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Dam Safety Management / Gestion de la Sécurité des Barrages Pre operational phases of the dam life cycle / Phases de conception constructio

Dam Safety Management / Gestion de la Sécurité des Barrages Pre operational phases of the dam life cycle / Phases de conception constructio

Dam Safety Management is a major concern during the entire lifetime cycle of a dam scheme. This is particularly true for the operational phase of the scheme that represents by far the longest period in its lifetime cycle. Bulletin 154 presented a general approach and concepts to be applied to dam operation. The current Bulletin 175 extends the developed concepts to all phases preceding the operational phase. Many risks associated with the operation of existing dams have their origins in other phases preceding the actual operation. Although there are numerous ICOLD Bulletins addressing technical aspects of planning design construction and commissioning of dams there is not a single Bulletin which covers the subject in a comprehensive manner. The current document is a first attempt to capture all relevant dam safety aspects in all preoperational phases by systematically characterizing the actors involved their roles the activities and complex interactions present in different phases of the dam lifecycle. An Overarching Safety Management System is specifically developed that can be applied to all actors involved. La gestion de la sécurité des barrages est une préoccupation majeure pendant tout le cycle de vie d'un projet de barrage. Cela est particulièrement vrai pour la phase opérationnelle du système qui représente de loin la période la plus longue de son cycle de vie. Le Bulletin 154 présente une approche générale et des concepts à appliquer à l'exploitation des barrages. Le Bulletin 175 actuel étend les concepts développés à toutes les phases précédant la phase d'exploitation. De nombreux risques associés à l'exploitation des barrages existants ont leur origine dans d'autres phases précédant l'exploitation proprement dite. Bien qu'il existe de nombreux bulletins ICOLD traitant des aspects techniques de la planification de la conception de la construction et de la mise en service des barrages il n'existe pas un seul bulletin qui couvre le sujet de manière exhaustive. Le document actuel est une première tentative de capturer tous les aspects pertinents de la sécurité des barrages dans toutes les phases pré-opérationnelles en caractérisant systématiquement les acteurs impliqués leurs rôles les activités et les interactions complexes présentes dans les différentes phases du cycle de vie du barrage. Un système global de gestion de la sécurité est spécifiquement développé et peut être appliqué à tous les acteurs impliqués. | Dam Safety Management / Gestion de la Sécurité des Barrages Pre operational phases of the dam life cycle / Phases de conception constructio

GBP 84.99

Understanding Electric Utilities and De-Regulation

Understanding Electric Utilities and De-Regulation

Power interruptions of the scale of the North American Blackout of 2003 are rare but they still loom as a possibility. Will the aging infrastructure fail because deregulated monopolies have no financial incentives to upgrade? Is centralized planning becoming subordinate to market forces? Understanding Electric Utilities and De-Regulation Second Edition provides an updated non-technical description that sheds light on the nature of the industry and the issues involved in its transition away from a regulated environment. The book begins by broadly surveying the industry from a regulated utility structure to the major concepts of de-regulation to the history of electricity the technical aspects and the business of power. Then the authors delve into the technologies and functions on which the industry operates; the many ways that power is used; and the various means of power generation including central generating stations renewable energy and single-household size generators. The authors then devote considerable attention to the details of regulation and de-regulation. To conclude one new chapter examines aging infrastructures and reliability of service while another explores the causes of blackouts and how they can be prevented. Based on the authors' extensive experience Understanding Electric Utilities and De-Regulation Second Edition offers an up-to-date perspective on the major issues impacting the daily operations as well as the long-term future of the electric utilities industry.

GBP 59.99

Tailings Dam Design / Conception des Barrages de Stériles Miniers Technology Update / Mise à Jour des Technologies

Tailings Dam Design / Conception des Barrages de Stériles Miniers Technology Update / Mise à Jour des Technologies

Tailings are produced from the processing of mineral ores and are commonly stored within embankment dams. The design of the dams requires application of sound engineering principles and an understanding of the properties of the tailings. This Bulletin provides a framework for classifying different types of tailings ranging from ultra-fine to coarse based on their geotechnical properties and provides typical geotechnical parameters for the different tailings types. Technologies for dewatering tailings to reduce the risk of storage continue to be developed and the different technologies from thickening to filtration and re-application of old technologies are presented to illustrate the options available and where appropriate typical in situ properties. This bulletin is directed towards a wide audience of stakeholders: designers owners regulators communities and various organizations and provides a reference for communicating tailings properties and the benefits and limitations of technologies. All mining operations and thereby tailings operations are unique. There is no one-solution-fits-all. Tailings dam designs need to account for site-specific conditions such as climate physiography geochemistry geomorphology seismology mining processes environment and community setting with the application of technologies playing an important role in developing safe sustainable tailings facilities. Les stériles miniers sont produits à partir du traitement des minerais et sont généralement stockés derrière des barrages en remblai. La conception des barrages nécessite l'application de principes d'ingénierie solides et une compréhension des propriétés des résidus. Ce bulletin fournit un cadre pour classer différents types de résidus allant de l'ultra-fin au grossier en fonction de leurs propriétés géotechniques et propose des paramètres géotechniques typiques pour les différentes sortes de résidus. Les technologies d'assèchement des résidus pour réduire le risque de stockage continuent à être développées ; les différentes technologies de l'épaississement à la filtration en passant par l’application des anciennes technologies sont présentées pour illustrer les options disponibles et le cas échéant les propriétés in situ typiques. Ce bulletin s'adresse à un large public d'intervenants : concepteurs propriétaires régulateurs communautés et organisations diverses et fournit une référence pour communiquer les propriétés des résidus et les avantages et les limites des technologies. Toutes les opérations minières et par conséquent les traitements des résidus sont uniques. Il n'y a pas de solution unique pour tous. La conception des barrages de résidus doit tenir compte des conditions propres au site telles que le climat la physiographie la géochimie la géomorphologie la sismologie les processus miniers l'environnement et le milieu communautaire l'application de technologies jouant un rôle important dans le développement de parcs à résidus sûrs et durables. | Tailings Dam Design / Conception des Barrages de Stériles Miniers Technology Update / Mise à Jour des Technologies

GBP 79.99

Management of Hazardous Energy Deactivation De-Energization Isolation and Lockout

Management of Hazardous Energy Deactivation De-Energization Isolation and Lockout

Hazardous energy present in systems machines and equipment has injured maimed and killed many workers. One serious injury can stop the growth of your business in its tracks. Management of Hazardous Energy: Deactivation De-Energization Isolation and Lockout provides the practical tools needed to assess hazardous energy in equipment machines and systems and covers how to manage hazardous energy through elimination or control in order to ensure worker safety and regulatory compliance. Written in plain English with a minimum of jargon this book provides safety professionals with the knowledge they need to interact with specialists designers and engineers to ensure that appropriate and necessary protocols and safety practices and tools are put into place for assessing the dangers and steps taken to eliminate or control exposure to hazardous energy when needed. Approaching the subject from the bottom up the author starts at the workplace level to ensure that the right actions happen for the right reasons. The book explains a protocol for describing the flow of energy including transformation and/or storage; for capturing the logic of decisions about control including failure analysis and contingency planning; and ultimately for creating procedures that are technically sound and defensible. Creating simple procedures for ensuring worker safety and regulatory compliance the book offers US and international strategies for hazardous energy management and contains examples to illustrate the application of concepts to specific areas. | Management of Hazardous Energy Deactivation De-Energization Isolation and Lockout

GBP 52.99

Integrated Operation of Hydropower Stations and Reservoirs/Exploitation des centrales hydroélectriques et des Réservoirs

Integrated Operation of Hydropower Stations and Reservoirs/Exploitation des centrales hydroélectriques et des Réservoirs

Integrated operation of hydropower stations and reservoirs has become a trend of hydropower exploitation as an effective technical measure integrated operation can improve the utilization efficiency of water resources reduce the risks of flood and drought disaster increase the safety and stability power grid and make sure that hydropower stations and reservoirs operate in an appropriate and economical way. This bulletin gives an overview of the main functional and operational aspects relating to cascade hydropower stations and reservoirs it was formed by reviewing of all the related aspects proposed and case studies provided by committee members. It collected and sorted out operation modes and practical experiences of hydropower stations and reservoirs in ICOLD member countries summarized the feasibility measures benefit evaluation methods and system platform construction of hydropower stations and reservoirs with comprehensive benefits and shared case studies from 10 countries including Brazil China France Iran Japan Korea Nigeria Russia Switzerland and USA. L'exploitation intégrée des centrales hydroélectriques et des réservoirs est devenue une mesure technique efficace de l'exploitation hydroélectrique. L'exploitation intégrée peut améliorer l'efficacité d'utilisation des ressources en eau réduire les risques de catastrophe d'inondation et de sécheresse augmenter la sécurité et la stabilité du réseau électrique et faire fonctionner les centrales hydroélectriques et les réservoirs de manière appropriée et économique. Ce bulletin donne un aperçu des principaux aspects fonctionnels et opérationnels relatifs aux centrales hydroélectriques et réservoirs en cascade. Il passe en revue tous les aspects connexes proposés et des études de cas fournies par les membres du comité. Il rassemble les modes de fonctionnement et les expériences pratiques des centrales hydroélectriques et des réservoirs dans les pays membres de la CIGB. Il résume les mesures de faisabilité les méthodes d'évaluation des avantages et la construction de plates-formes de systèmes de centrales hydroélectriques et de réservoirs avec des avantages complets. Il bénéficie des expériences et des études de cas de 10 pays y compris Brésil Chine Corée France Iran Japon Nigéria Russie Suisse et USA. | Integrated Operation of Hydropower Stations and Reservoirs/Exploitation des centrales hydroélectriques et des Réservoirs

GBP 79.99

Sedimentation and Sustainable Use of Reservoirs and River Systems / Sédimentation et Utilisation Durable des Réservoirs et Systèmes Fluviaux

Sedimentation and Sustainable Use of Reservoirs and River Systems / Sédimentation et Utilisation Durable des Réservoirs et Systèmes Fluviaux

ICOLD Bulletin 147 discusses the upstream and downstream fluvial morphological impacts of reservoir sedimentation and possible mitigation measures. The current state of and possible future sediment deposition in reservoirs have been investigated globally with the aid of the ICOLD Register on Dams. The global mean reservoir sedimentation rate was found to be 0. 8 % of the original storage capacity per year. The book also investigates the impacts of dams on the ecology related to fluvial morphological changes and guidelines are proposed to mitigate the impacts on the downstream river morphology. Finally an economical model is presented which considers a life cycle approach for reservoir conservation. Ce CIGB Bulletin 147 traite des impacts morphologiques fluviaux en amont et en aval de la sédimentation des réservoirs et des mesures d'atténuation possibles. L'état actuel et l'avenir possible du dépôt de sédiments dans les réservoirs ont été étudiés à l'échelle mondiale à l'aide du registre des barrages de la CIGB. Le taux moyen mondial de sédimentation des réservoirs s'est avéré être de 0 8 % de la capacité de stockage initiale par an. Le livre étudie également les impacts des barrages sur l'écologie liés aux changements morphologiques fluviaux et des directives sont proposées pour atténuer les impacts sur la morphologie des rivières en aval. Enfin un modèle économique est présenté qui prend en compte une approche de cycle de vie pour la conservation des réservoirs. | Sedimentation and Sustainable Use of Reservoirs and River Systems / Sédimentation et Utilisation Durable des Réservoirs et Systèmes Fluviaux

GBP 79.99

Dams for Hydroelectric Energy Barrages pour l’Énergie Hydroélectrique

Dams for Hydroelectric Energy Barrages pour l’Énergie Hydroélectrique

The Bulletin is intended as a general document aimed at a wide technical audience involved with or affected by hydropower. Basic background data and some statistics are presented with specific reference to hydro-electricity production hydropower dams hydropower plants in operation or under construction. Key aspects of hydropower are discussed. Data are presented about typical capital and both internal and external operating costs. Environmental and social impacts are discussed and reference is made to the impact reservoirs have on greenhouse gas emissions. A section is dedicated to the exploitation of tidal energy by means of barrage systems. The current extent of hydropower development and the influence of policies aimed to favour the development of renewable energies are also discussed. Reference sources of information on hydropower in general and interesting case-histories are provided. Le Bulletin se veut un document général destiné à un large public technique impliqué ou affecté par l'hydroélectricité. Des données de base et quelques statistiques sont présentées avec une référence spécifique à la production hydroélectrique aux barrages hydroélectriques aux centrales hydroélectriques en fonctionnement ou en construction. Les principaux aspects de l'hydroélectricité sont discutés. Les données sont présentées sur le capital type et les coûts de fonctionnement internes et externes. Les impacts environnementaux et sociaux sont discutés et il est fait référence à l'impact des réservoirs sur les émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Une section est dédiée à l'exploitation de l'énergie marémotrice au moyen de systèmes de barrage. L'ampleur actuelle du développement hydroélectrique et l'influence des politiques visant à favoriser le développement des énergies renouvelables sont également abordées. Des sources d'information de référence sur l'hydroélectricité en général et des études de cas intéressantes sont fournies. | Dams for Hydroelectric Energy Barrages pour l’Énergie Hydroélectrique

GBP 89.99

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Méchanique des Fluides Environnementaux

Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Méchanique des Fluides Environnementaux

Dams are planned constructed and operated to meet human needs - generation of energy irrigated agricultural production flood control public and industrial supply supply of drinking water and various other purposes. Dams impound water in reservoirs during times of high flood that can be used for human requirements during times with inadequate natural flows. Positive impacts of dams are improved flood control improved welfare resulting from new access to irrigation and drinking water. Without dams there would be insufficient food to feed the world’s people and energy would be generated by burning fossil fuels that produce greenhouse gases. Despite this progress there remain significant concerns about the environmental impacts of dams. These environmental impacts are complex and far reaching remote of the dam and may occur in time with the dam construction or later and may lead to a loss of biodiversity and of productivity of natural resources. This bulletin compiles improvements in knowledge and state of the art technology to avoid or mitigate environmental impacts of dams on the natural ecosystem as well as to the people that depend upon them for their livelihood and also addresses the mitigation of environmental impacts on dams and reservoirs. Les barrages sont planifiés construits et exploités de manière à répondre aux besoins humains. Les barrages retiennent l'eau dans les réservoirs pendant les périodes de forte crue une eau qui peut être utilisée pour les besoins de l'homme pendant les périodes d’insuffisance des débits naturels. Les impacts positifs de barrages sont le contrôle des crues et l'amélioration du bien-être résultant du nouvel accès à l'irrigation et à l'eau potable. Sans barrages la production alimentaire serait insuffisante pour nourrir la population du globe et l'énergie serait générée en brûlant des combustibles fossiles qui produisent des gaz à effet de serre. Malgré ces progrès d'importantes préoccupations subsistent quant aux retombées des barrages sur l’environnement. Les impacts environnementaux sont complexes et d’une grande portée. Ils peuvent se produire au moment de la construction du barrage ou plus tard et peuvent entraîner une perte de la biodiversité et de la productivité des ressources naturelles. Le présent bulletin compile l'amélioration des connaissances et des technologies les plus récentes pour éviter ou atténuer les impacts environnementaux des barrages sur l'écosystème naturel ainsi que pour les personnes qui en dépendent pour leur subsistance. Il aborde également l'atténuation des impacts environnementaux sur les barrages et les réservoirs. | Environmental Fluid Mechanics - Méchanique des Fluides Environnementaux

GBP 80.00

Deploying the Zero Trust Framework in MSFT Azure

Diversity and Inclusion in Industry A Road to Prosperity

Options for Wastewater Management in Harare Zimbabwe

The Driving Forces of Evolution Genetic Processes in Populations

Essentials of Soft Matter Science

Essentials of Soft Matter Science

‘Choice Outstanding Title’ Authored by world-leading physicists this introductory textbook explores the basic principles of polymers colloids liquid crystals wetting and foams. It is a practical ‘toolbox’ for readers to acquire basic knowledge in the field and facilitate further reading and advanced courses. Undergraduate students in physics biology and the medical sciences will learn the basics of soft matter physics in addition to scaling approaches in the spirit of the Nobel prize laureate in physics in 1991 Pierre-Gilles de Gennes the inventor of soft matter physics and close collaborator to author Françoise Brochard-Wyart. Features: Accessible and compact approach Contains interesting examples from everyday life (including the Paris Metro a water spider a gecko and duck feathers) Accompanied by additional exercises to enhance understanding available for download from the CRC Press website Three physicists (one theoretician; two experimentalists one in biophysics) adopt an intuitive and practical style to present the fundamentals of soft matter physics. Make no mistake: the style is accessible and revealing but the underlying science is profound. Brochard-Wyart (Sorbonne Univ. ) was a collaborator and former student of the late Pierre-Gilles de Gennes (originator of soft matter physics 1991 Nobel laureate in physics). The authors lay claim to the style of de Gennes (and reference their class notes) in their method of presentation including its organization and range of topics. There are two broad groupings: chapters 1–7 cover definition and characterization of soft matter then interfaces phase transitions liquid crystals surfactants and polymers offering simple calculations (order of magnitude estimates) and scaling law arguments. Part 2 (chapters 8–10) covers a range of applications: self-cleaning surfaces biomimetic adhesion optical applications and biological applications from DNA to tissue engineering. Many examples are based on everyday household phenomena. Each chapter provides a short bibliography. Any student (primarily in physics biology chemistry and engineering) or researcher will enjoy reading this unique book. To benefit fully readers need some background in electricity and magnetism chemistry fluid mechanics statistical mechanics and thermodynamics. This reader has rarely encountered a book so accessible yet so thought provoking. Summing Up: Highly recommended. Lower-division undergraduates through professionals. —J. Lambropoulos University of Rochester in CHOICE October 2020). | Essentials of Soft Matter Science

GBP 77.99

Holistic Game Development with Unity 3e An All-in-One Guide to Implementing Game Mechanics Art Design and Programming

Holistic Game Development with Unity 3e An All-in-One Guide to Implementing Game Mechanics Art Design and Programming

Master game design and digital art principles simultaneously with this all-in-one guide to creating games in the cutting-edge game engine Unity. Reworked for C# and Unity 2018 & 2019 and bursting with images and tutorials Penny de Byl’s Holistic Game Development with Unity will help the reader gain the multidisciplinary skills needed to succeed in the independent game industry. Holistic Game Development with Unity includes new coverage on Augmented Reality Networking and Virtual Reality such as the Oculus Rift. Supplementary material including instructional videos discussion forums and art assets are provided in the companion website located at www. holistic3d. com. Learn to combine the beauty of art and the functionality of programming in de Byl’s third edition for Unity game development. Key features: Art and programming in Unity the only one-stop shop for individual developers and small teams looking to tackle both tasks. Proven step-by-step tutorials show you how to design and structure an entire game in Unity with art assets. Revised to cover the Unity game engine versions 2018 and 2019. New coverage of Nav Meshes Augmented Reality Mobile Builds and Mecanim. An introduction to essential two- and three-dimensional mathematical and physics concepts. A portfolio of royalty free reusable game mechanics. Revamped and expanded accompanying website www. holistic3d. com features project source code instructional videos art assets author blog and discussion forums. Additional challenge questions and lesson plans are available online for an enhanced learning experience. | Holistic Game Development with Unity 3e An All-in-One Guide to Implementing Game Mechanics Art Design and Programming

GBP 48.99

Standing on the Shoulders of Darwin and Mendel Early Views of Inheritance

Synthetic Biology Handbook

Multi-purpose High-rise Towers and Tall Buildings

Multicore Technology Architecture Reconfiguration and Modeling

Volcanic Rock Mechanics RockMechanics and Geo-engineering in Volcanic Environments

Deep Learning in Biomedical and Health Informatics Current Applications and Possibilities

Deep Learning in Biomedical and Health Informatics Current Applications and Possibilities

This book provides a proficient guide on the relationship between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and healthcare and how AI is changing all aspects of the healthcare industry. It also covers how deep learning will help in diagnosis and the prediction of disease spread. The editors present a comprehensive review of research applying deep learning in health informatics in the fields of medical imaging electronic health records genomics and sensing and highlights various challenges in applying deep learning in health care. This book also includes applications and case studies across all areas of AI in healthcare data. The editors also aim to provide new theories techniques developments and applications of deep learning and to solve emerging problems in healthcare and other domains. This book is intended for computer scientists biomedical engineers and healthcare professionals researching and developing deep learning techniques. In short the volume : Discusses the relationship between AI and healthcare and how AI is changing the health care industry. Considers uses of deep learning in diagnosis and prediction of disease spread. Presents a comprehensive review of research applying deep learning in health informatics across multiple fields. Highlights challenges in applying deep learning in the field. Promotes research in ddeep llearning application in understanding the biomedical process. Dr. . M. A. Jabbar is a professor and Head of the Department AI&ML Vardhaman College of Engineering Hyderabad Telangana India. Prof. (Dr. ) Ajith Abraham is the Director of Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs) Auburn Washington USA. Dr. . Onur Dogan is an assistant professor at İzmir Bakırçay University Turkey. Prof. Dr. Ana Madureira is the Director of The Interdisciplinary Studies Research Center at Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP) Portugal. Dr. . Sanju Tiwari is a senior researcher at Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas Mexico. | Deep Learning in Biomedical and Health Informatics Current Applications and Possibilities

GBP 44.99

Lectures On Phase Transitions And The Renormalization Group

Phylonyms A Companion to the PhyloCode

Spectral Photon Counting Computed Tomography Technology and Applications

A Dictionary of Congenital Malformations and Disorders

Modeling and Design of Electromagnetic Compatibility for High-Speed Printed Circuit Boards and Packaging