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Sufism and the Perfect Human From Ibn ‘Arabī to al-Jīlī

Letting Go of Perfect Empower Children to Overcome Perfectionism

Perfect 800 SAT Math Advanced Strategies for Top Performance

A Perfect Union? Television and the Winning of Same-Sex Marriage

A Perfect Union? Television and the Winning of Same-Sex Marriage

On June 26 2015 Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy declared same-sex marriage is so ordered across the United States. The day will no doubt be remembered as a landmark shift in how U. S. society views and validates marriage and romantic relationships. But the shift would not have happened without an arguably more important but already forgotten shift four years earlier that saw unprecedented movement in public attitudes alongside record amounts of television representation of LGBQ relationships. Situated at this intersection of legislative attitudinal and representational change A Perfect Union? presents analyses of popular programmes such as Modern Family Grey’s Anatomy The Good Wife Glee Desperate Housewives and House in order to tackle crucial ethical questions regarding the impact of heterosexual knowledges on the rendering of same-sex relationships as relatable and respectable – portraits of heteronormativity that reproduce the masculine/feminine binary monogamous coupledom and the raising of children. Focusing on the connection between heteronormativity and government legitimacy Cory Albertson deftly examines television’s privileging of certain forms of relationships over others shedding light on the reproduction of everyday power relations within LGBQ relationships that hinge on issues of race sexuality class and gender. An engaging study of media constructions of same-sex relationships and the shaping of public expectations and attitudes A Perfect Union? is a must-read for scholars of sociology media and cultural studies and popular culture with interests in gender sexuality and the family. | A Perfect Union? Television and the Winning of Same-Sex Marriage

GBP 35.99

How to Create a Sustainable Food Industry A Practical Guide to Perfect Food

How to Create a Sustainable Food Industry A Practical Guide to Perfect Food

This book presents a practical guide to help businesses navigate the complex topics of sustainability in the food industry. The book takes you on a journey along the food value chain from farm to fork exploring key opportunities to increase positive impacts and circularity at each step of the journey. Written by a team of authors with decades of experience in the food industry and academia it provides guidance on how to analyse sustainability across the value chain and life cycle of a food product and how to design implement and communicate strategies to customers. Furthermore the book shows that there are not always straightforward solutions but rather choices and trade-offs that require an understanding of what is best suited to the product customers and business in question. It demystifies a variety of topics such as local sourcing regenerative agriculture plant-based protein and the environmental impact of meat production and draws on a wide range of case studies from across the globe to provide concrete real-world examples. While a perfect food system may not exist informed decisions can go a long way to reshape and transform the food industry as we know it. This book will be of great interest to professionals working in the food and agriculture industries as well as students and scholars of sustainable food systems and sustainable business. | How to Create a Sustainable Food Industry A Practical Guide to Perfect Food

GBP 31.99

The Art of Living Foundation Spirituality and Wellbeing in the Global Context

Land and Work in Mediaeval Europe (Routledge Revivals) Selected Papers

The Dynamics of Local Housing Policy A Study of Council Housing Renewal in the London Borough of Hackney

Collaborative Screenwriting and Story Development A Global Guide for Writers Story Teams and Creative Executives

Collaborative Screenwriting and Story Development A Global Guide for Writers Story Teams and Creative Executives

This is a comprehensive guide to teach writing and story development from a collaborative global perspective. This book teaches writers how to take full advantage of emerging opportunities both locally and globally. With an increasing number of international co-productions and many screenwriters now working collaboratively in writers rooms and development groups author Marc Handler explains how to work cooperatively with others to break stories plan seasons create characters and build series. To succeed readers will learn how to give and receive feedback effectively adapt to the style and constraints of executives and brands and contribute to the team building process all within an increasingly global media industry that is in constant flux. This book will help readers develop a global perspective ensuring that they are prepared for new opportunities as they arise. Marc Handler provides cultural insight and understanding as he describes the fundamentals as well as advanced story skills. This book is essential reading for students taking classes such as Screenwriting Fundamentals Writing for Film and TV Introduction to Television Writing and Advanced Screenwriting as well as aspiring and early career screenwriters showrunners producers and creative executives. | Collaborative Screenwriting and Story Development A Global Guide for Writers Story Teams and Creative Executives

GBP 34.99

An Analysis of Jane Jacobs's The Death and Life of Great American Cities

An Analysis of Jane Jacobs's The Death and Life of Great American Cities

Despite having no formal training in urban planning Jane Jacobs deftly explores the strengths and weaknesses of policy arguments put forward by American urban planners in the era after World War II. They believed that the efficient movement of cars was of more value in the development of US cities than the everyday lives of the people living there. By carefully examining their relevance in her 1961 book The Death and Life of Great American Cities Jacobs dismantles these arguments by highlighting their shortsightedness. She evaluates the information to hand and comes to a very different conclusion that urban planners ruin great cities because they don’t understand that it is a city’s social interaction that makes it great. Proposals and policies that are drawn from planning theory do not consider the social dynamics of city life. They are in thrall to futuristic fantasies of a modern way of living that bears no relation to reality or to the desires of real people living in real spaces. Professionals lobby for separation and standardization splitting commercial residential industrial and cultural spaces. But a truly visionary approach to urban planning should incorporate spaces with mixed uses together with short walkable blocks large concentrations of people and a mix of new and old buildings. This creates true urban vitality. | An Analysis of Jane Jacobs's The Death and Life of Great American Cities

GBP 6.50

Goldratt's Rules of Flow

Digital Scholarship in Education Multimodality as a Window into Learning

Richard Brautigan

Playing Sick? Untangling the Web of Munchausen Syndrome Munchausen by Proxy Malingering and Factitious Disorder

Fairy-Tale Revivals in the Long Nineteenth Century Volume II: Fairy- Tale Revival Dramas: Writing Wonder in Transatlantic Ethnic Literary Re

Literature in our Lives Talking About Texts from Shakespeare to Philip Pullman

Children and Yiddish Literature From Early Modernity to Post-Modernity

Rethinking the Gay and Lesbian Movement

Transcending the Postmodern The Singular Response of Literature to the Transmodern Paradigm

The Nationalities Factor In Soviet Politics And Society

On African-American Rhetoric

An Existential Approach to Interpersonal Trauma Modes of Existing and Confrontations with Reality

Foreign Artists and Communities in Modern Paris 1870-1914 Strangers in Paradise

Foreign Artists and Communities in Modern Paris 1870-1914 Strangers in Paradise

Foreign Artists and Communities in Modern Paris 1870-1914 examines Paris as a center of international culture that attracted artists from Western and Eastern Europe Asia and the Americas during a period of burgeoning global immigration. Sixteen essays by a group of emerging and established international scholars - including several whose work has not been previously published in English - address the experiences of foreign exiles immigrants students and expatriates. They explore the formal and informal structures that permitted foreign artists to forge connections within and across national communities and in some cases fashion new transnational identities in the City of Light. Considering Paris from an innovative global perspective the book situates both important modern artists - such as Edvard Munch Sonia Delaunay-Terk Marc Chagall and Gino Severini - and lesser-known American Czech Italian Polish Welsh Russian Japanese Catalan and Hungarian painters sculptors writers dancers and illustrators within the larger trends of international mobility and cultural exchange. Broadly appealing to historians of modern art and history the essays in this volume characterize Paris as a thriving transnational arts community in which the interactions between diverse cultures peoples and traditions contributed to the development of a hybrid and multivalent modern art. | Foreign Artists and Communities in Modern Paris 1870-1914 Strangers in Paradise

GBP 46.99

Dying to be Ill True Stories of Medical Deception