Vaccine MiniPorter Includes 1 x Medicool 11 and Medimat
SIZE: 260 x 179 x 131mm (Extra small) Sterility: non-sterile Helapet offer a comprehensive range of fully validated VaccinePorter ® Carrier Systems, ideal for the controlled transit of vaccines and temperature sensitive products that require storage between +2°C and +8°C. Helapet VaccinePorter ® Carriers comprise of a robust carrying bag with a fully replaceable polystyrene inner chamber and cool packs for maintaining thermal performance. Easy-to-use and cost effective to maintain, the Helapet VaccinePorter ® is the bag of choice from transporting small samples to supporting vaccination and immunisation programmes. Using Medicool ® cool pack technology improves storage capacity for the user and negates the use of ice. The outer bags contain a clear document holder allowing insertion of instructions and documentation. A tamper evident facility also provides additional security. Available with a choice of carrier sizes, the Helapet VaccinePorter ® is versatile enough for use in a variety of medical, pharmaceutical and community healthcare applications.