Pacsafe 55L backpack & bag protector Rejse Tilbehør
Featuring our patented 360 degree eXomesh® locking system, the Pacsafe® is an adjustable high-tensile stainless steel locking device, designed to cover and protect a variety of bags and packs from tampering, pilfering and theft.
The 55L Backpack & Bag Protector is perfect for small backpacks and smaller luggage items.
360º eXomesh® Locking System
Our patented, flexible, stainless steel wire mesh comes in two forms. It can either be thrown externally over backpacks and bags, or its laminated between the fabric to form a stealth-like portable safe. Both can be locked closed to form a 360° slashproof protective cell which locks to a secure fixture.
Type: Bagage hængelås
Brand kompatibilitet: Universel
Materiale: Polykarbonat, Rustfrit stål
Farve på produkt: Rustfrit stål
Bedste anvendelser: Rygsæk, Bagagetaske
Bredde: 120 mm
Dybde: 50 mm
Højde: 140 mm
Vægt: 500 g
Antal: 1
Antal låsenøgler inkluderet: 3 stk