Wella Welloxon Perfect Pastel 1.9% 500ml
Wella Welloxon Perfect Pastel 1.9% 1000ml is the ideal partner for Wella Permanent Colours. Available in different volumes for all service possibilities 1.9%, 4%, 6%, 9% and 12%. Specially formulated for easier and faster mixing, precise application, great foil adhesion, and easy rinsing to achieve the most accurate colour and a comfortable client experience. Welloxon Perfect Pastel is the colour partner for Koleston Perfect ME+, Color Touch, ILLUMINA colour, Blondor and Magma.What is the difference between Wella Welloxon Perfect Pastel 1.9% and other developers?Wella Welloxon Perfect Pastel 1.9% is specifically designed for Wella Kolestan Perfect ME+ hair color applications, while other developers may not be formulated for this product. It also provides gentle and precise development for delicate shades.