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Neu | The Square Kilometer Array: Paving the way for the new 21st century radio astronomy paradigm

Neu | The Square Kilometer Array: Paving the way for the new 21st century radio astronomy paradigm

: The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) will provide more than one order of magnitude improvement in sensitivity compared with any existing radio telescope over a wavelength range of several hundred to one, from decametric to microwave wavelengths. It will revolutionize the study of the most abundant element in the Universe, hydrogen, from the epoch of reionisation to the present-day, probing the onset formation period of the very first stars, will closely scan proto-planets and, through the precision timing of pulsars, will detect the distortions of space-time due to gravitational radiation. The SKA is a sensing network spanning 3000 km from its centre and with a collecting area of more than 1 square kilometre, using technologies of the 21st century. The SKA will make the study of a wide range of phenomena initially studied at other wavelengths possible at radio wavelengths, as well as opening a new discovery window on new phenomena at radio wavelengths. Symposium 7 of the JENAM 2010 aimed at bringing these diverse opportunities to the attention of both theoretical and observational astronomers working at all wavelengths, including the potential for synergies with other facilities. The meeting highlighted the scientific potential of the SKA, discussed scientific priorities and their impact on the design of the SKA, explored the synergies between the SKA and other next-generation astronomical facilities in different wavelength domains such as the ALMA, ELTs, LSST, JWST, GRE, IXO, Gaia and Euclid, and high-energy facilities (Auger), explored the "cyber-infrastructure" that may become available for the distribution and distributed analysis of SKA data. von Barbosa, Domingos und Anton, Sonia und Gurvits, Leonid und Maia, Dalmiro

EUR 213.99

Neu | The Theory of the Knowledge Square: The Fuzzy Rational Foundations of the Knowledge-Production... | Dompere, Kofi Kissi

Neu | The Theory of the Knowledge Square: The Fuzzy Rational Foundations of the Knowledge-Production... | Dompere, Kofi Kissi

The monograph is about a meta-theory of knowledge-production process and the logical pathway that connects the epistemic possibility to the epistemic reality. It examines the general conditions of paradigms for information processing and isolates the classical and fuzzy paradigms for comparative analysis. The sets of conditions that give rise to them are defined, stated and analyzed to abstract the corresponding sets of laws of thought. The fuzzy paradigm with its corresponding logic and mathematics is related to inexact symbolism for the defective information structure where the results of the knowledge production must satisfy the epistemic conditionality, composed of fuzzy conditionality and fuzzy-stochastic conditionality under the principle of logical duality with continuum. The classical paradigm with its corresponding logic and mathematics is related to exact symbolism for exact information structure where the vagueness component of the defectiveness is assumed away, and where the results of the knowledge production must satisfy no epistemic conditionality or at the maximum only the stochastic conditionality under the principle of logical dualism with excluded middle. It is argued that the epistemic path that links ontological space to the epistemological space is information. The ontological space is taken as the primary category of reality while the epistemological space is shone to be a derivative. Such information is universally defective and together with assumptions imposed guides the development of paradigms with their laws of thought, logic of reasoning, mathematics and computational techniques. The relational structure is seen in terms of logical trinity with a given example as matter-information-energy transformational trinity which is supported by the time trinity of past-present-future relationality. The book is written for professionals, researchers and students working in philosophy of science, decision-choice theories, economies, sciences, computer science, engineering, cognitive psychology and researchers working on, or interested in fuzzy paradigm, fuzzy logic, fuzzy decisions, and phenomena of vagueness and ambiguities, fuzzy mathematics, fuzzy-stochastic processes and theory of knowledge. It is further aimed at research institutions and libraries. The subject matter belongs to extensive research and development taking place on fuzzy phenomena and the debate between the fuzzy paradigm and the classical paradigm relative to informatics, synergetic science and complexity theory. The book will have a global appeal and across disciplines. Its strength, besides the contents, is the special effort that is undertaken to make it relevant and accessible to different areas of sciences and knowledge production. von Dompere, Kofi Kissi

EUR 149.99

Neu | Integral Transform Techniques for Green's Function | Watanabe, Kazumi

Neu | A Digital Phase Locked Loop based Signal and Symbol Recovery System for Wireless Channel

Neu | 5th Kuala Lumpur International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 2011 | Ting, Hua-Nong

Neu | Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2009 | Matsui, Mitsuru

Neu | Orthogonal Latin Squares Based on Groups | Evans, Anthony B.

Neu | The Seventeen Provers of the World | Wiedijk, Freek

Neu | Introduction to the Galois Correspondence | Fenrick, Maureen H.

Neu | Introduction to the Galois Correspondence | Fenrick, Maureen H.

In this presentation of the Galois correspondence, modern theories of groups and fields are used to study problems, some of which date back to the ancient Greeks. The techniques used to solve these problems, rather than the solutions themselves, are of primary importance. The ancient Greeks were concerned with constructibility problems. For example, they tried to determine if it was possible, using straightedge and compass alone, to perform any of the following tasks? (1) Double an arbitrary cube; in particular, construct a cube with volume twice that of the unit cube. (2) Trisect an arbitrary angle. (3) Square an arbitrary circle; in particular, construct a square with area 1r. (4) Construct a regular polygon with n sides for n 2. If we define a real number c to be constructible if, and only if, the point (c, 0) can be constructed starting with the points (0,0) and (1,0), then we may show that the set of constructible numbers is a subfield of the field R of real numbers containing the field Q of rational numbers. Such a subfield is called an intermediate field of Rover Q. We may thus gain insight into the constructibility problems by studying intermediate fields of Rover Q. In chapter 4 we will show that (1) through (3) are not possible and we will determine necessary and sufficient conditions that the integer n must satisfy in order that a regular polygon with n sides be constructible. von Fenrick, Maureen H.

EUR 80.14

Neu | The Road to Universal Logic | Koslow, Arnold und Buchsbaum, Arthur

Neu | Potsdamer Platz | Nowobilska, Malgorzata und Zaman, Quazi Mahtab

Neu | Advanced Topics in System and Signal Theory | Pohl, Volker und Boche, Holger

Neu | A Rapid Introduction to Adaptive Filtering | Vega, Leonardo Rey und Rey, Herna

Neu | Parameterizing Manifolds and Non-Markovian Reduced Equations | Chekroun, Mickaël D. und Liu, Honghu und Wang, Shouhong

Neu | Analysis in Banach Spaces | Hytönen, Tuomas und Neerven, Jan Van und Veraar, Mark und Weis, Lutz

Neu | Settlement Morphology of Budapest | Tamás, Csapó und Tibor, Lenner

Neu | Variational Methods in Molecular Modeling | Wu, Jianzhong

Neu | Knots in Orthopedic Surgery | Akgun, Umut und Karahan, Mustafa und Randelli, Pietro und Espregueira-Mendes, João

Neu | Knowledge Seeker - Ontology Modelling for Information Search and Management

Neu | Statistical Robust Beamforming for Broadcast Channels and Applications in Satellite Communication | Gründinger, Andreas

EUR 90.94

Neu | Orbitals in Chemistry | Inagaki, Satoshi

Neu | Noncausal Stochastic Calculus | Ogawa, Shigeyoshi

Neu | Media and the Cold War in the 1980s | Bastiansen, Henrik G. und Klimke, Martin und Werenskjold, Rolf

Neu | Cobalt Blues | Almond, Peter R.

Neu | Low Profile Conformal Antenna Arrays on High Impedance Substrate | Singh, Hema und Chandini, R. und Jha, Rakesh Moha

Neu | Low Profile Conformal Antenna Arrays on High Impedance Substrate | Singh, Hema und Chandini, R. und Jha, Rakesh Moha

This book presents electromagnetic (EM) design and analysis of dipole antenna array over high impedance substrate (HIS). HIS is a preferred substrate for low-profile antenna design, owing to its unique boundary conditions. Such substrates permit radiating elements to be printed on them without any disturbance in the radiation characteristics. Moreover HIS provides improved impedance matching, enhanced bandwidth, and increased broadside directivity owing to total reflection from the reactive surface and high input impedance. This book considers different configurations of HIS for array design on planar and non-planar high-impedance surfaces. Results are presented for cylindrical dipole, printed dipole, and folded dipole over single- and double-layered square-patch-based HIS and dogbone-based HIS. The performance of antenna arrays is analyzed in terms of performance parameters such as return loss and radiation pattern. The design presented shows acceptable return loss and mainlobe gain of radiation pattern. This book provides an insight to EM design and analysis of conformal arrays. This book serves as an introduction for beginners in the design and analysis of HIS-based antenna arrays. It includes pictorial description of both planar and non-planar array design and the detailed discussion of the performance analysis of HIS-based planar and non-planar antenna array. It will prove useful to researchers and professionals, alike. von Singh, Hema und Chandini, R. und Jha, Rakesh Moha

EUR 58.84