21 resultater (0,52046 sekunder)



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Allocation of Income within the Household - Edward P. Lazear - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

Allocation of Income within the Household - Edward P. Lazear - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

Allocation of Income within the Household develops an important new economic model of income distribution within the family, one that attempts to determine which family characteristics affect spending patterns. Professors Lazear and Michael base their work on an analysis of the 1972-73 Consumer Expenditure Survey and test their conclusions against the 1960-61 survey to verify the persistence of the effects discovered. They find, for example, that the average household spends $38 per child for every $100 spent per adult and that the level of relative and absolute expenditure on the child rises with the level of education of the head of the household. Lazear and Michael also explore the implications their study may hold for the process of determining child support payments in households that dissolve. They argue that, unless the spending of every dollar can be monitored, alimony cannot be disentangled from child support. They also develop several criteria by which income might be distributed among family members, and, using one of those criteria, they present a series of tables that suggest the appropriate payment from one parent to another given family size, structure, and income level. Their model is particularly useful because it takes account of the ways other family members who were not part of the original household may contribute income to the new household. Other issues considered include the appropriate way to deal with children with special needs and the timing of transfer payments.

DKK 582.00

Cat Musculature - Gordon Greenblatt - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

Second-Best Justice - J. Mark Ramseyer - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

Once a Peacock, an Actress - Haribhatta - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

The Fertility Revolution - Richard A. Easterlin - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

DKK 436.00

Innovation Equity - Elie Ofek - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

DKK 462.00

Wading Right in - Catherine Owen Koning - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

Wading Right in - Catherine Owen Koning - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

Where can you find mosses that change landscapes, salamanders with algae in their skin, and carnivorous plants containing whole ecosystems in their furled leaves? Where can you find swamp-trompers, wildlife watchers, marsh managers, and mud-mad scientists? In wetlands, those complex habitats that play such vital ecological roles. In Wading Right In, Catherine Owen Koning and Sharon M. Ashworth take us on a journey into wetlands through stories from the people who wade in the muck. Traveling alongside scientists, explorers, and kids with waders and nets, the authors uncover the inextricably entwined relationships between the water flows, natural chemistry, soils, flora, and fauna of our floodplain forests, fens, bogs, marshes, and mires. Tales of mighty efforts to protect rare orchids, restore salt marshes, and preserve sedge meadows become portals through which we visit major wetland types and discover their secrets, while also learning critical ecological lessons. The United States still loses wetlands at a rate of 13,800 acres per year. Such loss diminishes the water quality of our rivers and lakes, depletes our capacity for flood control, reduces our ability to mitigate climate change, and further impoverishes our biodiversity. Koning and Ashworth's stories captivate the imagination and inspire the emotional and intellectual connections we need to commit to protecting these magical and mysterious places.

DKK 633.00

Fifty Years of Economic Measurement - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

Inflation and Disinflation - Leonardo Leiderman - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

Capital in the Nineteenth Century - Paul W. Rhode - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

DKK 500.00

The Peregrine Returns - Mary Hennen - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

The Peregrine Returns - Mary Hennen - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

Peregrine falcons have their share of claims to fame. With a diving speed of over two hundred miles per hour, these birds of prey are the fastest animals on earth or in the sky, and they are now well known for adapting from life on rocky cliffs to a different kind of mountain: modern skyscrapers. But adaptability only helps so much. In 1951, there were no peregrines left in Illinois, and it looked as if the species would be wiped out entirely in North America. Today, however, peregrines are flourishing. In The Peregrine Returns, Mary Hennen gives wings to this extraordinary conservation success story. Drawing on the beautiful watercolors of Field Museum artist-in-residence Peggy Macnamara and photos by Field Museum research assistant Stephanie Ware, as well as her own decades of work with peregrines, Hennen focuses her tale on Illinois's Chicago Peregrine Program, a collaboration between researchers and citizen scientists. She follows the journey of Illinois's peregrines from their devastating decline to the discovery of its cause (a thinning of eggshells caused by a byproduct of DDT), through to recovery, revealing how the urban landscape has played an essential role in enabling falcons to return to the wild and how people are now learning to live in close proximity to these captivating raptors. Both a model for conservation programs across the country and an eye-opening look at the many creatures with which we share our homes, this richly illustrated story of the Chicago Peregrine Program is an inspiring example of how urban architecture can serve not only our cities' human inhabitants, but also their wild ones.

DKK 242.00

NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2015 - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2015 - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

This year, the NBER Macroeconomics Annual celebrates its thirtieth volume. The first two papers examine China's macroeconomic development. "Trends and Cycles in China's Macroeconomy" by Chun Chang, Kaiji Chen, Daniel F. Waggoner, and Tao Zha outlines the key characteristics of growth and business cycles in China. "Demystifying the Chinese Housing Boom" by Hanming Fang, Quanlin Gu, Wei Xiong, and Li-An Zhou constructs a new house price index, showing that Chinese house prices have grown by ten percent per year over the past decade. The third paper, "External and Public Debt Crises" by Cristina Arellano, Andrew Atkeson, and Mark Wright, asks why there appear to be large differences across countries and subnational jurisdictions in the effect of rising public debts on economic outcomes. The fourth, "Networks and the Macroeconomy: An Empirical Exploration" by Daron Acemoglu, Ufuk Akcigit, and William Kerr, explains how the network structure of the US economy propagates the effect of gross output productivity shocks across upstream and downstream sectors. The fifth and sixth papers investigate the usefulness of surveys of household's beliefs for understanding economic phenomena. "Expectations and Investment," by Nicola Gennaioli, Yueran Ma, and Andrei Shleifer, demonstrates that a chief financial officer's expectations of a firm's future earnings growth is related to both the planned and actual future investment of that firm. "Declining Desire to Work and Downward Trends in Unemployment and Participation" by Regis Barnichon and Andrew Figura shows that an increasing number of prime-age Americans who are not in the labor force report no desire to work and that this decline accelerated during the second half of the 1990s.

DKK 629.00

We Made Uranium! - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

We Made Uranium! - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

A fire drill. No, not an exercise in which occupants of a building practice leaving the building safely. A drill which safely emits a bit of fire, the approximate shape and size of a drill bit. A Michelin(R) tire signed by a chef at a Michelin(R) restaurant. Convince a campus tour that they are on a rollercoaster, featuring various themed thrills, an upside down portion (with dads' consent), and a group photo available for download at the end of the ride. Fattest cat. Points per pound. --from the 2018 University of Chicago Scavenger Hunt List The University of Chicago's annual Scavenger Hunt (or "Scav") is one of the most storied college traditions in America. Every year, teams of hundreds of competitors scramble over four days to complete roughly 350 challenges. The tasks range from moments of silliness to 1,000-mile road trips, and they call on participants to fully embrace the absurd. For students it is a rite of passage, and for the surrounding community it is a chance to glimpse the lighter side of a notoriously serious university. We Made Uranium! shares the stories behind Scav, told by participants and judges from the hunt's more than thirty-year history. The twenty-two essays range from the shockingly successful (a genuine, if minuscule, nuclear reaction created in a dorm room--just the second time there's been a nuclear pile on campus) to the endearing failures (it's hard to build a carwash for a train), and all the chicken hypnotisms and permanent tattoos in between. Taken together, they show how a scavenger hunt once meant for blowing off steam before finals has grown into one of the most outrageous annual traditions at any university. At the heart of these stories are chaos, camaraderie, and competitiveness, a fitting Bizarro World parallel to the real rigors of undergraduate life at a top university. The tales told here are absurd, uplifting, hilarious, and thought-provoking--and they are all one hundred percent true.

DKK 164.00

NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2020 - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2020 - GardnersGXC - Bog - The University Of Chicago Press - Plusbog.dk

NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2020 presents research by leading scholars on central issues in contemporary macroeconomics. George-Marios Angeletos, Zhen Huo, and Karthik Sastry ask how to model expectations without rational expectations. They find that in response to business cycle shocks, expectations underreact initially but eventually overshoot, which in their view favors models with dispersed, noisy information and overextrapolation of expectations. Next, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg, Pierre-Daniel Sarte, and Nicholas Trachter contrast the patterns of rising aggregate firm market concentration with falling market concentration over time at the local level. Some associate rising concentration with less competition and more market power, but because most product markets are local, studying changes in local competition, as opposed to trends in aggregate competition, provides important insights. Adam Guren, Alisdair McKay, Emi Nakamura, and Jon Steinsson develop a novel econometric procedure to recover structural parameters using cross-region variation, for example, to estimate direct effects of housing wealth changes on individual household consumption. To avoid confounding direct and indirect effects, the authors isolate the direct effect of house price changes on consumption by using other estimates of demand multipliers from the local government spending literature to deflate estimates of the total effect of local consumption on local house prices. Peter Klenow and Huiyu Li examine the sources of reduced productivity growth by quantifying the contribution of innovation to economic growth. They find that young firms generate roughly half the productivity growth, most of the changes in productivity during the mid-1990s are accounted for by older firms, and most growth results from quality improvements on incumbents' own products. In the fifth chapter, Fatih Guvenen, Greg Kaplan, and Jae Song use detailed micro panel data from the Social Security Administration to assess the progress women have made into the top 1% and top 0.1% of the income distribution over time. Finally, Joachim Hubmer, Per Krusell, and Anthony Smith Jr. explore the reasons for growing wealth inequality across the developed world. They argue that the significant drop in tax progressivity starting in the late 1970s was the most important source of growing wealth inequality in the United States. The sharp observed increases in earnings inequality and the falling labor share cannot account for the bulk of the increase in wealth inequality.

DKK 668.00