Voices for Transgender Equality - Bog af Thomas J Billard - Paperback
In Voices for Transgender Equality, Thomas J Billard offers an insider's view into transgender activism during the first two years of the Trump administration. Drawing on ethnographic research at the National Center for Transgender Equality, Billard shows how these activists developed an unlikely blend of online and offline strategies to saturate a diverse ecology of national news outlets, local media outlets across the country, and both public and private conversations across multiple social media..
Voices for Transgender Equality - Thomas J Billard
In Voices for Transgender Equality, Thomas J Billard offers an insider's view into transgender activism during the first two years of the Trump administration. Drawing on ethnographic research at the National Center for Transgender Equality, Billard shows how these activists developed an unlikely blend of online and offline strategies to saturate a diverse ecology of national news outlets, local media outlets across the country, and both public and private conversations across multiple social media..