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Neu | Feminism and Modern Jewish Theological Method | Krafte-Jacobs, Lori

Neu | Researching Discourse in Business Genres | Priscilla / Jacobs, Geert

Neu | «Truthe is the beste» | Jacobs, Nicolas und Morgan, Geral

Neu | Back to the Future | Silberman, Marc

Neu | L'énigme des mathématiques | Balmès, Marc

Neu | L'énigme des mathématiques | Balmès, Marc

Telle qu'elle a été inaugurée par Galilée, la mathématisation du réel y atteint, par delà le mathématisable immédiat des quantités discrète et continue, le mathématisable profond de lois et de structures dont il est irrécusable qu'elles sont quelque chose de ce réel, mais dont l'accès fait énigme. Celle-ci, a montré un premier livre (L'énigme des mathématiques, vol. I, Bern 2003) appelle non pas à fonder ce mode de science - ainsi de Descartes à Husserl et au delà - mais à situer ces deux niveaux du mathématisable dans ce qui est pris en tant qu'être - cela sur les pas d'une lecture actualisante de la Métaphysique. Or, comme l'on a alors commencé de l'y voir pratiqué par Aristote, son engagement pour le réalisme appelle à bien distinguer les deux recherches, dans ce que nous expérimentons être: 1) du fondement des significations des termes, tant (d'abord) ordinaires que (ensuite) scientifiques de notre dire, 2) des sources, immanentes à cela qui est, de ce nécessaire que cherchent à y atteindre les divers savoirs de science. Et si, de ce point de vue, cette dualité peut et doit être vue comme celle d'ancrages de la pensée dans le réel à deux niveaux de profondeur, elle peut et doit l'être aussi, du point de vue de l'énigme, comme correspondant aux deux niveaux de profondeur du mathématisable. Remonter avec la Métaphysique aux causes qui, immanentes à ce qui est, y sont les sources les plus profondes de ce qui y est nécessaire, et par là nous permettre d'y situer ces lois et structures dans l'expression desquelles la mathématisation, et elle seule, nous donne d'atteindre une bonne part de ce nécessaire, tel est le propos de ce second livre. von Balmès, Marc

EUR 96.95

Neu | Media, Learning, and Sites of Possibility | Hill, Marc Lamont und Vasudevan, Lalitha

Neu | '...und Cang Jie erfand die Schrift' | Winter, Marc

Neu | Ambiguity in the Western Mind | Paulo, Craig J. N. de und Messina, Patrick und Stier, Marc

Neu | Suffering Belief | Weisberger, A. M.

Neu | Building Up Aspect | Stambolieva, Maria

Neu | The African Diaspora and Autobiographics | Chinosole

Neu | Controlling Our Children | Knestrict, Thomas David

Neu | Useful Theory | Goldstein, Rebecca A.

Neu | Selected Plays | Swift, Tom

Neu | Cinematic Queerness | Grandena, Florian und Johnston, Cristina

Neu | Women's Voices of Duty and Destiny | McLaughlin, Elizabeth

Neu | Women's Voices of Duty and Destiny | McLaughlin, Elizabeth

Neu | Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows | Fisher, R. Michael

Neu | Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows | Fisher, R. Michael

In times of extreme cascading global crises facing humanity, all responsible humans need to re-evaluate the dominant worldview that has brought us to this point of facing extinction. As a species we need to relearn the "good" ways from our greatest allies in Nature and from Indigenous cultures that lived in relative harmony with Nature. Equally, we need to learn the best ways to think critically and act on the holistic understanding that may guide us beyond our individual and collective trance and illusions cast forth like chains upon modern societies through elites who manipulate fear. Fearless Engagement of Four Arrows offers a unique strong "medicine" for the reconstruction of a healthy, sane, and sustainable future for all. Utilizing the form of an intellectual biography of Four Arrows (aka Dr. Don Trent Jacobs) and his daring activist life and true teaching stories, the author creates a powerful adventure into the firey philosophy, activism, and emancipatory inspirations of one of the world¿s great visionary prophetic educators and social transformers. Through a number of unique experiences, including firefighting, white-water kayaking, wild horse training, world-class athletic competitions, and counter-cultural activism, Four Arrows has become a connoisseur of fear and courage. This book shows how he walks a universal ethical path of Fearlessness at a time when too many remain trapped by their fears. Among other readers, high school teachers and post-secondary teachers across diverse disciplines will find great ideas, eliciting dialogues and study questions for students, who now face a globalizing world where they can take charge of the future via fearless engagement. von Fisher, R. Michael

EUR 50.35

Neu | The Trickster Revisited | Nicholas, Dean Andrew

Neu | The Trickster Revisited | Nicholas, Dean Andrew

The Trickster Revisited: Deception as a Motif in the Pentateuch explores the use of deception in the Pentateuch and uncovers a new understanding of the trickster's function in the Hebrew Bible. While traditional readings often «whitewash» the biblical characters, exonerating them of any wrongdoing, modern scholars often explain these tales as significant at some earlier point in Israelite tradition. But this study asks the question: what role does the trickster have in the later pentateuchal setting? Considering the work of Victor Turner and the mythic function of the trickster, The Trickster Revisited explores the connections between tricksters, the rite de passage pattern, marginalization, and liminality. Marginalized individuals and communities often find trickster tales significant, therefore trickster stories often follow a similar literary pattern. After tracing this pattern throughout the Pentateuch, specifically the patriarchal narratives and Moses' interaction with Pharaoh in the Exodus, the book discusses the meaning these stories had for the canonizers of the Pentateuch. The author argues that in the Exile and post-exilic period, as the canon was forming, the trickster was the perfect manifestation of Israel's self-perception. The cognitive dissonance of prophetic words of hope and grandeur, in light of a meager socio-economic and political reality, caused the nation to identify itself as the trickster. In this way, Israel could explain its lowly state as a temporary (but still significant) «betwixt and between», on the threshold of a rise in status, i.e. the great imminent kingdom predicted by the prophets. von Nicholas, Dean Andrew

EUR 74.90

Neu | Chaos in Theater | Cafaro, Anna Grazia und Cafaro, Anna Grazia und Masterson, Melina

Neu | Chaos in Theater | Cafaro, Anna Grazia und Cafaro, Anna Grazia und Masterson, Melina

Have you ever prepared a discourse by heart and then found out that, when the moment arrives, surprise and uniqueness of hic et nunc are inevitable? No matter how much you prepare a text, it will need improvisation to be used on a stage or in the street. But, what is the limit between improvisation and technique, experience and training? Can we scientifically measure the improvisation of a text? This work aims to investigate in which dimension art meets science and how it happens. Artists need to discover new conceptual instruments that contribute to the probing of the laws of matter, social existence, and the human mind. The rigorous and fascinating trip that Anna Grazia Cafaro proposes to capture the sense, function, and nature of the actor¿s improvisation is a splendid and a unique example of a ¿new alliance¿ between art and science, predicted forty years ago by the scientist Ilya Prigogine and the philosopher Isabelle Stengers. Thanks to the application of Chaos Theory to the theatrical processes, attempted here for the first time, the actor and the performance are analyzed as ¿complex dynamic systems¿ like a cell, in which, paradoxically, chaos and order coexist and maintain the system in balance; the continuous passages from chaos to order, create the necessary tension and energy that allows the spectator to build his own meaning. Despite the complex theoretical concepts this book is written in an accessible language and includes clear examples that make it comprehensible to a wide audience. It is perfect for students of theater, practitioners, scholars, and anyone who is curious about communicative mechanisms. It can be used in theater, science, comparative literature, and philosophy departments. von Cafaro, Anna Grazia und Cafaro, Anna Grazia und Masterson, Melina

EUR 85.90