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Le Turpin francais, de le Turpin I - Ronald Noel Walpole - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

Le Turpin francais, de le Turpin I - Ronald Noel Walpole - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

Vers le milieu du douzième siècle un clerc inconnu se faisant appeler Turpin, archevêque de Reims, écrivit une ‘histoire’ de ‘Charlemagne et Roland’ en latin. L’inconnu s’identifia à Turpin, guerrier saint et aime de la Chanson de Roland; à son personnage inspire d’un Charlemagne déjà monarque légendaire et emblème vivant de cet idéal tant envié du roi bon et fort, il donna pour compagnons Roland et ses pairs et, ayant traversé avec ceux-ci et avec l’armée des croises les épreuves des guerres d’Espagne, il écrivit la vérité sur tout ce qu’ils avaient fait et enduré ensemble. Cependant, l’invention majeure du pseudo-Turpin est d’avoir fait de St Jacques le génie tutélaire de la croisade de Charlemagne en Espagne, le bon ange qui arrive miraculeusement au bon moment et enfin, l’intercesseur qui obtient le salut ultime de Charlemagne. La matière de laquelle le pseudo-Turpin puisa son récit est cette tradition épique française dont une partie nous est esquissée aujourd’hui, seulement dans son œuvre. Les épisodes de cette croisade, qui dura quatorze ans, furent empruntés à l’épopée : ici, on pense surtout à la Chanson de Roland et à sa grande tragédie de Roncevaux transformée, de poésie qu’elle était, en historie contrefaite et en fausse piété. Nous avons dans Turpin 1 cette histoire-là. Elle fut traduite vers 1210—20 en français, en prose, celle-ci devenant de plus en plus le véhicule privilégie par les raconteurs. La traduction n’existe plus dans sa forme originale, mais le manuscrit qui a servi de base au présent ouvrage reste fidèle au texte latin, en plus d’être rédigé en prose claire et incisive. Les copies du manuscrit, neuf en tout, montrent avec quelle liberté les scribes manipulaient la langue de l’original. Dans une rédaction de notre Turpin I – une rédaction représentée par six manuscrits et reproduite intégralement en appendice dans cette édition – la préméditation associée à l’intervention des scribes revêt plus d’importance. Vers la fin de la chronique, cette fois, on introduit St. Denis, que l’on pose en rival a St Jacques en lui confiant le rôle qui non seulement assure le salut de l’Empereur, mais accroit l’importance de L’Abbaye de St-Denis a la fois comme siège politique et comme véritable cœur de la France.

DKK 287.00

Giuseppe De Santis - Antonio Vitti - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

Giuseppe De Santis - Antonio Vitti - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

One of the founding fathers of the Neo-realist movement and a Communist dedicated to populist filmmaking, Guiseppe De Santis (b. 1917) has been a significant force in Italian cinema. In spite of his crucial contribution De Santis has received little critical recognition and his work has been largely excluded from the canon of traditional cinematic teaching. In this first book-length study of De Santis, Antonio Vitti explores the filmmaker''s life and work, and addresses why he has been marginalized as a result of the politics of critical reception in Italian cinema and within the academy. Through critical analysis of such films as Riso amaro (Bitter Rice), Non c''è pace tra gli ulivi ( No Peace Among the Olives), and Cesta Duga Godinu Dana (The One-Year-Long Road), Vitti offers an informative profile of a director who refused to compromise what were often unpopular political and aesthetic principles. De Santis emerged as a strong opponent of government censorship in Fascist Italy and strove throughout his career to remain faithful to his political objectives: to create a genuine popular narrative voice, and to offer, through filmmaking, a form of entertainment for the masses and a means of promoting social and political change. At the same time, possessed of considerable technical abilities and a passion for formalized beauty and sensuality, De Santis resisted the rigid rules for socio-realistic representation dictated by the Soviet Union. He conformed neither to the mainstream nor to the leftist critical expectations of his day. He anticipated, in his own critical approach, the direction of contemporary film theory, and focused on the role of the medium itself as a means of mass communication and a repository of collective imagination. Vitti draws on his extensive personal interviews with De Santis as well as on the latter''s previously unpublished writings. This volume captures the intelligence, passion, aesthetic flair, and occasionally fiery temperament of this important filmmaker.

DKK 539.00

A Frenchman in Search of Franklin - Emile Frederic De Bray - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

Calderon de la Barca Studies, 1951-69 - - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

Andres Gonzalez de Barcia and the Creation of the Colonial Spanish American Library - Jonathan Carlyon - Bog - University of Toronto Press -

Social Working - Gerald De Montigny - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

Social Working - Gerald De Montigny - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

In this unique work directed at social workers, Gerald A.J. de Montigny maintains that they, along with other professionals, create an `institutional'' reality through their day-to-day practices. He traces the practical ways that social workers, when involved in child protection, struggle to produce a world which can be ordered, systematized, and subjected to their powers. It is a penetrating and sensitive analysis of how social workers in their everyday practice make sense from a confusing collection of case details to create organizationally defined problems and cases. De Montigny uses the tension between his experience of growing up ''working class'' and the difficult process of becoming a social worker to explore the practical activities professionals use to secure organizational power and authority over clients. This tension has forced him to confront the dilemma of how to stand on the side of clients when standing inside professional and organizational realities. In the first half of the book, de Montigny focuses on the practices social workers use to produce a universalized professional form of knowledge. He examines social workers'' use of ideological practices; fetishization of the social work profession; insertion of details from clients'' lives into discursive order; accounting for front-line practice as a problem solving scientific practice; and naming of their own frustrations, conflicts, tensions, and pain as professionally manageable phenomena. In the second half of the book, based on his own work in child protection, he systematically examines how such reality-producing practices come to be expressed as child protection. He develops a synthetic account of his social work interventions on cases of child abuse and neglect. This book should be read by all practitioners and students of social work. It is an original and practical application of theoretical arguments to the everyday reality of social work.

DKK 304.00

Two Women of the Great Schism – The Revelations of Constance de Rabastens by Raymond de Sabanac and Life of the Blessed Ursulina of Parma by Simone Za

Garcilaso de la Vega and the Material Culture of Renaissance Europe - Mary E Barnard - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

An Unamuno Source Book - Maria Elena De Valdes - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

Dramatizing Dido, Circe, and Griselda - Louise Geneviev Gillot De Sainc - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

Cervantes' Architectures - Frederick A. De Armas - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

Cervantes' Architectures - Frederick A. De Armas - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk

Cervantes’ Architectures is the first book dedicated to architecture in Cervantes’ prose fiction. At a time when a pandemic is sweeping the world, this book reflects on the danger outside by concentrating on the role of enclosed structures as places where humans may feel safe, or as sites of beauty and harmony that provide solace. At the same time, a number of the architectures in Cervantes trigger dread and claustrophobia as they display a kind of shapelessness and a haunting aura that blends with the narrative. This volume invites readers to discover hundreds of edifices that Cervantes built with the pen. Their variety is astounding. The narrators and characters in these novels tell of castles, fortifications, inns, mills, prisons, palaces, towers, and villas which appear in their routes or in their conversations, and which welcome them, amaze them, or entrap them. Cervantes may describe actual buildings such as the Pantheon in Rome, or he may imagine structures that metamorphose before our eyes, as we come to view one architecture within another, and within another, creating an abyss of space. They deeply affect the characters as they feel enclosed, liberated, or suspended or as they look upon such structures with dread, relief, or admiration. Cervantes'' Architectures sheds light on how places and spaces are perceived through words and how impossible structures find support, paradoxically, in the literary architecture of the work.

DKK 548.00

Inscribed Power - Ryan D. Giles - Bog - University of Toronto Press - Plusbog.dk