143 resultater (0,34279 sekunder)



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Russia Abroad - Marc Raeff - Bog - Oxford University Press - Plusbog.dk

The Ancient Mesopotamian City - Marc Van De Mieroop - Bog - Oxford University Press - Plusbog.dk

Aristotle on the Perfect Life - Sir Anthony Kenny - Bog - Oxford University Press - Plusbog.dk

Motor Cognition - Marc Jeannerod - Bog - Oxford University Press - Plusbog.dk

Motor Cognition - Marc Jeannerod - Bog - Oxford University Press - Plusbog.dk

Our ability to acknowledge and recognise our own identity - our ''self'' - is a characteristic doubtless unique to humans. Where does this feeling come from? How does the combination of neurophysiological processes coupled with our interaction with the outside world construct this coherent identity? We know that our social interactions contribute via the eyes, ears etc. However, our self is not only influenced by our senses. It is also influenced by the actions we perform and those we see others perform. Our brain anticipates the effects of our own actions and simulates the actions of others. In this way, we become able to understand ourselves and to understand the actions and emotions of others. This book is the first to describe the new field of ''Motor Cognition'' - one to which the author''s contribution has been seminal. Though motor actions have long been studied by neuroscientists and physiologists, it is only recently that scientists have considered the role of actions in building the self. How consciousness of action is part of self-consciousness, how one''s own actions determine the sense of being an agent, how actions performed by others impact on ourselves for understanding others, differentiating ourselves from them and learning from them: these questions are raised and discussed throughout the book, drawing on experimental, clinical, and theoretical bases.The advent of new neuroscience techniques, like neuroimaging and direct electrical brain stimulation, together with a renewal of behavioral methods in cognitive psychology, provide new insights into this area. Mental imagery of action, self-recognition, consciousness of actions, imitation can be objectively studied using these new tools. The results of these investigations shed light on clinical disorders in neurology, psychiatry and in neuro-development.This is a major new work that will lay down the foundations for the field of motor cognition.

DKK 848.00

Slave Labor in Nazi Concentration Camps - Marc Buggeln - Bog - Oxford University Press - Plusbog.dk

Slave Labor in Nazi Concentration Camps - Marc Buggeln - Bog - Oxford University Press - Plusbog.dk

Slave Labor in Nazi Concentration Camps examines the slave labor carried out by concentration camp prisoners from 1942 and the effect this had on the German wartime economy. This work goes far beyond the sociohistorical ''reconstructions'' that dominate Holocaust studies - it combines cultural history with structural history, drawing relationships between social structures and individual actions. It also considers the statements of both perpetrators and victims, and takes the biographical approach as the only possible way to confront the destruction of the individual in the camps after the fact. The first chapter presents a comparative analysis of slave labor across the different concentration camps, including Auschwitz, Buchenwald, and Dachau. The subsequent chapters analyse the similarities and differences between various subcamps where prisoners were utilised for the wartime economy, based on the example of the 86 subcamps of Neuengamme concentration camp, which were scattered across northern Germany. The most significant difference between conditions at the various subcamps was that in some, hardly any prisoners died, while in others, almost half of them did. This work carries out a systematic comparison of the subcamp system, a kind of study which does not exist for any other camp system. This is of great significance, because by the end of the war most concentration camps had placed over 80 percent of their prisoners in subcamps. This work therefore offers a comparative framework that is highly useful for further examinations of National Socialist concentration camps, and may also be of benefit to comparative studies of other camp systems, such as Stalin''s gulags.

DKK 1136.00

Theatre and Disorder in Late Georgian London - Marc Baer - Bog - Oxford University Press - Plusbog.dk