Haes CWSS-RB-S7 Sounder Beacon - Red Body - Red Lens
Haes CWSS-RB-S7 Sounder Beacon - Red Body - Red LensThis conventional Sounder Beacon is ideal for applicationswhere a sounder is required as the primary method of alarm but a supplementarylight indicator would also be of benefit. The product features a new foldedhorn design LED technology and advanced optics providing outstanding soundoutput and supplementary light indication at very low current draw. The ENscapesounder beacon delivers outstanding quality reliability and extended operationallife making it the ideal choice for a wide range of applications.Key FeaturesOmni directional light coverage eliminates need for deviceorientationFirst fix capability allows electrical continuity testingprior to device fittingDeep base option with multiple cable entries for flexibleinstallationDesigned with a full range of common fixing centresPositive fit engagement feedback of base with devicefor easy installationAdvanced optics ensure superior light coverageSynchronised flash exceeds EN54-23 standardChoice of white or red light flash optionsSoft start feature reduces power surges during systemstart-up