the Perfect Frame After Recording Capture a unique moment and then choose the perfect frame! With frame adjustment tools supported by artificial intelligence in the Insta360 app, just one click is enough to create your dream shot. Now you'll never miss an important moment! Record from a Third-Person Perspective The Invisible Selfie Stick automatically disappears from your recordings, opening up a world of incredible third-person perspectives and drone-like angles that you can't achieve with other action cameras. Don't have a drone? No problem – now you can enjoy professional shots even without using one! A New Dimension of Filming The innovative HDR video mode not only enhances details but also provides excellent stabilization, perfect for recording extreme sports. With active HDR, colors in bright and dark areas come to life, something other action cameras can't achieve. Break the routine and capture your actions in the best quality! Capture the Moment in Full Splendor With the Insta360 X4 camera, you can create unique 360° photos with a resolution of up to 72MP. Capture every moment with amazing clarity, where even the smallest detail comes to life. Your photos will emanate intense colors, capturing the fullness of every scene in a breathtaking way. Smoother Recordings in 4K60FPS Quality Get ready for an action-packed adventure! With the Insta360 X4, you can record incredible moments in even better quality. Using the Single-Lens mode, you can record videos up to 2 times smoother in 4K60FPS. But that's not all! If you dream of a wider panorama, go for MaxView in FreeFrame Video mode, offering an incredible 170° field of view at improved 4K30FPS. Be the Center of Attention with ME Mode Become the star of your own movie! Use the ME mode to capture the most exciting moments from an extraordinary perspective. The ability to record in 4K at 30 frames per second or 2.7K at 120 frames per second ensures that your movies are clear and detailed no matter where you are. It's the perfect solution for outdoor activities like cycling or snowboarding! Extreme Shake-Free Recordings The Insta360 X4 camera provides unique effects even in the most challenging conditions – it performs well on uneven roads and turbulent waves. With patented FlowState stabilization technology, your recordings will always be incredibly smooth in the highest quality, no matter how extreme your adventure is. With the X4, you can rely on reliability in any conditions! 360° Horizon Lock Forget about limitations and feel the thrill of performing crazy acrobatics during paragliding flights or exciting roller coaster rides, knowing that your recording will be perfectly balanced. Discover absolute stability and endless possibilities that will make your adventures even more unforgettable! Caring for the Lens The kit includes two lens covers to keep your camera in great condition for longer. The standard cover ensures easy installation – you can remove it in an instant if necessary! And for those who take safety seriously, there is a premium cover available. Made of tempered glass, it is highly durable, scratch-resistant, and designed to maintain the best image quality. No Interruptions in Recording With the Insta360 X4 camera, you don't have to worry about running out of power at the least convenient moments! The durable 2290 mAh battery allows for up to 135 minutes of continuous recording in 5.7K@30fps mode, giving you plenty of time to capture the most important moments – that's 67% longer compared to the X3 model. Furthermore, charging via the USB-C port will get you back in action in just 60 minutes. Record the Beau

HUF 259090.00

Barkács, kert, jármű/Akkus szerszámgépek/Akkumulátorok és töltők/Erőművek/Erőművek, EcoFlow River MAX hordozható erőmű

Barkács, kert, jármű/Akkus szerszámgépek/Akkumulátorok és töltők/Erőművek/Erőművek, EcoFlow River MAX hordozható erőmű

EcoFlow River MAX - hordozható erőműAz EcoFlow hordozható erőművei új alternatívák az akkumulátoros erőművek között. Az EcoFlow River MAX példátlan kialakítása egy teljesen új szintre emeli a készülék teljesítményét. A River MAX rendszere alkalmazkodni fog az Ön igényeihez és tökéletesen működik, mind kültéri, mind otthoni környezetben is!Könnyű használatAz EcoFlow termékei biztonságosak és könnyen használhatóak. A robbanómotoros generátorokkal ellentétben, ez beltérben is használható, valamint nem benzinnel működik, nem bocsát ki mérgező füstöt, nem rezeg működés közben és még rendkívül halk is! Az akkumulátor használata 30%-al kevesebbe kerül, mintha benzinnel működő generátort használna. Csatlakoztassa az erőművet egy konnektorhoz vagy a fotovoltaikus panelekhez és el is kezdheti tölteni!Korlátlan lehetőségekA hordozható erőmű ideális a kültéri programokhoz. Az EcoFlow River MAX-ot magával viheti a kirándulások vagy bármilyen utazás során. Ne engedje, hogy a váratlan szituációk és a kevés áramellátás elrontsák az utazását!Fejlett technológiaA szabadalmaztatott X-Stream technológia biztosítja az erőmű gyors töltődését: egy óra alatt 0%-ról 80%-ra töltődik! A teljes töltöttség 1,6 óra töltés után érhető el egy hagyományos konnektorral. Ezzel az EcoFlow nyújtja a piacon a leggyorsabb töltési időt!Korlátlan napenergiaAz EcoFlow River-t napenergia segítségével is feltöltheti: csatlakoztassa a fotovoltaikus panelhez a gyors töltő port használatával. A 200 W-os panelek, folyamatos napsütésben kevesebb, mint 3 óra alatt feltöltik a készüléket. A töltéshez használhatja az EcoFlow paneleit, de más napelemet is használhat, ami megfelelő feszültséggel (11-25 V) rendelkezik.Többféle készüléket is tölthet veleA hordozható erőművel többfajta készüléket is feltölthet: például telefont, laptopot, kamerát, TV-t, orvosi készüléket vagy akár lámpát is. A készülék 576 Wh-s kapacitással rendelkezik, amivel a 10 W-os lámpákat 12 óráig is képes működtetni, egy 150 W-os hűtőt pedig 4-8 óráig.X-Boost technológiaAnnak érdekében, hogy a magasfeszültségű készülékek is biztonságosan működhessenek, az X-Boost technológia fejlett algoritmusa csökkenti a feszültséget a készülékben!EcoFlow applikációTöltse le az EcoFlow applikációt, majd párosítsa az erőművel. Így könnyedén irányíthatja a készüléket: ellenőrizheti a működési időt, használhatja az X-Boost funkciót és kiválaszthatja a különböző töltési opciókat az applikációból.Irányítási rendszerAz EcoFlow kifejlesztette a saját akkumulátor irányítási rendszerét, hogy maximalizálja a teljesítményt, a készülék strapabíróságát és az élettartamát. Ez szabályozza az akkumulátort, az Artifical Intelligence algoritmus használatával pedig növeli a teljesítményét.A minőség új szintre lépAz EcoFlow River úgy lett kialakítva, hogy stabil legyen és még véletlen se boruljon fel! A készüléken több minőségi és teljesítmény tesztet hajtottak végre, annak érdekében, hogy a használata biztonságos legyen.*A készülék fogantyúján lévő karcolás nem technikai hiba, hanem a festék, az ABS és a PC műanyag keverékének természetes hatása. A karcolás nem befolyásolja a készülék működését és nincsen rá garancia!A doboz tartalma: - River MAX hordozható erőmű- DC5521-DC5525 kábel- Töltőkábel MC4-hez és az XT60 fotovoltaikus panelhez- 1,5 m AC töltőkébel- 1,5 m Car töltőkébel- Felhasználói kézikönyvTulajdonságok: Súly: 7,7 kgMéret: 28,8 x 18,5 x 25,3 cmMűködési hőmérséklet: -20°C és 45°C közöttTöltési hőmérséklet : 0°C és 45°C közöttBemenetek:AC töltő bemenet teljesítmény, X-STREAM: 500 W maxAC töltő bemenet feszültség: 220-240 V (50Hz / 60Hz)Napelemes töltési bemenet: 200 W 10-25 V DC 12 A MaxAutós töltő bemenet: 12 V / 24 V DC 10 A maxKimenetek:AC kimenet(x3 / x2): 600 W (1200 W flow)USB-A (x2) kimenet: 12 W per port, 5 V DC, 2.4 A.Gyors töltő USB-A (x1): 5V/2.4A,9V/2A,12V/1.5A 18W Max.USB-C kimenet (x1): 100 W, 5 V DC, 9 V. DC, 12 V DC, 15 V DC, 20 V DC, 5 A maxAutós töltő teljesítménye (x1): 136 W, 13.6 V DC, 10 A maxDC5521 kimenet (x2): 13.6 V DC, 3 A max. (Per port)Tanúsítvány: CE, FCC, RoHS, UL StandardAkkumulátor kapacitása: 576 WhAkkumulátor élettartama: 500 töltési ciklus (80%-ig)Akkumulátor típus: Li-Ion

HUF 269999.00

Bob Daan Tech kompakt mini asztali mosogatógép (fehér)

Bob Daan Tech kompakt mini asztali mosogatógép (fehér)

Bob Daan Tech kompakt mini asztali mosogatógép (fehér) Bob kompakt mini asztali mosogatógép a Daan Tech-től (fehér és zöld) Döntse el a kényelmet, és válassza a Daan Tech Bob kompakt mosogatógépét. A terméket viszonylag kis kialakítása jellemzi, így tökéletes lesz lakókocsiban, csónakban vagy furgonban utazva. Sőt, optimális mennyiségű edényt is elfér benne, valamint képernyővel és gombokkal rendelkezik a kényelmes kezelés érdekében. Kompakt kialakítás A mosogatógép nem sokkal nagyobb, mint egy mikrohullámú sütő, így kis konyhákban is megtalálja a használatát. Szélessége nem haladja meg a 34 cm-t, így nem kell lemondani a mosogatás kényelméről csak azért, mert nincs beépített hely. A Bob mosogatógépet bárhová elhelyezheted, és nyaralásra is magaddal viheted! You can easily prepare it for work Daan Tech dishwasher offers 2 ways to connect water. The device has an integrated tank with a capacity of 3.9 liters, so you don't have to refill it too often. However, if the need arises, you can add water through the opening on the front. The device can also draw water from the tap. For this you will use a special hose, included in the set, which you will connect to the dishwasher. Additional amenities The Daan Tech Bob dishwasher is equipped with a basket in which you will place your dishes. What's more, a 1.5-meter-long hose will be used to drain the dirty water. All you need to do is place it in the sink or bucket. The device also has a small window through which you can follow the cleaning process. All this makes Bob the perfect companion for your travels! User-friendly Daan Tech Bob offers 5 washing programs: Express (20 min), Daily (50 min), Intensive (91 min), Eco (180 min) and Maintenance (61 min). This allows you to customize its performance to suit your needs. What's more, the dishwasher will automatically open when you touch the door. In addition, they are distinguished by their magnetic design and will open when you're done to dry your dishes. Stay up to date The Bob dishwasher is equipped with a screen that displays the drying icon and program names. It will also inform you if there is an error. On the other hand, the buttons located below the screen are responsible for convenient operation. With their help you can start the wash, select a program, stop the dishwasher or adjust the operation of the machine to your needs. Included dishwasher crockery basket cutlery basket wrench/screwdriver hose holder 2 hoses power cord Bob 10pcs tablets set instruction manual Manufacturer Daan Tech Model Bob Color white-green Energy efficiency class G Energy consumption 98 kWh/year Energy consumption in standard cycle 0.43 kWh/cycle Power consumption in standby mode 0.5 W Operating time in standby mode 5 min Water consumption per year 1064 l Drying class A Standard cleaning cycle Eco Operating time (Eco program) 180 min Noise level 43 dB (A) re 1 pW Possibility of built-in no Dimensions 49 x 34 x 49 cm Weight approx. 11 kg Power 1000 W Feszültség és frekvencia 220-240V~ 50Hz Víznyomás 0,5-10 bar = 0,05-1 MPa Víztartály térfogata 3,9 l Tisztítási hőmérséklet 30-70°C

HUF 262290.00

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (black)

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (black)

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (black) Bob compact mini table top dishwasher from Daan Tech (black). Opt for convenience and choose the Bob compact dishwasher from Daan Tech. The product is distinguished by its relatively small design, so it will be perfect when traveling in a camper, boat or van. What's more, it accommodates an optimal amount of dishes and has a screen and buttons for convenient operation. In addition, it uses a small amount of water. It also comes with a basket for dishes and cutlery, power cord, etc. Compact design The dishwasher is not much larger than a microwave oven, so it will be successful in campers, vans, or on a yacht. It will also find its use in small kitchens. Its width does not exceed 34 cm, so it will not take up much space. As a result, you can take her on any vacation! You can easily prepare her for work The Daan Tech dishwasher offers 2 ways to connect the water. The device has an integrated tank with a capacity of 3.9 liters, so you don't have to refill it too often. However, if the need arises, you can add water through the opening on the front. The device can also draw water from the tap. For this you will use a special hose, included in the set, which you will connect to the dishwasher. Additional amenities The Daan Tech Bob dishwasher is equipped with a basket in which you will place dishes. What's more, a 1.5-meter-long hose will be used to drain the dirty water. All you have to do is place it in the sink or bucket. The device also has a small window through which you can follow the cleaning process. All this makes Bob the perfect companion for your travels! User-friendly Daan Tech Bob offers 5 washing programs: Express (20 min), Daily (50 min), Intensive (91 min), Eco (180 min) and Maintenance (61 min). This allows you to customize its performance to suit your needs. What's more, the dishwasher will automatically open when you touch the door. In addition, they are distinguished by their magnetic design and will open when you're done to dry your dishes. Stay up to date The Bob dishwasher is equipped with a screen that displays the drying icon and program names. It will also inform you of a possible error. On the other hand, buttons located below the screen are responsible for convenient operation. With their help you can start washing, select a program, stop the dishwasher or adjust the operation of the device to your needs. Included dishwasherbasket for dishescutlery basketwrench/screwdriverhose holderhosepower cordinstruction manual ManufacturerDaan TechModelBobColorblackEnergy efficiency classGEnergy consumption98 kWh/yearEnergy consumption in standard cycle0.43 kWh/cyclePower consumption in standby mode0.5 WOperating time in standby mode5 minWater consumption per year1064 lDrying classAStandard cleaning cycleEcoOperating time (Eco program)180 minNoise level43 dB (A) re 1 pWPossibility of built-innoDimensions49 x 34 x 49 cmWeightapprox. 11 kgPower1000 WVoltage and frequency220-240V~ 50HzWater pressure0,5-10 bar = 0,05-1 MPaWater tank capacity3.9 lCleaning temperature30-70°C

HUF 241390.00

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (white-red)

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (white-red)

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (white-red) Bob compact mini table top dishwasher from Daan Tech (red and white). Opt for convenience and choose the Bob compact dishwasher from Daan Tech. The product is distinguished by its relatively small design, so it will be perfect when traveling in a camper, boat or van. What's more, it accommodates an optimal amount of dishes and has a screen and buttons for convenient operation. In addition, it uses a small amount of water. It also comes with a basket for dishes and cutlery, power cord, etc. Compact design The dishwasher is not much larger than a microwave oven, so it will be successful in campers, vans, or on a yacht. It will also find its use in small kitchens. Its width does not exceed 34 cm, so it will not take up much space. As a result, you can take her on any vacation! You can easily prepare her for work The Daan Tech dishwasher offers 2 ways to connect the water. The device has an integrated tank with a capacity of 3.9 liters, so you don't have to refill it too often. However, if the need arises, you can add water through the opening on the front. The device can also draw water from the tap. For this you will use a special hose, included in the set, which you will connect to the dishwasher. Additional amenities The Daan Tech Bob dishwasher is equipped with a basket in which you will place dishes. What's more, a 1.5-meter-long hose will be used to drain the dirty water. All you have to do is place it in the sink or bucket. The device also has a small window through which you can follow the cleaning process. All this makes Bob the perfect companion for your travels! User-friendly Daan Tech Bob offers 5 washing programs: Express (20 min), Daily (50 min), Intensive (91 min), Eco (180 min) and Maintenance (61 min). This allows you to customize its performance to suit your needs. What's more, the dishwasher will automatically open when you touch the door. In addition, they are distinguished by their magnetic design and will open when you're done to dry your dishes. Stay up to date The Bob dishwasher is equipped with a screen that displays the drying icon and program names. It will also inform you of a possible error. On the other hand, buttons located below the screen are responsible for convenient operation. With their help you can start washing, select a program, stop the dishwasher or adjust the operation of the device to your needs. Included dishwasher basket for dishes cutlery basket wrench/screwdriver hose holder hose power cord instruction manual ManufacturerDaan TechModelBobColorRed and whiteEnergy efficiency classGEnergy consumption98 kWh/yearEnergy consumption in standard cycle0.43 kWh/cyclePower consumption in standby mode0.5 WOperating time in standby mode5 minWater consumption per year1064 lDrying classAStandard cleaning cycleEcoOperating time (Eco program)180 minNoise level43 dB (A) re 1 pWPossibility of built-innoDimensions49 x 34 x 49 cmWeightapprox. 11 kgPower1000 WVoltage and frequency220-240V~ 50HzWater pressure0,5-10 bar = 0,05-1 MPaWater tank capacity3.9 lCleaning temperature30-70°C

HUF 221290.00

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (white)

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (white)

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (white) Bob compact mini table top dishwasher from Daan Tech (white). Opt for convenience and choose the Bob compact dishwasher from Daan Tech. The product is distinguished by its relatively small design, so it will be perfect when traveling in a camper, boat or van. What's more, it accommodates an optimal amount of dishes and has a screen and buttons for convenient operation. In addition, it uses a small amount of water. It also comes with a basket for dishes and cutlery, power cord, etc. Compact design The dishwasher is not much larger than a microwave oven, so it will be successful in campers, vans, or on a yacht. It will also find its use in small kitchens. Its width does not exceed 34 cm, so it will not take up much space. As a result, you can take her on any vacation! You can easily prepare her for work The Daan Tech dishwasher offers 2 ways to connect the water. The device has an integrated tank with a capacity of 3.9 liters, so you don't have to refill it too often. However, if the need arises, you can add water through the opening on the front. The device can also draw water from the tap. For this you will use a special hose, included in the set, which you will connect to the dishwasher. Additional amenities The Daan Tech Bob dishwasher is equipped with a basket in which you will place dishes. What's more, a 1.5-meter-long hose will be used to drain the dirty water. All you have to do is place it in the sink or bucket. The device also has a small window through which you can follow the cleaning process. All this makes Bob the perfect companion for your travels! User-friendly Daan Tech Bob offers 5 washing programs: Express (20 min), Daily (50 min), Intensive (91 min), Eco (180 min) and Maintenance (61 min). This allows you to customize its performance to suit your needs. What's more, the dishwasher will automatically open when you touch the door. In addition, they are distinguished by their magnetic design and will open when you're done to dry your dishes. Stay up to date The Bob dishwasher is equipped with a screen that displays the drying icon and program names. It will also inform you of a possible error. On the other hand, buttons located below the screen are responsible for convenient operation. With their help you can start washing, select a program, stop the dishwasher or adjust the operation of the device to your needs. Included dishwasherbasket for dishescutlery basketwrench/screwdriverhose holderhosepower cordinstruction manual ManufacturerDaan TechModelBobColorWhiteEnergy efficiency classGEnergy consumption98 kWh/yearEnergy consumption in standard cycle0.43 kWh/cyclePower consumption in standby mode0.5 WOperating time in standby mode5 minWater consumption per year1064 lDrying classAStandard cleaning cycleEcoOperating time (Eco program)180 minNoise level43 dB (A) re 1 pWPossibility of built-innoDimensions49 x 34 x 49 cmWeightapprox. 11 kgPower1000 WVoltage and frequency220-240V~ 50HzWater pressure0,5-10 bar = 0,05-1 MPaWater tank capacity3.9 lCleaning temperature30-70°C

HUF 237890.00

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (white-silver)

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (white-silver)

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (white-silver) Bob compact mini table top dishwasher from Daan Tech (white and silver). Opt for convenience and choose the Bob compact dishwasher from Daan Tech. The product is distinguished by its relatively small design, so it will be perfect when traveling in a camper, boat or van. What's more, it accommodates an optimal amount of dishes and has a screen and buttons for convenient operation. In addition, it uses a small amount of water. It also comes with a basket for dishes and cutlery, power cord, etc. Compact design The dishwasher is not much larger than a microwave oven, so it will be successful in campers, vans, or on a yacht. It will also find its use in small kitchens. Its width does not exceed 34 cm, so it will not take up much space. As a result, you can take her on any vacation! You can easily prepare her for work The Daan Tech dishwasher offers 2 ways to connect the water. The device has an integrated tank with a capacity of 3.9 liters, so you don't have to refill it too often. However, if the need arises, you can add water through the opening on the front. The device can also draw water from the tap. For this you will use a special hose, included in the set, which you will connect to the dishwasher. Additional amenities The Daan Tech Bob dishwasher is equipped with a basket in which you will place dishes. What's more, a 1.5-meter-long hose will be used to drain the dirty water. All you have to do is place it in the sink or bucket. The device also has a small window through which you can follow the cleaning process. All this makes Bob the perfect companion for your travels! User-friendly Daan Tech Bob offers 5 washing programs: Express (20 min), Daily (50 min), Intensive (91 min), Eco (180 min) and Maintenance (61 min). This allows you to customize its performance to suit your needs. What's more, the dishwasher will automatically open when you touch the door. In addition, they are distinguished by their magnetic design and will open when you're done to dry your dishes. Stay up to date The Bob dishwasher is equipped with a screen that displays the drying icon and program names. It will also inform you of a possible error. On the other hand, buttons located below the screen are responsible for convenient operation. With their help you can start washing, select a program, stop the dishwasher or adjust the operation of the device to your needs. Included dishwasherbasket for dishescutlery basketwrench/screwdriverhose holderhosepower cordinstruction manual ManufacturerDaan TechModelBobColorwhite-silverEnergy efficiency classGEnergy consumption98 kWh/yearEnergy consumption in standard cycle0.43 kWh/cyclePower consumption in standby mode0.5 WOperating time in standby mode5 minWater consumption per year1064 lDrying classAStandard cleaning cycleEcoOperating time (Eco program)180 minNoise level43 dB (A) re 1 pWPossibility of built-innoDimensions49 x 34 x 49 cmWeightapprox. 11 kgPower1000 WVoltage and frequency220-240V~ 50HzWater pressure0,5-10 bar = 0,05-1 MPaWater tank capacity3.9 lCleaning temperature30-70°C

HUF 227790.00

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (white)

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (white)

Bob Daan Tech compact mini table top dishwasher (white) Bob compact mini table top dishwasher from Daan Tech (white and green). Opt for convenience and choose the Bob compact dishwasher from Daan Tech. The product is distinguished by its relatively small design, so it will be perfect when traveling in a camper, boat or van. What's more, it accommodates an optimal amount of dishes and has a screen and buttons for convenient operation. In addition, it uses a small amount of water. It also comes with a basket for dishes and cutlery, power cord, etc. Compact design The dishwasher is not much larger than a microwave oven, so it will be successful in campers, vans, or on a yacht. It will also find its use in small kitchens. Its width does not exceed 34 cm, so it will not take up much space. As a result, you can take her on any vacation! You can easily prepare her for work The Daan Tech dishwasher offers 2 ways to connect the water. The device has an integrated tank with a capacity of 3.9 liters, so you don't have to refill it too often. However, if the need arises, you can add water through the opening on the front. The device can also draw water from the tap. For this you will use a special hose, included in the set, which you will connect to the dishwasher. Additional amenities The Daan Tech Bob dishwasher is equipped with a basket in which you will place dishes. What's more, a 1.5-meter-long hose will be used to drain the dirty water. All you have to do is place it in the sink or bucket. The device also has a small window through which you can follow the cleaning process. All this makes Bob the perfect companion for your travels! User-friendly Daan Tech Bob offers 5 washing programs: Express (20 min), Daily (50 min), Intensive (91 min), Eco (180 min) and Maintenance (61 min). This allows you to customize its performance to suit your needs. What's more, the dishwasher will automatically open when you touch the door. In addition, they are distinguished by their magnetic design and will open when you're done to dry your dishes. Stay up to date The Bob dishwasher is equipped with a screen that displays the drying icon and program names. It will also inform you of a possible error. On the other hand, buttons located below the screen are responsible for convenient operation. With their help you can start washing, select a program, stop the dishwasher or adjust the operation of the device to your needs. Included dishwasherbasket for dishescutlery basketwrench/screwdriverhose holderhosepower cordinstruction manual ManufacturerDaan TechModelBobColorWhite-greenEnergy efficiency classGEnergy consumption98 kWh/yearEnergy consumption in standard cycle0.43 kWh/cyclePower consumption in standby mode0.5 WOperating time in standby mode5 minWater consumption per year1064 lDrying classAStandard cleaning cycleEcoOperating time (Eco program)180 minNoise level43 dB (A) re 1 pWPossibility of built-innoDimensions49 x 34 x 49 cmWeightapprox. 11 kgPower1000 WVoltage and frequency220-240V~ 50HzWater pressure0,5-10 bar = 0,05-1 MPaWater tank capacity3.9 lCleaning temperature30-70°C

HUF 221290.00