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Picea Omorika Serbian Spruce Bosnian Spruce for Sale Online

Picea Omorika Serbian Spruce Bosnian Spruce for Sale Online

 Picea omorika, Serbian Spruce or Bosnian SpruceThe Picea Omorika, also called the Serbian Spruce or the Bosnian Spruce, is a graceful evergreen conifer that can grow to a height up to 40 metres. That said, it grows at a relatively slow rate of just 30 to 60 centimeters per year. The hardy Bosnian Spruce is native to the Tara Mountains which are located in West Serbia. In its native habitat, it grows mostly on the mountain's north facing slopes signifying its hardiness. Picea Omorika was first discovered in 1875 and quickly gained popularity in horticulture use. From the 1880s onward, the Serbian Spruce has been a valued landscape addition. In terms of growth habit, it has an attractive crown which is narrowly conical to columnar with short branches with a downward curve.The Serbian Spruce is an evergreen conifer and keeps its needles all year round. It grows naturally in a narrow, pyramid fashion and rarely, if ever, requires any pruning. The needles measure 2.5 centimeters in length. Each needle is flat and bright green. The underside of the needle has two distinctive white stripes. The needles are connected to the main stem by a tiny pulvinus. The Bosnian Spruce produces male and female flowers on the same tree. The flowers are inconspicuous. After flowering, it develops long ovate-shaped cones that measure approximately 5 centimeters. The decorative cones appear a purple and change to a reddish-brown as they mature.Plant the Picea omorika in full sun for best growth. It will tolerate partial shade but must have at least four hours of sun per day. The tree grows well in, loamy, sandy, or clay soils. Ideally, it prefers acidic soil conditions. Avoid planting the tree in overly moist or boggy soil. It grows best when the soil is allowed to dry out between waterings. Despite its mountain origins, the Serbian Spruce tolerates urban pollution. However, it does not do well when exposed to road salt.Picea omarika is a popular living Christmas tree choice. Many people keep the tree in a pot and after the holidays, they plant it directly in the garden where it makes an ideal specimen tree. It was awarded the prestigious Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. Many successful cultivars such as the Picea omorika Nana have been produced from the Picea omorika.

GBP 236.00

Viburnum Tinus Lucidum Full Standard Trees. Buy Trees UK

Viburnum Tinus Lucidum Full Standard Trees. Buy Trees UK

Pittosporum Tobira Full Standard Trees for Sale UK

Pittosporum Tobira Full Standard Trees for Sale UK

Pittosporum Tobira shaped as a Full Standard Tree. Full Standard is defined as a tree having a long clear stem of at least 1.8 metres tall. Rarely available in these beautiful standard shapes, Pittosporum Tobira is one of our favourite shrubs and is stunning as a standard tree. Its long clear trunk make it perfect for above fence screening or above a wall. The dark evergreen leaves have a tropical appearance and with small highly fragrant creamy/white flowers, this tree is excellent and suitable for all garden aspects.Originating from China and Japan, Pittosporum Tobira is a slow-growing evergreen tree with leathery yet glossy foliage. In early summer it develops umbels of tiny sweetly scented flowers that ripen into a rich buttery creamy yellow shade and attract all types of pollinators. How Hardy Is Pittosporum Tobira?Japanese Pittosporum is hardy in coastal and milder parts of UK. It requires shelter from cold drying winds to thrive.How To Use Pittosporum a Tobira Full Standard TreeThis is a slow growing ornamental tree in a full standard shape and suitable for all types of garden. The foliage does not drop, meaning you’ll have colour all year round and no tiresome raking in the autumn. Use Japanese Pittosporum’s dense evergreen foliage to provide a screen from your neighbours above the fence or wall level. A Pittosporum Tobira full standard tree will look stunning set into the lawn where you can grow annual bulbs or ferns beneath their shade.How To Care For Pittosporum TobiraJapanese Pittosporum full standards need moisture but do not like consistently wet roots. It is best to plant them in chalk, sand or loam soils of any PH. Plant this full standard in a sheltered sunny or partially shady spot for best growth. Trimming once per year will maintain the full standard shape if desired but do this after flowering has finished so you don’t remove the blooms.

GBP 525.00

Carpinus Betulus Standard Trees. Standard Hornbeam Trees UK

Carpinus Betulus Standard Trees. Standard Hornbeam Trees UK

Carpinus Betulus Standard Trees or Standard Hornbeam trees, have long been an established favourite in UK gardens, and have received the RHS Award of Garden Merit. These are (full) Standard Hornbeam Trees meaning that these trees have been trained and shaped as topiary trees to have a long clear stem with a crown of foliage on the top. Standard trees are usually clipped once per year to maintain their structured topiary shape.Native to the British Isles, Carpinus Betulus Standard Trees are valuable not just as a landscape tree, but for its extremely hard wood. The fluted, grey trunk of these Standard Hornbeam Trees has been pruned of lower branches to create a long, clear stem with a broad crown on top. The medium-green leaves, 5-8 cm long, are ribbed with a fine saw-toothed edge, and turn golden yellow in autumn, usually remaining on the tree throughout the winter. Catkins appear after the tree has leafed out in spring, followed by winged fruit in autumn. Hardy throughout the UK and continental Europe, Hornbeams can grow to a mature height of 12 metres and spread of 4-8 metres in 50 years, but Carpinus Betulus Standard Trees are usually clipped to maintain their topiary shape and restrict their size. Prune from late summer through the winter. Carpinus Betulus Standard Trees are extremely forgiving of a variety of planting situations. Grown in full sun or partial shade, in any well-drained soil, Standard Hornbeam Trees will do well in an exposed or sheltered location. While it will thrive when given consistent moisture, it will not tolerate an extended period of waterlogged soil. It is not tolerant of salt, so is not suited to planting in coastal regions or where it will be exposed to road salt. However, it will do well in city gardens since it is tolerant of pollution.These elegant, formal trees are well-suited for lining a driveway or avenue, or for growing alongside a pathway. A row of Carpinus Betulus Standard Trees can be used to create definition in a formal landscape or garden where a fence or lower hedge is not desired. A single Standard Hornbeam Tree would be a distinctive addition to a city garden, while the long stem would limit the ground level space that the tree occupies, making it perfect for a focal point in a small lawn, or as part of a mixed planting where it would provide shade for plants grown beneath.Hardy and elegant, Carpinus Betulus Standard Trees have many possibilities in UK gardens and landscapes. Find a spot where this beautiful native tree, trained into a formal shape, can belong in your garden. 

GBP 130.00

Rosa American Pillar. Rose American Pillar Rambling Rose

Rosa American Pillar. Rose American Pillar Rambling Rose

Rosa American Pillar Rambling RoseThe Rosa American Pillar is far more hardy than most rambling rose bushes. It grows to a height of 300 to 600 centimeters. Also called the Rose American Pillar this Rambling Rose is an excellent climber for garden structures, fences, arbors, pergolas or walls. It features long, arching branches that boast a bevy pink and white flowers. The rambler rose cultivar bears a striking resemblance to wild rose bushes.The blooms of the Rambling Rose are singular and feature bright pink petals with a white core. Each rose blossom measures about 5.5 centimeters across. The brightly coloured flowers appear in clusters along the arching canes of the rose bush. Unfortunately, unlike other rose bushes such as Aloha, the blossoms of the Rosa American Pillar boast no fragrance, but the rambler’s distinct beauty makes up for its lack of heady perfume. The rambler produces flowers virtually non-stop from spring until autumn. Following flowering, Rose American Pillar develops bright red hips that bear a striking resemblance to cherries. The hips are a favourite foods source for birds and woodland creatures. They provide visual interest, especially during the autumn months. The Rose American Pillar grows and flowers best when planted in full sun. It can tolerate shade but requires at least six hours of sun per day to develop properly. A shady location will also diminish flower production and can make the rambler take on a lanky appearance. Also, the lack of sunlight can promote powdery mildew. For best growth, choose a planting location that is well-draining and rich in organic matter. Keep the soil evenly moist to encourage the rambler to develop a strong root system. Once established, it can withstand periods of short drought. To promote flowering, fertilize the Rose American Pillar in the spring and fall using a general purpose fertilizer or rose-specific fertilizer. Follow the directions on the fertilizer’s label for application ratios. Rosa American Pillar can be pruned in the late summer for regular maintenance. If you want to severely trim back the rambler then you should wait until late autumn or early winter. Dr. Van Fleet developed the Rose American Pillar cultivar in 1907 and since its early inception, this variety of rambling rose has become a popular addition to many gardens around the world. Its vigorous growth, reliability, and hardy nature make it virtually care free. If you are seeking a profuse rambler that puts on a non-stop flower display all season than the Rambling Rose might be the perfect addition to your garden. Plant it in a location where its sheer size and breathtaking beauty can truly be appreciated. 

GBP 157.25

Phillyrea Angustifolia Narrow Leaved Mock Privet Jasmin Box

Phillyrea Angustifolia Narrow Leaved Mock Privet Jasmin Box

Jasmine Box, Latin name Phillyrea Angustifolia, is also called the Narrow-leaved Mock Privet. It is a compact evergreen shrub that rarely grows over 3 meters in height and 2.5 meters in width. It is slow growing and normally takes between 20 to 50 years to attain its full potential.Phillyrea Angustifolia has opposite leathery, dark green leaves measure 6 centimeters long and are elongated into a lance-shape with a pointed tip. The narrow leaves measure only 6 to 10 mm in width. Many people mistake the Phillyrea angustifolia for an olive tree because its foliage bears a striking resemblance. In the spring and early summer months, Narrow-leaved Mock Privet is adorned with white clustered flowers that have a pleasing fragrance. The white colour of the flowers stands out in stark contrast to the shrub’s dark green foliage. Following flowering, the shrub produces a small dark fruit. The drupes first appear a dark purplish red and quickly deepen to an almost black colouration. Each individual fruit contains a small seed. The fruits frequently persist into the winter months and add a bit of colour to the garden.Many people opt to plant the Phillyrea Angustifolia along foundations, as a single specimen, as a plant border or as a short low-growing hedge. It is a favourite plant choice in many cottage style gardens. When grown as a hedge, the shrub can be easily trimmed into any shape and kept compact with an annual summertime prune.Phillyrea angustifolia is a hardy shrub which is some of its appeal to the landscape gardener. It grows well even in a maritime climate. The shrub’s foliage is exceptionally tolerant of salty air. Plant the Phillyrea angustifolia in a location with full sunlight. It will withstand partial shade, but for optimum growth prefers at least six to eight hours of sunlight per day. Choose a planting location with well-draining soil. Once planted, keep the soil evenly moist to help the shrub create a strong root system. After the Narrow-leaved Mock Privet becomes established, it can tolerate periods of brief drought. A hardy shrub, the Jasmin Box grows in most soil pH types. However, it thrives best in soil that is rich in organic matter. Once planted the tough Narrow-leaved Mock Privet requires very little care to flourish. Plant the small shrub anywhere that you desire year-round visual interest and cover. Along with Ilex Crenata Maxima, Jasmin Box is an ideal alternative to common English box, as it does not suffering in any way from Blight. We also have these beautiful Mediterranean style shrubs available as mature plants in tree style that have been shaped as Phillyrea Angustifolia pleached trees – 2.8 metres tall in total.

GBP 168.75

Acer Negundo Box Elder Tree Mature Trees for Sale Online UK

Acer Negundo Box Elder Tree Mature Trees for Sale Online UK

 Acer Negundo Box Elder TreeThe Acer Negundo, commonly called the Box Elder tree, is a type of maple tree. It is exceptionally hardy and tough. Box Elder trees often grow where other trees fail such as in bottomlands and areas that frequently flood. It is native to much of the United States and commonly found growing prolifically along streambanks and around other bodies of water. The Box Elder Tree is a popular, fast growing bushy headed mid to large sized deciduous tree. We sell these specimens as mature trees. The foliage of the Acer Negundo features pinnate leaves that have five to nine leaflets. Each leaflet measures up to 10 centimeters in length and 7 centimeters in width. The top sides of the leaves are a bright green and the undersides are a shade lighter. The margins of the leaves are slightly serrated. The new growth shoots of the Box Elder are ornamental and appear a bright, mint green. They often also feature a light white, purple, or pink coating when young. In the early spring, nondescript flowers appear that droop in racemes that measure up to 20 centimeters in length. Following flowering, seeds develop. The seeds are slender samaras that measure about 2 centimeters in length and grow in clusters. Many people think that the clusters of seeds resemble a bunch of keys hanging on a key ring. Only female trees produce the seed clusters. During the autumn months, the seeds provide visual interest until they drop from the tree. The tree's autumn colours are either bright yellow in areas with cold winters or a more bronze-orange in regions with mild winters. The Box Elder tree grows rapidly to a height of almost 25 metres with a canopy width of equal proportion which makes it an ideal shade choice. It is also commonly used in shelterbelts or to stabilize flood-prone areas such as along rivers. The diameter of the Acer Negundo’s trunk is relatively slender and rarely exceeds 50 centimeters in diameter. These trees are sold root-balled with a multi-stem shape or form. The several trunks can form a virtually impenetrable barrier when fully grown.Plant the Box Elder in full sun for best growth. Ideally, it should receive at least six hours of sun or more per day. Although this tree is stalwart and succeeds where very few other trees will survive, it still requires good care to establish a strong root system. It should be planted in an area that provides it with plenty of room to grow to its full potential.If you are seeking a tenacious tree that adapts to a variety of situations, then look no further than the Acer Negundo. Its rapid growth and ability to tolerate adverse conditions makes it a perfect low maintenance shade tree choice. See also Acer Negundo Kelly's Gold and Acer Negundo Flamingo. 

GBP 168.75