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Neu | Researching Entrepreneurship | Davidsson, Per

Neu | Comparative Genomics | Sunnerhagen, Per und Piskur, Jure

Neu | Researching Entrepreneurship | Davidsson, Per

Neu | Researching Entrepreneurship | Davidsson, Per

In this book, one of the most highly recognized entrepreneurship scholars shares in a personal and readable way his rich experience and ideas on how entrepreneurship can be researched. Entrepreneurship is a phenomenon of tremendous societal importance. It is also an elusive phenomenon, which makes researching it fun, fascinating-and frustrating at times. In this fully updated edition, numerous real examples accompany the treatment of problems and solutions concerning design, sampling, operationalization and analysis. Researching Entrepreneurship is targeted primarily at research students and academics who are relatively new to research or to entrepreneurship research. This said, basic knowledge of research methods is assumed, and when foundational issues are discussed they are typically approach from a non-standard angle and/or with an eye to illuminate entrepreneurship-specific problems and solutions. This makes large parts of the contents potentially valuable for entrepreneurship scholars at any level of research proficiency. The book is also of interest to sophisticated, non-academic users with a professional interest in collecting and analyzing data from emerging and young ventures, and to those who make use of published entrepreneurship research. For example, analysts in marketing research or consultancy firms, business associations, statistical agencies and other government offices may find this book to be a valuable tool. Moreover, while the examples are derived from entrepreneurship research, the book provides a unique "experienced empirical researcher" (rather than "textbook method expert") treatment of issues that are of equal relevance across the social sciences. This goes for topics like the role of theory; research design; validity assessment; statistical inference, and replication. Entrepreneurship research has developed rapidly in the decade that has passed since the first edition. Therefore, all chapters have been comprehensively updated and many have been extended; sometimes to twice the original length. Two of the original chapters have been excluded to make room for entirely new chapters on "the Dependent Variable" and "The Entrepreneurship Nexus." While retaining a unique, personal tone, the author uses examples and references that build on contributions from a large number of top entrepreneurship researchers. von Davidsson, Per

EUR 96.29

Neu | Computers in Swedish Society | Lundin, Per

Neu | Non-smooth Problems in Vehicle Systems Dynamics | Grove Thomsen, Per und True, Hans

Neu | Persuasive Technology | Ploug, Thomas und Hasle, Per und Oinas-Kukkonen, Harri

Neu | Reactive Transport in Soil and Groundwater | Nützmann, Gunnar und Viotti, Paolo und Aagaard, Per

Neu | Societal Security and Crisis Management | Lægreid, Per und Rykkja, Lise H.

Neu | Evaluating Water Projects | Johansson, Per-Olov und Kriström, Bengt

Neu | Transplant Infections | Ljungman, Per und Snydman, David und Boeckh, Michael

Neu | Maternal Obesity and Pregnancy | Ovesen, Per Glud und Møller Jensen, Dorte

Neu | Maxillofacial Imaging | Larheim, Tore A. und Westesson, Per-Lennart A.

EUR 192.59

Neu | The Economics of Evaluating Water Projects | Johansson, Per-Olov und Kriström, Bengt

Neu | Modelli decisionali per la produzione, la logistica ed i servizi energetici | Pinto, Roberto

Neu | Transactions on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers IV | Stenström, Per

Neu | History of Nordic Computing 4 | Gram, Christian und Rasmussen, Per und Østergaard, Søren Duus

Neu | The Case Against 2 Per Cent Inflation | Brown, Brendan

Neu | The Politics of Low-Carbon Innovation | Eikeland, Per Ove und Skjærseth, Jon Birger

Neu | The Politics of Low-Carbon Innovation | Eikeland, Per Ove und Skjærseth, Jon Birger

"Although technological innovation is undoubtedly crucial for addressing climate change, low-carbon innovation policies and politics have hardly been studied. This book clearly reveals the promises and pitfalls of European efforts in this field - recommended reading!"-Sebastian Oberthür, Institute for European Studies, Belguim "This compact volume effectively addresses a surprisingly unknown territory in an otherwise well-explored landscape. In doing so, it will provide a useful resource to all who follow the uneven progress of climate and energy policy in the EU context, as well as those who are interested in policies to stimulate technology development more broadly." -Tim Rayner, Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, University of East Anglia, UK The EU Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan) was aimed at accelerating low-carbon innovation by raising, coordinating and concentrating resources to certain low-carbon technologies. At the ten-year anniversary of the SET-Plan, this book examines why it was adopted and what it has achieved. Using an analytical framework developed to capture the 'politics of innovation', the authors trace the history of the Plan from initiation to implementation, and then explain its development as seen from the perspectives of the EU institutions, member-states, industry, the research community and international technology markets. The concluding chapter discusses lessons and prospects for European low-carbon innovation towards 2030 and beyond. This new work fills a void in the literature on EU climate and energy policies, and will appeal to scholars, students and practitioners in these fields. von Eikeland, Per Ove und Skjærseth, Jon Birger

EUR 53.49

Neu | Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Brain | Moritani, Toshio und Ekholm, Sven und Westesson, Per Lennart

Neu | Polynomial Chaos Methods of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations | Nordström, Jan und Iaccarino, Gianluca und Pettersson, Mass Per

Neu | Polynomial Chaos Methods of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations | Nordström, Jan und Iaccarino, Gianluca und Pettersson, Mass Per

This monograph presents computational techniques and numerical analysis to study conservation laws under uncertainty using the stochastic Galerkin formulation. With the continual growth of computer power, these methods are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to more classical sampling-based techniques. The text takes advantage of stochastic Galerkin projections applied to the original conservation laws to produce a large system of modified partial differential equations, the solutions to which directly provide a full statistical characterization of the effect of uncertainties. Polynomial Chaos Methods of Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations focuses on the analysis of stochastic Galerkin systems obtained for linear and non-linear convection-diffusion equations and for a systems of conservation laws; a detailed well-posedness and accuracy analysis is presented to enable the design of robust and stable numerical methods. The exposition is restricted to one spatial dimension and one uncertain parameter as its extension is conceptually straightforward. The numerical methods designed guarantee that the solutions to the uncertainty quantification systems will converge as the mesh size goes to zero.Examples from computational fluid dynamics are presented together with numerical methods suitable for the problem at hand: stable high-order finite-difference methods based on summation-by-parts operators for smooth problems, and robust shock-capturing methods for highly nonlinear problems.Academics and graduate students interested in computational fluid dynamics and uncertainty quantification will find this book of interest. Readers are expected to be familiar with the fundamentals of numerical analysis. Some background in stochastic methods is useful but notnecessary. von Nordström, Jan und Iaccarino, Gianluca und Pettersson, Mass Per

EUR 128.39

Neu | Investigating the Nucleation, Growth, and Energy Levels of Organic Semiconductors for High Per... | Virkar, Ajay

Neu | Tumori della testa e del collo | Licitra, Lisa

Neu | Du bist, was Dich stresst! | Marter, Kathrin

Neu | Du bist, was Dich stresst! | Marter, Kathrin

Viele Menschen nutzen täglich die Vorteile des digitalen Zeitalters: wenn sie mal eben ihr Zugticket mit dem Smartphone buchen, sich von ebendiesem zum vereinbarten Treffpunkt navigieren lassen und dann per Textnachricht erfahren, dass die werten Kolleg*innen ein paar Minuten zu spät kommen, der Tisch im Restaurant online schon reserviert wurde und das "Tisch-Ticket" per QR-Code gleich mitsenden. Viele Menschen erfahren sich bei aller Erleichterung zunehmend reizüberflutet, überfordert und in der Folge gestresst. Der Begriff und Zustand "Stress" (heutzutage im Sprachjargon als diffus definierter Normalzustand verankert und schon lange in der Mitte der Gesellschaft angekommen) ist allerdings tatsächlich ein Zustand, der vielfältigen Leidensdruck verursacht und krank macht. Die Autorin unterstützt allgemeinverständlich, anschaulich sowie naturwissenschaftlich und psychologisch fundiert bei der Auseinandersetzung mit Stress, Stressoren und Prozessen der Langzeitgedächtnisbildung. Letztere sind nicht unwesentlich an unserem chronischen Stresslevel beteiligt. Langzeitgedächtnisse, die, häufig schon in der Kindheit geformt, starke negative Glaubenssätze beinhalten. Diese negativen Glaubenssätze erfahren durch die Herausforderungen der digitalen Welt permanente Verstärkung und begünstigen dadurch chronischen Stress - mit seinen für viele Menschen spürbaren Folgen. Das Buch lädt ein, klärt auf und gibt fundierte, anschauliche und handlungsorientierte Ansätze zur Selbstreflexion und Entwicklung einer gesunden Handlungskompetenz gegenüber dem eigenen Stresslevel, folglich der eigenen Gesundheit und dem eigenen Glück. von Marter, Kathrin

EUR 22.99

Neu | Energy Resources and Systems 01 | Ghosh, Tushar K. und Prelas, Mark A.