Kronotex Amazone Timeless Oak Beige 4V Laminate Flooring, 10mm x 157mm x 1380mm 4V 6 Boards Per Pack | Sale Flooring Direct
Kronotex Amazone Timeless Oak Beige 4V Laminate Flooring, 10mm x 157mm x 1380mm 4V 6 Boards Per Pack | Sale Flooring Direct. Timeless Oak Beige Timeless Oak Beige By Kronotex is a light refreshing floor that will light up any room, with its sense of class , freshness and that new home feel its sure not to disappoint, Coming from the kronotex amazone range this is one robust floor, Kids no problem, Animals no problem, theres not much that you cant throw at this floor and it wont leave a mark. Any floor that is this robust and guaranteed to last for decade can only be made by kronotex and with Kronotex timeless oak beige they have raised the bar and delivered once again. Kronotex timeless oak beige is sure to be a hit with everyone and with that in mind we aim never to be out of stock. You wont find many floors that are this good on the market with the same qualities as kronotex amazone so go ahead and treat yourself to kronotex timeless oak beige from the amazone range. The outstanding sale flooring direct room builder is only a click away. Order Free Samples. Kronotex Amazone Timeless Oak Beige 4V Laminate Flooring, 10mm x 157mm x 1380mm 4V 6 Boards Per Pack | Sale Flooring Direct.