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CST PC-TX-DRBLL-1 Radio Paging Doorbell Push

CST PC-TX-LP5BE-1 5 Button Radio Paging Transmitter with Enclosure

CST BS-SY-DFCAB-1 DeafCall Acoustic Bedshaker

CST PC-TX-ECPPR-X Wireless External IP67 Call Point

CST PC-TX-SBEGP-X First Aid Call Point Transmitter

CST PC-TX-SBEGP-X First Aid Call Point Transmitter

CST PC-TX-SBEGP-X First Aid Call Point TransmitterOur wireless emergency smack button is designed to raise an alarm from a fixed location - whether requesting immediate assistance or calling for a first aider. Pressing the button on the front of the device will immediately send an alarm signal to the central receiver. The button latches in and must be twisted to be released and reset. Its the perfect way to summon assistance to a specific location.Key FeaturesSends and receives 512 1200 and 2400 baud POCSAG paging messages.Transmits DMR Tier 1 text messages optional.Sends telemetry data from 512 baud to 9600 baudPaging store and forward repeater operation with configurable duplicate reject optional.Data transmit rates from 512 baud to 9.6K baud.Supported channel spacing of 25kHz 12.5kHz and 6.25kHz.Optionally can be used as a point to point wireless serial link operating at speeds up to 9600 baud. In this manner a wireless transparent serial link can be achieved.5 inputs. One Input may be reconfigured to be an open collector output.Periodic message support to ensure link integrity.High stability 0.5PPM oscillator ensuring minimal drift over the entire specified temperature range.High sensitivity receiver -127dBm at 512 baud.Operation through external power supply 5- 9Vdc or 3V battery pack.Configured inputs can be programmed to send POCSAG and DMR messages simultaneously when triggered.Configured outputs can be controlled via received messages.Autonomous operation without the need for any host processor.Compliant as mobile and base station transceiver meaning that the user can select a suitable antenna for best performance.

GBP 478.24



CST AC-HB-PROPR-X AlarmCall ProAlarmCall Pro contains a powerful 4W transmitter in a neat wall-mounted enclosure. It provides great flexibility to installers and users to choose from a variety of paging and communication systems or to interface to currently installed or favoured systems.AlarmCall Pro is compatible with many commercially available paging and data input protocols including Protec Scope ESPA Ascom Notifier and Morley. It has 4 contacts as standard with a 32 contact module for expansion. It is able to send messages up to 200 characters in length and to transmit them over a wide area thanks to its high maximum 4W power output. It suits premise sizes from the smallest to the largest.AlarmCall Paging Systems is the cost-effective monitoring systems that provide a real alternative to haemorrhaging money through reacting to false alarms. Based on a sophisticated paging system AlarmCall Paging System immediately notifies the designated fire marshals exactly where the fire alarm has been activated. They then have a short time agreed with the local Fire Service in which to establish the validity of the alarm prior to it reaching the Call Out status. Working as a team one marshal will go to the source of the alarm whilst the other goes on standby next to the central alarm panel. If as in the case of 90 of fire alarms the call is false the marshals can communicate via phone or two-way radio and the Call Out can be aborted.IoT and SCADAThe AlarmCall ProAC-HB-PROPR-X features set reduces the components required in a SCADA system.Features includes Digital and Analog IO Long Range Wireless IO expansion and Modbus RTUTCP protocol supportOperate as an IoT gateway allowing control and monitoring from devices supporting the MQTT protocol.Key FeaturesUp to 4W power output.Operates from 421 to 480MHz.Data transmit rates from 512 baud to 32K baud.Supported channel spacing of 25kHz 12.5kHz and 6.25kHz.Sends and receives POCSAG paging messages.Transmit DMR tier 1 text messages.Receives FLEX paging messages.Two-Way paging with auto acknowledge and request confirmation message.Paging store and forward repeater operation with configurable duplicate reject.Variable content macro which allows the TReX to build a periodic message with current system status IO state and more.8 digital inputs and outputs. Outputs can be open drain or relay depending on model.Two analogue outputs 0-10V4-20mATwo analogue inputs 0-16V.Integrated spectrum analyser optional.Simple to configure back to back mirroring and monitoring of analogue and digital IO.Configurable logging to SD card of all transmitted and received messages.Graphics display shows all transmit and receive activity including IO state.Easily mountable from any side or to standard DIN rail.

GBP 1856.25