Vesperae Solennes De Dominica K.321
We know that Mozart held his Vespers in high regard since he once asked his father, in a letter dated 12 March 1783, to send the two works to him in Vienna so that he could show them to Baron Gottfried van Swieten. The Officehymns designated as Vesperae de Dominica K. 321 and Vesperae solennes de Confessore K. 339 both call for four vocal parts, two violins, two clarini, kettledrums, basses (violoncello, double bass and bassoon), three trombones andorgan.They contain settings of Psalms 109 (Dixit), 110 (Confitebor), 111 (Beatus vir), 112 (Laudate pueri), 116 (Laudate Dominum) and of the Magnificat canticle. Each of the Psalms forms an autonomous unit; the Doxologyatthe end is derived from the themes of the various Psalms.Urtext of the New Mozart EditionFull score & performance material (BA4893), vocal score (BA4893-90) available for sale