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JIMMY F7 hajszárító

JIMMY F7 hajszárító

JIMMY F7 hajszárító JIMMY F7 hajszárító Szárítsa meg a haját gyorsan és biztonságosan a Jimmy F7-tel. A hajszárító nagy teljesítményű digitális motort és negatív ionokat használ, hogy pillanatok alatt megszárítsa a haját anélkül, hogy károsítaná azt. Ezen kívül túlmelegedés elleni védelmet és több üzemmódot is kínál, így testreszabható a teljesítménye. Az érintőképernyő pedig megkönnyíti a használatát. A kényelmes formázás érdekében koncentrátorral is rendelkezik. Gyors száradás Ne pazarolja az idejét hosszadalmas és fárasztó hajszárításra. A Jimmy F7 INC-M2.0 digitális kefe nélküli motorral van felszerelve, amely kisebb kialakítású, könnyebb súlyú és hosszabb élettartammal rendelkezik. Sőt, a légáramlás sebessége 18 l/s, így a rövid hajat körülbelül 1 perc, a közepes hosszúságú hajat körülbelül 3 perc alatt, a hosszú hajat pedig körülbelül 5 perc alatt szárítja meg. Shiny and soft hair The Jimmy hair dryer will also allow you to take care of the condition of your hair. The device uses Nanoi technology and generates up to 10 million negative ions per second. This keeps your hair moisturized, smooth, soft and shiny. They also won't get electrified. With the Jimmy F7, you can easily create the hairstyle of your dreams. Protection from excessive heat Jimmy F7 protects your hair from over-drying. The PID chip measures the air temperature more than 50 times per second and automatically adjusts the power. This prevents moisture loss and hair damage. So you can use it without worry! Tailored to your needs The dryer offers several modes and settings, so you can tailor its performance to your needs. You can choose from Warm, Cold, Hot & Cold and Soft modes. In addition, the device provides 3-stage temperature and speed control: Low, Medium and High. So you can adjust its operation to your hair type, fix your styling and give your hair a delightful shine. Lightweight and quiet Jimmy F7 provides convenience of use. The dryer is distinguished by its lightweight design - it weighs 460 g, so you don't have to worry about discomfort and fatigue. What's more, thanks to the noise reduction technology, it works at 66 dB. Now the annoying noise will not disturb the rest of the household or your pet. LED display Operating the Jimmy F7 will not cause you any problems. The dryer is equipped with a 2 touch LED display, which will allow you to customize the operation of the device. From it you will set the operating mode, temperature and blowing speed - just touch the appropriate icon. Refined in every detail This is not the end of the advantages of the Jimmy F7 dryer. The device is distinguished by its matte finish for greater user comfort. What's more, its onie/off is enabled by a dedicated button, and the dense filter at the bottom prevents dust from getting inside and hair from getting tangled. In addition, you'll find a magnetic concentrator included, which rotates 360° and allows you to focus the air on the strands of your choice, thus making styling easier. Included dryer concentrator instruction manual Gyártó Jimmy Model F7 Szín fehér Feszültség 220-240 V Teljesítmény 1600 W Légáramlás 18 l/s Zajszint 66 dB Sebességszabályozás Magas/Közepes/Alacsony Hőmérséklet szabályozás Magas/Közepes/Alacsony Üzemmódok Meleg/Hideg/Meleg-Hideg/Lágy víz ionok igen Negatív ionok igen, 10 millió/s-ig LED kijelző igen Súly 460 g

HUF 69190.00

Dreame IPL epilator (fehér)

Dreame IPL epilator (fehér)

Dreame IPL epilator (fehér) Dreame IPL Depilator Don't let ingrown hairs take away your confidence. The Dreame IPL Depilator uses effective cooling technology to ensure comfort and safety during your session. The light emission with wavelengths ranging from 550 to 1100 nm along with a pulse duration of 5 to 12ms ensures satisfactory results. You can choose from 8 energy levels and 8 modes, so you can customize the device's action to your needs and gain smooth skin on your face and body. The easy-to-read display allows you to monitor the epilation process and makes it easy to use. Forget about expensive treatments and get the look of your dreams in the comfort of your own home! Visible results in just 3 weeks Get rid of unwanted hair quickly and effectively. Already after about 3 weeks of regular use of Dreame epilator you can notice hair reduction by up to 93%. The epilation device penetrates the epidermis and reaches the roots of the hair, effectively eliminating the risk of re-growth. You'll also say goodbye for good to unsightly dark spots on your skin, which are often caused by using poorly chosen shaving techniques. The energy density of 2 to 4.3 J per cm2 of skin ensures the reliable effectiveness of each treatment. This will keep you ready for the vacations all year long! Painless hair removal The epilator uses FDA-approved Sapphire A++ cooling technology. The use of sapphire helped ensure efficient heat conduction, so your skin is effectively protected during epilation. The device maintains a safe temperature between 10 and 20°C, precisely directing light to the hair follicle. In addition, aluminum components and an efficient fan contribute to minimizing the risk of burns. As a result, you don't have to worry about pain or discomfort - with Dreame you will remove unwanted hair safely, painlessly and effectively. Personalized epilation experience Dreame will allow you to enjoy perfectly smooth skin. The IPL epilator offers 7 modes that are dedicated to specific body parts - face, fingers, legs, bikini line, arms, underarms and chest/back. There is also an eighth mode (Ice-Cooling), which helps reduce redness and irritation after epilation, making the device ideal for those with extremely sensitive skin as well. You can also choose from 8 levels of intensity. For the sake of your comfort The epilator's dimensions are 175 x 64 x 39 mm, and its weight does not exceed 295 g - so you can perform epilation with precision without risking annoying pain in your wrist. In addition, the device is equipped with an easy-to-read screen that allows you to check the selected mode and intensity level in real time. Thanks to the Auto Glide function, you can perform the treatment on multiple body parts in just 10 minutes without having to press a button repeatedly. Save time and see how convenient it is! The BF protection type (Class II) confirms the high safety standard when using the device, and the number of flashes reaching 500,000 translates into a long life. Included: Depilator IPL DreameSafety glassesShaverAC power cordAC adapterUser manual ManufacturerDreameModelD-1186Power levels8Cooling methodSapphire A++Number of modes8Light outlet size3.2cm²Number of flashes per second0.7sWavelength550-1100nmMaximum output power21JLamp life500,000 flashesPower600 WWeight295 g

HUF 135590.00

Dreame V11 vezeték nélküli rúdporszívó

Dreame V11 vezeték nélküli rúdporszívó

Dreame V11 vezeték nélküli rúdporszívó A porszívók új generációja Otthonának vagy autójának kitakarítása sosem volt még olyan gyors és könnyű, mint a forradalmian új Dreame V11 porszívóval. Az erős, kefe nélküli motor hihetetlen szívóerőt biztosít, így készüléke bármilyen szennyeződéssel elbánik. Rendkívül könnyű (mindössze 1,6 kg) és modern OLED kijelzője egyszerűvé teszi a használatot. Könnyű tárolás és tisztítás A falra szerelhető tartó állomás a készülék és a készülék cserélhető alkatrészei számára is kényelmes tárolási lehetőséget biztosít. A cserélhető alkatrészeket pedig csak el kell öblítenünk használat után, így hosszú élettartamon, tartósan magas hatásfokkal használhatjuk termékünket. Hosszú működési idő A továbbfejlesztett 3000 mAh akkumulátor akár 90 percnyi folyamatos működést is lehetővé tesz egyetlen töltéssel.így rendkívül nagy felületekete is tisztán tarthat vele. A teljes töltési idő nagyjából 4 órát vesz igénybe. Csendes működés A Dreame V11 egy hihetetlenül csendes porszívó, amely mindössze 73 dB-en működik ECO módban. Ezt a 7-lépcsős rendszerének köszönheti, amely többek között hangszigetelő szivacsból és az alaktrészek precíz csatlakozásából, illetve az optimális légáramlás miatt. Újgenerációs kefe nélküli motor A hihetetlenül erős Dreame SPACE 4.0 kefe nélküli motor 125000 fordulat per perccel akár 140 AW szívóerejével még a legmakacsabb szennyeződéseket is eltávolítja. A modern hűtőrendszerének hála a motor nem melegszik túl, így zavartalanul működhet akár hosszabb ideig is. A legmagasabb szintű szűrés A 12 tölcséres szűrőrendszer akármilyen port, pollent, állatszőrt vagy bármilyen részecskét kiszűr akár cone cyclone filtration system can handle dust, pollen, animal hair and any particles up to 0,3 mikronig. Az 5-lépcsős szűrőrendszer a por és a mikroorganizmusok 99,7%-át benntartja, így megtisztítja a levegőt, aminek minden allergiás nagyon fog örülni. Megoldás minden helyzetben A porszívó négy különböző szívófejjel érkezik: padlóhoz, szőnyeghez, egy kis kefe a bútorokhoz és egy résszívófej.Emellett pedig 3 különböző fokozatban használható (ECO, normál és TURBO), a cserélhető kefék lehetővé teszik, hogy a porszívó bármilyen felületen helytálljon. Hála hosszú és rugalmas csövének, és a kézi porszívós funkciójának még a nehezen hozzáférhető helyeken is elbánik a porral. Dreame V11 vezeték nélküli porszívó 2 az 1-ben töltő- és tároló állomás Hálózati táp 2 az egyben résszívófej 2 az 1-ben kefe Puhakefés szívófej Kis szívófej Rugalmas hosszabbító cső Hosszabbító cső Modell Dreame V11 Névleges feszültség 25,2 V Súly 1,6 kg Akkumulátor kapacitás 3000 mAh Szívóerő 22000 Pa Tisztítóerő 150 AW Portartály kapacitása 500 ml Névleges teljesítmény 450 W Motor Dreame Space 4.0 nagysebességű motor Üzemidő Akár 90 perc Töltési idő Kb. 4 óra Szűrőrendszer 12-szeres öntisztító rendszer, 5-lépcsős szűrő

HUF 126590.00

Laifen Retro Ionizációs hajszárító (kék)

Laifen Retro Ionizációs hajszárító (kék)

Laifen Retro Ionizációs hajszárító (kék) Laifen Retro ionizációs hajszárító (kék) A Laifen Retro professzionális hajszárítóval gyorsan megszáríthatja és formázhatja a haját, miközben nem károsítja a haj szerkezetét. 2 hőmérsékleti fokozatot és hidegfúvás funkciót kínál, valamint negatív ionokat generál a kiszáradás és a statikus feltöltődés megelőzésére. 1400 watt teljesítménye és akár 22 m/s fújási sebessége jellemzi. A kefe nélküli motor viszont 110 000 RPM-en működik. A készülék használata kényelmes és rendkívül csendesen működik. Mindez egy kivételes prémium márka szárítójává teszi, amely a Laifen akár a piac legnépszerűbb szárítógépével is felérhet – minden elvárásodnak biztosan megfelel! Gyors száradás Responsible for the efficient operation of the dryer is a brushless motor operating at 110,000 RPM, which generates an extremely powerful airflow. As a result, drying takes just 2-8 minutes, depending on the length and thickness of the hair - as much as 2 times faster than drying with a traditional hair dryer. Shiny, healthy hair Styling your hair has never been easier! The Retro model generates as many as 200 million negative ions, which effectively prevents static and protects hair from damage and dryness. Thanks to this solution, your hair will be smooth and pleasant to the touch. In addition, the advanced control system measures the air temperature more than 100 times per second, so you don't have to worry about burning your skin or damaging your hair. Tailored to different users' needs Match the dryer's operation to your needs or hair type. You can choose from 2 available temperature levels - the corresponding color of the LED ring will tell you which level to choose. Red means drying at 80°C, while yellow means drying at 50°C. It also offers cool air drying, which is indicated by the blue color. What's more, pressing the button for 2 seconds activates the circulation mode, which alternates between warm and cool air blasts every few seconds. Compact design The Retro dryer is distinguished by its ergonomic and lightweight design - only 407 g, so it fits perfectly in the hand and does not cause discomfort or fatigue during use. It will be perfect both at home and when traveling - you can successfully fit it in a suitcase or backpack. The long cable and convenient buttons on the handle will make it easy for you to use it. Its volume level is 59 dB, so you don't have to worry about annoying noise. Included dryer diffuser styling tip Gyártó Laifen Modell Retro Szín Kék Motor fordulatszám 110 000 RPM Levegősebesség 22 m /s Névleges feszültség 120V/230V Névleges frekvencia 50/60Hz Névleges teljesítmény 1400 W (120V) / 1600 W (230V) Méretek Tömeg 270 x 7 mm S 270 x 8 x 7 mm szint 59 dB

HUF 66890.00

A Laifen Swift SE speciális ionizációs hajszárító (lila)

A Laifen Swift SE speciális ionizációs hajszárító (lila)

Hair dryer with ionization Laifen Swift SE Special (Purple) A Laifen Swift SE speciális ionizációs hajszárító (lila) Szárítsa meg haját még hatékonyabban anélkül, hogy veszélyeztetné az egészségét. A Laifen Swift SE Special hajszárító kefe nélküli motort használ, amely 105 000 RPM-en működik. 21 m/s légáramlást is biztosít. Ennek eredményeként rendkívül hatékony. Nem kelt bosszantó zajt, és 200 millió negatív ion hatásának köszönhetően sima és fényes frizurát tesz lehetővé. A készülék különböző hőmérsékleti szinteket támogat, melyeket színes LED háttérvilágítás jelez. Használata teljesen biztonságos – egy intelligens érzékelő megakadályozza az égési sérüléseket vagy a túlmelegedést. A Laifen elkötelezett amellett, hogy megbízható eredményeket biztosítson a felhasználóknak, így a nagy teljesítményű hajszárító mellett koncentrátort és diffúzort is talál a csomagban. Hatékony szárítás The Laifen Swift SE Special dryer is equipped with an innovative brushless motor with a speed of 105,000 RPM. Air velocity reaches as high as 21 m/s. As a result, you can enjoy perfectly dried hair in just 3-8 minutes. The solution used will allow you to save precious time and achieve the desired results with minimal effort. Healthy, beautiful hair Laifen takes care of the health of your hair The Swift SE Special hair dryer generates as many as 200 million negative ions that help close the hair's cuticles for delightfully smooth and shiny hair. Forget the problem of frizzy hair and enjoy the aesthetic look of your hairstyle! Several temperature levels Get ready for a revolution in hair care and adjust the action of the Laifen dryer to your needs. The Swift SE Special model offers cool air, warm air at 50°C and hot air at 80°C. A circulation function will also be at your disposal, ensuring even drying of your hair and making it easier to style. A colored LED backlight will inform you of the selected temperature level. For the sake of safety A built-in sensor monitors the air temperature in real time 50 times per second, effectively eliminating the risk of burns or the dryer overheating. In addition, the device is equipped with a filter just 0.2 mm thick, which prevents hair from being drawn into it. So you can freely dry your hair without worrying about its safety. Additional conveniences Every effort has been made to make using the Laifen device as convenient as possible for you. The dryer is extremely lightweight - its weight is less than 407 g. As a result, you can freely dry and style your hair without experiencing wrist pain. In addition, the Swift SE Special model works extremely quietly and will not disturb other household members. So you can use it at any time. Long service life Laifen Swift SE Special is a dryer that will accompany you for a long time. Its service life reaches up to 1000 hours, which translates into many years of use. Bet on proven solutions and equip yourself with a device that will reliably take care of your hair! In the set: Laifen Swift SE Special hair dryer Concentrator Diffuser User manual Gyártó Laifen Model Swift SE Speciális Motor fordulatszám 105 000 RPM Légsebesség 21 m/s Tömeg 407 g Szín lila

HUF 65690.00

A Laifen Swift Premium ionizációs hajszárító (rózsaszín)

A Laifen Swift Premium ionizációs hajszárító (rózsaszín)

Hair dryer with ionization Laifen Swift Premium (Pink) A Laifen Swift Premium ionizációs hajszárító (rózsaszín) Aggódik, hogy a gyakori szárítás károsítja a haját? Vagy állandóan szembesülsz a felvillanyozó, göndörödő haj problémájával? Ha igen - a professzionális ionizációs Laifen Swift Premium szárító nagyszerű választás az Ön számára! 200 millió negatív ion, többféle üzemmód, sebesség, hatékonyság, alacsony zajszint (59 dB), lenyűgöző motorsebesség, könnyű súly és kis méret jellemzi a készüléket. A Laifen egy prémium márka, amely minden részletre odafigyelt, így minőségi szintjével a termék a piac legnépszerűbb szárítógépével vetekszik, és biztosan megfelel az Ön elvárásainak. A lehető legkényelmesebb használat érdekében a készlet tartalmaz egy koncentrátort, diffúzort és tároló tokot. Az egészséges haj érdekében The Laifen Swift Premium Dryer releases as many as 200 million negative ions. What does this mean in practice? Your hair will be smoother, nice to the touch and - above all - it will style the way you want it to. Using the Laifen hair dryer, you'll dry your hair quickly without damaging it with excessively warm air. The device uses a motor, running at 110,000 rpm, and the sensor monitors the air temperature as many as 100 times per second. As a result, the use of the product is efficient and completely safe. Different modes of operation You choose which drying mode is most suitable for your hair. Operation is incredibly easy - the LED indicator will tell you which mode you have selected. Red color means that hot air (80°C) is coming out of the dryer, yellow - warm air (50°C), and blue - cold air (room temperature). Holding down the corresponding button activates the air circulation function, during which you can enjoy alternating hot and cold air. You can also set the power and speed (high/low). Thoughtful design To make using the Laifen Swift Premium Dryer as comfortable as possible, every detail has been taken care of. The device is as much as 60% slimmer and 75% lighter than standard dryers, so you can comfortably dry your hair without straining your wrist. The compact size and light weight means that even a child can manage to hold the device and dry their hair on their own. Using a Laifen brand dryer, you don't have to worry about disturbing the sleep of other household members. The noise level of the device is only 59 dB, so you can comfortably dry your hair at any time. Satisfactory results Laifen Swift Premium's features make styling hairstyles easy. The styling concentrator is great for straight hair. Meanwhile, with curly hair in mind, the device is also equipped with a diffuser. In addition, using the dryer will make your hair 19% shinier, 15% smoother and 40% less frizzy. Safety of use Using the Laifen Swift Premium Dryer is completely safe and will minimize damage to your hair caused by frequent drying. To avoid equipment malfunctions and to make sure that the air coming out of the dryer inlet is always clean, it is recommended to regularly clean the filter with a soft brush or dry cloth. Assembling and disassembling the device is extremely easy, so you can easily clean the filter and ensure the good quality of the air with which you dry your hair. Included: Laifen Swift Premium Dryer Concentrator Diffuser Storage case User manual Gyártó Laifen Model Swift Premium Levegősebesség 22 m/s Negatív ionok 200 m/cm³ Hangszint 59 dB Feszültség 120/230 V Frekvencia 60/50 Hz Teljesítmény 1600 W (230V) Motor fordulatszám 110 000 RPM A szárító méretei20 x 7 89 mm Szín rózsaszín

HUF 87490.00

JIMMY JV85 Pro vezeték nélküli rúdporszívó

JIMMY JV85 Pro vezeték nélküli rúdporszívó

JIMMY JV85 Pro vezeték nélküli rúdporszívó Jimmy JV85 vezeték nélküli porszívó Tisztítsa meg egész otthonát kényelmesen és alaposan a Jimmy JV85 Pro vezeték nélküli porszívóval. A hajlítható csővel könnyedén felporszívózhat még nehezen elérhető helyeket is, mint például a bútorok alatti padlót, a készletben található kiegészítő kefék pedig hatékonyan tisztítják meg a különböző felületeket. A LED kijelző és az akár 70 perces üzemidő még egyszerűbbé teszi a tisztítást. A porszívó 200 AW szívóteljesítménnyel is rendelkezik, amely garantálja hatékonyságát. A Jimmy márka a Xiaomi ökoszisztéma része. Tökéletesen kialakított padlókefe Az 50 mm átmérőjű hengerrel ellátott padlókefe alapos tisztítást biztosít. A puha és kemény sörték kombinációja nagyszerűvé teszi mind a nagyobb törmelékek, mind a finom porszemcsék eltávolítására. A kiegészítő szőnyeghenger nejlon és szilikon részeivel tökéletesen lekaparja a törmeléket. Sőt, az ecset egyedi kialakítása megakadályozza, hogy a haj belegabalyodjon. További kiegészítők A készletben további tartozékokat is találhat, amelyek lehetővé teszik az egész otthon átfogó tisztítását. A réskefével kitisztíthatod a kanapék és fotelek mélyedéseit, az elektromos matrackefe pedig segít megszabadulni az ágyakról a portól és az atkáktól. A 2 az 1-ben kefe ideális bútorfelületek porszívózásához. A rugalmas tömlővel ellátott puha kefe segít megtisztítani a kényes vagy nehezen elérhető helyeket – például a billentyűzetet vagy a könyvespolcokat. Soaks up trash with the power of a hurricane The JV85 Pro's incredible performance is due to its 550W motor, which reaches 100,000 revolutions per minute. In addition, patented cyclonic technologies prevent the vacuum cleaner from clogging and increase its suction power. Thanks to these solutions, the device will allow you to quickly get rid of dust, crumbs, debris and hair. Even the most stubborn dirt can't resist it! Works for over an hour on a single charge The high-capacity, 8-cell battery pack provides up to 70 minutes of run time. The battery is replaceable, so you can extend the life of the JV85 Pro. You can store and charge the device at the same time using the included wall bracket. This saves you space and valuable time. Important information on the built-in display The Jimmy brand vacuum cleaner also has a smart LED screen that displays the most important information. With its help, you will find out the current status of the device, as well as check the battery charge level. This will allow you to optimally plan your cleaning and keep your JV85 Pro in perfect condition. User-friendly Thanks to its ergonomic cordless design and light weight, this vacuum cleaner is incredibly comfortable to use. Cleaning with it does not strain your muscles and does not require too much effort. You can easily reach the hardest to reach places. The waste container can be emptied at the touch of a button and the brushroll and filter elements can be washed under running water. This means that using the Jimmy JV85 Pro is not only comfortable, but also hygienic. Included Handheld vacuum cleaner x1 Flexible tube x1 Electric floor brush x1 Electric mattress brush x1 Extendable hose x1 Brush 2in1 x1 Crevice brush 2in1 x1 Soft brush x1 Connector x1 Charger x1 Charge holder x1 Battery x1 Carpet bruhroll x1 Manufacturer JIMMY Model JV85 Pro Voltage 28,8 V Rated power 600 W Suction pressure 25 000 Pa Air flow rate 1.35 m3/min. Suction power 200 AW Motor Brushless digital motor Operating time with electric brush Approx 13/25/55 minutes Operating time without electric brush Approx. 15/30/70 minutes Charging time Approx. 4-5 h Volume level 82 dB Waste tank capacity 0,6 l Net weight 4.05kg

HUF 145090.00

A Laifen Swift Premium ionizációs hajszárító (fehér)

A Laifen Swift Premium ionizációs hajszárító (fehér)

Hair dryer with ionization Laifen Swift Premium (White) A Laifen Swift Premium ionizációs hajszárító (fehér) Aggódik, hogy a gyakori szárítás károsítja a haját? Vagy állandóan szembesülsz a felvillanyozó, göndörödő haj problémájával? Ha igen - a professzionális ionizációs Laifen Swift Premium szárító nagyszerű választás az Ön számára! 200 millió negatív ion, többféle üzemmód, sebesség, hatékonyság, alacsony zajszint (59 dB), lenyűgöző motorsebesség, könnyű súly és kis méret jellemzi a készüléket. A Laifen egy prémium márka, amely minden részletre odafigyelt, így minőségi szintjével a termék a piac legnépszerűbb szárítógépével vetekszik, és biztosan megfelel az Ön elvárásainak. A lehető legkényelmesebb használat érdekében a készlet tartalmaz egy koncentrátort, diffúzort és tároló tokot. Az egészséges haj érdekében The Laifen Swift Premium Dryer releases as many as 200 million negative ions. What does this mean in practice? Your hair will be smoother, nice to the touch and - above all - it will style the way you want it to. Using the Laifen hair dryer, you'll dry your hair quickly without damaging it with excessively warm air. The device uses a motor, running at 110,000 rpm, and the sensor monitors the air temperature as many as 100 times per second. As a result, the use of the product is efficient and completely safe. Different modes of operation You choose which drying mode is most suitable for your hair. Operation is incredibly easy - the LED indicator will tell you which mode you have selected. Red color means that hot air (80°C) is coming out of the dryer, yellow - warm air (50°C), and blue - cold air (room temperature). Holding down the corresponding button activates the air circulation function, during which you can enjoy alternating hot and cold air. You can also set the power and speed (high/low). Thoughtful design To make using the Laifen Swift Premium Dryer as comfortable as possible, every detail has been taken care of. The device is as much as 60% slimmer and 75% lighter than standard dryers, so you can comfortably dry your hair without straining your wrist. The compact size and light weight means that even a child can manage to hold the device and dry their hair on their own. Using a Laifen brand dryer, you don't have to worry about disturbing the sleep of other household members. The noise level of the device is only 59 dB, so you can comfortably dry your hair at any time. Satisfactory results Laifen Swift Premium's features make styling hairstyles easy. The styling concentrator is great for straight hair. Meanwhile, with curly hair in mind, the device is also equipped with a diffuser. In addition, using the dryer will make your hair 19% shinier, 15% smoother and 40% less frizzy. Safety of use Using the Laifen Swift Premium Dryer is completely safe and will minimize damage to your hair caused by frequent drying. To avoid equipment malfunctions and to make sure that the air coming out of the dryer inlet is always clean, it is recommended to regularly clean the filter with a soft brush or dry cloth. Assembling and disassembling the device is extremely easy, so you can easily clean the filter and ensure the good quality of the air with which you dry your hair. Included: Laifen Swift Premium Dryer Concentrator Diffuser Storage case User manual Gyártó Laifen Model Swift Premium Levegősebesség 22 m/s Negatív ionok 200 m/cm³ Hangszint 59 dB Feszültség 120/230 V Frekvencia 60/50 Hz Teljesítmény 1600 W (230V) Motor fordulatszám 110 000 RPM A szárító méretei20 x 7 89 mm Szín fehér

HUF 83690.00

JIMMY JV53 vezeték nélküli rúdporszívó

JIMMY JV53 vezeték nélküli rúdporszívó

JIMMY JV53 vezeték nélküli rúdporszívó Jimmy JV53 vezeték nélküli porszívó A Jimmy JV53 egy könnyen használható, ergonomikus vezeték nélküli porszívó 125 AW szívóerővel a kivételes hatékonyság érdekében. A mellékelt extra kefékkel alaposan kitakaríthatod az egész otthonod, a legmodernebb szűrőrendszer pedig segít megnyerni az allergének elleni harcot. A készülék akár 45 percig is működik egy töltéssel – így könnyedén felporszívózhatja az egész házat. A Jimmy márka a Xiaomi ökoszisztéma része. Lepje meg teljesítményével The brushless motor running at 100,000 revolutions per minute guarantees the high performance of the device. What's more, the patented cyclonic technology contributes to increasing the suction power and prevents the vacuum cleaner from clogging. All this ensures that even the most stubborn dirt cannot resist the JV53. The device instantly sucks up dust, crumbs or hair. It will thoroughly vacuum the floors in your home The vacuum cleaner's floor brush is designed to reduce the risk of hair entanglement. Its 55mm diameter roller has both soft and hard bristles - so it is suitable for cleaning both fine dust particles and larger debris and crumbs. The brush works well on a variety of floors from laminate to carpet. Choose from several interchangeable brushes This set also comes with other brushes to help you clean. The soft brush gently cleans vulnerable surfaces, and the crevice brush will vacuum the crevices of couches and chairs. Want to get rid of dust and mites from your bed or sofa? Use the electric mattress brush. You'll also find a 2-in-1 brush in the pack to vacuum furniture surfaces. Forget about allergens The HEPA filter absorbs up to 99.97% of dust particles. It is even effective against microscopic particles. Jimmy JV53 can therefore prove to be an indispensable tool for allergy sufferers. Thanks to its effective filtration of dust and other allergens, you will create a friendly, clean and safe environment in your home. You can vacuum your entire home without interruption Composed of 6 cells, the 15 000 mAh battery is responsible for the JV53's long runtime. The device can run for up to 45 minutes on a single charge, which is enough to thoroughly vacuum floors with a total area of 350m2. It is also possible to disconnect the battery and replace it - this extends the life of the vacuum cleaner. Created for your convenience The vacuum cleaner weighs only 1.46kg, which combined with its cordless design allows you to clean comfortably. You won't be limited by the short cord - you can easily take the JV53 wherever you need it. To empty the dust container, just press a button - so you limit your contact with dirt. The device is also ergonomic - the 65° incline relieves your muscles and allows you to vacuum comfortably. Included Vacuum cleaner x1 Metal tube x1 Electric floor brush x1 Electric mattress brush x1 Réskefe 2 az 1-ben x 1 Ecset 2 az 1-ben x1 Puha kefe x1 Adapter x1 Töltőbázis x1 Gyártó JIMMY Modell JV53 Névleges feszültség 21,6 V Névleges teljesítmény 425 W Portartály űrtartalma 0,5 l Szűrő HEPA Akkumulátor kapacitása 15 000 mAh Töltési idő kb. 4-5 óra Max. munkaidő elektromos kefe nélkül 8 perc. (max üzemmód)/45 min. (normál üzemmód) Max. munkaidő elektromos kefével 7 perc. (max üzemmód)/35 perc. (normál üzemmód) Szívóteljesítmény Akár 20 000 Pa Tisztítási teljesítmény Akár 125 AW (levegő watt) Nettó tömeg 3,2kg

HUF 105690.00

Laifen Swift Ionizációs hajszárító (piros)

Laifen Swift Ionizációs hajszárító (piros)

Laifen Swift Ionizációs hajszárító (piros) Laifen Swift ionizációs hajszárító (piros) Aggódik, hogy a gyakori szárítás károsítja a haját? Vagy állandóan szembesülsz a felvillanyozó, göndörödő haj problémájával? Ha igen - a professzionális ionizációs Laifen Swift szárító nagyszerű választás lesz az Ön számára! 200 millió negatív ion, többféle üzemmód, sebesség, hatékonyság, alacsony zajszint (59 dB), lenyűgöző motorsebesség, könnyű súly és kis méret jellemzi a készüléket. A Laifen egy prémium márka, amely minden részletre odafigyelt, így minőségi szintjével a termék a piac legnépszerűbb szárítógépével vetekszik, és biztosan megfelel az Ön elvárásainak. Az egészséges haj érdekében Laifen Swift dryer releases as many as 200 million negative ions. What does this mean in practice? Your hair will be smoother, nice to the touch and - above all - it will style the way you want it to. Using the Laifen dryer, you'll dry your hair quickly without damaging it with excessively warm air. The sensor monitors the air temperature as many as 100 times per second. Using the device is completely safe. Different modes of operation You choose which drying mode is most suitable for your hair. Operation is incredibly easy - the LED indicator will tell you which mode you have selected. Red color means that hot air (80°C) is coming out of the dryer, yellow - warm air (50°C), and blue - cold air (room temperature). Holding down the corresponding button activates the air circulation function, during which you can enjoy alternating hot and cold air. You can also set the power and speed (high/low). Thoughtful design To make using the Laifen Swift dryer as comfortable as possible, every detail has been taken care of. The device is as much as 60% slimmer and 75% lighter than standard dryers, so you can comfortably dry your hair without straining your wrist. The compact size and light weight means that even a child can manage to hold the device and dry their hair on their own. Using the Laifen brand dryer, you do not have to worry about disturbing the sleep of other household members. The noise level of the device is only 59 dB, so you can comfortably dry your hair at any time. Satisfactory results The features of the Laifen Swift hair dryer make styling hairstyles easy. The styling concentrator will work great for straight hair. In addition, using the device will make your hair 19% shinier, 15% smoother and 40% less frizzy. Safety of use Using the Laifen Swift hair dryer is completely safe and will minimize hair damage caused by frequent drying. To avoid equipment malfunctions and to make sure that the air coming out of the dryer inlet is always clean, it is recommended to regularly clean the filter with a soft brush or dry cloth. Assembling and disassembling the device is extremely easy, so you can easily clean the filter and ensure the good quality of the air with which you dry your hair. Included: Laifen Swift hair dryer x1 Concentrator x1 User manual x1 Gyártó Laifen Model Swift Levegősebesség 22 m/s Negatív ionok 200 millió/cm³ Hangszint 59 dB Feszültség 120/230 V Frekvencia 60/50 Hz Teljesítmény 1400 W (120 V)/1600 W (230 V) Motor fordulatszám 000 RPM 110 a szárító 270 x 70 x 89 mm A sűrítő méretei 63 x 35 mm Szín Piros

HUF 66190.00

A Laifen Swift Premium ionizációs hajszárító (tengerkék)

A Laifen Swift Premium ionizációs hajszárító (tengerkék)

Hair dryer with ionization Laifen Swift Premium (Dark Blue) A Laifen Swift Premium ionizációs hajszárító (tengerkék) Aggódik, hogy a gyakori szárítás károsítja a haját? Vagy állandóan szembesülsz a felvillanyozó, göndörödő haj problémájával? Ha igen - a professzionális ionizációs Laifen Swift Premium szárító nagyszerű választás az Ön számára! 200 millió negatív ion, többféle üzemmód, sebesség, hatékonyság, alacsony zajszint (59 dB), lenyűgöző motorsebesség, könnyű súly és kis méret jellemzi a készüléket. A Laifen egy prémium márka, amely minden részletre odafigyelt, így minőségi szintjével a termék a piac legnépszerűbb szárítógépével vetekszik, és biztosan megfelel az Ön elvárásainak. A lehető legkényelmesebb használat érdekében a készlet tartalmaz egy koncentrátort, diffúzort és tároló tokot. Az egészséges haj érdekében The Laifen Swift Premium Dryer releases as many as 200 million negative ions. What does this mean in practice? Your hair will be smoother, nice to the touch and - above all - it will style the way you want it to. Using the Laifen hair dryer, you'll dry your hair quickly without damaging it with excessively warm air. The device uses a motor, running at 110,000 rpm, and the sensor monitors the air temperature as many as 100 times per second. As a result, the use of the product is efficient and completely safe. Different modes of operation You choose which drying mode is most suitable for your hair. Operation is incredibly easy - the LED indicator will tell you which mode you have selected. Red color means that hot air (80°C) is coming out of the dryer, yellow - warm air (50°C), and blue - cold air (room temperature). Holding down the corresponding button activates the air circulation function, during which you can enjoy alternating hot and cold air. You can also set the power and speed (high/low). Thoughtful design To make using the Laifen Swift Premium Dryer as comfortable as possible, every detail has been taken care of. The device is as much as 60% slimmer and 75% lighter than standard dryers, so you can comfortably dry your hair without straining your wrist. The compact size and light weight means that even a child can manage to hold the device and dry their hair on their own. Using a Laifen brand dryer, you don't have to worry about disturbing the sleep of other household members. The noise level of the device is only 59 dB, so you can comfortably dry your hair at any time. Satisfactory results Laifen Swift Premium's features make styling hairstyles easy. The styling concentrator is great for straight hair. Meanwhile, with curly hair in mind, the device is also equipped with a diffuser. In addition, using the dryer will make your hair 19% shinier, 15% smoother and 40% less frizzy. Safety of use Using the Laifen Swift Premium Dryer is completely safe and will minimize damage to your hair caused by frequent drying. To avoid equipment malfunctions and to make sure that the air coming out of the dryer inlet is always clean, it is recommended to regularly clean the filter with a soft brush or dry cloth. Assembling and disassembling the device is extremely easy, so you can easily clean the filter and ensure the good quality of the air with which you dry your hair. Included: Laifen Swift Premium Dryer Concentrator Diffuser Storage case User manual Gyártó Laifen Model Swift Premium Levegősebesség 22 m/s Negatív ionok 200 m/cm³ Hangszint 59 dB Feszültség 120/230 V Frekvencia 60/50 Hz Teljesítmény 1600 W (230V) Motor fordulatszám 110 000 RPM A szárító méretei20 x 7 89 mm Szín Sötétkék

HUF 83690.00

JIMMY F8 hajszárító

JIMMY F8 hajszárító

JIMMY F8 hajszárító JIMMY F8 hajszárító A JIMMY F8 hajszárítóval nemcsak gyorsan száríthatja meg a haját, hanem javíthatja annak állapotát is. A készülék hatékony motorral van felszerelve, és akár 18 l/s légáramlással rendelkezik. Alacsony zajszintje is megkülönbözteti - csak körülbelül 66 dB. Ezenkívül a szárító negatív ionokat termel, amelyek puhábbá és simábbá teszik a hajat, és megállítják az elektromosságot. Ezenkívül beépített érintőképernyőt és többféle üzemmódot is kap. Rövid időn belül kiszárítja a haját Don't waste time drying your hair indefinitely. The F8 hair dryer will surprise you with its efficient performance! The device is distinguished by the power of 1600W, and a modern motor, whose speed reaches 110,000rpm, is responsible for its reliable operation. All this provides impressive airflow and allows you to dry long hair in about 5 minutes, shoulder-length hair in about 3 minutes, and short hair in just about a minute! Quiet operation Say goodbye to bothersome, annoying noise. The JIMMY dryer uses advanced noise-reduction technology, so it runs extremely quietly, even when the most powerful mode is on. Its volume level is only about 66dB. This means you don't have to worry about the annoying noise disturbing the rest of the household, scaring your pet or waking your child! Take care of the condition of your hair JIMMY F8 hair dryer will help you avoid dryness and noticeably improve the condition of your hair. The device generates up to 10 million negative ions per second, and uses Nanoi (water ion) technology. As a result, it can provide your hair with optimal hydration and give it exceptional smoothness, softness and shine. It will also make them stop electrifying. Now you can easily conjure the hairstyle of your dreams! Created for your convenience Enjoy the comfort of your dreams. The hair dryer was made of high-quality materials, it fits perfectly in your hand and is very light - it weighs only about 450g. Its convenient operation is made possible by a special button and a built-in touch screen, which allows you, among other things, to quickly change modes or temperature. The device also ensures the safety of use. Intelligent PID technology prevents it from overheating, so you don't have to worry about getting burned. Many settings and modes to choose from Customize the dryer's performance to suit your needs. The F8 lets you choose from 3 temperature settings - Low, Medium and High. It also offers 3 speeds. You can also choose from 4 modes - Hot, Cold, Hot & Cold Circulation and Soft. Use the available features to easily fix your style and give your hair a gorgeous shine! With JIMMY you'll say goodbye to restrictions and impress everyone with a perfect hairstyle. Interchangeable tips included Make styling your hair easy. The set includes 2 interchangeable dryer tips to help you get the results you dream of. The concentrator will allow you to focus air on selected strands, speeding up drying and making it easier to create the hairstyles of your dreams. In the package you will also find a diffuser, with the help of which you can effortlessly bring out the curl of your hair and conjure up beautiful curls or waves. What's more, all elements of the set come in an elegant box - so it will be a perfect gift idea. In the box Hairdryer Concentrator Diffuser User manual Márka JIMMY Model F8 Szín Szürke Feszültség 220-240V Teljesítmény 1600W Motor fordulatszám kb. 110 000 ford./perc Légáramlási sebesség 18l/s Max. hangszint 66 dB Sebességszabályozás Magas / Közepes / Alacsony Hőmérséklet szabályozás Magas / Közepes / Alacsony Üzemmódok Forró / Hideg / Meleg és hideg keringtetés / Lágy víz ionok Igen Negatív ionok Igen, akár 10 millió másodpercenként LED érintőképernyő Igen Kábelhossz 1,8 m Súly kb. 450g (kábel nélkül)

HUF 92290.00

Laifen Swift Special Ionizációs hajszárító (SZÜRKE)

Laifen Swift Special Ionizációs hajszárító (SZÜRKE)

Laifen Swift Special Ionizációs hajszárító (SZÜRKE) Hajszárító ionizációval Laifen Swift Special (szürke) Aggódik, hogy a gyakori szárítás károsítja a haját? Vagy állandóan szembesülsz a felvillanyozó, göndörödő haj problémájával? Ha igen - a professzionális Laifen Swift Special ionizációs szárító nagyszerű választás lesz az Ön számára! 200 millió negatív ion, többféle üzemmód, sebesség, hatásfok, alacsony zajszint (59 dB), lenyűgöző motorsebesség, akár 3 tipp közül választhat, könnyű súly és kis méret jellemzi a készüléket. A Laifen egy prémium márka, amely minden részletre odafigyelt, így minőségi szintjével a termék a piac legnépszerűbb szárítógépével vetekszik, és biztosan megfelel az Ön elvárásainak. Az egészséges haj érdekében The Laifen Swift Special hair dryer releases as many as 200 million negative ions. What does this mean in practice? Your hair will be smoother, nice to the touch and - above all - it will style the way you want it to. Using the Laifen dryer, you'll dry your hair quickly without damaging it with excessively warm air. The sensor monitors the air temperature as many as 100 times per second. Using the device is completely safe. Different modes of operation You choose which drying mode is most suitable for your hair. Operation is incredibly easy - the LED indicator will tell you which mode you have selected. Red color means that hot air (80°C) is coming out of the dryer, yellow - warm air (50°C), and blue - cold air (room temperature). Holding down the corresponding button activates the air circulation function, during which you can enjoy alternating hot and cold air. You can also set the power and speed (high/low). Thoughtful design To make using the Laifen Swift Special dryer as comfortable as possible, every detail has been taken care of. The device is as much as 60% slimmer and 75% lighter than standard dryers, so you can comfortably dry your hair without straining your wrist. The compact size and light weight means that even a child can manage to hold the device and dry their hair on their own. You can easily take the device on trips, as it will not take up much space in your bag. Using the Laifen brand dryer, you do not have to worry about disturbing the sleep of other household members. The noise level of the device is only 59 dB, so you can comfortably dry your hair at any time. Satisfactory results The features of the Laifen Swift Special hair dryer make it easy to style your hair, regardless of your hair type. The set includes 2 concentrators and one diffuser. The styling concentrator is great for straight hair. On the other hand, with curly hair in mind, the device is equipped with a styling diffuser. In addition, using the device will make your hair 19% shinier, 15% smoother and 40% less frizzy. Safety of use Using the Laifen Swift Special hair dryer is completely safe and will minimize damage to your hair caused by frequent drying. To avoid equipment malfunctions and to make sure that the air coming out of the dryer inlet is always clean, it is recommended to regularly clean the filter with a soft brush or dry cloth. Assembling and disassembling the device is extremely easy, so you can easily clean the filter and ensure the good quality of the air with which you dry your hair. Included: Laifen Swift Special hair dryer 2 concentrators Diffuser User manual Gyártó Laifen Model Swift Special Levegősebesség 22 m/s Negatív ionok 200 millió/cm³ Hangszint 59 dB Feszültség 120/230 V Frekvencia 60/50 Hz Teljesítmény 1400 W (120 V)/1600 W (230 V) Motor fordulatszám 0 010 szárítógép mérete 270 x 70 x 89 mm Hegyek száma a készletben 3 Szín Szürke

HUF 78590.00

Laifen Swift Special Ionizációs hajszárító (piros)

Laifen Swift Special Ionizációs hajszárító (piros)

Laifen Swift Special Ionizációs hajszárító (piros) Hajszárító ionizációval Laifen Swift Special (piros) Aggódik, hogy a gyakori szárítás károsítja a haját? Vagy állandóan szembesülsz a felvillanyozó, göndörödő haj problémájával? Ha igen - a professzionális Laifen Swift Special ionizációs szárító nagyszerű választás lesz az Ön számára! 200 millió negatív ion, többféle üzemmód, sebesség, hatásfok, alacsony zajszint (59 dB), lenyűgöző motorsebesség, akár 3 tipp közül választhat, könnyű súly és kis méret jellemzi a készüléket. A Laifen egy prémium márka, amely minden részletre odafigyelt, így minőségi szintjével a termék a piac legnépszerűbb szárítógépével vetekszik, és biztosan megfelel az Ön elvárásainak. Az egészséges haj érdekében The Laifen Swift Special hair dryer releases as many as 200 million negative ions. What does this mean in practice? Your hair will be smoother, nice to the touch and - above all - it will style the way you want it to. Using the Laifen dryer, you'll dry your hair quickly without damaging it with excessively warm air. The sensor monitors the air temperature as many as 100 times per second. Using the device is completely safe. Different modes of operation You choose which drying mode is most suitable for your hair. Operation is incredibly easy - the LED indicator will tell you which mode you have selected. Red color means that hot air (80°C) is coming out of the dryer, yellow - warm air (50°C), and blue - cold air (room temperature). Holding down the corresponding button activates the air circulation function, during which you can enjoy alternating hot and cold air. You can also set the power and speed (high/low). Thoughtful design To make using the Laifen Swift Special dryer as comfortable as possible, every detail has been taken care of. The device is as much as 60% slimmer and 75% lighter than standard dryers, so you can comfortably dry your hair without straining your wrist. The compact size and light weight means that even a child can manage to hold the device and dry their hair on their own. You can easily take the device on trips, as it will not take up much space in your bag. Using the Laifen brand dryer, you do not have to worry about disturbing the sleep of other household members. The noise level of the device is only 59 dB, so you can comfortably dry your hair at any time. Satisfactory results The features of the Laifen Swift Special hair dryer make it easy to style your hair, regardless of your hair type. The set includes 2 concentrators and one diffuser. The styling concentrator is great for straight hair. On the other hand, with curly hair in mind, the device is equipped with a styling diffuser. In addition, using the device will make your hair 19% shinier, 15% smoother and 40% less frizzy. Safety of use Using the Laifen Swift Special hair dryer is completely safe and will minimize damage to your hair caused by frequent drying. To avoid equipment malfunctions and to make sure that the air coming out of the dryer inlet is always clean, it is recommended to regularly clean the filter with a soft brush or dry cloth. Assembling and disassembling the device is extremely easy, so you can easily clean the filter and ensure the good quality of the air with which you dry your hair. Included: Laifen Swift Special hair dryer 2 concentrators Diffuser User manual Gyártó Laifen Model Swift Special Levegősebesség 22 m/s Negatív ionok 200 millió/cm³ Hangszint 59 dB Feszültség 120/230 V Frekvencia 60/50 Hz Teljesítmény 1400 W (120 V)/1600 W (230 V) Motor fordulatszám 0 010 a szárítóból 270 x 70 x 89 mm Hegyek száma a készletben 3 Szín Piros

HUF 73590.00

SkyRC T400Q töltő

SkyRC T400Q töltő

SkyRC T400Q töltő SkyRC T400Q töltő A SkyRC T400Q négycsatornás töltő minden modellezőnek kötelező kütyü! A töltő több eszköz egyidejű kényelmes töltését garantálja. 4 porttal van felszerelve, amelyek maximum 100 watt teljesítménnyel és 12 A töltőárammal teszik lehetővé a kisütést és a töltést. Automatikusan beállítja a készülékek töltési intenzitását és praktikus alacsony hőmérsékletű töltési móddal rendelkezik. Használata rendkívül egyszerű, ergonómikus kialakítása pedig lehetővé teszi, hogy gond nélkül bárhová szállítsd! Nagy teljesítményű The T400Q has 4 independent charging ports that you can easily use simultaneously! It delivers up to 100 watts of power and 12 amps per circuit, so you can charge your receiver battery or 6S lithium batteries in no time. In addition, thanks to its gold-plated spring connectors, it is able to handle a maximum current of 60A for a longer period of time without exceeding 80°C. Wide compatibility The SkyRc charger is suitable for a variety of batteries. Its charging algorithm is compatible with many popular battery types available on the market - LiPo, Lilon, LiHV, NiMH, NiCd and Pb. In addition, the built-in XT60 connector effectively prevents reverse polarity, ensuring reliable operation. Ready for winter The charger is equipped with AGM and Pb charging modes, which will easily energize a discharged battery (Pb mode is not available for AGM batteries). In addition, it has a special low-temperature charging function, so you don't have to worry about problems with your car or airplane model's battery in cold weather! Easy to use The charger is extremely easy to use! Thanks to its intuitive buttons and LCD display, anyone - even inexperienced users - can easily handle it. Using the INC or DEC keys, you can easily adjust the values. On the other hand, all you need to do to start charging is press the Enter key. After just one use, you'll have battery handling at your fingertips! In addition, the device allows you to adjust the terminal voltage (for advanced users only). Ergonomic design Minimalist design combined with functionality. The compact design of the charger makes it not take up much space. In addition, the device is equipped with a practical handle for convenient transportation. Safe use The T400Q is equipped with a practical AUTO mode, which automatically adjusts the current during charging or discharging, which can lead to explosions through improper use. In the case of lithium batteries, this effectively prevents overcharging. What's more, the device can automatically disconnect the circuit, as well as alert you if it detects a malfunction. You can easily configure all the available settings yourself. Manufacturer SkyRC Model T400Q Dimensions 186 x 103 x 209 mm Weight 1610g Housing material Plastics Display type 2 x 16 LCD Display backlighting Blue Charging power 100W x 4 Discharge power 10W DC input voltage 11-18V AC input voltage 100-240V 50/60HZ Battery types LiPo/LiHV.LiFe/Lilon: 1-6S, NiMH/NiCd: 1-15S, Pb: 2-20V Battery capacity range NiMH/NiCd: 100-50000 mAh LiPo/LiFe/LiHV: 100-50000 mAh Pb: 100-50000 mAh Charging voltage NiMH/NiCd: Delta csúcsérzékelés, LiPo: 4,18-4,25 V/S, LiFe: 3,58-3,7 V/S, Lilon: 4,08-4,2 V/S, LiHV: 4,25-4,35 V/S, Pb: 1,8-2,0 V /S Kisülési lekapcsolási feszültség NiMH/NiCd: 0,1-1,1 V/S, LiPo: 3,0-3,3 V/S, LiFe: 2,6-2,0 V/S, Lilon: 2,9-3,2 V/S, LiHV: 3,1-3,4 V/S Töltési feszültség tartomány 0,1-26,1 V/cella Töltőáram 0,1A - 12,0A Kisülési áram 0,1A - 12,0A Kiegyenlítő áram 500mA Biztonsági idő 1 ~ 720 perc és leállítás (alapértelmezett: 120 perc) Üzemi hőmérséklet 0°C-40 °C Üzemi páratartalom 0%-75% Tárolási hőmérséklet -10°C-70°C Tárolási páratartalom 0%-75%

HUF 92090.00

Laifen Swift Special Ionizációs hajszárító (rózsaszín)

Laifen Swift Special Ionizációs hajszárító (rózsaszín)

Laifen Swift Special Ionizációs hajszárító (rózsaszín) Hajszárító ionizációval Laifen Swift Special (rózsaszín) Aggódik, hogy a gyakori szárítás károsítja a haját? Vagy állandóan szembesülsz a felvillanyozó, göndörödő haj problémájával? Ha igen, a professzionális ionizációs Laifen Swift Special szárító nagyszerű választás lesz az Ön számára! 200 millió negatív ion, többféle üzemmód, sebesség, hatékonyság, alacsony zajszint (59 dB), lenyűgöző motorsebesség, akár 3 tipp közül választhat, könnyű súly és kis méret a készülék jellemzői. A Laifen egy prémium márka, amely minden részletre odafigyelt, így minőségi szintjével a termék egyenrangú a piac legnépszerűbb szárítógépével, és biztosan megfelel az Ön elvárásainak. Az egészséges haj érdekében The Laifen Swift Special dryer releases as many as 200 million negative ions. What does this mean in practice? Your hair will be smoother, nice to the touch and - above all - it will style the way you want it to. Using the Laifen dryer, you'll dry your hair quickly without damaging it with excessively warm air. The sensor monitors the air temperature as many as 100 times per second. Using the device is completely safe. Different operating modes You choose which drying mode is most suitable for your hair. Operation is incredibly easy - the LED indicator will tell you which mode you have selected. Red color means that hot air (80°C) is coming out of the dryer, yellow - warm air (50°C), and blue - cold air (room temperature). Holding down the corresponding button activates the air circulation function, during which you can enjoy alternating hot and cold air. You can also set the power and speed (high/low). Thoughtful design To make using the Laifen Swift Special dryer as comfortable as possible, every detail has been taken care of. The device is as much as 60% slimmer and 75% lighter than standard dryers, so you can comfortably dry your hair without straining your wrist. The compact size and light weight means that even a child can manage to hold the device and dry their hair on their own. You can easily take the device on trips, as it will not take up much space in your bag. Using the Laifen brand dryer, you do not have to worry about disturbing the sleep of other household members. The noise level of the device is only 59 dB, so you can comfortably dry your hair at any time. Satisfactory results The features of the Laifen Swift Special hair dryer make it easy to style your hair, regardless of your hair type. The set includes 2 concentrators and one diffuser. The styling concentrator is great for straight hair. On the other hand, with curly hair in mind, the device is equipped with a styling diffuser. In addition, using the device will make your hair 19% shinier, 15% smoother and 40% less frizzy. Safety of use Using the Laifen Swift Special hair dryer is completely safe and will minimize damage to your hair caused by frequent drying. To avoid equipment malfunctions and to make sure that the air coming out of the dryer inlet is always clean, it is recommended to regularly clean the filter with a soft brush or dry cloth. Assembling and disassembling the device is extremely easy, so you can easily clean the filter and ensure the good quality of the air with which you dry your hair. Included Laifen Swift Special hair dryer 2 concentrators Diffuser User manual Gyártó Laifen Model Swift Special Levegősebesség 22 m/s Negatív ionok 200 millió/cm³ Hangszint 59 dB Feszültség 120/230 V Frekvencia 60/50 Hz Teljesítmény 1400 W (120 V)/1600 W (230 V) Motor fordulatszám 0 010 a szárítóból 270 x 70 x 89 mm Hegyek száma a készletben 3 Szín Pink

HUF 71590.00

Suszarka do włosów z jonizacją Laifen Swift Special (Czarna)

Suszarka do włosów z jonizacją Laifen Swift Special (Czarna)

Suszarka do włosów z jonizacją Laifen Swift Special (Czarna) Hajszárító ionizációval Laifen Swift Special (fekete) Aggódik, hogy a gyakori szárítás károsítja a haját? Vagy állandóan szembesülsz a felvillanyozó, göndörödő haj problémájával? Ha igen - a professzionális ionizációs Laifen Swift Special szárító nagyszerű választás lesz az Ön számára! 200 millió negatív ion, többféle működési mód, sebesség, hatékonyság, alacsony zajszint (59 dB), lenyűgöző motorsebesség, akár 3 tipp közül választhat, könnyű súly és kis méret a készülék jellemzői. A Laifen egy prémium márka, amely minden részletre odafigyelt, így minőségi szintjével a termék a piac legnépszerűbb szárítógépével vetekszik, és biztosan megfelel az Ön elvárásainak. Az egészséges haj érdekében The Laifen Swift Special dryer releases as many as 200 million negative ions. What does this mean in practice? Your hair will be smoother, nice to the touch and - above all - it will style the way you want it to. Using the Laifen dryer, you'll dry your hair quickly without damaging it with excessively warm air. The sensor monitors the air temperature as many as 100 times per second. Using the device is completely safe. Different modes of operation You choose which drying mode is most suitable for your hair. Operation is incredibly easy - the LED indicator will tell you which mode you have selected. Red color means that hot air (80°C) is coming out of the dryer, yellow - warm air (50°C), and blue - cold air (room temperature). Holding down the corresponding button activates the air circulation function, during which you can enjoy alternating hot and cold air. You can also set the power and speed (high/low). Thoughtful design To make using the Laifen Swift Special dryer as comfortable as possible, every detail has been taken care of. The device is as much as 60% slimmer and 75% lighter than standard dryers, so you can comfortably dry your hair without straining your wrist. The compact size and light weight means that even a child can manage to hold the device and dry their hair on their own. You can easily take the device on trips, as it will not take up much space in your bag. Using the Laifen brand dryer, you do not have to worry about disturbing the sleep of other household members. The noise level of the device is only 59 dB, so you can comfortably dry your hair at any time. Satisfactory results The features of the Laifen Swift Special hair dryer make it easy to style your hair, regardless of your hair type. The set includes 2 concentrators and one diffuser. The styling concentrator is great for straight hair. On the other hand, with curly hair in mind, the device is equipped with a styling diffuser. In addition, using the device will make your hair 19% shinier, 15% smoother and 40% less frizzy. Safety of use Using the Laifen Swift Special hair dryer is completely safe and will minimize damage to your hair caused by frequent drying. To avoid equipment malfunctions and to make sure that the air coming out of the dryer inlet is always clean, it is recommended to regularly clean the filter with a soft brush or dry cloth. Assembling and disassembling the device is extremely easy, so you can easily clean the filter and ensure the good quality of the air with which you dry your hair. Included: Laifen Swift Special hair dryer x1 Concentrator x2 Diffuser x1 User manual x1 Gyártó Laifen Model Swift Special Levegősebesség 22 m/s Negatív ionok 200 millió/cm³ Hangszint 59 dB Feszültség 120/230 V Frekvencia 60/50 Hz Teljesítmény 1400 W (120 V)/1600 W (230 V) Motor fordulatszám 0 010 szárítógép mérete 270 x 70 x 89 mm Hegyek száma a készletben 3 Szín Fekete

HUF 78590.00

Okos pet dryer Catlink Standard

Okos pet dryer Catlink Standard

Smart pet dryer Catlink Standard Smart pet dryer Catlink Standard Take care of your pet's fur and ensure it is smooth and shiny. The Catlink intelligent pet dryer guarantees fast drying and is very pet-friendly. It stands out with its low noise level, which does not stress pets and does not bother other household members. It also utilizes an advanced circulation system, providing constant access to fresh air. Additionally, the device generates negative ions and offers disinfection function. The dryer's capacity is up to 65 liters. Stress-Free Grooming Do not worry that your pet will be frightened while using the dryer. The Catlink device operates surprisingly quietly - its noise level is only about 40 dB or about 80 dB in fast drying mode. This allows the pet to feel comfortable - the annoying noise will not bother them. What's more, there is a special function available that allows pets to get used to the dryer stress-free - it provides very gentle action without any noise. It's worth using it for the first use of the device! Fast and Safe Drying Drying your pet's fur with the Catlink dryer will only take a few moments. The device is equipped with an efficient motor that operates at speeds of up to 1600 revolutions per minute. Thanks to this, you can dry your pet's fur in about 30 minutes! The entire grooming process is gradual, so the pet can feel comfortable. At the beginning, the speed and temperature are low, and then gradually increase. Enhanced Air Circulation System The dryer provides airflow from as many as 6 sides, allowing it to effectively dry even hard-to-reach areas, such as the pet's belly and paws. You also don't have to worry about it getting stuffy inside. The device uses an advanced circulation system, ensuring that the pet inside has uninterrupted access to fresh air. 65L Capacity The dryer's capacity is up to 65 liters. Thanks to this, even 2 pets can comfortably use it at the same time - you don't have to worry that they will feel cramped. This is an excellent solution for caregivers of a larger number of pets! In Care of Safety The Catlink dryer ensures not only efficiency but also safety of use. It intelligently monitors the temperature, preventing overheating. It is also equipped with protective relays and fuses. All this means you don't have to worry about damaging it! Negative Ions - Take Care of Your Pet's Fur The Catlink dryer also generates negative ions, which help moisturize the fur, protect it from thermal damage, and give it a beautiful, lasting shine. Thanks to this, your pet's fur will be even shinier and smoother! More than Just a Dryer With the Catlink dryer, you can not only dry your pet's fur but also, for example, disinfect selected items such as toys or dishes. The device offers sterilization and ozonation function, and also effectively eliminates unpleasant odors. Additional Amenities Does your pet shed a lot of fur? The Catlink dryer will help you solve this problem - during drying, the fallen hair will be trapped by the built-in filter. Additionally, specially designed doors provide convenient access to the interior of the device, and built-in lighting makes monitoring the grooming process easier. The product is also very easy to clean and durable - it is equipped with scratch-resistant tempered glass elements. There is also a lock function available, which prevents accidental activation of the dryer. Manufacturer Catlink Name Smart Pet Dryer Model CL-DA-01 Capacity 65 l Voltage 220 V Power 1000 W Operating Temperature 15-35°C Negative Ion Concentration 10 million / cm3 Material ABS, tempered glass Dimensions 487 x 478 x 448 mm Weight 9.1 kg Application For cats and small dogs

HUF 102890.00

Midea M7 Pro robotporszívó

Midea M7 Pro robotporszívó

Midea M7 Pro robotporszívó Midea Cleaning Robot M7 Pro Ez a Midea termék egy 2 az 1-ben készülék. Felületek porszívózására és tisztítására szolgál, így időt takaríthat meg. Az 55 W-on működő motor és a 4000 Pa szívóerő lehetővé teszi a szennyeződések hatékony eltávolítását a portól a hajig. A jobb tisztítóhatás érdekében olyan felmosót használ, amely percenként akár 500 mozdulattal is rezgést generál. Az LDS lézertechnológia pontos térképet készít a házról anélkül, hogy kihagyná vagy megismételné az útvonalat. Az M7 Pro akár 22 mm magas akadályokat is legyőz, és több mint 30 érzékelővel van felszerelve. Vibráló felmosó a makulátlanul tiszta felületekért Using a vibrating mop provides a much better cleaning result than other models. The M7 Pro uses vibration at 500 beats per minute to thoroughly clean your floor, removing stains and allergens. What's more, you can also set your own water dosage based on the type of surface you're cleaning. And the triple filtration system traps dust to prevent secondary air pollution. Effective against dirt It has a brushless motor and a suction power of 4000 Pa, which makes it one of the most powerful vacuum cleaners of its kind on the market! It is also equipped with new software and OTA algorithms, for increased productivity. It effortlessly picks up hair, dander, or dust. You can also vary the suction power, choosing between modes like Silent, Soft, Standard and Max. Increases power when cleaning carpet This device automatically increases the suction power to maximum to thoroughly remove the dust in the carpet fibers. The V-shaped brush design prevents hair from getting caught in the brush and is also ideal for cleaning delicate surfaces. In addition, the side brushes scrape dirt from crevices, leaving the surface spotlessly clean. LDS laser navigation system Robot uses laser navigation, which allows you to create a precise plan of the apartment. As a result, the device does not move randomly through the rooms, but along a route created by them, where it does not miss a centimeter and does not repeat cleaning in the same areas. In addition, the M7 Pro can also work in the dark. Intelligent sensors - long working time The use of anti-collision and anti-skid sensors allows the M7 Pro to avoid obstacles and move freely on any surface. So you don't have to worry about the robot falling down stairs or bumping into furniture. What's more, if the battery is low during cleaning, the device will find a charging station, and after renewing its energy, it will return to the place where it stopped cleaning. The M7 Pro has a run time of up to 150 minutes - enough to vacuum floors with a total area of up to 250m2. Control the M7 Pro remotely The app allows you to use your M7 Pro to its full potential. For example, you can select the area to be cleaned or plan the sequence of rooms to be vacuumed. It also remembers the floor plan of several floors, so it is perfect for larger homes. Your kid is asleep and you don't want to wake him up? Set a virtual wall to exclude the selected surface from cleaning. The robot is also compatible with the Amazon Alexa assistant, so you can operate it with voice commands. Easy to maintain The benefits of the M7 Pro don't end there! The device comes with a dust and water tank and a HEPA filter. You can wash all these components under running water and use them again and again. This way you save time and money on buying new parts. In the box Midea M7 Pro Vacuum Cleaner Dust container Water tank 2x Side brush 2x Mopping cloth 2x HEPA filter Charging station Tápkábel Tisztító kefe Gyors üzembe helyezési útmutató Használati utasítás Márka Midea Model M7 Pro Csatlakozás Wi-Fi IEEE802.11 b/g/n 2,4 GHz Szívóteljesítmény 4000 Pa Névleges teljesítmény 55 W Szívóteljesítmény szabályozás Igen, alkalmazáson keresztül Akkumulátor típusa Lítium-ion Akkumulátor kapacitása 5200 mAh Névleges feszültség 14,4 V Portartály kapacitása 450 ml Akár 150 perc Szín Fekete Méret 350x350x97mm Súly 4,4 kg

HUF 122490.00

Deerma DEM-VX20W upright vacuum cleaner val mop function

Deerma DEM-VX20W upright vacuum cleaner val mop function

Deerma DEM-VX20W upright vacuum cleaner with mop function Deerma DEM-VX20W upright vacuum cleaner with mop function. The Deerma DEM-VX20W upright vacuum cleaner will allow you to not only vacuum your floors, but also thoroughly wet clean them. Thanks to its twin brushes and 420W power, it can perfectly handle stubborn dirt, and its IPX4 water resistance allows you to use it in the bathroom without worry. The device has separate tanks for clean and dirty water, and offers a self-cleaning function - you don't have to deal with it anymore! Double brush Enjoy a spotlessly clean floor. The vacuum cleaner is equipped with a specially designed square brush with two rollers that together rotate up to 900 times per minute. It also has a powerful motor that runs at up to 6,000 rpm. As a result, the device can effectively scrub various types of surfaces and remove even the most stubborn dirt. It will deal with dirt Spilled juice, stubborn stains, dust - with the Deerma DEM-VX20W vacuum cleaner you can easily get rid of these and many other dirt. The front brush roll of the device thoroughly mops the floor, while the rear brush roll wipes it, preventing streaks and stains. What's more, the vacuum cleaner's two independent channels are designed to remove both wet and dry dirt simultaneously. All this translates into even greater cleaning efficiency. For your comfort Find out that cleaning doesn't have to require much effort at all. The brush of the DEM-VX20W vacuum cleaner is equipped with a 2-way drive, which makes it much easier to maneuver it and vacuum even hard-to-reach corners. In addition, the long 5-meter cable provides freedom of movement, and the included base allows for convenient storage. The device also has a laminated filter to prevent secondary contamination. Automatic cleaning You no longer have to get your hands dirty or waste time cleaning the vacuum cleaner's brush yourself. The Deerma DEM-VX20W will take care of it for you! The device uses a water circulation system to simultaneously mop the floor and clean its rollers. This way you don't have to worry about dirt finding its way back onto the surface you just washed! What's more, when you're done cleaning, you can place the vacuum at the base and turn on the self-cleaning function to automatically clean the brush and tube. Thoughtful brush design The integrated design of the brush means that if you need to, you can easily replace both of its rollers at the same time. What's more, it's soft and gentle enough not to contribute to damaging the floors you clean. You don't have to worry about scratching your tiles or panels! Take care of tidiness throughout your home The DEM-VX20W will allow you to vacuum, scrub and mop the floors of your entire home at the same time - without having to replace any accessories. Now you only need one device to comprehensively take care of the cleanliness! With its help you can easily remove dust and crumbs in the living room, drink stains and food residues in the kitchen, as well as hair and spilled water in the bathroom. Two water tanks The vacuum cleaner is equipped with two water tanks - one for clean water (500 ml) and one for dirty water (600 ml). They are large enough to easily clean floors throughout the house without having to empty or refill them! Thanks to the solution used, you also don't have to worry about dirt ending up on the freshly cleaned floor again. Voice messages Now operating the vacuum cleaner becomes even easier. The DEM-VX20W supports a voice messaging function, so it will instantly inform you about the selected mode of operation or the start of automatic cleaning. It will also remind you to empty the dirty water tank. You don't have to remember that anymore! Included Vacuum cleanerHandleBaseCleaning brushUser manual ManufacturerDeermaModelDEM-VX20Power420 WRated frequency50 HzRated voltage220 VCapacity of clean water tank500 mlCapacity of dirty water tank600 mlDimensions1165 x 272 x 380 mm

HUF 75590.00

Okos pet dryer Catlink Luxury

Okos pet dryer Catlink Luxury

Smart pet dryer Catlink Luxury Catlink Luxury Smart Pet Dryer. Take care of your pet's coat and make it smooth and shiny. The smart pet dryer by Catlink guarantees fast drying and is very pet-friendly. It stands out for its low volume, so it won't stress pets or disturb other household members. It also uses an advanced circulation system that provides constant access to fresh air. In addition, the device generates negative ions and offers a disinfection function. The capacity of the dryer is as much as 65 liters, and its convenient operation is enabled by a dedicated app. Care without stress Do not be afraid that your pet will be frightened when using the dryer. The Catlink device works surprisingly quietly - its volume level is only about 40 dB or about 80 dB in fast drying mode. As a result, your pet can feel comfortable - it will not be disturbed by annoying noise. What's more, there is a special function that allows pets to get used to the dryer without stress - it provides very gentle operation without any noise. It is worth using it the first time you use the device! Fast and safe drying With the Catlink dryer, drying your pet's hair will only take a few moments. The device is equipped with a powerful motor that operates at up to 1600 revolutions per minute. This allows you to dry your pet's fur in just about 30 minutes! The whole grooming process is done gradually, so that your pet can feel comfortable. At first, the speed and temperature are at a low level, and then slowly increase. Improved air circulation system The dryer provides airflow from as many as 6 sides, so it can effectively dry even hard-to-reach areas, such as your pet's belly and paws. You also don't have to worry about it getting stuffy inside. The unit uses an advanced circulation system that ensures that the pet inside it has uninterrupted access to fresh air. Capacity of 65 l The capacity of the dryer is as much as 65 l. This means that up to 2 pets will comfortably use it at the same time - you don't have to worry about them being cramped. This is a perfect solution for caretakers of more than one pet! Convenient operation with the app Enjoy even more convenient operation of the dryer. The device connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth and works with a dedicated app, with which you can, for example, adjust the temperature level (16-40°C), set the drying time, select the operating mode or set the airflow level. Now you always have all the most important functions at your fingertips! For the sake of safety Catlink dryer ensures not only efficiency, but also safety of use. It intelligently monitors the temperature, preventing overheating. It is also equipped with safety relays and fuses. All this means that you do not have to worry about damaging it! Negative ions - take care of your pet's coat. The Catlink dryer also generates negative ions, which help moisturize the fur, protect it from thermal damage and give it a beautiful, long-lasting shine. This will make your pet's fur even shinier and smoother! Something more than a dryer With the Catlink dryer you can not only dry your pet's fur, but also, for example, disinfect selected items, such as toys or dishes. The device offers the function of sterilization and ozonation, and also effectively eliminates unpleasant odors. Additional amenities Does your pet shed a lot of hair? The Catlink dryer will help you solve this problem - during drying, the hair that falls out will be stopped with the help of a built-in filter. In addition, a specially designed door provides convenient access to the inside of the device, and built-in lighting makes it easy to monitor the grooming process. The product is also very easy to clean and durable - it is equipped with scratch-resistant tempered glass elements. There is also a locking function, which prevents accidental activation of the dryer. ManufacturerCatlinkNameSmart Pet DryerModelCL-DA-02Capacity65 lVoltage220 VPower1000 WConnectivityBluetoothOperating temperature15-35°CNegative ion concentration10 million / cm3MaterialABS, tempered glassDimensions487 x 478 x 448 mmWeight9,1 kgApplicationFor cats and small dogs

HUF 112190.00

SkyRC Q200neo töltő

SkyRC Q200neo töltő

Charger SkyRC Q200neo SkyRC Q200neo töltő Az innovatív SkyRC Q200neo töltő tökéletes választás minden RC-rajongó számára. Lehetővé teszi 4 különböző akkumulátor egyidejű töltését, és egyenárammal (DC) és váltakozó árammal (AC) is táplálható. Akár 400 W-os teljesítménnyel és a beépített nagy pontosságú kiegyenlítővel tűnik ki, amely ±0,02 V-on belül optimalizálja a feszültségkiegyenlítést. Erőteljes képességei ellenére a termék meglepően kompakt és hordozható. Töltsön fel 4 elemet egyszerre A Q200neo töltővel különböző kémiai összetételű akkumulátorokat tölthet, például LiPo, LiFe, Li-Ion, LiHV, Pb, NiMH vagy NiCd. Ez minden helyzetre készen áll, legyen Ön RC profi vagy amatőr. A készülék túlmelegedése miatt sem kell tartania. A töltő ventilátorral ellátott fejlett hőrendszerrel van felszerelve, amely lehetővé teszi a hő hatékony elvezetését és az optimális hőmérséklet fenntartását. Két energiaellátási lehetőség Enjoy greater flexibility – whether you are working in your garage or out in the field. The charger allows you to choose between AC and DC power sources, so you can use it in various scenarios. In AC mode, the device can reach up to 200 W of power, while in DC mode, it can go up to 400 W. With up to 100 W per port, you can charge your batteries in record time. Intelligent Energy Distribution If you choose AC power and use only two ports, the charger will provide maximum power to them. When using all four ports, energy will be dynamically and intelligently distributed among each of them. When one of the batteries is already charged, the Q200neo model will start charging the others even faster. This ensures optimal charging performance in almost any situation. Discharge Function and Digital Power Supply Whether you want to prepare your batteries for storage, balance their voltage levels, or discharge them after use, the SkyRC charger is here to help! The device allows for quick and safe discharge with a power of up to 25 W. You can easily take care of your battery's health and extend its lifespan. The Q200 neo model also serves as a versatile digital power supply with four outputs. It allows you to adjust the voltage in the range of 1-30 V with a precision of 0.1 V. You can also set the current from 0.1 A to 10 A with a precision of 0.1 A. This makes it an ideal solution for various testing and prototyping applications in RC modeling! Thoughtful Design Impressive performance, up to 4 independent battery charging ports, and the ability to power it in two ways – all packed into a convenient, compact design. The Q200neo charger is 60% lighter than its predecessor, the Q200. It also stands out with a modern design and distinctive color. Moreover, the product uses a special MCU (Microcontroller Unit) module that precisely controls charging, minimizing energy losses. It is also protected against short circuits, overheating, and overvoltage, and its housing is made of flame-resistant material. Additional Features The charger is equipped with an additional USB-C port that supports fast PD 3.0 20 W charging. So, you can quickly charge your smartphone, tablet, or even laptop! The Q200neo model also has a built-in ARM 200 MHz microcontroller, which improves the ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) resolution to 16 bits. Furthermore, the efficient PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) mechanism allows precise current tuning, increasing charging speed. The charger will also come in handy during your travels – its input circuit has universal voltage, so you don't need a 110V – 220V converter when you're abroad! Convenient Operation A töltő nagyon felhasználóbarát és könnyen kezelhető. Világos felülete több nyelven is elérhető, beleértve az angolt és a franciát is. A kényelmes eszközvezérlést a dedikált Charge Master alkalmazás teszi lehetővé, amely számítógépre vagy okostelefonra telepíthető. Lehetővé teszi többek között a töltési paraméterek beállítását, az akkumulátor állapotának ellenőrzését és a töltő firmware-ének frissítését. A Q200neo modell kétféle módon csatlakozhat eszközökhöz – USB-C kábelen keresztül vagy vezeték nélkül Bluetooth-on keresztül. A dobozban Töltő AC tápkábel Használati utasítás Márka SkyRC Model Q200neo Kijelző típusa TN Kijelző méret 2,8 Aktív panel terület 43,2 x 57,6 mm Képernyőfelbontás 240x320p Színek száma 262k DC Bemeneti feszültség 10-30 V AC Bemeneti feszültség 100-240 V DC AC 200 W-ig Töltési teljesítmény 200 Akár 400 W; Kisütési táp fő port: 5 W; Kiegyenlítő port: 25 W-ig (LiPo/6S); USB-C port QC3.0: 5 V - 3 A, 9 V - 2 A, 12 V - 1,5 A, 18 W; PD: 5 V - 3 A, 9 V - 2,2 A, 12 V - 1,67 A, 20 W; DC teljesítmény Kimeneti feszültség: 1-30 V; Kimeneti áram: 0,1-10 A; Kimeneti teljesítmény: Portonként akár 100 W; Kompatibilis akkumulátorok LiPo / LiHV / LiFe / Li-Ion: 1-6 cella; NiMH / NiCd: 2-15 cella; Pb: 3S

HUF 68890.00

Dash kamera DDPAI X5 Pro GPS 4k

Dash kamera DDPAI X5 Pro GPS 4k

Dash camera DDPAI X5 Pro GPS 4k DDPAI X5 Pro Dash kamera A DDPAI X5 Pro műszerfal kamera kiváló képminőséget biztosít akár 4K felbontásban, és dinamikus 1080p/90FPS videót tud rögzíteni. Fejlett navigációs rendszerrel van felszerelve, és támogatja a nagy sebességű, 5 GHz-es Wi-Fi-t. Speciális parkolási módot is kínál, így akár éjjel-nappal biztonságban tarthatja autóját. Lehetővé teszi a fájlok tárolását eMMC lemezen (32 GB) vagy TF kártyán, legfeljebb 128 GB kapacitással (nem tartozék). Akár 2 kamera is lehetővé teszi az első és a hátsó rögzítést. Fantasztikus képminőség The camera is equipped with a Sony IMX415 sensor, which in combination with 7 lenses and F1.8 aperture provides a rich in detail, clear, crisp image. With its help you can record excellent quality video 3840x2160p / 30FPS. Thanks to Realcube technology, videos are bright, sharp and impress with vivid, natural colors. The device also offers NightVIS technology, which allows you to get high-quality images even in low light. It is also possible to record smooth 1080p/90FPS footage - without motion blur. Record from the front and rear X5 Pro allows you to record from the front and rear of your vehicle simultaneously. This ensures that you don't miss any event. The 2160p 4K front camera will record everything in front of you and provide clear, richly detailed images. The 1080p rear camera can come in handy in the event of a rear-end collision or parking lot collision. It will help to determine the possible culprit and get compensation. 2 file storage options Don't worry about running out of file storage space and losing some important footage. The video recorder is equipped with a 32GB eMMC drive. It is also compatible with TF cards of up to 128GB. What's more, the most important recordings are saved to the disk, regardless of whether you use the additional memory or not. With this solution, your crucial footage is always safe! Advanced GPS X5 Pro offers an advanced navigation system that uses solutions such as GPS, BDS, GLONASS and Galileo. Its positioning update rate reaches 5+ Hz (about 5 times per second). This makes it stand out for its extremely high accuracy. What's more, the built-in GPS, 6-axis gyroscope and G-sensor allow you to use the Sense Reality (SR) effect to create spectacular travel footage. Feel like a rally driver and enjoy a unique and exciting driving experience! Parking mode Keep your car safe even 24 hours a day. The camera offers a special parking mode where it continuously monitors what's happening in the front and rear of the vehicle (wide-angle monitoring, rear: 125°, front: 140°). When the vehicle is parked, the X5 Pro records Timelapse to capture as much as possible. If the device detects a collision, it will automatically save the relevant part of the recording. The device also stands out for its low power consumption and allows you to check the voltage via the app. All this makes it able to work reliably for a long time. Even more safety features You can drive safely with DDPAI. The X5 Pro dash camera offers an advanced Driver Assistance system that monitors the traffic situation and notifies you of collisions or the presence of pedestrians, among other things. The camera also has a 6-axis G-sensor to detect sudden bumps and shocks. If an accident occurs, it will automatically record a 10-second video and save it in a separate folder. Such a video can come in handy if you apply for compensation or insurance money. Built-in capacitor The X5 Pro uses a high-grade capacitor rather than a regular battery to power the X5 Pro. This allows you to enjoy greater safety of use. The applied solution makes it possible to use the camera in temperatures from -20°C to 65°C. The dash camera will not overheat and its lifetime has been significantly extended. What is more, the capacitor allows you to record for the last 3-4 seconds even after turning off the camera. This ensures that you don't miss anything important! DDDPAI App Download the DDPAI app and gain access to many more features. Not only can you remotely adjust camera parameters, but you can also save and edit recorded footage and share it on social media such as Facebook, Instagram or TikTok. The available filters, effects and music will allow you to enhance your videos and make them unique. The X5 Pro supports high-speed 5G Wi-Fi for lightning-fast downloads and low latency. In the box X5 Pro dash camera Power cable (front) RC1 rear camera Power cable (rear) Electrostatic stickers 3M adhesive User Manual Márka DDPAI Model X5 Pro Színes Fekete érzékelő Sony IMX415 Bemenet 12V 1A Méretek 102,8x64,6x33,3mm Wi-Fi Beépített 5GHz-es Wi-Fi modul GPS Igen Videófelbontás Elől: 3840x2160p / 30FPS, 1920 /x1908FPS; Hátsó: 1920x1080p / 25FPS; Objektív Elülső: 7 optikai lencse, 140°-os

HUF 118090.00