ELESA Position indicator-GA11-0015-S GA11 Position indicators, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution anticlockwise = 1, max reading 15 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 53.99 1
ELESA Indicator knob-MBT.50-GA11-0100-D MBT-GA Knobs with integral position indicator, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 0100.0 For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 69.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-PA11-0050-D PA11 Position indicators, positive drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 1, max reading 50 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 51.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-GA11-0016-S GA11 Position indicators, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution anticlockwise = 1, max reading 16 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 53.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-PA12-0008-S PA12 Position indicators, positive drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution anticlockwise = 1, max reading X turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 63.99 1
ELESA Indicator knob-MBT.70-GA12-0002-S MBT-GA Knobs with integral position indicator, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution anticlockwise = 0002.0 For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 72.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-PA12-0015-D PA12 Position indicators, positive drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 1, max reading 15 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 63.99 1
ELESA Indicator knob-MBT.50-GA11-0008-D MBT-GA Knobs with integral position indicator, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 0008.0 For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 69.99 1
ELESA Indicator knob-MBT.70-GA12-0015-D MBT-GA Knobs with integral position indicator, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 0015.0 For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 72.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-PA11-0040-S PA11 Position indicators, positive drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution anticlockwise = 1, max reading 40 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 51.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-PA12-0050-S PA12 Position indicators, positive drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution anticlockwise = 1, max reading 50 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 63.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-GA11-0040-D GA11 Position indicators, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 1, max reading 40 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 51.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-GA11-0050-S GA11 Position indicators, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution anticlockwise = 1, max reading 50 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 51.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-GA12-0100-D GA12 Position indicators, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 1, max reading 100 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 63.99 1
ELESA Indicator knob-MBT.50-GA11-0060-D MBT-GA Knobs with integral position indicator, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 0060.0 For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 69.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-PA11-0006-D PA11 Position indicators, positive drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 1, max reading X turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 51.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-PA11-0060-S PA11 Position indicators, positive drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution anticlockwise = 1, max reading 60 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 51.99 1
ELESA Indicator knob-MBT.70-GA12-0020-D MBT-GA Knobs with integral position indicator, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 0020.0 For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 72.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-PA11-0024-D PA11 Position indicators, positive drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 1, max reading 24 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 51.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-PA11-0004-S PA11 Position indicators, positive drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution anticlockwise = 1, max reading X turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 51.99 1
ELESA Indicator knob-MBT.50-GA11-0010-D MBT-GA Knobs with integral position indicator, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 0010.0 For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 69.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-PA11-0030-D PA11 Position indicators, positive drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 1, max reading 30 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 51.99 1
ELESA Position indicator-PA11-0048-S PA11 Position indicators, positive drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution anticlockwise = 1, max reading 48 turns For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 51.99 1
ELESA Indicator knob-MBT.50-GA11-0020-D MBT-GA Knobs with integral position indicator, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 0020.0 For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 69.99 1
ELESA Indicator knob-MBT.70-GA12-0006-D MBT-GA Knobs with integral position indicator, gravity drive, technopolymer, reading per revolution clockwise = 0006.0 For product drawing and dimensions refer to pdf Item data sheet. GBP 72.99 1