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Perfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment Theory Practice and Innovation

Perfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment Theory Practice and Innovation

Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) often referred to as per- (and poly) fluorinated compounds (PFCs) have been used for years in many everyday¾ and some lifesaving¾ products. However their use has been linked to adverse health effects in humans a problem compounded by their persistence in the environment. This book discusses the various challenges of PFAS in our environment today including their historical use as well as their chemical and toxicological properties. It also presents robust discussion of analytical challenges and special considerations in sampling. The work goes on to give practical recommendations for dealing with these compounds in today's dynamic regulatory landscape and includes several chapters on various remediation techniques. Key Features: Comprehensive overview of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) historical use and chemical/physical properties which help us understand their persistence transport and transformation pathways in the environment In-depth analysis of PFAS toxicology Detailed descriptions of conventional and state-of-the-art remediation technologies Practical recommendations for dealing with PFAS in a dynamic regulatory landscape Robust discussion of important sampling and analytical considerations Perfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment: Theory Practice and Innovation explores the challenges across the topical areas of regulation and management toxicology environmental remediation and analytical sampling and analysis. Readers will find this text helpful in understanding complexities associated with PFAS and informing management strategies to effectively protect this and future generations. | Perfluoroalkyl Substances in the Environment Theory Practice and Innovation

GBP 150.00

Strategies for Growing and Enhancing University-Level Japanese Programs

LeanSpeak The Productivity Business Improvement Dictionary

LeanSpeak The Productivity Business Improvement Dictionary

This dictionary specific to lean business processes contains over 500 terms used in lean management and manufacturing. Easy to access accurate and comprehensive LeanSpeak will become the desktop tool of choice for lean manufacturing practitioners from the shop floor to the corner office. Here are some examples of entries in LeanSpeak:gemba: Japanese word of which the literal translation is the real place. In the manufacturing field gemba means the shop floor where the actual product is being made as contrasted to the office where support services are provided. lean: shorthand to refer to a lean manufacturing system of which the Toyota Production System is the foremost example that has relatively little non-value-adding waste and maximum flow. The term has been used pejoratively to refer to anti-labor practices intending to reduce the number of workers within a company and to strong-arm tactics with suppliers. takt time: the rate at which product must be turned out to satisfy market demand. It is determined by dividing the available production time by the rate of customer demand. For example if customers demand 240 widgets per day and the factory operates 480 minutes per day takt time is two minutes. If customers want two new products designed per month takt time is two weeks. It is a calculated number not a reflection of your capability. It sets the pace of production to match the rate of customer demand. Also available as an ebook in Microsoft Reader Adobe Acrobat Reader or Palm Reader formats. | LeanSpeak The Productivity Business Improvement Dictionary

GBP 170.00

Analog Electronics for Radiation Detection

Effectiveness of Surge Flow Irrigation in Egypt Water Use Efficiency in Field Crop Production

Current Controversies in Values and Science

Deciphering India's Services Sector Growth

Deciphering India's Services Sector Growth

This book addresses a range of issues relating to the nature and implications of growth of India’s services sector including factors contributing to the rise of services output measurement and heterogeneity growth of services exports and employment in services sectors. From service tax exchange rate and services exports policy interest employment potential and diversity of the sector to challenges in financial inclusion trajectories of ICT services and contribution of education to GDP it brings together diverse themes to highlight major concerns in the wake of the prominent role that services have played in placing India among the fast-growing economies in the world in recent years. The services sector in India accounts for more than 60 per cent of the GDP of the country and 28. 6 per cent of its employed across government private or state corporations and non-government organisations. The volume explores whether the services sector (beyond agriculture and industry) holds the promise of fulfilling the benefits from India’s demographic dividend for its economic transformation through sustainable growth. With key empirical analyses of household enterprise and macroeconomic data for India within both formal and informal sectors this topical book will be useful to scholars and researchers of economics Indian economy political economy development economics development studies public policy and South Asian studies and also to development professionals policy makers and industry specialists. | Deciphering India's Services Sector Growth

GBP 38.99

Treatment of Industrial Effluents Case Studies

The Italian Urban System Towards European Integration

The Science of Higher Education State Higher Education Policy and the Laws of Scale

The Science of Higher Education State Higher Education Policy and the Laws of Scale

Perennial conclusions from state-by-state funding-per-student analyses of underfunding and weak state commitment have become so common that they have diluted the potency of the argument to state policymakers for more higher education funding. In addition there has been little in the way of testing or questioning the assumptions embedded in traditional funding per student analysis and its accompanying conclusions. As state legislators balance the competing needs of education health trans­portation and public safety budgets they increasingly ask what return on investment (ROI) they get for the funding they provide including from higher education. The ROI language while potentially unsettling for its corporate-like and neoliberal connotation will persist into the foreseeable future. We must ask questions both of adequacy (How much funding should the states provide?) and benefit (What benefits do states receive for the higher education funding they provide?). The focus on traditional funding per student analysis has remained static for over forty years indicating the need for new ideas and methods to probe questions of adequacy and benefit. The Science of Higher Education is an introduction to a new paradigm that explores state higher education funding enrollment completion and supply (the number and type of institutions in a state) through the lens of what are commonly known as power laws. Power laws explain patterns in biological systems and characteristics of cities. Like cities state higher educa­tion systems are complex adaptive systems so it is little surprise that power laws also explain funding enrollment completion and supply. The scale relationships uncovered in the Science of Higher Education sug­gest the potential benefits state policymakers could derive by emphasizing enrollment completion or capacity policies based on economies of scale marginal benefits and the return state’s get on enrollment and completion for the funding they provide. The various features of state higher education systems that conform to scale patterns do not alone provide definitive answers for appropriate funding levels however. As this book addresses policymakers need to take into account the macro forces from demography to geography and the economy that situate the system as well the interactions between government and market actors that are at the core of every state higher education system and influence the outcomes it achieves. | The Science of Higher Education State Higher Education Policy and the Laws of Scale

GBP 31.99

The Economics of Water and Waste in Three African Capitals

Critical Perspectives on Rural Change

Vermiculture Technology Earthworms Organic Wastes and Environmental Management

Vermiculture Technology Earthworms Organic Wastes and Environmental Management

Co-edited by international earthworm expert Clive A. Edwards Vermiculture Technology: Earthworms Organic Wastes and Environmental Management is the first international comprehensive and definitive work on how earthworms and microorganisms interact to break down organic wastes on a commercial basis. Many books cover the importance of composting for reducing the amount of organic wastes in landfills. This reference focuses on innovative vermiculture technology that turns organic waste into a value-added environmentally friendly products that can improve soil fertility and productivity on a large scale. Chronicles more than two decades of growth and changes in earthworm composting technologyBased on the work of an outstanding international cast of scientists the book explores the dramatic growth and changes in vermiculture technology since 1988 and assesses advances made in government-funded projects in the United States and United Kingdom. The contributors discuss outdoor and indoor windrows container systems wedge systems and low labor-requirement fully-automated continuous flow vermicomposting reactor systems that can process more than 1000 tons of organic wastes per reactor per annum. They also highlight the science and biology behind the use and efficacy of vermicomposting examine its importance to developing countries and detail the technology of the past present and future. Although the development of a range of vermicomposting technologies has been rapid and the spread of vermicomposting dramatic the scientific literature remains scattered throughout a range of journals newsletters and online resources. As a compilation of information designed specifically to have an extended shelf life this volume chronicles how vermiculture can be brought into full commercial and industrial development and find application in integrated waste management systems. | Vermiculture Technology Earthworms Organic Wastes and Environmental Management

GBP 44.99

Electrical Power Generation Methods and Plants

Handbook of Chemical Synonyms and Trade Names

Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics

Seamanship Techniques Shipboard and Marine Operations

Stock Index Futures

Female Entrepreneurs The Secrets of Their Success

Female Entrepreneurs The Secrets of Their Success

The comparative numbers between male- and female-led start-ups are stark. Ninety-one per cent of venture capital money continues to fund businesses founded solely by men with only one per cent of venture capital money invested in businesses founded solely by women. Yet being a female entrepreneur is not the preserve of Wonder Woman. It’s for every woman who wants to make it happen. Female Entrepreneurs: The Secrets of Their Success encourages every woman who has dreamt of being an entrepreneur but hasn’t yet taken the leap to take the first steps towards realising her dreams – as well as encouraging every woman who has not yet thought about running her own business to consider it. Additionally it encourages governments and the corporate world to recognise and embrace the huge value that female entrepreneurs bring to society and the economy. John Smythe and Ruth Saunders reveal the secrets of the success of fifty-two female entrepreneurs. They outline wisdom and insights to inspire budding entrepreneurs to take the leap and offer practical advice on what to think about when setting your business up for success as well as when considering whether to scale. They also provide top tips on how to play to women’s inherent strengths and avoid the weaknesses women face – as well as how to stay sane and enjoy the journey. This practical unique guide provides the encouragement support and motivation any aspiring female entrepreneur could need to make those first steps towards the realisation of their ambitions. John Smythe and Ruth Saunders are both entrepreneurs themselves and regularly advise start-ups on how to launch and scale up for growth. | Female Entrepreneurs The Secrets of Their Success

GBP 21.99

Software Development Patterns and Antipatterns

Software Development Patterns and Antipatterns

Software development has been a troubling since it first started. There are seven chronic problems that have plagued it from the beginning: Incomplete and ambiguous user requirements that grow by >2% per month. Major cost and schedule overruns for large applications > 35% higher than planned. Low defect removal efficiency (DRE) < 85% on large systems. Cancelled projects that are not completed: > 30% above 10 000 function points. Poor quality and low reliability after the software is delivered: > 5 bugs per FP. Breach of contract litigation against software outsource vendors. Expensive maintenance and enhancement costs after delivery. These are endemic problems for software executives software engineers and software customers but they are not insurmountable. In Software Development Patterns and Antipatterns software engineering and metrics pioneer Capers Jones presents technical solutions for all seven. The solutions involve moving from harmful patterns of software development to effective patterns of software development. The first section of the book examines common software development problems that have been observed in many companies and government agencies. The data on the problems comes from consulting studies breach of contract lawsuits and the literature on major software failures. This section considers the factors involved with cost overruns schedule delays canceled projects poor quality and expensive maintenance after deployment. The second section shows patterns that lead to software success. The data comes from actual companies. The section’s first chapter on Corporate Software Risk Reduction in a Fortune 500 company was based on a major telecom company whose CEO was troubled by repeated software failures. The other chapters in this section deal with methods of achieving excellence as well as measures that can prove excellence to C-level executives and with continuing excellence through the maintenance cycle as well as for software development.

GBP 48.99

Supreme Decisions Combined Volume Great Constitutional Cases and Their Impact

Supreme Decisions Volume 2 Great Constitutional Cases and Their Impact Volume Two: Since 1896

Handbook of Irrigation Hydrology and Management