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Conducting An Effective and Successful Training Programme - Bharat S.sontakki N.anandaraja - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Dimensions of Extension Education - B.p. Mohapatra - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Objective Biochemistry - R.s.sengar & Rishu Chudhary - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Agroforestry Systems for Resource Conservation and Livelihood Security in Lower Himalayas - P. Panwar Dadhwal - Bog - New India Publishing Agency -

Agroforestry Systems for Resource Conservation and Livelihood Security in Lower Himalayas - P. Panwar Dadhwal - Bog - New India Publishing Agency -

Shivalik ranges cover an area of about 2.14 million ha in Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab and Haryana States of north-west India. Over exploitation of the resources in the region had lead to soil erosion resulting in the rise of riverbeds, siltation of tanks, reservoirs and other natural water bodies. Soil erosion greater than 80 t ha-1 yr-1 have been recorded from denuded hills at places. More than 70 per cent people of the region are dependent on agriculture, however, only 18 per cent of the cultivated area is irrigated. Agroforestry where tree and crops are integrated with each other had been recommended worldwide to check soil erosion and simultaneously achieve production goals. Adoption of scientifically proven agroforestry systems in Shivaliks can reverse the degradation and improve the economic status of the farmers of the region. Extensive research had been done till date on role of agroforestry in resource conservation and livelihood security in the region. The book is an attempt to compile the available knowledge on the subject. There are 20 s in the book covering various topics relating agroforestry systems with soil and water conservation, livelihood security, slope protection through mechanical and vegetative measures, fertility build up, mine spoil rehabilitation, bamboos, climate change and carbon sequestration.

DKK 794.00

Fundamentals of Veterinary Developmental Anatomy - T.s.chandrasekhara Rao & P.j.ramayya - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Community Ecology of Tropical Birds - C. Sivaperruman & E.a.jayson - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Instant Notes Vegetable Science - Objective Type ARS, NET, SET, SRF, JRF and PhD Entrance Examinations - Nagendra Rai Rai - Bog - New India Publishing

Quality Control for Value Addition in Food Processing - Dev Raj V.k.joshi - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Essentials of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging - Md.m.ansari - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Innovations in Agribusiness Management - Kornam Lokanadan Mahendran: - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Innovations in Agribusiness Management - Kornam Lokanadan Mahendran: - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

The green revolution has increased the food production many folds but the levels of living of farmers have not increased and the percentage of population dependent on agricultural is still about 65 per cent. Agri-business management is an opportunity and challenge. Future agri-business brings in value addition, logistics and supply chain management activities which paved way for the processing, packaging, transport, a cold storage distribution and retailing to meet the changes in tastes and preferences of different categories of population. Exposure on agri-business management at the UG level to Agriculture and Allied Science graduates will meet human resource needs of the future. The book explains in simple language and in lucid way on agri-business opportunities, challenges, scope and entrepreneurship and its promotional programmes by Central and State Governments. Management, meaning, definition and elements of management are also explained in a simple way. The functional area of business management is also dealt with. Then agri-business promoting subjects like management information system, applications of information and communication technologies, agricultural inputs, agro-processing, food processing, there promotional programmes by Central and State Governments. Agricultural imports and exports, retailing and supply chain management, business plan preparation, project analysis and starting an agri-business are explained with case studies wherever possible. The pedagogy involves key terms and concepts to remember, summary, highlights, questions, references, text books, web addresses and further reading materials were furnished.

DKK 868.00

Climate Mitigation and Carbon Finance: Global Initiatives & Challenges - A.k. Sahoo - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Climate Mitigation and Carbon Finance: Global Initiatives & Challenges - A.k. Sahoo - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

The Clean Development Mechanism CDM, a framework created by the Kyoto Protocol, was an attempt to link the carbon market and sustainable development objectives in developing countries. Consequently, sequestered carbon is now a globally traded commodity with a huge potential to provide economic returns to land manager. Unlike traditional development models based on deferred and diffused benefit streams, the new carbon-market model offers an opportunity to directly link land management and natural resource conservation with specific and immediate market incentives. Analysis shows that carbon markets can serve a catalytic function in stimulating increased tree planting and improved forest management, thus helping to realize the multiple benefits of forestry and agro-forestry systems. In recent years opportunities for participation in carbon credit trading markets have been growing. The Chicago Climate Exchange CCX now boasts more than six million trades per month. A recent summary of the "State and Trends of the Carbon Market 2006" prepared for the World Bank's BioCarbon Fund, reports a rapid increase in corporate participation in the carbon market. This book focuses on the concept of CDM and other forestry based Carbon finance mechanisms introduced by UNFCCC and its impact on carbon markets. It also presents a brief analysis of the growth of carbon market in India, its present status and prospects in future. It provides a detailed account of Afforestation and Reforestation CDM Projects including the A/R Project Designed Document by UNFCCC in a simplified yet compact manner for better understanding of the procedure as a reference guide.

DKK 489.00

Irrigation Engineering - P.k. Agrawal - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Irrigation Engineering - P.k. Agrawal - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

This text book is designed to guide students from a basic knowledge of soil, water, plant, hydrologic and hydraulics to the state-of-the-art of irrigation system design, planning and management. The book will be helpful to the students of Agriculture, Agricultural and Civil Engineering and other related fields. The book is written in simple and lucid languages which will make the students interesting in reading the book and understanding the concept of farm irrigation very effectively. The book is written covering the entire syllabus of Irrigation Engineering which is taught in various State Agricultural Universities and is written as per the recommended syllabus of fifth Deans Committee meeting of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. The book will not only be helpful to the students at under-graduate and post-graduate level, but also will be a helping tool for all practicing irrigation engineers, agriculturists, design engineers, researchers, extension personnel and all others who are directly or indirectly associated with irrigation science and engineering. The book contains 78 solved problems, 542 short and long questions, 65 tables, 135 figures and 136 references which will be of immense help to the students and design engineers. Several field experimental result are also presented at appropriate sections in various chapters in this book which will attract the attention of the students in the subject matter. In addition, the book contains a number of multiple type questions with answers. These multiple type questions are prepared covering all the chapters of irrigation engineering. These questions will help the students who prepare for various competitive examinations including GATE, NET, ARS, JRF and SRF examinations of ICAR.

DKK 480.00

Mechanization of Cultivated Crops - Surendra Singh Dixit: - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Mechanization of Cultivated Crops - Surendra Singh Dixit: - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

The application of machines and better power sources to enhance agricultural production has been one of the most significant developments in agriculture. Mechanization of agriculture is needed for development and optimal utilization of natural resources leading to higher productivity and reduced cost of production for greater profitability, economic competitiveness and sustainability. Mechanization also imparts capacity to the farmers to carry out farm operations with dignity, comfort and freedom from drudgery, making the farming agreeable vocation for educated youth as well. It helps the farmers to achieve timeliness in farm operations and apply costly input with reduced quantity for better efficacy and efficiency. Small and marginal farmers can now make use of high capacity agricultural machines on custom hire basis. The results of this development can be seen in many aspects such as increase in productivity and production per worker, precision in application of crop inputs, increase in cropping intensity due to timeliness of operations, increase in the quality of produce, reduction in grain losses and increase in farm employment. Mechanization is particularly advantageous when it can minimize a high peak labour demand that occurs over a relatively short period of time each year. Mechanization also encourages better management of farm inputs, improvement in working conditions and performance of jobs that would otherwise be difficult by hand. It also helps in reducing the cost of production. This book 'Mechanization of Cultivated Crops' covers the farm tools and equipment used in different operations such as land development, tillage, seeding/planting, interculture, fertilizer application, plant protection, harvesting and threshing and residue management. The book can be referred as a textbook for the under graduate students of agriculture and under graduate and post graduate students of agricultural engineering.

DKK 880.00

Practical Animal Nutrition - Vishal Mudgal - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Practical Animal Nutrition - Vishal Mudgal - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

The book has been written specifically to cater the need of undergraduate/postgraduate students of veterinary science by providing all the needed information comprehensively, as per the new VCI regulations, modified in the year 2009-2010 on animal nutrition subject at a single course. Complete information in a comprehensible way is the watchword of the book. The book consists of three parts and each part provides a structured approach to learning by covering all the topics in a uniform and systematic format. The topics under each part have been carefully designed to conform to the VCI syllabus. Part I deals with principles of animal nutrition and feed technology which comprehensively covered about the proximate principles and estimation of common macro elements like calcium and phosphorus. It also includes about the cell wall fractionation and estimation of common toxic principles present in feeds. Part II deals with applied animal nutrition-I, where the feeding on ruminant animals specifically the cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats in their different physiological stages are discussed and requirements of different nutrients as well as formulation of their respective ration has been taken care of. Part III deals with applied animal nutrition-II, where the feeding on non-ruminant animals specifically the swine and poultry in their different physiological stages are discussed and requirements of different nutrients as well as formulation of their respective diet has been taken care of. In addition to that principles of mixing and compounding of feed has also been considered. The book is similarly useful for the post graduate students of animal sciences, teachers and scientists of animal nutrition discipline, personnel of feed industry involved in feed manufacturing and marketing, field veterinarian, animal husbandry extension worker and progressive animal farmers and animal lovers.

DKK 446.00

Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics: Classical and Modern Methods - T.s.rana D.k.upreti - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Plant Taxonomy and Biosystematics: Classical and Modern Methods - T.s.rana D.k.upreti - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

The basic aim of this manual is to provide useful resource materials for training young students and faculties working in the area of plant systematics. The manual provides updated information on basic as well as applied aspects of plant systematics on various groups of plants like Algae, Lichens, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. 1 to 3 describe the various approaches and methods to study microbial and fungal diversity, which is basically a very useful precursor to the students and young researchers. 4 and 5 provide deals with the multi-dimensional approaches in Lichen systematics. The book progresses upwards through the plethora of information on the diversity and systematics of Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms ( 6-10). 11 to 15 contain on the plant methodological details identification, approaches and methods of Flora, revision, monograph and development of herbarium. This information is very important for the students and young faculties who intend to pursue their researches in plant taxonomy. 14 and 15 particularly provide all the relevant information on the International Code of Plant nomenclature including cultivated plants. Theses per se are very significant for the amateur as well as serious readers of plant taxonomy. Plant taxonomy and biosystematics is a dynamic subject, as it derives information from various other disciplines like palynology, seed morphology, pharmacognosy, molecular biology, etc. We have, therefore, broaden the scope of this book by including the s on palynology, seed morphology, molecular systematics, biostatistics, ecological and remote sensing methods for diversity analyses, and pharmacognostical tools for identification of herbal drugs ( 16-22). The knowledge and information on these applied aspects of biology in relation to taxonomy will certainly infuse the interest in readers, who are pursuing plant taxonomy as their scientific pursuits. 23 and 24 describe the various methods of characterization and evaluation of ornamental and medicinal plants. The last (25) of the book provides the information about CSIR-NBRI Botanic Garden and its various repositories, which could be of great interest to the readers from the perspectives of plant conservation.

DKK 1035.00

Agro-Enterprises for Rural Development and Livelihood Security - J.p. Sharma Sharma - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

Agro-Enterprises for Rural Development and Livelihood Security - J.p. Sharma Sharma - Bog - New India Publishing Agency - Plusbog.dk

The current multi-pronged challenges of Indian agriculture demand for searching the viable alternative for restoring farmers' and rural youths' confidence in the agricultural vocation. Agri-enterprises offer such opportunities to help the agrarian communities to enhance their farm productivity and enhance income from the per unit of land and time. The present book on Agro-Enterprises for Rural Development and Livelihood Security is an excellent synthesis of scholarly concepts, cases and methodologies pertaining to enterprise promotion in agriculture and the related dimensions. For the benefit of the readers, the book has been divided into three segments. The first part deals with need for micro-enterprise promotion in agriculture, resource appraisal for micro-enterprise development, developing the self, characteristics of potential entrepreneurs and related aspects. The major aim of this section is to explore, unfreeze and broaden the cognitive and affective domain of the readers so that a desirable mindset among them may be created at the initial stage so that an effective learning may take place in the subsequent chapteIn the second dimension of the book, readers may find the description of varieties of technological options. These include the appropriate technologies and enterprises related to vegetable cultivation, protected cultivation, seed production, food processing, poultry farming, bee-keeping, dairy production and processing, fishery based enterprise, livestock and piggery based technological options having entrepreneurial potential. The successful experiences of the agri entrepreneurs are also shared in this section. The third and most important part of the book emphasizes on support system required to initiate and sustain the agri-enterprise. These include necessary management related interventions, trade, export, quality standards and other inter-related issues which would definitely enable readers to comprehend how to be successful agri-preneur. Besides, the role of civil society organizations for economic independence in rural India has also been narrated. On-line trading, project monitoring and evaluation and related issue for agricultural commodities are deliberated by the renowned authorities of the above fields.

DKK 456.00