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Held in Perfect Peace - Guideposts - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

Held in Perfect Peace - Guideposts - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

Weaving together Scripture, vivid storytelling, and intimate prayers, this powerful devotional from Guideposts will bring peace to your soul and draw you closer to the heart of God. When the world seems to be spinning off its axis--and we feel like we''re spinning with it--anxiety can cause us to question if God is still in charge. This beautiful 100-day devotional answers us with a resounding YES. As the Bible verses, stories, and prayers in Held in Perfect Peace remind us, God''s promises and presence never change, no matter how changed today''s world seems to be. This thematic devotional from Guideposts--a beloved and trusted source of biblical encouragement for nearly eighty years--brings us back to God''s perfect peace on our most anxious days. Every entry helps us: - Meet God in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty - Find confidence in God''s goodness and His plan for the world and our lives - Overcome our daily worries as we immerse ourselves in God''s truth Each of the five-minute devotions in Held in Perfect Peace includes: - A timely, inspirational verse from Scripture - A true, first-person story about ways God speaks to us in the ordinary events of our lives - A thoughtful prayer designed to help us apply the day''s theme - Additional Bible references for further study and reflection God offers us a peace that is beyond understanding, beyond any headline we read, beyond any doubt we experience. Rest securely in His Word as you receive the comfort He longs to give.

DKK 162.00

Less Than Perfect - Ann Spangler - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

When Parenting Isn't Perfect - Jim Daly - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

When Parenting Isn't Perfect - Jim Daly - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

Perfection is the enemy of parenting. Jim Daly sees and hears from mothers and fathers trying hard to pursue perfection. They listen to the best experts and read all the right books. When someone gives them a “World’s Best Mom” or “No. 1 Dad” coffee mug, they want it to be true. And they want their children to pursue perfection, too. It’s admirable for parents to be the very best moms and dads they can be for their children. But sometimes in so doing, they leave grace behind—both for themselves and their children. Jim believes that our quest for perfection, a quest that he believes is particularly strong among Christians, runs counter to God’s own boundless gift of grace. We can become Pharisaical parents, quoting endless rules and holding everyone to impossible standards. But God doesn’t want us, and our kids don’t need us, to be perfect. As parents, we’re called to simply do our best. And when we fail—which we will—we’re called to try again tomorrow. Though he’s the President of Focus on the Family, Jim does not promise that his book will be a catalyst for a perfect family. But it can help point the way toward a good family—one that feels safe and warm; one filled with love and laughter. This book will encourage mothers and fathers to embrace the messiness of parenthood and show grace to their own less-than-ideal children. Jim, through his own experiences, expertise, and array of stories, will lead both moms and dads to a better understanding of what being a good family is all about.

DKK 136.00

Present Perfect - Gregory A. Boyd - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

Present Perfect - Gregory A. Boyd - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

A "Holy Habit" That Will Change Your Life! Experience true spiritual transformation: invite God''s presence into your life! Popular author, theologian, and pastor Gregory Boyd shows you how--simply, practically, and effectively--in this thoughtful and accessible book. Discover: - How to pray continually - What it means to "take every thought captive" - How to wake up to God’s ever-present love God is closer to you than the air you breathe. He is present in every given moment. Wake up to his presence! Turn off the mental chatter that keeps you from seeing his glory. Embrace the holy habit of inviting God''s presence into your life, and be transformed! We long to be transformed. Yet our minds are filled with endless trivia and self-centered chatter. To-do lists. Worries about the past. Speculation about the future. We forget to live in the present moment . . . and to invite God to be with us there. After reading classic contemplative authors Brother Lawrence, Jean-Pierre de Caussade, and Frank Laubach, theologian and pastor Gregory Boyd longed to experience the presence of God for himself. For two decades, he''s attempted to implement the "practice of the presence of God" in his own life . . . sometimes succeeding, sometimes failing. What he''s learned as a fellow pilgrim on his spiritual journey can help you find true spiritual transformation as you begin to practice the discipline of inviting God into every moment. "I''ve become absolutely convinced that remaining aware of God''s presence moment-by-moment is the single most important task in the life of every follower of Jesus," Boyd writes. "I''m convinced this challenge is implied in our commitment to surrender our life to Christ, for the only real life we have to surrender to him is the one we live moment-by-moment." Join Boyd on this transformational journey of a lifetime!

DKK 143.00

Christological Anthropology in Historical Perspective - Ancient and Contemporary Approaches to Theological Anthropology - Bog af Marc Cortez - Paperba

Lucy's Perfect Summer - Nancy N. Rue - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

The Perfect 10 - Michael G. Moriarty - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

Niequist, S: PRESENT OVER PERFECT - Bog af Shauna Niequist - Hardback

A Perfect Pony - Dandi Daley Mackall - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

No Perfect People Allowed - John Burke - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

You Don't Have to Be Perfect to Follow Jesus - Mike Yaconelli - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

You Don't Have to Be Perfect to Follow Jesus - Mike Yaconelli - Bog - Zondervan - Plusbog.dk

When you hear the word disciple , you may envision people who spend all day praying and converting the masses. Or individuals who have a natural holiness deep inside. The truth is, being a follower of Jesus isn’t a job for the perfect or the Christian elite—it’s something anyone can and should be. (And even the original twelve disciples were far from perfect!) This thirty-day devotional looks at the traits real, very humandisciples have, using Scripture, first-person comments from teens, and questions that help you think about your own disciple experiences. When you think of Peter, John, Matthew, and even Paul, they seem to be heroes for Jesus—the ones we’re supposed to emulate and be more like. After all, Jesus handpicked them to be his followers and ambassadors on earth, and trusted them with everything when he left, so they must have been really holy men, right? But if you read the Gospels and Acts closely, you’ll notice the men Jesus called into his ministry were often clueless, selfish, afraid, and brash, and made a lot of mistakes during their time as disciples. In other words, they were very human. Just like you. This 30-day devotional peels back the holy veneer and explores the character traits that mark all disciples—things like fear, boldness, doubt, laziness, weakness, sensitivity, brokenness, alienation, hunger, immaturity, strength, and preparedness—and uses Scripture, real-world examples, and questions with space to journal to help you see these “negative” qualities actually qualify you to follow Jesus. Because discipleship isn’t something from the first century, and Jesus is calling you to follow him today. You Don''t Have to Be Perfect to Follow Jesus: - can be used for personal study or in a group setting - is ideal for teens and young adults - contains short readings, with full Scripture passages included, that you can take with you anywhere - breaks down the real truth behind Scripture to show how it applies to your life today

DKK 97.00