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The History of the International Biometric Society - Lynne Billard - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

The History of the International Biometric Society - Lynne Billard - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

The International Biometric Society (IBS) was formed at the First International Biometric Conference at Woods Hole on September 6, 1947. The History of the International Biometric Society presents a deep dive into the voluminous archival records, with primary focus on IBS’s first fifty years. It contains numerous photos and extracts from the archival materials, and features many photos of important leaders who served IBS across the decades. Features: - Describes events leading up to and at Woods Hole on September 6, 1947 that led to the formation of IBS - Outlines key markers that shaped IBS after the 1947 formation through to the modern day - Describes the regional and national group structure, and the formation of regions and national groups - Describes events surrounding the key scientific journal of IBS, Biometrics , including the transfer of ownership to IBS, content, editors, policies, management, and importance - Describes the other key IBS publications – Biometric Bulletin , Journal of Agricultural Biological and Environmental Statistics, and regional publications - Provides details of International Biometric Conferences and key early symposia - Describes IBS constitution and by-laws processes, and the evolution of business arrangements - Provides a record of international officers, including regional presidents, national group secretaries, journal editors, and the locations of meetings - Includes a gallery of international Presidents, and a gallery of Secretaries and Treasurers The History of the International Biometric Society will appeal to anyone interested in the activities of our statistical and biometrical forebearers. The focus is on issues and events that engaged the attention of the officers of IBS. Some of these records are riveting, some entertaining, some intriguing, and some colorful. Some of the issues covered were difficult to handle, but even these often resulted in changes that benefited IBS.

DKK 464.00

Thomas De Quincey - - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Variedades de la lengua espanola - Francisco Moreno Fernandez - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Palabras clave para organizar textos en espanol - Carmen Martin De Leon - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Mano a Mano: Portugues para Falantes de Espanhol - Leandro Rodrigues Alves Diniz - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Mano a Mano: Portugues para Falantes de Espanhol - Leandro Rodrigues Alves Diniz - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Mano a Mano: Português para Falantes de Espanhol vem preencher uma importante lacuna no mercado editorial: a carência de livros didáticos que, considerando as necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol, favoreçam um desenvolvimento mais rápido de sua proficiência em português. A coleção reúne uma série de características favoráveis à aprendizagem do português em diferentes contextos (ensino médio, universidades, cursos livres): - - Convida o(a) aluno(a) a desenvolver sua proficiência em português ao mesmo tempo que forma uma imagem multifacetada do Brasil, em diálogo com suas próprias construções culturais, desconstruindo discursos estabilizados e ampliando seus horizontes; - - - Favorece o trânsito por múltiplas práticas de letramento, em que circulam diferentes gêneros discursivos, oferecendo oportunidades para que o(a) estudante aprimore suas capacidades de linguagem em contextos reais, ou próximos a situações autênticas de interação; - - - Sensibiliza o(a) aluno(a) para diferentes variedades da língua portuguesa; - - - Permite ao(à) estudante desenvolver suas capacidades léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicas de maneira reflexiva e contextualizada, levando em consideração necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol; - - - Propõe tarefas semelhantes às encontradas no Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras), do Ministério da Educação brasileiro; - - - É acompanhado por dois cadernos complementares integrados, com explicações detalhadas referentes a recursos léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicos, além de uma série de atividades; - - - Disponibiliza online os vídeos e áudios de tarefas de compreensão oral e de atividades de pronúncia. - Preparado para o desenvolvimento de um curso de até 60 horas em contexto de imersão, ou 90 horas de não-imersão, Mano a Mano, Volume 1 – Básico permite levar falantes de espanhol (como língua materna ou estrangeira/adicional) que nunca tiveram contato significativo prévio com o português até o início do nível Intermediário do Celpe-Bras, do B1 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas, ou do Intermediário Médio do American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

DKK 506.00

La theorie de la musique antique et medievale - Michel Huglo - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

La theorie de la musique antique et medievale - Michel Huglo - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

This is the final volume in the set of four collections of Michel Huglo''s articles to be published in the Variorum series, and focuses on medieval music theory. The point of departure for Huglo''s research was his doctoral dissertation on tonaries, published in 1971: as a consequence, he studied the manuscripts of music theory concerning plainchant, and, later, those with writings on music by authors of Late Antiquity as well as the Liber glossarum, with its many definitions of musical terms. In this volume, certain articles consider the interpretation or dissemination of texts, instruction in the art of plainchant, and musical instruction at the university. Others concern the manuscripts of St Augustine''s De musica and of the writings of Calcidius, Macrobius, Helisachar, Hucbald, Gerbert of Aurillac, Abbo of Fleury, John of Afflighem, and Hieronymus de Moravia, amongst others. The volume closes with a bibliography of Michel Huglo complementing that published in 1993 and a summary list of his reviews of books on music and liturgy. Il s''agit du dernier volume de la série de quatre recueils d''articles de Michel Huglo à paraître dans la série Variorum, et se concentre sur la théorie musicale médiévale. Le point de départ des recherches de Huglo fut sa thèse de doctorat sur les tonaires, publiée en 1971 : en conséquence, il étudia les manuscrits de solfège concernant le plain-chant, et, plus tard, ceux contenant des écrits sur la musique d''auteurs de l''Antiquité tardive ainsi que les Liber glossarum, avec ses nombreuses définitions de termes musicaux. Dans ce volume, certains articles traitent de l''interprétation ou de la diffusion de textes, de l''enseignement de l''art du plain-chant et de l''enseignement musical à l''université. D''autres concernent les manuscrits du De musica de saint Augustin et des écrits de Calcidius, Macrobius, Helisachar, Hucbald, Gerbert d''Aurillac, Abbon de Fleury, Jean d''Afflighem et Hieronymus de Moravia, entre autres. Le volume se termine par une bibliographie de Michel Huglo complétant celle publiée en 1993 et ​​une liste sommaire de ses recensions d''ouvrages sur la musique et la liturgie.

DKK 553.00

Mano a Mano: Portugues para Falantes de Espanhol - Leandro Rodrigues Alves Diniz - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Mano a Mano: Portugues para Falantes de Espanhol - Leandro Rodrigues Alves Diniz - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Mano a mano: português para falantes de espanhol vem preencher uma importante lacuna no mercado editorial: a carência de livros didáticos que, considerando as necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol, favoreçam um desenvolvimento mais rápido de sua proficiência em português. A coleção reúne uma série de características favoráveis à aprendizagem do português em diferentes contextos (Ensino Médio, universidades, cursos livres): - - Convida o aluno(a) a desenvolver sua proficiência em português ao mesmo tempo em que forma uma imagem multifacetada do Brasil, em diálogo com suas próprias construções culturais, desconstruindo discursos estabilizados e ampliando seus horizontes; - - - Favorece o trânsito por múltiplas práticas de letramento, em que circulam diferentes gêneros discursivos, oferecendo oportunidades para que o(a) estudante aprimore suas capacidades de linguagem em contextos reais, ou próximos a situações autênticas de interação; - - - Sensibiliza o(a) aluno(a) para diferentes variedades da língua portuguesa; - - - Permite ao(à) estudante desenvolver suas capacidades lexicogramaticais e fonético-fonológicas de maneira reflexiva e contextualizada, levando em consideração necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol; - - - Propõe tarefas semelhantes às encontradas no Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras), do Ministério da Educação brasileiro; - - - É acompanhado por dois cadernos complementares integrados, com explicações detalhadas referentes a recursos lexicogramaticais e fonético-fonológicos, além de uma série de atividades; - - - Apresenta um site com materiais complementares, incluindo os vídeos e áudios de tarefas de compreensão oral e de atividades de pronúncia. -

DKK 796.00

Kurdistan’s De Facto Statehood - Kamaran Palani - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

De Facto States in Eurasia - - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Enciclopedia de Linguistica Hispanica Volume II - Javier Gutierrez Rexach - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Enciclopedia de Linguistica Hispanica Volume II - Javier Gutierrez Rexach - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Escrita por completo en español, la Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica proporciona un tratamiento detallado de los campos principales y subsidiarios de la lingüística hispánica. Las entradas se organizan alfabéticamente en tres secciones principales: La parte 1 cubre las disciplinas, enfoques y metodologías lingüísticas. La parte 2 incluye varios aspectos de la gramática del español, cubriendo sus componentes fonológicos, morfosintácticos y semánticos. La parte 3 reune los factores, históricos, psicológicos y aplicados en la evolución y distribución del español. Basada en las aportaciones de un amplio espectro de expertos del ámbito hispano parlante, la Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica es una obra de referencia indispensable para los estudiantes de español en los niveles de grado y posgrado y para cualquier persona con interés académico o profesional en el español y la lingüística hispánica. Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach es catedrático de Lingüística Hispánica en The Ohio State University Written exclusively in Spanish, the Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica provides comprehensive coverage of the major and subsidiary fields of Hispanic Linguistics. Entries are arranged alphabetically within three main sections: Part 1 covers linguistic disciplines, approaches and methodologies. Part 2 includes several aspects of the grammar of Spanish, covering its phonological, morphosyntactic and semantic components. Part 3 brings together the historical, social, psychological and applied factors in the evolution and distribution of Spanish. Drawing on the expertise of a wide range of contributors from across the Spanish-speaking world the Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica is an indispensable reference for undergraduate and graduate student

DKK 795.00

Abraham De Moivre - David R. Bellhouse - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Mano a Mano: Portugues para Falantes de Espanhol - Elizabeth Maria Fontao Do Patrocinio - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Mano a Mano: Portugues para Falantes de Espanhol - Elizabeth Maria Fontao Do Patrocinio - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Mano a Mano: Português para Falantes de Espanhol vem preencher uma importante lacuna no mercado editorial: a carência de livros didáticos que, considerando as necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol, favoreçam um desenvolvimento mais rápido de sua proficiência em português. A coleção reúne uma série de características favoráveis à aprendizagem do português em diferentes contextos (ensino médio, universidades, cursos livres): - Convida o(a) aluno(a) a desenvolver sua proficiência em português ao mesmo tempo em que forma uma imagem multifacetada do Brasil, em diálogo com suas próprias construções culturais, desconstruindo discursos estabilizados e ampliando seus horizontes - Favorece o trânsito por múltiplas práticas de letramento, em que circulam diferentes gêneros discursivos, oferecendo oportunidades para que o(a) estudante aprimore suas capacidades de linguagem em contextos reais, ou próximos a situações autênticas de interação - Sensibiliza o(a) aluno(a) para diferentes variedades da língua portuguesa - Permite ao(à) estudante desenvolver suas capacidades léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicas de maneira reflexiva e contextualizada, levando em consideração necessidades específicas de falantes de espanhol - Propõe tarefas semelhantes às encontradas no Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras), do Ministério da Educação brasileiro - É acompanhado por dois cadernos complementares integrados, com explicações detalhadas referentes a recursos léxico-gramaticais e fonético-fonológicos, além de uma série de atividades - Disponibiliza online os vídeos e áudios de tarefas de compreensão oral e de atividades de pronúncia Preparado para o desenvolvimento de um curso de até 60 horas em contexto de imersão, ou 90 horas em contexto de não-imersão, Mano a Mano, Volume 2 – Intermediário permite levar falantes de espanhol (como língua materna ou estrangeira/adicional) do início do Intermediário Superior do Celpe-Bras, do início do B1 ao início do B2 do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas, ou do início do Intermediário Médio ao início do Avançado Médio na escala do American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.

DKK 506.00

'De acuerdo' 20 Simulaciones para la clase espanol - Nuria Lopez - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

'De acuerdo' 20 Simulaciones para la clase espanol - Nuria Lopez - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

¿De acuerdo? 20 Simulaciones para la clase de español es el manual perfecto para estudiantes de español de nivel intermedio y avanzado que quieren desarrollar su destreza oral. El libro presenta 20 simulaciones que proporcionan un marco eficaz y motivador para el desarrollo de la destreza oral y la producción del habla espontánea. Los estudiantes asumen un papel que les permite expresar opiniones, discutir y debatir dentro de un contexto significativo, preparándolos para situaciones de la vida real. Características destacadas: - - - amplia variedad de temas, tales como los negocios, la educación, la salud y las redes sociales - - - actividades de preparación que ayudan al estudiante a participar plenamente en los debates - - - secciones para el profesor y el estudiante, con explicaciones sobre cómo usar y participar en simulaciones - - - Las versiones en color de las imágenes del libro pueden descargarse en https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138831087. - ¿De acuerdo? 20 Simulaciones para la clase de español es ideal para los niveles B1-C1 del MCER o los niveles intermedio-bajo a avanzado según las guías de capacidad lingüística de ACTFL. ¿De acuerdo? 20 Simulaciones para la clase de español is the ideal course for intermediate to advanced students of Spanish seeking to develop their speaking skills. The book presents 20 simulations which provide an effective and motivating framework for developing speaking skills and producing spontaneous speech. Students take on a role allowing them to express opinions, argue and debate within a meaningful context that prepares them for real-life situations. Key features: - - - wide variety of topics, such as business, education, health and social media - - - Preparatory activities to help students engage fully in the debates - - - teacher and student sections with explanations on how to use and participate in simulations - - - Full colour versions of the images in the book are available to download from https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138831087. - ¿De acuerdo? 20 Simulaciones para la clase de español is ideal for levels B1-C1 of the CEFR or Intermediate-Low to Advanced according to the ACTFL proficiency guidelines.

DKK 437.00

Enciclopedia de Linguistica Hispanica Volume I - Javier Gutierrez Rexach - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Enciclopedia de Linguistica Hispanica Volume I - Javier Gutierrez Rexach - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Escrita por completo en español, la Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica proporciona un tratamiento detallado de los campos principales y subsidiarios de la lingüística hispánica. Las entradas se organizan alfabéticamente en tres secciones principales: La parte 1 cubre las disciplinas, enfoques y metodologías lingüísticas. La parte 2 incluye varios aspectos de la gramática del español, cubriendo sus componentes fonológicos, morfosintácticos y semánticos. La parte 3 reune los factores, históricos, psicológicos y aplicados en la evolución y distribución del español. Basada en las aportaciones de un amplio espectro de expertos del ámbito hispano parlante, la Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica es una obra de referencia indispensable para los estudiantes de español en los niveles de grado y posgrado y para cualquier persona con interés académico o profesional en el español y la lingüística hispánica. Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach es catedrático de Lingüística Hispánica en The Ohio State University Written exclusively in Spanish, the Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica provides comprehensive coverage of the major and subsidiary fields of Hispanic Linguistics. Entries are arranged alphabetically within three main sections: Part 1 covers linguistic disciplines, approaches and methodologies. Part 2 includes several aspects of the grammar of Spanish, covering its phonological, morphosyntactic and semantic components. Part 3 brings together the historical, social, psychological and applied factors in the evolution and distribution of Spanish. Drawing on the expertise of a wide range of contributors from across the Spanish-speaking world the Enciclopedia de Lingüística Hispánica is an indispensable reference for undergraduate and graduate students of Spanish, a

DKK 795.00

Paul de Man (Routledge Revivals) - Christopher Norris - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Selling De-Radicalisation - Jonatan Schewe - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Blockage of Reservoir Outlet Structures by Floating Debris / Blocage des Evacuateurs de Crue, Prises d'Eau et Vidanges de Fond par les Corps Flottants

Blockage of Reservoir Outlet Structures by Floating Debris / Blocage des Evacuateurs de Crue, Prises d'Eau et Vidanges de Fond par les Corps Flottants

The production of this Bulletin is a joint effort by the Committees on Hydraulics for Dams and on Dams and Floods to pool resources in producing an overview of the state of the art, latest research and industry developments relating to the subject of blockage of spillways, intakes and bottom outlets by floating debris. The topic is of common interest to both committees as the risks involved can be significant, potentially leading to partial or complete loss of hydraulic functionality or even to dam failure with far reaching public safety and economic consequences. A number of previous bulletins have addressed some of these issues in a range of different ways as outlined in the following paragraphs but none of them was specifically dedicated to this rather complex subject. This Bulletin therefore aims to fill this gap by further improving the awareness of the impact of blockage by floating debris on the economy and safety of reservoir projects and by providing practical guidance on the evaluation and management of the risk of blockage. In particular, it updates the topic by dealing in further detail with the relevant processes within the catchment, in the river basin and through the reservoir, while discussing the various methods and best practice techniques for floating debris characterisation and measures for blockage mitigation. In addition, the Bulletin discusses the uncertainties and residual risks associated with the current practices of dealing with floating debris and highlights areas where further research and development would be required. La production de ce Bulletin est un effort conjoint des Comités sur l''Hydraulique des Barrages et sur les Barrages et les Inondations pour mettre en commun les ressources afin de produire une vue d''ensemble de l''état de l''art, des dernières recherches et des développements industriels relatifs au sujet du blocage des évacuateurs de crue, des prises d''eau et des vidanges de fond par des débris flottants. Le sujet est d''intérêt commun pour les deux comités car les risques encourus peuvent être significatifs, menant potentiellement à une perte partielle ou complète de la fonctionnalité hydraulique ou même à la rupture du barrage avec des conséquences économiques et de sûreté publique majeures. Un certain nombre de bulletins précédents ont abordé quelques-unes de ces questions de différentes manières, comme indiqué dans les paragraphes suivants, mais aucun d''entre eux n''était spécifiquement consacré à ce sujet plutôt complexe. Le présent bulletin vise donc à combler cette lacune en améliorant la conscience de l''impact du blocage par des débris flottants sur l''économie et la sûreté des projets de réservoirs et en fournissant des conseils pratiques sur l''évaluation et la gestion du risque de blocage. En particulier, il met à jour le sujet en traitant plus en détail les processus pertinents dans le bassin versant, dans le lit des cours d’eau et à travers le réservoir, tout en discutant les différentes méthodes et techniques pour mieux caractériser les débris flottants et les mesures d''atténuation de leurs effets négatifs. En outre, le Bulletin aborde les incertitudes et les risques résiduels associés aux pratiques actuelles de traitement des débris flottants et met en évidence les domaines dans lesquels des recherches et des développements supplémentaires seraient nécessaires.

DKK 737.00

The Unheard Voice of Law in Bartolome de Las Casas’s Brevisima Relacion de la Destruicion de las Indias - David T. Orique - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd

The Unheard Voice of Law in Bartolome de Las Casas’s Brevisima Relacion de la Destruicion de las Indias - David T. Orique - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd

The Unheard Voice of Law in Bartolomé de las Casas’s Brevísima relación de la destruición de las Indias reinterprets Las Casas’s controversial treatise as a legal document, whose legal character is linked to civil and ecclesial genres of the Early Modern and late Renaissance juridical tradition. Bartolomé de las Casas proclaimed: "I have labored to inquire about, study, and discern the law; I have plumbed the depths and have reached the headwaters." The Unheard Voice also plumbs the depths of Las Casas’s voice of law in his widely read and highly controversial Brevísima relación —a legal document published and debated since the 16th century. This original reinterpretation of his Very Brief Account uncovers the juridical approach voiced in his defense of the Indigenous peoples of the Americas. The Unheard Voice innovatively asserts that the Brevísima relación ’s legal character is intimately linked to civil and ecclesial genres of the late Renaissance juridical tradition. This paradigm-shifting book contextualizes the formation of Las Casas’s juridical voice in canon law and theology—initially as a secular cleric, subsequently as a Dominican friar, and finally as a diocesan bishop—and demonstrates how his experienced juridical voice fought for justice in trans-Atlantic debates about Indigenous peoples’ level of humanity, religious freedom, enslavement, and conquest. Reaching the headwaters of Las Casas’s hitherto unheard juridical voice of law in the Brevísima relación provides readers with a previously unheard interpretation—an appealing voice for readers and students of this powerful Early Modern text that still resonates today. The Unheard Voice of Law is a valuable companion text for many in the disciplines of literature, history, theology, law, and philosophy who read Bartolomé de las Casas’s Very Brief Account and study his life, labor, and legacy.

DKK 437.00

Dam Surveillance – Lessons Learnt From Case Histories / Surveillance des Barrages – Lecons Tirees d’Etudes de cas - - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd -

Dam Surveillance – Lessons Learnt From Case Histories / Surveillance des Barrages – Lecons Tirees d’Etudes de cas - - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd -

ICOLD Bulletin 180 presents the vast experience gained over the past 6 decades by the dam engineering community in the field of dam surveillance by means of 80 case histories. The documented case histories endeavour to cover the practical experiences related with one or several of the following points:a) Methods for the improvement of the quality and reliability of information.b) Data processing and representation techniques.c) Effective Diagnostic analyses to determine behaviour patterns.d) Dedicated surveillance systems for the optimization of maintenance, rehabilitation, and other life cycle costs.e) Impact of surveillance on preventing dam incidents and dam failure. f) Overview of dam surveillance management systems.The case histories cover a wide variety of technical aspects and deal with success stories but also incidents, some of them with catastrophic consequences. The time framework spans over 70 years: from the times of the Second World War up to the present. The purpose is to learn from these practical experiences, not to criticize the involved individuals, who had to work with the techniques and rules of practice available at the time. This bulletin wants to contribute to keep learning from the experience of the dam engineering community, specifically in the field of dam surveillance. Some of the case histories are widely known and have been described and analysed in numerous publications. Most of them are related to famous dam failure incidents and were compiled as international “benchmark case histories” for this bulletin to focus on the specific lessons learnt related with dam surveillance.Le Bulletin de la CIGB 180 présente la vaste expérience acquise au cours des 6 dernières décennies par la communauté des ingénieurs de barrages dans le domaine de la surveillance des barrages au moyen de 80 histoires de cas. Les histoires de cas documentées s''efforcent de couvrir les expériences pratiques liées à un ou plusieurs des points suivants :a) Méthodes d''amélioration de la qualité et de la fiabilité de l''information.b) Techniques de traitement et de représentation des données.c) Analyses diagnostiques efficaces pour déterminer les modèles de comportement.d) Systèmes de surveillance dédiés pour l''optimisation de la maintenance, de la réhabilitation et des autres coûts du cycle de vie.e) Impact de la surveillance sur la prévention des incidents et des ruptures de barrage.f) Aperçu des systèmes de gestion de la surveillance des barrages.Les histoires de cas couvrent une grande variété d''aspects techniques et traitent de réussites mais aussi d''incidents, dont certains avec des conséquences catastrophiques. Le cadre temporel s''étend sur 70 ans : de l''époque de la Seconde Guerre mondiale à nos jours. Le but est d''apprendre de ces expériences pratiques, pas de critiquer les individus impliqués, qui ont dû travailler avec les techniques et les règles de pratique disponibles à l''époque. Ce bulletin veut contribuer à continuer d''apprendre de l''expérience de la communauté de l''ingénierie des barrages, en particulier dans le domaine de la surveillance des barrages. Certaines des histoires de cas sont largement connues et ont été décrites et analysées dans de nombreuses publications. La plupart d''entre eux sont liés à des incidents de rupture de barrages célèbres et ont été compilés en tant qu''« histoires de cas de référence » internationales pour ce bulletin afin de se concentrer sur les leçons spécifiques apprises liées à la surveillance des barrages.

DKK 876.00

Tailings Dam Safety / Securite des Barrages de Steriles - - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Tailings Dam Safety / Securite des Barrages de Steriles - - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

The ICOLD Tailings Subcommittee has produced this Bulletin to assist the international community to further develop and adopt safe practices for tailings dam planning, design, construction, operation, and closure with a focus on the technical aspects that are mentioned but not fully developed in other recent National and Industry Guidelines and Standards. Governance and human aspects have also been touched on with appropriate references where other guidance documents are considered more comprehensive. The Bulletin consolidates key information from these Guidelines and Standards together with information from various previous ICOLD Bulletins that address specific aspects of the topic to provide a comprehensive overview of “what makes a tailings dam safe.” Comprehensive references are provided to assist users to access more detailed information where relevant. In preparing this bulletin, ICOLD has strived to consolidate “leading international practice” for tailings dams, with a focus on technical guidance. Le sous-comité de la CIGB sur les stériles a préparé le présent bulletin pour aider la communauté internationale à améliorer les pratiques en matière de sécurité lors des phases de planification, de conception, de construction, d’exploitation et de fermeture des installations, en détaillant en particulier les aspects techniques qui ont été mentionnés, sans avoir été complètement développés, dans d’autres ouvrages directeurs et normatifs récemment publiés par des organismes gouvernementaux et industriels. Les aspects liés à la gouvernance et aux personnes ont également été abordés en offrant les références appropriées lorsque d’autres documents directeurs ont été jugés plus complets sur le sujet. Le présent bulletin rassemble les principaux renseignements issus de ces lignes directrices et de ces normes ainsi que l’information provenant des divers bulletins antérieurs de la CIGB qui traitent d’aspects spécifiques du sujet afin de parvenir à une description complète de « ce qui assure la sécurité d’un barrage de stériles ». Des articles approfondis sont par ailleurs cités en référence pour aider le lecteur à accéder, le cas échéant, à des renseignements plus détaillés. En préparant ce bulletin, la CIGB s’est efforcée de faire la synthèse des « meilleures pratiques internationales » mises en œuvre pour les barrages de stériles, et privilégiant les recommandations techniques.

DKK 1060.00

International Society and the De Facto State - Scott Pegg - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Routledge Spanish Dictionary of Telecommunications Diccionario Ingles de Telecomunicaciones - Emilio G. Muniz Castro - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd -

Dam Safety Management / Gestion de la Securite des Barrages - Cigb Icold - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Dam Safety Management / Gestion de la Securite des Barrages - Cigb Icold - Bog - Taylor & Francis Ltd - Plusbog.dk

Dam Safety Management is a major concern during the entire lifetime cycle of a dam scheme. This is particularly true for the operational phase of the scheme that represents by far the longest period in its lifetime cycle. Bulletin 154 presented a general approach and concepts to be applied to dam operation. The current Bulletin 175 extends the developed concepts to all phases preceding the operational phase. Many risks associated with the operation of existing dams have their origins in other phases preceding the actual operation. Although there are numerous ICOLD Bulletins addressing technical aspects of planning, design, construction and commissioning of dams, there is not a single Bulletin which covers the subject in a comprehensive manner. The current document is a first attempt to capture all relevant dam safety aspects in all preoperational phases by systematically characterizing the actors involved, their roles, the activities and complex interactions present in different phases of the dam lifecycle. An Overarching Safety Management System is specifically developed that can be applied to all actors involved. La gestion de la sécurité des barrages est une préoccupation majeure pendant tout le cycle de vie d''un projet de barrage. Cela est particulièrement vrai pour la phase opérationnelle du système qui représente de loin la période la plus longue de son cycle de vie. Le Bulletin 154 présente une approche générale et des concepts à appliquer à l''exploitation des barrages. Le Bulletin 175 actuel étend les concepts développés à toutes les phases précédant la phase d''exploitation. De nombreux risques associés à l''exploitation des barrages existants ont leur origine dans d''autres phases précédant l''exploitation proprement dite. Bien qu''il existe de nombreux bulletins ICOLD traitant des aspects techniques de la planification, de la conception, de la construction et de la mise en service des barrages, il n''existe pas un seul bulletin qui couvre le sujet de manière exhaustive. Le document actuel est une première tentative de capturer tous les aspects pertinents de la sécurité des barrages dans toutes les phases pré-opérationnelles en caractérisant systématiquement les acteurs impliqués, leurs rôles, les activités et les interactions complexes présentes dans les différentes phases du cycle de vie du barrage. Un système global de gestion de la sécurité est spécifiquement développé et peut être appliqué à tous les acteurs impliqués.

DKK 831.00