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Lingüística de corpus en español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics

Lingüística de corpus en español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics

Lingüística de corpus en español/The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics muestra el modo en que ha cambiado el panorama de la denominada lingüística de corpus en español y cómo en la actualidad ha llegado a concitar un espacio disciplinar independiente y al mismo tiempo integrar estos conocimientos en cualquier programa de estudios investigación o diseño curricular en educación superior. Este volumen lo componen 36 capítulos que ofrecen un panorama amplio diverso y comprehensivo de los avances en lingüística de corpus de y en español abarcando un vasto repertorio de conceptos esenciales y de aspectos teóricos y metodológicos desde una conceptualización de la lingüística contemporánea tanto inter como transdisciplinaria. Los ámbitos que se cubren no son ni estancos ni definitivos ni mucho menos los únicos. Son perfectamente susceptibles de revisión de mejora y/o de cambio. El objetivo último de esta obra no es el limitar o fijar sino todo lo contrario es el de motivar y provocar a los lectores y lectoras para que no cesen las avenidas de propuestas innovadoras en el ámbito de la lingüística de corpus del español y seguir así profundizando en el conocimiento de esta lengua. Lingüística de corpus en español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics shows how the landscape of corpus linguistics in Spanish has changed and how it has become an independent discipline while incorporating this knowledge into any syllabus research or curriculum design in higher education. This volume comprises 36 chapters that provide a broad diverse and comprehensive overview of advances in corpus linguistics of and in Spanish covering a vast repertoire of essential concepts as well as theoretical and methodological aspects from a conceptualization of contemporary linguistics that is both inter- and transdisciplinary. The fields covered are not definitive or even the only ones. They are entirely open to revision improvement and/or change. The goal of this work is not to fix or limit these topics. On the contrary it is intended to motivate and provoke the readers to continue exploring new avenues of innovative proposals in the field of Spanish corpus linguistics and thus deepen their knowledge of this language.

GBP 205.00

Lexicografía hispánica / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Lexicography

Lexicografía hispánica / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Lexicography

Lexicografía hispánica/The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Lexicography presenta una panorámica integrada de la lexicografía del español. Supone un informe del estado actual y una prospectiva de futuro de la lexicografía de esta lengua bajo las posibilidades que hoy ofrece su tratamiento informático. Principales características: Capítulos dedicados a los aspectos semánticos sintácticos morfológicos fonéticos pragmáticos y ortográficos que recogen y permiten los diccionarios Análisis de rasgos ideológicos y antropológicos y atención a las consultas de los usuarios en busca de información Revisión sobre las tecnologías y los métodos actuales para la elaboración de diccionarios Estado de la cuestión sobre la investigación lexicográfica en la actualidad Análisis detallado de diccionarios generales especializados y bilingües Lexicografía hispánica/The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Lexicography es una obra pensada para tener una visión global de la realidad de las posibilidades y de las necesidades actuales en un sector vital de la lingüística aplicada y el procesamiento del español. Se trata de un recurso fundamental tanto para profesores como para estudiantes de lexicografía del español y de lingüística. Lexicografía hispánica / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Lexicography offers an integrated perspective on the lexicography of Spanish. It presents a report on the current state and insight on the future of the lexicography of Spanish relying on the possibilities that computer processing provides. Main features: Chapters that cover the semantic syntactic morphological phonetic pragmatic and orthographic aspects that are considered in dictionaries. Analyses of ideological and anthropological traits and a focus on the queries of users when searching for information. A revision of the current technology and methods for creating dictionaries. Current state of the art research on lexicography. A detailed analysis of general specialized and bilingual dictionaries. Lexicografía hispánica / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Lexicography proposes a global overview of the reality the possibilities and the needs of today in an essential branch of applied linguistics and the treatment of Spanish. This is an essential resource for instructors and students of Spanish lexicography and of linguistics.

GBP 205.00

Lingüística histórica del español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics

Lingüística histórica del español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics

Lingüística histórica del español/The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics ofrece una síntesis actualizada de los diversos campos que componen la lingüística histórica del español. Este volumen pionero en su género estudia la historia interna y externa de la lengua española con atención a los desarrollos teóricos y conocimientos contemporáneos sobre la naturaleza del cambio lingüístico y sobre el papel de los factores no lingüísticos en tales procesos. El volumen escrito íntegramente en español reúne contribuciones de un nutrido grupo de expertos internacionales. Con capítulos tanto de destacados filólogos como de lingüistas de orientación más teórica el volumen ofrece a los lectores una panorámica equilibrada y completa del objeto de estudio desde muy diversas perspectivas de investigación. Esta obra aspira a servir de referencia en el campo de la lingüística histórica española y resultará de interés para estudiosos y profesores interesados en dicho ámbito así como para los estudiantes de lingüística hispánica. Lingüística histórica del español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics provides a state-of-the-art synthesis of the various fields that comprise Spanish historical linguistics. The first of its kind the volume studies the internal and external history of the Spanish language within the framework of contemporary developments and insights into the nature of language change and into the role of non-linguistic factors in these processes. Written in Spanish the volume brings together an international group of expert contributors. With chapters from both eminent philologists as well as more theoretically- oriented linguists the volume provides readers with a well-balanced and comprehensive overview of the field from many different research perspectives. The volume will be an essential reference on Spanish historical linguistics and will be of interest to scholars and teachers in the field of Spanish historical linguistics as well as students in Spanish linguistics.

GBP 205.00

Sintaxis del español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Syntax

Sintaxis del español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Syntax

El volumen Sintaxis del español/The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Syntax proporciona una visión general de los temas fundamentales de la sintaxis del español basada en datos extraídos de corpus textuales sensible a los fenómenos de variación y conectada con otros componentes de la lengua. La obra escrita en español reúne perspectivas teóricas diversas elaboradas por un grupo internacional de lingüistas. Está dividida en seis partes y comprende 45 capítulos centrados en cuestiones teóricas cláusulas oraciones y estructuras supraoracionales categorías verbales frases y clases de palabras variación y cambio sintácticos así como acercamientos computacionales y sus diferentes aplicaciones. El volumen constituye una referencia fundamental para los investigadores al tiempo que proporciona una introducción accesible para estudiantes de la lengua y la lingüística españolas. Sintaxis del español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Syntax provides a comprehensive overview of topics in Spanish syntax drawing on corpus-based data incorporating variation and connecting with other aspects of language. Written in Spanish the volume brings together diverse theoretical perspectives from an international group of scholars. Divided into six parts the book comprises 45 chapters on theoretical perspectives clauses sentences and (supra)sentential syntax verb categories phrases and word classes syntactic variation and change and computational approaches and their applications. This handbook is an essential reference for scholars and an accessible introduction for students of Spanish language and linguistics.

GBP 190.00

The Routledge Companion to Drama in Education

Estudios del discurso / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Discourse Studies

Estudios del discurso / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Discourse Studies

Estudios del discurso / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Discourse Studies es un manual internacional que ofrece un panorama abarcador de los Estudios del discurso con acento en las áreas más relevantes actuales y de proyección futura en el mundo hispanohablante. Participan en él académicos que son referentes del campo en España América Latina y Estados Unidos. Esta obra es también ú nica por su extensión y cobertura: contiene 36 cap í tulos organizados en cinco partes que cubren los métodos y teorías de los Estudios del discurso su relación con otras disciplinas los vínculos entre discurso sociedad y cultura en los diversos países hispanohablantes cuestiones de discurso y comunicación y estudios aplicados del discurso. Este volumen constituye una obra de referencia que refleja el dinamismo y la productividad de los Estudios del discurso en lengua española. Así pues es un recurso incomparable para quienes se ocupan del discurso en su actividad académica o profesional. Gracias a la ejemplificación con casos analizados es útil para estudiantes universitarios y docentes de grado y posgrado. Por su parte los investigadores de diversas ramas de las Humanidades y las Ciencias Sociales encuentran una estupenda puesta al día sobre los avances y debates en este campo. Estudios del discurso / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Language Discourse Studies is an international handbook which offers an encompassing panorama of Discourse Studies with an emphasis on the most relevant up-to-date and promising areas in the Spanish-speaking world. The contributors are leading scholars in the field in Spain Latin America and the United States. This book is also unique in its scope: Its 36 chapters are organized in five parts which deal with the methods and theories of Discourse Studies its relationship with other disciplines the links between discourse society and culture in the various Spanish-speaking countries issues of discourse and communication and applied studies of discourse. This volume constitutes an inescapable reference that reflects the dynamism and the productivity of Discourse Studies in Spanish. For this reason it is an incomparable resource for those with academic or professional interests in discourse. Thanks to the illustration with analysed cases it is useful for undergraduate and graduate students and teachers. In addition researchers in various branches of the Humanities and the Social Sciences find here a vibrant update on the advances and debates in this field.

GBP 205.00

Phylonyms A Companion to the PhyloCode

The Routledge Companion to Musical Theatre

Roll Shooting TV News Shooting TV News:Views from Behind the Lens

The Dictionary of Psychology

The Routledge Companion to Journalism in the Global South

The Routledge Companion to Journalism in the Global South

Responding to mounting calls to decenter and decolonize journalism The Routledge Companion to Journalism in the Global South examines not only the deep-seated challenges associated with the historical imposition of Western journalism standards on constituencies of the Global South but also the opportunities presented to journalists and journalism educators if they choose to partake in international collaboration and education. This collection returns to fundamental questions around the meaning value and practices of journalism from alternative methodological theoretical and epistemological perspectives. These questions include: What really is journalism? Who gets to and who is qualified to define it? What role do ethics play? What are the current trends challenges and opportunities for journalism in the Global South? How is news covered reported written and edited in non-Western settings? What can journalism players living and working in industrialized markets learn from their non-Western colleagues and counterparts and vice versa? Contributors challenge accepted universal ethical standards while showing the relevance of customs traditions and cultures in defining and shaping local and regional journalism. Showcasing some of the most important research on journalism in the Global South and by journalists based in the Global South this companion is key reading for anyone researching the principles and practices of journalism from a de-essentialized perspective.

GBP 205.00

The Routledge Companion to Theatre-Fiction

Fanaticism and the History of Philosophy

Fanaticism and the History of Philosophy

Voltaire called fanaticism the monster that pretends to be the child of religion. Philosophers politicians and cultural critics have decried fanaticism and attempted to define the distinctive qualities of the fanatic whom Winston Churchill described as someone who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject. Yet despite fanaticism’s role in the long history of social discord human conflict and political violence it remains a relatively neglected topic in the history of philosophy. In this outstanding inquiry into the philosophical history of fanaticism a team of international contributors examine the topic from antiquity to the present day. Organized into four sections topics covered include: Fanaticism in ancient Greek Indian and Chinese philosophy; Fanaticism and superstition from Hobbes to Hume including chapters on Locke and Montesquieu Shaftesbury and Hutcheson; Kant Germaine de Stael Hegel Nietzsche William James and Jorge Portilla on fanaticism; Fanaticism and terrorism; and extremism and gender including the philosophy and morality of the manosphere; Closed-mindedness and political and epistemological fanaticism. Spanning themes from superstition enthusiasm and misanthropy to the emotions purity and the need for certainty Fanaticism and the History of Philosophy is a landmark volume for anyone researching and teaching the history of philosophy particularly ethics and moral philosophy. It is also a valuable resource for those studying fanaticism in related fields such as religion the history of political thought sociology and the history of ideas.

GBP 205.00

Active Control of Noise and Vibration

Active Control of Noise and Vibration

Since the publication of the first edition considerable progress has been made in the development and application of active noise control (ANC) systems particularly in the propeller aircraft and automotive industries. Treating the active control of both sound and vibration in a unified way this second edition of Active Control of Noise and Vibration continues to combine coverage of fundamental principles with the most recent theoretical and practical developments. What’s New in This EditionRevised expanded and updated information in every chapterAdvances in feedforward control algorithms DSP hardware and applicationsPractical application examples of active control of noise propagating in ductsThe use of a sound intensity cost function model reference control sensing radiation modes modal filtering and a comparison of the effectiveness of various sensing strategiesNew material on feedback control of sound transmission into enclosed spacesNew material on model uncertainty experimental determination of the system model optimization of the truncated model collocated actuators and sensors biologically inspired control and a discussion of centralised versus de-centralised controlA completely revised chapter on control system implementationNew material on parametric array loudspeakers turbulence filtering and virtual sensingMore material on smart structures electrorheological fluids and magnetorheological fluidsIntegrating the related disciplines of active noise control and active vibration control this comprehensive two-volume set explains how to design and implement successful active control systems in practice. It also details the pitfalls one must avoid to ensure a reliable and stable system.

GBP 205.00

Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs III Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs (PKW 2017) February 22-24

Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs III Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs (PKW 2017) February 22-24

Since the first implementation by Electricité de France on the Goulours dam (France) in 2006 the Piano Key Weir has become a more and more applied solution to increase the discharge capacity of existing spillways. In parallel several new large dam projects have been built with such a flood control structure usually in combination with gates. Today more than 25 Piano Key Weirs are in operation or under construction all over the world. More than 15 years of research and development have enabled detailed investigations of the hydraulic and structural behaviour of the Piano Key Weir complex structure and have provided more and more accurate design equations. Following the proceedings of the first two workshops held in Liege (Belgium – 2011) and Paris (France – 2013) Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs III collects the contributions presented by people with varied background from researchers to practitioners at the 3rd International Workshop on Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs - PKW 2017 (22-24 February 2017 Qui Nhon Vietnam). The papers reviewed and accepted by an International Scientific Committee summarize the current state-of-the-art on Piano Key Weirs from a theoretical to a practical point of view and present most of the main projects in operation or under construction. Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs III is thus a reference for students practitioners and researchers interested in Dams Engineering. | Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs III Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Labyrinth and Piano Key Weirs (PKW 2017) February 22-24

GBP 180.00

Object-Orientation Abstraction and Data Structures Using Scala

Object-Orientation Abstraction and Data Structures Using Scala

Praise for the first edition: The well-written comprehensive book [is] aiming to become a de facto reference for the language and its features and capabilities. The pace is appropriate for beginners; programming concepts are introduced progressively through a range of examples and then used as tools for building applications in various domains including sophisticated data structures and algorithms Highly recommended. Students of all levels faculty and professionals/practitioners. D. Papamichail University of Miami in CHOICE Magazine Mark Lewis Introduction to the Art of Programming Using Scala was the first textbook to use Scala for introductory CS courses. Fully revised and expanded the new edition of this popular text has been divided into two books. Object-Orientation Abstraction and Data Structures Using Scala Second Edition is intended to be used as a textbook for a second or third semester course in Computer Science. The Scala programming language provides powerful constructs for expressing both object orientation and abstraction. This book provides students with these tools of object orientation to help them structure solutions to larger more complex problems and to expand on their knowledge of abstraction so that they can make their code more powerful and flexible. The book also illustrates key concepts through the creation of data structures showing how data structures can be written and the strengths and weaknesses of each one. Libraries that provide the functionality needed to do real programming are also explored in the text including GUIs multithreading and networking. The book is filled with end-of-chapter projects and exercises and the authors have also posted a number of different supplements on the book website. Video lectures for each chapter in the book are also available on YouTube. The videos show constr

GBP 180.00

Resale Price Maintenance and the Law The Future of Vertical Restraints

Resale Price Maintenance and the Law The Future of Vertical Restraints

The question of how to properly enforce against RPM has been a contentious debate for decades on both sides of the Atlantic. The catalyst is the acceptance that RPM can generate both anti-competitive effects and pro-competitive efficiencies that need to be properly balanced to ensure against Type I/Type II errors and to create viable legislation. Part I focuses on 100 years of US origins and the current legal approach to VR enforcement which reveals the precedent responsible for the transition between per se illegality and the rule of reason thresholds at the federal level. Nine anti-competitive and 19 pro-competitive theoretical models are also introduced to clearly demonstrate the true nonconsensus existent between economists as to whether RPM is deleterious enough to justify a stringent approach to RPM regulation. Part II closely examines the EU origins and current legal structure where RPM has maintained its hardcore by-object designation pursuant to Art. 101(1) TFEU with the consequence of having no safe harbours no applicability of the De Minimus Doctrine an onerous negative rebuttable presumption non-severability of the agreement and almost no chance of obtaining an exemption under Art. 101(3). This is exacerbated by the EC’s lack of guidance on how to prove all conditions necessary for an Art. 101(3) exemption and when a vertical arrangement actually escapes Art. 101(1) applicability. The aim of this book is to examine the economic models historical origins and legal structures of the US/EU regimes to develop proposals on how to modify the EU’s current legal structure to ensure proper enforcement of RPM behaviour that actually enhances legal certainty through a more aligned approach at the national level. Part III proposes five solutions which scrutinise the concepts of appreciability hardcore and by-object restraints to implement modifications to EU’s current legal framework to ensure RPM receives reasonable and equitable treatment in line with economic theory. | Resale Price Maintenance and the Law The Future of Vertical Restraints

GBP 180.00

CRC World Dictionary of Palms Common Names Scientific Names Eponyms Synonyms and Etymology (2 Volume Set)

CRC World Dictionary of Palms Common Names Scientific Names Eponyms Synonyms and Etymology (2 Volume Set)

From the ForewordUmberto Quattrocchi has brought us some amazing and useful works through the various dictionaries that he has compiled. This time it is for two very important plant families the palms and the cycads that are synthesized here in these two volumes. Each entry is fascinating not just for the botany and full nomenclature of the plant species but for all the associated uses folklore and interactions with other organisms. . These entries are fascinating glimpses of natural history. . Botanists conservationists ethnobotanists anthropologists geographers bird watchers naturalists historians and those of many other disciplines will find these volumes a most valuable and useful resource. It is the sort of book that will be in frequent use in my library. - Professor Sir Ghillean Prance FRS VMH Former Director Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Following the same format as Umberto Quattrocchi’s highly praised and well-used previous works The CRC World Dictionary of Palms: Common Names Scientific Names Eponyms Synonyms and Etymology brings together the vast and scattered literature on palms and cycads to provide better access to information on these economically important plants. Each genus and species has a detailed morphological description and includes a list of synonyms and vernacular names in many languages. Bibliographies accompany each entry which are comprehensive up-to-date and multi-lingual. The detailed information for every entry on habitats economic uses historical and biographical data botanical exploration and linguistics will be useful for any library involved with botany herbal medicine pharmacognosy medicinal and natural product chemistry ecology ethnobotany systematics general plant science agriculture or horticulture. Umberto Quattrocchi is the author of the bestselling CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names winner of the prestigious Hanbury Botanical Garden Award. His most recent multi-volume work CRC World Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants received strong praise as being . an unparalleled starting place—a tool of first resort for any thoughtful researcher. Quattrocchi and CRC have delivered a dictionary like no other a learned finger pointing in the right direction. —John de la Parra Northeastern University Boston Massachusetts USA from Economic Botany Vol. 68 2014 | CRC World Dictionary of Palms Common Names Scientific Names Eponyms Synonyms and Etymology (2 Volume Set)

GBP 300.00