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HOTO QWSDT002 Zseblámpa, 1000lm

HOTO QWSDT002 Zseblámpa, 1000lm

HOTO QWSDT002 Zseblámpa, 1000lm HOTO QWSDT002 zseblámpa, 1000lm Akár 1000 lm és 210 m fényerő – ez csak néhány a HOTO zseblámpa előnyei közül. Ez a zseblámpa számos helyzetre alkalmas, például éjszakai sétához vagy kempingezéshez, de nem csak azért, mert sokféle működési módot kínál. Ráadásul a vezérlése nagyon egyszerű és intuitív. Akár 65 órás működési idejével ez a zseblámpa ideális egy hétvégi kempingezéshez. Könnyen irányítható A HOTO zseblámpát a kényelem szem előtt tartásával hoztuk létre, így használata nagyon egyszerű és intuitív. Egy kattintással beállíthatja a fény intenzitását, a forgatható kialakítással pedig fényforrást válthat – kiválaszthatja a főlámpát, az oldalsó lámpát és még sok mást! Élvezze a teljes irányítást a HOTO segítségével! Tökéletes fényforrás The HOTO torch will be the perfect source of light. It can generate light with a brightness of up to 1000 lm. What's more, it has a range of up to 210 m, which makes it perfect for outdoor activities such as night walks. Different light modes What sets the HOTO torch apart is the ability to change modes freely. You can choose from a light suitable for night walks, but also from side lighting, warm light, flashing and SOS modes, as well as a two-colour light. This makes the equipment adaptable to your needs and preferences. Long operating time You don't have to worry about your light source suddenly going out. The HOTO torch is equipped with a 3200 mAh Li-ion battery. This means that it can operate for up to 65 hours. What's more, it will continuously serve you for up to 5 hours! This means you can take it on a weekend camping trip. Kényelmes használat A HOTO zseblámpa egy funkcionális eszköz, amelyet a kényelem szem előtt tartásával hoztak létre. A mágnescsíknak és a kihúzható kampónak köszönhetően szinte bárhová elhelyezheti. Ez megkönnyíti a fáról vagy fém felületről való felakasztását. Gyártó HOTO Modell QWSDT002 Súly kb. 194 g Névleges feszültség 5 V = 2 A Akkumulátor Li-ion Akkumulátor kapacitása 3200 mAh Töltési idő kb. 150 perc Fényerő 1000 lm Működési idő akár 65 óra Hatótávolság akár 210 m

HUF 22290.00

Precíziós csavarhúzó HOTO QWLSD004, 24 az 1-ben (fekete)

Precíziós csavarhúzó HOTO QWLSD004, 24 az 1-ben (fekete)

Precíziós csavarhúzó HOTO QWLSD004, 24 az 1-ben (fekete) A HOTO márka a Xiaomi ökoszisztéma része. Precíziós csavarhúzó HOTO QWLSD004, 24 az 1-ben Ez a praktikus csavarhúzó tökéletes kisebb javításokhoz vagy barkácsoláshoz. Kiváló minőségű alumíniumötvözetből készült, nagyon strapabíró és magas használati kényelmet biztosít még hosszú használat során is. A készlet 12 db kétoldalas bitet tartalmaz (24 féle), melyeket a csavarhúzó belsejében elhelyezett mágneses dobozban tárolhatsz. Praktikus és funkcionális The HOTO QWLSD004 precision screwdriver is equipped with a magnetic tip, thanks to which you can assemble and disassemble bits in a convenient way. What's more, its ergonomic design makes it fit well in your hand and it doesn't slip down during work. It resembles a ballpoint pen in size and weighs only 100 g. Are you afraid of losing your bits? Simply store them in the magnetic box inside the screwdriver. Practical bits in the set The set includes 12 double-sided bits of the 24 most common types. They have a hardness of up to 60 HRC and are made of high-quality S2 steel. They are therefore durable and resistant to mechanical damage, wear and rust. They will be perfect for repairing watches, laptops, toys, game consoles, drones and many other devices. Set contents Precision screwdriver (black) 12x megfordítható C4 x 30 mm-es bit (hornyolt: SL1.5 / SL2, Phillips: PH000 / PH00 / PH0 / PH1, imbuszbitek: H1.5 / H2 / H2.5, Torx: T2 / T3 / T4 / T5 / T6 / T8 / T9 / T10, U-alakú: U2.6, Y-alakú: Y0.6, W-alakú: W1.5, Tri-Wing: TW1, Háromszög: 2.3, ötszögletű: P2 / P5 Leírás: Gyártó HOTO Név 24 az 1-ben Precíziós csavarhúzó Modell QWLSD004 Szín Fekete Súly 110 g Méretek 120 x 16,6 mm Max. nyomaték 2 N⋅m Anyaga (csavarhúzó) Alumínium ötvözet Anyaga (bitek) Acél S2

HUF 8590.00

Zseblámpa Lite HOTO QWSDT001, 1000lm, USB-C

Zseblámpa Lite HOTO QWSDT001, 1000lm, USB-C

Zseblámpa Lite HOTO QWSDT001, 1000lm, USB-C A HOTO márka a Xiaomi ökoszisztéma része. Zseblámpa Hoto QWSDT001 Megbízható fényforrást keres minden helyzethez? A HOTO QWSDT001 zseblámpa megfelel az Ön elvárásainak. Könnyű és praktikus, 1000 lm fényerőt biztosít, hatótávolsága pedig akár 200 m. A tartós újratölthető akkumulátornak köszönhetően a zseblámpa egyetlen töltéssel akár 24 órán át működik. Ezenkívül lehetővé teszi a fény fókuszának beállítását, és 5 üzemmódot kínál. Stabil megvilágítás A HOTO QWSDT001 zseblámpa importált fénygyöngyöket használ, amelyek lehetővé teszik, hogy akár 1000 lm-es fényerővel ragyogjon. Fontos, hogy stabil és szembiztos fényt hoz létre, amely nem villog és nem fárasztja a szemet. Két gomb (bekapcsoló és SOS) kényelmes kezelést tesz lehetővé, és lehetővé teszi az üzemmód beállítását az egyéni igényekhez. Válasszon öt üzemmód közül This handy flashlight will come in handy in many different scenarios. Simply choose 1 of the 5 modes and adapt the type of light to the specific situation. Low light, Medium light, Highlight, Strobe and SOS modes are at your disposal. This way you can use the QWSDT001 to broadcast an SOS signal or scare away a potential aggressor. Adjustable light focus The big advantage of the HOTO QWSDT001 flashlight is the adjustable light focus. Focused light with high brightness and range of up to 200 m is perfect for rain and fog, while diffused light allows to illuminate a large area and is useful e.g. during a night hike. Durable battery What distinguishes the QWSDT001 flashlight is also its long operation time. The device has been equipped with a 2600 mAh rechargeable battery and can operate for up to 24 hours. What is important, the built-in colorful indicator light will provide information about the current state of battery, and the hidden USB-C port, which is protected against water and dust, will allow you to renew the energy of the device in a convenient way. Specification: Gyártó HOTO Név Zseblámpa Lite Modell QWSDT001 Súly kb. 160 g Méretek 164,5 x 30 x 30 mm Bemeneti áram 5 V - 1 A Névleges feszültség 3,65 V Töltési idő kb. 120 perc Akkumulátor típusa lítium-ion Akkumulátor kapacitása 2600 mAh Standard Q/310107QW002-2021

HUF 16390.00

Hoto QWXCJ002 Pro Vezeték nélküli magasnyomású mosó, 20V

Hoto QWXCJ002 Pro Vezeték nélküli magasnyomású mosó, 20V

Hoto QWXCJ002 Pro Vezeték nélküli magasnyomású mosó, 20V Pro Hoto QWXCJ002 akkus magasnyomású mosó, 20V Könnyedén szeretné megtisztítani autóját? Vagy öntözi kertjét gyorsabban és hatékonyabban? A HOTO akkus magasnyomású mosóval ez lehetséges lesz! Sok helyzetben beválik, könnyű súlyának és ergonomikus kialakításának köszönhetően pedig kényelmesebb lesz a használata. 2500 mAh-s Li-lon újratölthető akkumulátorának köszönhetően akár 45 perces üzemidővel rendelkezik, így könnyedén elvégezheti a tervezett munkát. Nagy teljesítményű A HOTO akkus mosógépet az akár 2,0 MPa víznyomás kiemeli. Sőt, a hatékonyabb tisztítás érdekében egy erősebb, 14 mm-es ikerfejű szivattyúval van felszerelve, amely óránként akár 200 l vizet is képes kipermetezni. Ez sokkal kényelmesebbé teszi a vele való munkát. Különböző üzemmódok You can easily adapt the HOTO cordless pressure washer to your needs. It offers several operating modes, which you can easily change by rotating the device head. You can choose from the JET mode, which generates a straight jet; the TILTED mode, where the water jet is directed downwards; the 20 and 40 degree modes, as well as the FOAM AND SHOWER mode, with which you can easily wash your car with foam and water. Multifunctional washer The HOTO pressure washer is suitable for many everyday tasks. It can be used to water flowers, clean stairs, windows and floors, but not only that! It is also perfect for cleaning carpets, cars and bikes. It is a multifunctional tool that helps you clean all sorts of equipment. Comfort of use The HOTO washer was designed with comfort in mind. It weighs up to 1.5 kg, which makes it lightweight. What's more, the ergonomic handle will lie perfectly in your hand, making it easier and more comfortable to operate while washing your car. In addition, the long 6-metre hose is equipped with a filtration system to prevent contamination. Long operating time The HOTO is equipped with a large 2,500 mAh battery, giving the equipment an operating time of up to 45 minutes. This makes it possible to wash up to two cars on a single charge! What's more, the washer's battery shows IPX6 water resistance, so you can use the device safely. Gyártó HOTO Modell QWXCJ002 Méretek 360 × 500 × 80 mm Súly 1,5 kg Működési idő akár 45 perc Működési teljesítmény 330 W akkumulátor Li-lon Akkumulátor kapacitása 2500 mAh Névleges feszültség 45 Wh Víznyomás 2,0 MPa-ig Vízállóság IPX6

HUF 51090.00

Hoto QWXCJ001 Vezeték nélküli magasnyomású mosó

Hoto QWXCJ001 Vezeték nélküli magasnyomású mosó

Hoto QWXCJ001 Vezeték nélküli magasnyomású mosó Hoto akkus nagynyomású tisztító QWXCJ001 Megbízható berendezést keresel, amivel nem csak autódat, hanem a ház melletti járdát is lemoshatod, vagy akár kedvencedet is megfürdeted? A HOTO akkus mosógép tökéletesen működik az Ön számára! Többféle üzemmód közül választhat, így működését igényeihez igazíthatja. Sőt, a nagy kapacitású akkumulátornak köszönhetően könnyedén elvégezheti a tervezett munkát. Nagy teljesítményű A HOTO akkus nagynyomású tisztítót a nagyméretű, 2000 mAh-s akkumulátor teszi különlegessé, amely hosszú működést biztosít. Sőt, a víznyomás eléri a 2,4 MPa-t is. Használata is nagyon kényelmes, hiszen áramlási sebessége akár 180 l/h, így könnyen lemosható az autó vagy az udvar takarítható. Különféle működési módok You can adapt the HOTO high-pressure cleaner to your needs because it allows you to swap between different modes. Use the direct high-pressure mode, the 40° large area rinse mode, the spray mode or the foam jet mode to clean your car. To clean the pavement next to your house, choose the 20° sector mode. And for watering flowers, the 20° slant direction mode will work well. Multifunctional washer The HOTO washer is designed for your comfort, so you can use it in many situations. It is perfect for cleaning your car, bike or windows, but not only! You can also use it to make your yard look like new and keep your flowers watered. You can also use it to keep your pet clean. The possibilities are endless with HOTO! Comfort of use HOTO combines functionality with comfort. The high-pressure cleaner is lightweight, so you will not get tired even if you wash your car for a long time. What's more, you can easily switch it on and off with the touch of a finger. When you want to get started with the washer, all you have to do is dip its 6-metre hose into any container of water. In addition, a convenient power level indicator will let you know when the battery needs to be charged. Clever design The HOTO washer is distinguished by its carefully thought-out design. Its pump has been fitted with a metal bearing so that it can serve you for a very long time. What's more, the washer shows strong resistance to wear and tear. Gyártó HOTO Model QWXCJ001 Névleges feszültség 20 V Víznyomás max. 2,4 MPa / 24 bar Áramlási sebesség max. 180 l/h Teljesítmény 200 W Feszültség DC20V Akkumulátor 2000 mAh Töltés 20 V, 0,5 A Tömlőhossz 6 m Termék mérete 220 × 75 × 245 mm Termék súlya 1,2 kg

HUF 45090.00

Lítium ragasztópisztoly HOTO QWRJQ001

Lítium ragasztópisztoly HOTO QWRJQ001

Lítium ragasztópisztoly HOTO QWRJQ001 A HOTO márka a Xiaomi ökoszisztéma része. Lítium ragasztópisztoly Hoto QWRJQ001 Engedje szabadjára kreativitását, és könnyítse meg a kisebb javításokat. Segítségére lesz a Hoto QWRJQ001 forró ragasztópisztoly, amely gyorsan felmelegszik és sikeresen ragasztja a különböző anyagokat. A 2000 mAh-s újratölthető akkumulátor hosszú üzemidőt biztosít, az USB-C port pedig kényelmes töltést tesz lehetővé. Az intelligens chip fenntartja az optimális hőmérsékletet, és a pisztoly 3 perc használaton kívül automatikusan kikapcsol. Égésgátló kialakítás és alacsony súly a modell további előnyei. Gyors és hatékony The hot glue gun has a high-end heating element, so it heats up in no time. The built-in sensor keeps the temperature at the right level for a perfect glue flow, while the brass nozzle stands out for its high heat conductivity for convenient glue application. Well designed Thanks to its well-balanced design you can put the gun down on a table or desk and the device will remain stable in an upright position. The gun has been coated with heat-resistant and environmentally friendly silicone. The material perfectly insulates against heat, so you do not have to worry about burns. For the whole family The Hoto glue gun QWRJQ001 is light and handy, and the smart chip maintains the optimum temperature. Double insulation prevents burns, making the QWRJQ001 a great product for children too. What's more, the device will automatically turn off after 3 minutes of inactivity, ensuring safety. The PC plastic overlay means you can stow it away almost as soon as you're done. High-capacity battery Don't worry about the QWRJQ001 running out of power when you least expect it. It is equipped with a powerful 2000 mAh battery that allows you to use up to 100 meters of glue when fully charged. Convenient renewal of energy is enabled by the built-in USB-C port - you can use a charger or a powerbank. Glue included The kit comes with 10 colored glue cartridges. They are 7 mm in diameter and 125 mm in length. They ensure strong gluing and solid joining of materials, and are also environmentally friendly. Thanks to its carefully thought-out design, the gun allows you to apply the glue evenly - making DIY, repairs or work even easier. Includes: Hot glue gun 10x cartridges 125 mm Specification: Gyártó HOTO Név Lítium ragasztópisztoly Modell QWRJQ001 Ragasztópatron hossza 125 mm Ragasztópatron átmérője 7 mm Hevítési idő kb. 30 s Akkumulátor típusa Lítium Az akkumulátor kapacitása 2000 mAh Névleges feszültség 4 V Töltési paraméterek 5 V - 1 A Töltési idő Kb. 120-180 perc Méretek 135 x 127 x 35 mm Tömeg 195 g

HUF 13690.00

Háztartási szerszámkészlet HOTO QWDZGJ001, 9 db

Háztartási szerszámkészlet HOTO QWDZGJ001, 9 db

Háztartási szerszámkészlet HOTO QWDZGJ001, 9 db A HOTO márka a Xiaomi ökoszisztéma része. Háztartási szerszámkészlet Hoto QWDZGJ001 (9 elem) A Hoto QWDZGJ001 többfunkciós szerszámkészlet 9 elemet tartalmaz, és minden műhelyben tökéletes. Kézi és elektromos szerszámokat egyaránt találsz benne, melyek barkácsolásnál, felújításnál vagy profi munkánál hasznosak lesznek. A 12 V-os kefe nélküli fúró-, fúró- és fúrókészlet, többfunkciós fogó vagy állítható csavarkulcs egy kompakt dobozba került, amely nemcsak modernnek tűnik, hanem rendkívül tartós és sérülésálló is. Kefe nélküli fúró a készletben The most interesting element of the set is the drill with a brushless 12V motor, which will be perfect for amateurs and professionals. It provides a maximum torque of 30 N⋅m, offers two operation modes, and its speed reaches 1400 rpm. The brushless motor ensures efficient operation and the LED display provides information about the charge level or the selected operation mode. The device will be used for drilling and screwdriving. It also comes with metal screws, wood screws and 50 mm bits made of S2 steel. Practical tools The box also contains multifunction needle-nose pliers for making notching or cutting jobs easier. The 3 meter measuring tape with self-locking system allows precise measurements, and the hammer with integrated magnet has a rubber cap to protect surfaces from damage. The set also includes a multifunction screwdriver with magnetic holder and an adjustable wrench with a jaw span of up to 25 mm. Many applications The Hoto QWDZGJ001 tool set is ideal for many different situations. The multifunctional needle-nose pliers will come in handy for repairs, while the adjustable wrench will allow you to service your bicycle efficiently. The multifunctional screwdriver and the brushless drill are indispensable equipment during DIY and small repairs. The set will be useful in every house or workshop. Included Bits S2 steel C6,3 x 50 mm Self-lock measure tape 3m 55 Steel (blade), ABS (case) 26,8 x 60 x 70 mm Multipurpose screwdriver CR-V Steel(shank), PP + TPE (handle ⌀30 x 198 mm Drills Alloy steel 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 mm (metal drills) 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 mm (woodwoking drills) 12V Brushless Drill PC + ABS + TPE (handle) 54 x 180 x 185 mm Multipurpose needlenose plier CR-V Steel (main body), PP + TPE (handle) 15,6 x 55 x 169 mm Adjustable spanner 45 Steel 13x6 x 56,5 x 200 mm Claw hammer 45 Steel (head), PU (rubber cup), fiberglass + PP + TPE (handle) 24 x 105 x 240 mm Töltő kábel PVC 300 mm Leírás: Gyártó HOTO Név 12V kefe nélküli fúrószerszám készlet Modell QWDZGJ001 Súly 3400 g Tok anyaga ABS Tok méretei 91 x 268 x 270 mm

HUF 66390.00

Intelligens konyhai mérleg HOTO QWCFC001

Intelligens konyhai mérleg HOTO QWCFC001

Intelligens konyhai mérleg HOTO QWCFC001 A HOTO márka a Xiaomi ökoszisztéma része. Smart Kitchen Scale Hoto QWCFC001 Gyakran főzöl vagy sütsz? Könnyítse meg munkáját a konyhában, és szerelje fel magát a HOTO QWCFC001 intelligens konyhai mérleggel. A készülék 0,1 g-os pontossággal mér, kényelmes mértékegységváltást tesz lehetővé, és átlátszó LED kijelzővel rendelkezik. Kiváló minőségű anyagokból (beleértve az edzett üveget is) készült, és kompatibilis a Mi Home alkalmazással – így például elmentheti és megoszthatja receptjeit. A HOTO márka a Xiaomi ökoszisztéma része. Lenyűgöző precizitás An accurate scale is an essential part of any kitchen. That is why the HOTO QWCFC001 is equipped with an extremely precise sensor, which guarantees measurements with an accuracy of up to 0.1 g. The weighing range of the device is 1 - 3000 g, so you can weigh both light ingredients and larger products. You can also switch freely between units - choose from g, ml, oz and lb:oz. Well designed The easy-to-read LED display is made of high-quality tempered glass and makes measuring results quick and easy. It is also durable and easy to clean. Thanks to its clever design, the scale is extremely easy to operate, with just one button to turn the device on/off and change the unit. Useful in any situation An intelligent kitchen scale from HOTO will perfectly fit in your kitchen and will facilitate many different activities. With its help you will precisely measure all the ingredients for a cake, which will guarantee successful baking. The scale will also help you prepare an optimal portion of food for a child, it will also be useful for people on a diet. Mi Home application The possibilities do not end here! Download the Mi Home application, add the scale to it and gain access to additional functions. Thanks to the application you can save the data from measurements and create and share recipes. It will also help you prepare perfect coffee - it will provide information about the optimal amount of water and beans, as well as about the optimal brewing time. Specification: Gyártó HOTO Név HOTO Smart Kitchen Mérleg Modell QWCFC001 Méretek 181,8 x 168 x 26,8 mm Súly Körülbelül 342 g Súlytartomány 1-3000 g Pontosság 0,1-0,5 g Egység g / ml / uncia / lb Vezeték nélküli kapcsolat Bluetooth 4.0 Bluetooth átviteli hatótávolság kb. 8 m Automatikus kikapcsolás 180 s után Üzemi hőmérséklet 10-40°C Tárolási hőmérséklet -10°C - 50°C Tárolási páratartalom ≤90% RH Hardverkövetelmények Android 4.4 vagy újabb / iOS 8.0 vagy újabb, Bluetooth 4.0

HUF 12590.00

Intelligens konyhai mérleg Bluetooth HOTO QWCFC001

Intelligens konyhai mérleg Bluetooth HOTO QWCFC001

Intelligens konyhai mérleg Bluetooth HOTO QWCFC001 The HOTO brand is part of the Xiaomi ecosystem. Smart Kitchen Scale Hoto QWCFC001 Do you cook or bake often? Make your work in the kitchen easier and equip yourself with the HOTO QWCFC001 intelligent kitchen scale. The device weighs with an accuracy of 0.1 g, allows you to conveniently change units and has a clear LED display. It is made of high quality materials (including tempered glass) and is compatible with the Mi Home app - so you can e.g. save and share your recipes. The HOTO brand is part of the Xiaomi ecosystem. Impressive precisionAn accurate scale is an essential part of any kitchen. That is why the HOTO QWCFC001 is equipped with an extremely precise sensor, which guarantees measurements with an accuracy of up to 0.1 g. The weighing range of the device is 1 - 3000 g, so you can weigh both light ingredients and larger products. You can also switch freely between units - choose from g, ml, oz and lb:oz. Well designedThe easy-to-read LED display is made of high-quality tempered glass and makes measuring results quick and easy. It is also durable and easy to clean. Thanks to its clever design, the scale is extremely easy to operate, with just one button to turn the device on/off and change the unit. Useful in any situationAn intelligent kitchen scale from HOTO will perfectly fit in your kitchen and will facilitate many different activities. With its help you will precisely measure all the ingredients for a cake, which will guarantee successful baking. The scale will also help you prepare an optimal portion of food for a child, it will also be useful for people on a diet. Mi Home applicationThe possibilities do not end here! Download the Mi Home application, add the scale to it and gain access to additional functions. Thanks to the application you can save the data from measurements and create and share recipes. It will also help you prepare perfect coffee - it will provide information about the optimal amount of water and beans, as well as about the optimal brewing time. Manufacturer HOTO Name HOTO Smart Kitchen Scale Model QWCFC001 Dimensions 181.8 x 168 x 26.8 mm Weight Approximately 342 g Weighing range 1-3000 g Accuracy 0,1-0,5 g Units g / ml / oz / lb:oz Power supply 3x AAA battery Wireless connectivity Bluetooth 4.0 Bluetooth transmission range Approx. 8 m Automatic switch off After 180 s Working temperature 10-40°C Storage temperature -10°C - 50°C Storage humidity ≤90% RH Hardware requirements Android 4.4 or later / iOS 8.0 or later, Bluetooth 4.0

HUF 11490.00

Kefe nélküli fúrógép HOTO QWLDZ001, 12V

Kefe nélküli fúrógép HOTO QWLDZ001, 12V

Kefe nélküli fúrógép HOTO QWLDZ001, 12V A HOTO márka a Xiaomi ökoszisztéma része. Kefe nélküli fúró Hoto QWLDZ001 Válasszon egy praktikus csavarhúzót, amellyel kényelmesen csavarozhat és fúrhat. A HOTO QWLDZ001 kefe nélküli motorral van felszerelve, és akár 1400 ford./perc fordulatszámmal működik, emellett 2 üzemmódot kínál (impulzus és önkiválasztó). A könnyen leolvasható LED kijelző hozzáférést biztosít a legfontosabb információkhoz, a 2000 mAh-s akkumulátor pedig hosszú működési időt garantál. Egyszerű kezelésének köszönhetően gyakorlatlan felhasználók számára is megfelelő. A készlet különféle fúrókat és fúrókat tartalmaz. 2 üzemmód és LED kijelző The device offers two working modes so that you can easily adjust its operation to individual needs. The Pulse mode is perfect for beginners, while Self-selecting allows you to manually set the torque of the screwdriver. The smart HD display also deserves a mention as it gives you access to the most important information about the operation of the device. Brushless motor technology What makes the HOTO QWLDZ001 screwdriver so fast and efficient in screwdriving and drilling? First of all, it is a durable brushless motor which works at the speed of up to 1400 rpm. It also provides a maximum torque of 30 Nm, which translates into efficient and effective work. Robust design The drill chuck of this model has a non-slip surface and makes it easy to change drills. The ergonomic design and the use of high-quality PC and ABS plastic make it especially resistant to dirt and scratches. A special button allows convenient switching between drilling and screwdriving functions. Cordless for a long time Tired of cables and want to enjoy a high level of convenience? Well that's a good thing! The HOTO QWLDZ001 brushless screwdriver is equipped with a lithium battery with a capacity of 2000 mAh, which enables cordless work and ensures long operation time. The USB-C port allows for convenient charging - just connect the device to a charger or powerbank, and after about 120 - 180 minutes the device will be ready to work. Practical accessories in the set The set includes 4 metal drill bits, 4 wood drill bits and 10 bits made of S2 steel - such a wide range of accessories makes the device useful in many different situations. So you can use the screwdriver for renovation, repair, furniture assembly or DIY and successfully insert a screw or drill a hole. Included: Screwdriver 4x metal drill bits (3 / 4 / 5 / 6 mm) 4x wood drill bits (4 / 5 / 6 / 7 mm) 10x bits C6.3x50 mm (Slotted SL5, Phillips PH1 / PH2, hexagon H3 / H4 / H5, Torx T25, Asterisk PZ2, TW TW1, triangle 2.3) USB-C cable Specification: Gyártó HOTO Név 12V kefe nélküli fúró Modell QWLSDZ001 Súly kb. 882 g Méretek 185 x 180 x 54 mm Max. nyomaték 30 N⋅m Akkumulátor típusa lítium-ion Akkumulátor kapacitása 2000 mAh Töltési paraméterek 5 V - 3 A / 9 V - 1,5 A Névleges feszültség 12 V Töltési idő kb. 120-180 perc

HUF 43390.00

Akkus csavarhúzó HOTO QWLSD001 3.6V (kék)

Akkus csavarhúzó HOTO QWLSD001 3.6V (kék)

Akkus csavarhúzó HOTO QWLSD001 3.6V (kék) The HOTO brand is part of the Xiaomi ecosystem. Cordless Screwdriver HOTO QWLSD00Looking for a handy screwdriver that will make your work easier? Equip yourself with the HOTO QWLSD001 cordless precision screwdriver, which enables you to screw in and remove screws efficiently and is perfect for beginners. The powerful motor works at up to 220 rpm and the screwdriver offers adjustable torque. Fully charged, it can screw in up to 1000 screws and comes with 12 bits made of S2 steel. User-friendlyThe HOTO QWLSD001 cordless precision screwdriver is made of durable plastic and TPE rubber. So it is extremely durable and resistant to damage, but it also provides high user comfort. Thanks to its low weight of 250 g, the screwdriver does not cause any discomfort during work, and 2 practical buttons guarantee convenient operation. One of them allows you to insert the screw, while the other enables you to unscrew it. Powerful workThe powerful motor delivers up to 4 N⋅m of torque and high speed. The advantage of the model is also a durable battery with a capacity of 1500 mAh, which guarantees long working time. If you charge the device to full, it will enable you to drive up to 1,000 screws! The built-in USB-C port allows you to conveniently renew the power. Adjustable torqueWith a smart chip and a special dial, you can customize the QWLSD001's operation and adjust the torque of the device. Level one will be suitable when repairing a speaker or computer, level two allows you to screw down a shelf, and level three will work well for DIY. If necessary, you can also turn off the device completely - the Safety Lock mode will prevent accidental starting. 12 bits includedThe included bits are made of high-quality S2 steel and have a hardness of 60 HRC. An additional layer of environmentally friendly nickel increases their resistance to rust, making the bits surprisingly durable and serving you for a long time. The holes in the base of the device allow you to store all the bits, so you don't have to worry about losing them. Additional featuresThe screwdriver has a practical LED backlight which is useful when working in a dark room. The backlight does not cast a shadow and turns off after 10 seconds from releasing the button. Another noteworthy feature is the built-in advanced circuit, which detects whether a screw is already unscrewed and automatically stops rotation. This protects the screws from damage and prevents injury to the user. Included:Precision screwdriver12x bits C6.3x50 mm (SL4 flat, Phillips PH1 / PH2 / PH3, Allen H3 / H4 / H5 / H6, Torx T15 / T20 / T25, Pozidriv PZ2)ManufacturerHOTOName3.6V Cordless Screwdriver KitModelQWLSD001Max. torque (electric)4 N⋅mMax. torque (manual)8 N⋅mScrewdriver dimensions178.8 x 34 x 35 mmWeight of the screwdriver250 gRated current3.6 V - 6 A (max)Speed220 rpmCharging timeapprox. 150 minBattery capacity1500 mAh

HUF 18090.00

Electric precision screwdriver, set of 25 bits HOTO QWLSA001 (new version)

Electric precision screwdriver, set of 25 bits HOTO QWLSA001 (new version)

Electric precision screwdriver, set of 25 bits HOTO QWLSA001 (new version) Electric precision screwdriver, HOTO QWLSA001 25 bit set (new version)HOTO electric precision screwdriver is a comprehensive set that includes 25 bits made of S2 alloy steel with a hardness of 60 HRC, which guarantees their strength and wear resistance. Thanks to the integrated magnetizer, each bit is magnetic, which facilitates precise screwdriving and screw replacement. This set is perfect for a variety of tasks, from everyday home repairs to advanced technical projects such as working on PCBs, STEM robots or 3D models.Fast and efficient workThe HOTO screwdriver is equipped with a 170 RPM motor for fast and smooth screwdriving, which significantly speeds up tasks. In addition, the device offers two torque settings (0.05 Nm and 0.2 Nm), allowing you to adjust the force for different scenarios and materials, ensuring precise control over every movement.Superior visibility and precisionThe built-in 360° shadow-free LED illumination guarantees incredible clarity when working, even in hard-to-reach areas. This functionality makes the tool ideal for tasks that require precision, such as assembling small electronic components, repairing eyeglasses or other complex manual work. With HOTO, precision operations become easier and more efficient.Ergonomic design and user comfortHOTO was designed with user comfort in mind. The non-slip coated handles provide a secure grip and minimize hand fatigue during prolonged use. The lightweight, aircraft-grade aluminum construction, achieved through precision CNC machining, combines durability with comfort, making this screwdriver the ideal tool for long-term use.Easy access and storageDesigned with convenience in mind, the screwdriver features a magnetic bit storage compartment for quick access and secure storage of each piece. Each bit is solidly held in place, preventing them from getting lost and making it easy to organize. This solution is not only practical, but also saves time by allowing you to quickly prepare the tool for work.Reliable designThe HOTO screwdriver is made of high-quality aircraft-grade aluminum, which ensures its durability and resistance to mechanical damage. Each bit made of S2 steel with a hardness of 60 HRC has a rust-resistant finish, further enhancing their longevity. This tool is ready to tackle even the most demanding tasks, offering strength, durability and reliability in any situation.IncludedElectric precision screwdriverMagnetic bit storage case25 interchangeable bitsUSB Type-C charging cableBit Specifications:Bit dimensions: C4 x L28 mmBit material: S2 alloy steel Name:Electric precision screwdriver, set of 25 bits HOTO QWLSA001 (new version).Product model:QWLSA001Color:Dark grayProduct Weight:Approximately 314gScrewdriver Dimensions:Approximately 159 x Ø17 mmScrewdriver weight:Approximately 60 gMaximum torque of electric motor:0.2 N-mMaximum manual torque:3 N-mInput parameters:5V ⎓ 0.2ARated voltage:3,7V ⎓Battery type:Lithium-ion batteryBattery Capacity:350 mAhCharging time:Approximately 160 minutesIdle speed:170 rpmOperating temperature range:-10°C to 45°CProduct dimensions:Approximately 182 x 71.3 x 26.1 mmBit types:Phillips: PH000/PH00/PH0/PH1/PH2; Hexagonal: H0.7/H0.9/H1.5/H2.0; Flat: SL1.5/SL2.0; Torx: T2/T3/T4; Hollow Torx: T5H/T6H/T8H/T9H/T10H; Five-pointed star: P2/P5; Triangle: TW1; Triangle bit: 2.3; Y-shape: Y0.6; U-shape: U2.6; Polygon: W1.5

HUF 18590.00

HOTO QWLDM001 35 az 1-ben univerzális forgószerszám

HOTO QWLDM001 35 az 1-ben univerzális forgószerszám

Universal Rotary tool HOTO QWLDM001 35-in-1 (Black) A HOTO márka a Xiaomi ökoszisztéma része. HOTO QWLDM001 35 az 1-ben univerzális forgószerszám A HOTO QWLDM001 forgószerszám egy sokoldalú szerszám, amely rengeteg felhasználási lehetőséget talál otthon vagy műhelyben. A mellékelt tartozékoknak köszönhetően többek között lyukakat készíthet, csiszolhat, gravírozhat bőrt stb. Ideális különféle barkácsmunkákhoz. Maximum 25 000 ford./perc sebességig 5 állású fordulatszám-beállítást tesz lehetővé, és nagy teherbírású újratölthető akkumulátorral van felszerelve, amely akár 50 perces üzemidőt biztosít. Ugyanakkor a készülék rendkívül könnyű és kényelmesen használható. Lenyűgöző teljesítmény A built-in motor is responsible for the efficient operation of the tool, which is distinguished by a torque of up to 0.9N.m. There is also a 5-stage speed adjustment within the range of 5,000-25,000rpm. So you can optimally adjust the operation of the device to your needs. A special ring allows you to conveniently change the settings. Long working time The tool features a cordless design, so you can free yourself from cables and gain more freedom of movement. What's more, the durable 2000mAh battery means that a fully charged device can run for up to 50 minutes. You'll also find a practical base that allows you to conveniently charge and store the product. Practical accessories included Enhance the capabilities of your tool with the included accessories. Among other things, you'll find a drill bit, various types of cutters, grinding rings and polishing discs in the package. You can also take advantage of the detachable dust cover that will protect your eyes and skin while you work, increasing the safety of use. Convenient storage of the tool and accessories is made possible by the included case. Many applications With so many available accessories and great capabilities, the HOTO brand universal rotary tool will be perfect for a variety of applications. You will successfully use it when working on DIY projects, you will also find it useful for hand engraving leather or smoothing wood. You can also use it for sanding and polishing selected items. Comfortable operation Enjoy comfortable use. The rotary tool weighs only 250g and fits perfectly in your hand. Its housing is made of sandblasted TPU plastic, and the place where your fingers rest is covered with rubber, which guarantees a more secure grip. There is also a special LED backlight, which makes it easier to work in low light and automatically turns off 7 seconds after the device is turned off. What's more, the specially designed head clamp is compatible with 3mm accessories and ensures a stable hold. In the box Rotary tool Charging base Case Head clip 2.35mm Drilling bit 3.2mm Grinding heads (sand ring x4, cylindrical red corundum grinding head 6mm x1, conical red corundum grinding head 6mm x1, sand ring tensioning wheel x1) Milling cutters (round head 3mm x1, cylinder head 3mm x1, conical head 3mm x1) Brushes (nylon brush x1, 19mm diameter metal disk brush x1) Gyémánt csiszolófej (durva homokos gömbcsiszolófej x1) Polírozó kerekek (nemezkorong x1, filckorong x1) Vágó (22 mm-es gyémánt maró x4, vágómag rúd x1) Kulcs x1 Porvédő burkolat x1 Leírás Márka HOTO Név HOTO 35 az 1-ben forgószerszám Modell QWLDM001 Fordulatszám 5 000-25 000 ford./perc Nyomaték 0,9 N.m Akkumulátor Lítium-ion Akkumulátor kapacitása 2Ah Töltési feszültség 5V 1A Névleges feszültség 3.6V Töltési idő kb. 180 perc Működési idő kb. 50 perc Súly kb. 250g Méretek 30,3x190mm

HUF 20290.00