Melitta Caffeo F57/0-102 Varianza CS Bean to Cup Coffee Machine-Black
<p><span>This machine for home will surprise you with great variety and delicious tasting coffee. &ldquo;F57&rdquo; has more than one unique quality, but the most pleasing one for gourmet coffee lovers is probably the opportunity to prepare a drink from different coffee beans. With integrated Melitta spoon you can enjoy 10 different coffee recipes! Comfortable TFT&nbsp;screen and My Bean Select technology makes this machine a true dream! Compact and powerful machine from the world&rsquo;s recognized home appliance manufacturer &ndash; Melitta!</span></p> <p><span data-sheets-value="[null,2,&quot;u0160is kavos aparatas namams nudu017eiugins mu0117gstanu010dius u012fvairovu0119 ir nepakartojamu0105 skonu012f. u201eF57u201c turi ne vienu0105 iu0161skirtinumu0105, tau010diau labiausiai kavos gurmanus du017eiuginantys yra galimybu0117 pasiruou0161ti gu0117rimu0105 iu0161 skirtingu0173 kavos pupeliu0173 su integruotu Melitta u0161auku0161teliu, galimybu0117 mu0117gautis 10 skirtingu0173 kavos receptu0173, patogus TFT ekranu0117lis ir u017einoma tai, kas sukuria nepakartojamu0105 skonu012f - My Bean Selectu00ae technologija! Tai kompaktiu0161kas ir galingas kavos aparatas iu0161 pasaulyje pripau017einto buitinu0117s technikos gamintojo - Melitta!&quot;]" data-sheets-userformat="[null,null,769,[null,0],null,null,null,null,null,null,null,1,0]"><span data-sheets-value="[null,2,&quot;My Bean Selectu00ae&quot;]" data-sheets-userformat="[null,null,16899,[null,0],[null,2,16777215],null,null,null,null,null,null,null,0,null,null,null,null,1]"><span><span data-sheets-value="[null,2,&quot;Melitta u201eF57u201c kavos aparatai turi My Bean Selectu00ae technologiju0105 - kiekvienam gu0117rimui sumalamas tik tai poricjai reikalingas kiekis. u0160ios technologijos du0117ka kiekvienas puodelis gu0117rimo bus