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Flesh and Blood - Tales of Aria 1st Edition - Booster Box Display (24 Booster Pakker)

March of the Machine - Set Booster Box Display (30 Booster Packs) - Magic the Gathering

The 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II - Booster Box Display (24Booster Packs) - Yu-Gi-Oh kort

The 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II - Booster Box Display (24Booster Packs) - Yu-Gi-Oh kort

Yu-Gi-Oh kort The 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection 2 Booster box Display I Maj 2024 lander Yu-Gi-Oh The 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II Booster box Display i Danmark! Klar til at alt fra Duels From the Deep går amok? Masser af nye kort fra The 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II verdenen! The 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II - Booster Box Display indeholde 24 yu-gi-oh booster pakker! spækket med nye kort så det er bare med at komme igang med at duelere!  Konami skriver her selv om deres yugioh The 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II product Obtain twice as many Ultra & Secret Rares per pack in the 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II!    Last year’s 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection blew everyone’s socks off, so we started work on a sequel right away. In order to get it out as fast as we can, we’ve made some changes to the configuration while leaving all the good stuff (and value!) intact. 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II packs have twice as many Ultra & Secret Rares per pack, which gives you twice as many chances at “luxury rares” per pack (Quarter Century Secret Rares, “Prismatic”-style Ultimate & Collector’s Rares, and Platinum)! We’ve cut back on the packaging, so there will be fewer packs you’ll need to open (and fewer foil wrappers to throw away) to get the same number of the cards you’re looking for. (And with double the cards per pack, about two-thirds of packs should have at least one “luxury rare” this time, and around a third should have more than one. You could even get up to SIX “luxury rares” in the same pack, this time around!) If you missed out on the first Rarity Collection, here’s how it works: Every card in the set is available in every rarity, with 3 ‘standard’ rarities (Super Rare, Ultra Rare, Secret Rare), and four special “luxury” rarities: Quarter Century Secret Rares (celebrating the 25th anniversary with tons of sparkle and a watermark logo!), Platinum Secret Rares, “Prismatic”-style Collector’s Rares (previously available only overseas), and “Prismatic”-style Ultimate Rares (with special 3D varnish, and also available only overseas until recently). Opening Rarity Collection packs is a rapid-fire waterfall of high-powered cards, in seven of the game’s most popular foil rarities. If you haven’t experienced this all-foil extravaganza yet, you’re in for a treat! Each pack will contain: 2 Secret Rares (each with an individual 1-in-4 chance of being upgraded to a Platinum Secret Rare or Quarter Century Secret Rare) 4 Ultra Rares (each with an individual 1-in-6 chance of being upgraded to a new “Prismatic”-style Collector’s Rare or new “Prismatic”- style Ultimate Rare) 3 Super Rares ALL CARDS ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE FIRST RARITY COLLECTION! Here’s just a quick look at some of what you can find: Hard-to-find tournament powerhouses like Accesscode Talker and Magicians’ Souls! Silent Magician & Silent Swordsman, available for the first time in eight years! And just in time for the brand-new “Silent” cards coming in April’s Legacy of Destruction booster set. Cards that will glisten and gleam in your hand as they wait for the perfect moment to seal your victory! Tournament mainstays like Droll & Lock Bird and Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit, plus Ghost Mourner & Moonlit Chill and Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay! (All with their variant art!) The interstellar Field Spell Cards from the competitive “Visas Starfrost” story Decks: Primitive Planet Reichphobia, Primeval Planet Perlereino, Pressured Planet Wraitsoth, and Peaceful Planet Calarium! Even more variant art! The “biker” version of I:P Masquerena and the “fierce” version of Rescue Cat will now be available in all 7 different rarities! Plus Apollousa, Bow of the Goddess! Floof up your Purrely Deck (or finally hop on board and build one!) with 7 different rarities of Purrely, My Friend Purrely, and Purrely Pretty Memory! Polish up your Trap selection with the trifecta of Solemn Judgment, Solemn Warning, and Solemn Strike! Collect new versions of popular Spells that go in all sorts of Decks, from Book of Moon and Book of Eclipse, to Preparation of Rites and Emergency Teleport. (And don’t miss this one-time chance at a Quarter Century Secret Rare Gold Sarcophagus!) Cards you’d expect, like D.D. Crow! Cards you might not, like Sauravis, the Ancient and Ascended! Too many cards to list here! Dozens and dozens more! Whether you’re a collector or a competitive Duelist, 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection II is full of cards that everyone will want to get their hands on! Name, design and contents subject to change.

DKK 999.95

DnD - Fangs and Talons Booster Brick (8 stk) - Icons of the Realms DnD Figurer

DnD - Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen (6 stk alm og 1 super booster) - Icons of the Realms DnD Figurer

DnD - Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen (6 stk alm og 1 super booster) - Icons of the Realms DnD Figurer

D&D - Icons of the Realms Booster Brick - Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Saml alle 49 DnD figurer fra Dragonlance serien; det nyeste sæt af tilfældigt udvalgte monstre og karakterer i Wizkids' eksisterende linje af D&D figurer, Icons of the Realms! Icons of the Realms Booster Brick - Dragonlance giver dig D&D figurer klar til brug fra æsken, når du skal bruge monstre og væsner fra den Uddøde verden! Står du og mangler DnD Miniatures så er D&D Icons of the Realms Dragonlance Booster Bricks lige noget for dig. I en Icons of the Realms Booster Brick - Dragonlance får du følgende: 4 tilfældige DnD figurer valgt ud fra en serie af 49. 3 Small eller Medium D&D Minis 1 D&D figur per brick er en Huge eller Large D&D Mini. Generelt om Icons of the Realms D&D figurer: Dungeons & Dragons - Icons of the Realms er en serie af Premium rollespilsfigurer, udgivet af WizKids, som er lavet specielt til Dungeons & Dragons 5e, men som også kan bruges til andre fantasy systemer. De er lavet i standard størrelsesforhold, passende til normale battlegrids. Alle DnD miniatures er prepainted og med flotte detaljer. Kendetegn for Icons of the Realms Premium D&D Miniatures: Flot Rollespilsfigur der passer lige ind i Dungeons & Dragons universet. Smukt formalet. Nogle figurer indeholder gennemsigtige dele. Dungeons & Dragons figuren passer til standard størrelse mål i forhold til battlegrids.

DKK 1299.00

DnD - Sand & Stone Booster Brick (8 stk) - Icons of the Realms DnD Figurer

DKK 1099.95

Mystery Booster Box Display (24 Booster Pakker) - Magic the Gathering

Mystery Booster Box Display (24 Booster Pakker) - Magic the Gathering

En Mystery Booster Pakke er fyldt med reprints af gamle magic kort fra over 40 forskelige gamle Magic the Gathering serier. Magic kort som nuværende spillere slet ikke er vant til at åbne i magic boostere. helt ekstra ordinært så er disse magic the gathering reprints printet i deres originale udseende fra de udkom første gang og ikke som reprints vi har set gennem de sidste år som giver kort nyt art og kanter. Magic The Gathering Myster Booster Box Display er fantastisk til f.eks. at køre en Draft eller Sealed Tunering! så køb en hel box og åben den med dine venner mens i spiller. I en Mystery Booster Pakke kan du få kort fra rigtig mange forskellige Magic the Gathering Serier, der er hele 1815 forskellige kort som en booster kan bestå af, det gør også at det er den største serie nogensinde produceret af Wizard of the Coast.. Der er ingen tvivl om at det bliver virkelig virkelig sjovt at åbne et Magic Mystery Booster Display og på sigt bliver det helt sikkert også en af de magic serier som bliver super eftertragtet når den går ud af print. Endnu en fantastisk ting ved en Magic the gathering mystery Booster pakke er at den kan indeholder et playtest kort fra en serie som endnu ikke er udkommet endnu. Det er jo helt vanvittigt! du kan få så et unikt kort at der faktisk ikke er nogen i din by, landsdel eller land der har et kort magen til! Wizard of the Coast skriver selv om deres Magic The Gathering Mystery Booster Display The Mystery Booster is loaded with reprints from over forty previous Magic sets—but these reprints aren’t exactly what today’s Magic players are used to opening in their packs. Unlike customary reprints, Mystery Booster cards are presented in their original form—original frame, art, typesetting, expansion symbol, legal text, and all. Contents per Magic Mystery booster: 2 white commons or uncommons 2 blue commons or uncommons 2 black commons or uncommons 2 red commons or uncommons 2 green commons or uncommons 1 multicolor common or uncommon 1 artifact or land common or uncommon 1 rare or mythic rare from before Core Set 2015 1 other rare or mythic rare 1 foil card pulled from a curated list

DKK 1299.00

12x 25th Anniversary Tin - Dueling Heroes - Yu-Gi-Oh kort (Case)

12x 25th Anniversary Tin - Dueling Heroes - Yu-Gi-Oh kort (Case)

Her får du en hel case med 12 stk af 25th Anniversary Tin - Dueling Heroes - Yu-Gi-Oh kor Så er der igen YUGIOH MEGA-TIN i 2023 til dig som vil forøge din Yugioh kort samling, eller mangler nogle gode kort til dit Yu-gi-oh! TCG deck, så er 25th Anniversary Tin - Dueling Heroes - Yu-Gi-Oh kort lige noget for dig! I denne 2023 Yu-Gi-Oh Mega Tin finder du 3 store fantastiske Yugioh Mega-Packs! Yu-Gi-Oh 25th Anniversary Tin - Dueling Heroes er årets Yu-Gi-Oh Produkt! Yu-Gi-Oh! Mega-Tin er det største Yu-Gi-Oh produkt der udkommer hvert år. Sådan har det i hvert fald været de sidste 4 år. Der er crazy gode Yu-Gi-Oh kort i en YGO Mega-Tin, og samtidig er det et af de flotteste Yu-Gi-Oh produkter der udkommer! Hver Yu-Gi-Oh! 25th Anniversary Tin - Dueling Heroes indeholder: 6 Prismatic Secret Rares 6 Ultra Rares 3 Super Rares 3 Rares 36 Commons 1 kort  som er 1 ud af 16 af de monstre der dekorer 25th Anniversary Tin - Dueling Heroes - Yu-Gi-Oh kort produktet Konami fortæller selv her om deres produkt Yu-Gi-Oh! Tin of the Pharaoh's Gods - Tin 2022 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes Release Date:  7th September 2023 Celebrate our 25th anniversary together with our 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes featuring doubled Prismatic Secret Rares and a bonus Quarter Century Secret Rare in every Tin! Prismatic Secret Rares are one of the things Duelists love most about each year’s Mega-Packs, since Tins are the ONLY place to find this exclusive and beautiful rarity type. And this year, we’re giving you twice as many in each Tin! Each 25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Heroes includes 3 x 18-card Mega-Packs, each with TWO Prismatic Secret Rares, two Ultra Rares, a Super Rare, a Rare, and twelve Commons.   Total per Tin: 6 Prismatic Secret Rare Cards, 6 Ultra Rare Cards, 3 Super Rare Cards, 3 Rare Cards, 36 Common Cards (and 1 Quarter Century Secret Rare – see below!)   The massive Mega-Pack set contains almost 300 cards from recent sets, including Battle of Chaos, Dimension Force, Darkwing Blast, Tactical Masters, The Grand Creators, and more! In addition, each Tin will include a Quarter Century Secret Rare version of one of the sixteen monsters decorating the sides of the Tin – some of the most famous and iconic monsters used by the series’ Dueling Heroes! Name, design and contents subject to change.

DKK 900.00

Quarter Century Bonanza - Booster Box Display (24Booster Packs) - Yu-Gi-Oh kort

Quarter Century Bonanza - Booster Box Display (24Booster Packs) - Yu-Gi-Oh kort

Yu-Gi-Oh kort Quarter Century BonanzaBooster box Display Konami skriver her selv om deres yugioh Quarter Century Bonanza product Hit the jackpot with GUARANTEED luxury Secret Rares with Quarter Century Bonanza!   Time for everyone to hit the jackpot! Quarter Century Bonanza picks up where the Rarity Collection sets left off, with a bunch of new twists! Get ready for a wild ride, because we’ve got a lot to unpack. Here’s what’s new: Quarter Century Bonanza packs are 5 cards per pack, like the first Rarity Collection, but we’ve replaced 1 Super Rare in every pack with a GUARANTEED luxury Secret Rare (Platinum or Quarter Century). That guaranteed luxury Secret Rare in each pack is from a special and separate 200-card nostalgia pool that is available ONLY in this luxury Secret Rare slot, and is independent from the standard 78-card set that’s also in this pack. Quarter Century Bonanza is two sets in one! We’re printing this 200-card nostalgia pool because Quarter Century Secret Rares are only here during the 25th Anniversary, and we know that you have a LOT of cards that you want to see as Quarter Century Secret Rares before that chance goes away forever. The last call for Quarter Century Secret Rares is coming, so let’s kick everything into overdrive, starting right now! We’ve never reprinted a card that has a Quarter Century Secret Rare version, in that same rarity, ever. This has kept some cards (which have Quarter Century Secret Rare versions) out of products like Rarity Collection in the past. We’re going to get around this by including cards in this pack that already have Quarter Century Secret Rare versions, like Super Polymerization, Promethean Princess, Bestower of Flames, and Diabellstar the Black Witch – we’ll just leave them out of the Quarter Century Secret Rare pool. Cards like these will still be available in Quarter Century Bonanza as Platinum Secret Rares, “prismatic” Collector’s and Ultimate Rares, and Secret/Ultra/Super Rares!   Here’s a showing what each Quarter Century Bonanza pack looks like: Is there a favorite card you want to see as a Quarter Century Secret Rare, before the anniversary period is over? Speak up, let everyone know! There’s only a few more wagon train spots left…. Reminders on terminology: “prismatic” Ultimate and Collector’s Rares are new technologies that premiered in Rarity Collection, then re-appeared in Rarity Collection II and now Quarter Century Bonanza. They are separate from standard Collector’s Rares, which still appear in certain booster sets like Maze of Millennia, Valiant Smashers, and Wild Survivors, and the older, etched, Ultimate Rares, which remain exclusive to Official Tournament Store Tournament Packs.

DKK 899.95