High Definition Floor Standing Reading Light from Serious Readers
Floor lamp | Black finish | Daylight Wavelength Technology™ | Recommended for eye conditions and hobbies | Adjustable brightness and beam width | Lightweight base | Hand-built in Great Britain The High Definition Floor Light boasts Daylight Wavelength Technology™ that reduces surplus harmful blue light and closely mirrors natural daylight, making it ideal for those suffering with AMD, glaucoma, cataracts and other eye problems. The lightweight base, adjustable beam width and flexible arm enable you to fine-tune your floor light to suit your personal requirements, making it an excellent choice when looking for a light to support the continued enjoyment of your hobbies after sunset. Whether you love reading or pastimes such as painting, needlework or jigsaws, the High Definition Light's CRI of 99 makes it possible for you to appreciate intricate details and differentiate between colours almost as accurately as if your page was bathed in pure, natural light.